tfw a player makes a tiefling paladin
Tfw a player makes a tiefling paladin
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Nothing wrong with that.
>Be Paladin
>Find baby Tiefling
>Adopt it
>Train it as a Paladin when it grows up sufficiently
>Teach him that it's not bloodlines, race or whatever other bullshit dictates who or what you are, but the choices you make
>Laugh my ass off at those old farts from the Church when they see my adopted Tiefling son/disciple being the very personification of goodness and right makes might beloved by the god they worship
>tfw a player makes a tiefling paladin
what's the problem here? What little I've read would suggest that, unlike Dhampir, a Tiefling's infernal heritage has surprisingly little influence on their personality.
At worst the Player is trying to be ironic, and frankly, it's not all that much "in-your-face" level of irony as they could be.
>tfw a player makes an aasimar paladin
>tfw when the tiefling just wants to be a regular warrior but keeps ending up doing paladin stuff
Funnily enough, this is the backstory for one of player's characters. Though, they're a cleric instead of a paladin.
Eh, I figure out that tieflings are a major target of recruitment for the church. Just think about the possibility to save these lost souls, bastardized by their parents and the planes. If they become evil, you smite them so it's a win-win.
>tfw the player makes a NE aasimar warlock
Quess I'm making a hellboy next time we're doing not!-Call of Cthulu.
Is the opposite demons trying to corrupt pure aasimars?
He's referencing the image he posted, which is from an anime about a guy that gets possessed by a demon in order to fight demons (devilman)
I swear there are more evil aasimar than evil tieflings.
Yeah, they are the most tempting to defile.
Because tiefling fluff explicitly states that most tieflings turn evil not out of blood, but because people give them shit for their race, whilst aasimar are such traditionally overblown super-perfect goody-two-shoes it's more fun to subvert them by making them villains.
>overblown super-perfect goody-two-shoes
Explain how this is any different than being literal spawns of demons?
They are both sides of the same coin.
Tieflings often attract the edgy players.
I can recognize what you're quoting but I'm just wondering why you felt the need to bastardize the lyrics so much.
Because aasimars are bastards in their own right.
>be undying light warlock/devotion paladin
>dark armor
>dark purple aura
>edgy name
>edgy attack names
>he's actually optimistic, kind, generous, always smiling, giving second chances, etc
I had fun with that char
Wouldn't he have allergic reactions all the time?
I believe OP's joke was that a Tiefling Paladin would effectively be Devil Man, since the gif is of Devil. And that character is basically a human that uses the power of/transforms into a high ranking demon in order to protect humans (particularly his crush) from other demons.
>the demon Paladin is constantly sneezing and breaks out in hives when smiteing evil
Okay that'd genuinely be funny.
*the gif is of Devil Man
Nigger you don't train to become a paladin. You either hear the call or not, otherwise you're just a fighter or a knight
Why is such a simple concept never mentioned?
I made an undead paladin once. Nothing wrong with that
oh goodness me yes those paladins they never bother to actually learn how to fight or do anything
certainly they are never taught about their gods teachings or scriptures
im betting plenty of non-divine empowered knights are referred to as "paladins" by their church but only a rare few actually get such high level blessings
just like im sure not every member of the clergy are miracle working clerics
>'Find' baby tiefling
>Not your lovechild from that succubus you spent 8+ sessions redeeming in the previous campaign
Let's be honest here, I'm not the only person here to have thought about this.
>or a knight
Paladins are THE quintessential fantasy knights, user.
You are not but most people mention how you're not a tiefling but a Cambion at that point.
>"find" a rare baby aasimar
>Not teaching it campy evil shit a la MegaMind.
That shit is cute and comfy as fuck and aasimars for the most part always grow up beautiful/handsome so it fucking fits with him/her ironically turning into a devilish charmer.
Not by d&d and since we're talking tiefling and paladins i'm assuming d&d
Nothing you listed is what makes a paladin according to the rulebook. A paladin needs first and foremost to hear the call of a higher power and then join the ranks of holy warriors.
What you described is either a cavalier, a devout fighter, or a fighter/cleric multiclass
It's in the fucking book
>The Oath of Devotion binds a paladin to the loftiest ideals of justice, virtue, and order. Sometimes called cavaliers, white knights, or holy warriors, these paladins meet the ideal of the Knight in shining armor, acting with honor in pursuit of justice and the greater good. They hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, and some, for better or worse, hold the rest of the world to the same standards.
Oaths are something you take after becoming a paladin, not before.
Also you don't need to take that oath to be a Paladin
Come on OP, you are playing D&D its all about the creativity.
>character goes to traumatic/cathartic moment of his life
>turns to religion
There you go, another ez way to turn things around.
I'm just saying, paladins are as close to the knight archetype as you can get.
>By the Late Middle Ages, the rank had become associated with the ideals of chivalry, a code of conduct for the perfect courtly Christian warrior.
That doesn't sound like a paladin to you?
Irl yes, but d&d is another thing.
In d&d a pc doesn't choose to become a paladin, he must quite literally answer a god's call to his/her service. Some gods call many paladins, like Helm anf Torm, others never do, like Mystra or Obad-hai
thats not a tiefling dumb dumb, that's a Cambion. If you fuck a Cambion you get a Tiefling.
I don't mind tiefling paladins.
It's more that I mind tieflings, period.
Or not even tieflings per se, it's more that I mind the kind of player who wants to play a tiefling. "Oooh, I'm edgy and dark and I've got horns and everyone's suspicious of me, but REALLY I'm just a good guy, and this proves how bigoted everyone in fantasyland is that they don't trust people descended from actual demons, never mind the fact I'm playing a warlock with an infernal pact I'm still allowed to write 'Good' under alignment what kind of bigot are you?"
oh fuck off
its setting and story based and you know it
stop holding anything fluff related as hard fact
Technically a cambion, but we have one of those in my current game. The party is wrapping up an arc to save Christmas from his demon lord dad.
Scary demonic paladins are the best
I am playing a Vengeance tiefling paladin who is convinced he is the goodest of people because he looks for evil everywhere and then brutally destroys it. You know, sometimes evil begs you for mercy, but those are just tricks not to be trusted. All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Better smite it now than be sorry later. My actual alignment is LE and he is doing it all for the pleasure of slaughteting people while being showered with praises by peasants but there are no alignment checks in 5e so he will never know the truth
if you are a GM: I pity your players
if you are a player: You are THAT guy
first and foremost the books mention to bend rules if needed and to adjust lore.
Test Post
I always like to run the "Good doesn't mean Nice" style of lawful good.
Niggers are already represented by orcs and goblins, so what race are tieflings an "expy" of?
>"Good doesn't mean Nice"
Aloha Snackbars
Oyakodon then.
Well, if we wanna go that route with describing it, it's more like he possesses the demon.
MFW people keep thinking Tiefling must mean EVIL outsider blood... but then again 2e was a long time ago now...
I think this was reinforced with Pathfinder where there were Tieflings for every kind of fiend, while deliberately ignoring 4e, which put a lot of emphasis on how Tieflings weren't evil or oppressed.
Tieflings aren't "Core" in pathfinder, or 3rd going further back. I kinda blame 4e for spot lighting it as devil contracts in the Core book.
But I don't really blame any of the editions, I blame people, because even back in 2e people also thought they were Demon Blooded even thou it clearly said there was more too it.
>party's That Guy makes him fall anyway
>men of culture
Is this the my father died guy?
Yeah, back when it was specifically CE outsider blood, and aasimar were assimar.
so, hellboy?
>not being a paladin of Asmodeus
really hope the next time we get a Devilman anime that it isn't an adaptation of the Manga, cause that route is getting really stale by this point(cause pretty much every Devilman anime we've gotten since the 80's besides Devil Lady has been at least partially an adaptation of the manga), would be neat if the next one took more cues from the Toei Anime instead, or maybe even do something completely new
this isn't even going into the fact that there's been multiple anime and manga series that have taken Devilman's core shtick and done it better by this point(Guyver, Parasyte,
even stuff like Kamen Rider)
That's basically my half-orc cleric, yep
But there isn't a devilman anime adapation that is faithful to the manga and covers its events entirely, since the ovas end after the battle with Sirene. Meanwhile SD, vs cyborg and Amon versions are completely different feom the manga.
I'm still salty that the Netflix adaptation is so shit. Akira turns into a devilman for no fucking reason, Ryo is a psychopath and Miki is a Mary Sue while the entire "demon aren't the bad guys per se" thing is not even present.
>Trying to play a "to be Just the law must be harsh" conquest pally
>Attempting to work through edgelord and eventually be normie heroic
>Constantly surrounded by meme characters and stupid good
Today it was the druger druid who refused to do lethal damage to anything- demons, animals, monsters. He would nonlethal the things tearing us apart and ask literally every useless monster about his son
Not a bad motivation as far as things go. But when your entire character is "I ask these fire demons, who exist in this singular chamber. Given life by guardian magic, if they've seen my one in a million drugar son" That goes beyond new player nerves
There's a lot to generate about the guy in PF
More than just law (the veneration of which to the exclusion of good will rapidly lead to lawful stupid), Asmodeus is keeper of the key to Rovagug's prison
In PF many of the evil gods keep good paladins in their service so they can have eyes in places evil cannot tread
Venerate. Fucking typo
And i pity yours because you take away what separates a true paladin from a fighter that does divine magic
>not playing a tiefling barbarian who fights and runs around in her undies and with a sword and board only
>not making amazonian snu snu goddesses for 5e barbarian conan-ing.
>not making a physical god hobgob / bugbear barbarian who keeps themselves shorn and oiled liked a gladiator barbarian and wandering around in nothing but a breechclout
>Demons aren't the bad guy per se Did you even read the manga? The ending utterly curbstomps that idea.
Yous a bit silly.
The movie is underrated, the animation is pretty stiff but the plot is golden.
But the demons were just pissed that humans fucked up the Earth they fought so hard for. In the end Ryo just realizes that by wiping out humanity he acted just like God did. Neither side was totally in the right, because neither side tried to figure things out or see things from anyone else's perspective, and just fought each other.
>LE Fallen Aasimar Oath of Conquest
>Works with the major order of paladins in an attempt to get stronger
>sickened by PCs as even in their weakness they are favored by the Order in their quest to stop a lick
>Ultimately “joins” the party before facing them on their quest to one of the great seals
>Ends up turning on them, becomes an Oathbrealer in the hopes of defeating them
>defeated again.jpg
>Is recruited by the BBEG and transformed into a Death Knight
>still can’t win
Curse of strahd has a few things that check alignment
Special snowflakes tend to be very edgy and thus evil
>be born tiefling thanks to pact warlock great great grandfather made
>bullied and hated by everyone in the community for looking like a fiend
>local church protects me
>knows this is a curse put on me and not who i was destined to be
>convinced to join the clergy based on the belief their our god can cure me
>decades pass and still red and horned
>must be outside forces keeping the curse alive
>join an anti-fiend crusade in order to destroy all those who keep me from being truly human
You forgot the last step
learn through experience and crusade freind that I am who i choose to be. At the end i find a way to turn my looks into a human too, but when my friends ask me why i'm not doing it i just say that i'm no longer in a hurry.
If you think it's shit, look up kemonozume, and you'll understand why they gave the project to maasaki yuasa.
>parents spend too much time living in a haunted house
>born a tiefling with huge horns
>horns so heavy that I can't lift my head without assistance
>given to local church so they can fix it
>head cleric too soft-hearted to use the more intense treatments like fire or boiling holy-waters on a kid, weaker treatments ineffective
>spend entirety of childhood years as a temple acolyte
>eventually get old enough that head cleric is willing to use harmful treatments, get cured
>horns shrink down to a manageable size, but don't entirely vanish
>all those years having to wear a neck support, stand with perfect posture, and move carefully make me quite quick to pick up the skills of a good fighter, plus I have strong-ass shoulders and a little bit of that demonic strength
>since I spent my entire childhood as an acolyte, I know all about the holy texts
>become a paladin so that nobody else has to live the way I did, seek to vanquish all demons
>all the extra weight on me made me kind of short, though
how's that for a tiefling paladin
I'm sorry but I just literally cannot picture anything but Hellboy with that.
is that a bad thing?
Of course not.
>palish silver hair
>pale skin
That's most likely an aasimar in disguise, m8.
I would go full Hellboy and have the horns be filed. Or broken off in a fit of anger and self-loathing.
Devilman is not Lawful Good at all.
Which alignment would he be?
>Someone says Tiefling Paladins are lame
It's not the Tiefling Paladins part people saying are lame, it's just the Tiefling part.
>An Aasimar Paladin
>A Tiefling Paladin
>Buddy Cop Flick-GO
I play Tieflings because "I think the demonic/devilish aesthetic is really fucking cool"
I don't really care about the racism, or suspicion, or irony stuff. I just like the look.
Already been done.
Shane Black is a must for a buddy cop film.
And a buddy cop Green Lantern film.
Careful though, you might be treading into the "Actually a good drow that is against his/her ancestry and kind" shit.
How could bait of such low quality be allowed to exist?
Anyone has that image of that demon with fat legs wearing a nun habit and saying "Y'all need Jesus"?