Fluff and Design thread

Do you guys thing this would make for a good laspistol design?

Attached: borchardt_c93_pistol.jpg (1920x1080, 414K)

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Taking an early semi-automatic pistol design and making it shoot pew pews instead of bullets is the foundation of laspistol design.

Attached: Bergmann.jpg (794x479, 99K)

Only as a rare old sporting or fashion piece. It doesn't have enough chunky bits to be Imperial military issue.

This. It's WW1 in space.

I prefer this kind.

Attached: 55CF1B3A-6B9B-4661-8AD1-1923EA8F79C0.jpg (300x408, 32K)

Make this a bolt pistol... i fucking dare you.

Attached: ed6e0ab742e616c7a6f402edc877a91f.jpg (1280x720, 196K)

Bergmanns are so damn sexy holy shit. It's a shame the early ones had such anemic ammo.

The c93 would make a great laser pistol if you're looking to cross Star Wars and 50s raygun aesthetics, yeah. It's such a wacky looking thing and it really fits with those vibes, I think.

This is how I bolt pistol.

Attached: harmonica pistol.jpg (1000x542, 44K)

Single barrel plebeian

Attached: 121163.jpg (544x282, 28K)

This is honestly my favorite historical gun. Simple, reliable, ergonomic, elegant but no-frills and with four barrels for extra charm

Attached: Lancaster.jpg (1200x600, 141K)

This gun is John Blanche as fuck

Attached: 17-Collect-Chinese-Bronze-Antique-Military-Arms-Blunderbuss-Arquebus-Gun-Statue.jpg (1000x499, 81K)

Pic related is apparently an actual laser pistol the Soviets made

Attached: lasergunsoviet001-5.jpg (590x454, 29K)

Some fancy officer pistol here.

Attached: BergmannDoneL.jpg (1550x894, 341K)

Any footage of it in use?

I don't see the why people prefer lasers over slug throwers

Attached: incredibly rare babi.gif (341x341, 332K)

What do you think caused Ian to make 5 videos on this

Attached: forgotten ian.png (632x492, 285K)

quiet, accurate, ammo is weightless outside of the magazine.

Hi guys, thanks for tuning in to another episode of Archotech Weapons, I'm Magos Ianus McCullus, and I'm here today at the sacred armories of Mars to take a look at some rare STC designs.
Let's bring the camera-skull in for a closer look.

Some of the best holocasts ever to be aired on Mars.

So would the gun channels like hickok45 and demolition rance be Skitarii dickig around with random lasgun and autogun designs orwould they be a departmento munitorum morale program?

I heard this in his voice. Damnit Gun Jesus.

They're more spacefuture-y, duh.

Soo good.

Attached: bergmann Raymond J. Wielgus.jpg (800x529, 114K)

The C93 has a way of looking awkward and awesome at the same time. Also, the answer is yes.


the idea that, when you are on a spaceship, the energy will not ricochet the way a projectile will.

Lasers are supposed to offer a logistics advantage.

Though I often wonder why 40k give a laser gun to some random expendable dude - who has to find an electrical outlet to charge his magazine. Yet then decide to give the guy running around with a miniature power plant on his back a weapon limited heavily by physical ammunition capacity.

The administratum prefers it because of the logistical advantage. A las cell worth 100 shots weighs a shitload less, takes up less space, and uses up fewer strategic resources in production than any conventional chemically propelled ammunition.

But in my Dark Heresy games I always go with slug-throwers because they're just so much more versatile.

Makes you wonder why heavy stubbers are still in frequent use. Why not replace them with a multilas or something? That ammo has to weigh a fuckload.

Attached: latest[1].png (561x263, 112K)

It wouldn't be that interesting since it shoots an infrared beam designed to blind cameras.

It's literally just M2s still. John Moses Browning perfected the heavy stubber in 1918, and it sets a new record for longest gun still in service all years every year for the rest of human history.

Lasgun packs in 40k can be charged by putting them near or into a fire source. Directly putting them into the fire quickly charges them but has a chance of damaging them.

Otherwise probably because FUCK YEAH OVER THE TOP! Its not a setting going for realism.

They can be charged by letting them stand in the sun. Or any heat source.
Logistics. Get some stubbers now from next door is better than getting some heavy bolters or las canons from three dozen systems over that might arrive in the next 3 weeks.

Sure the ammo is heavy. But shorter supply lines can sometimes outweight it.

It's almost as if tech from the 42 millenium is better than ours...

Why do laser weapons need barrels?

Where else are you going to put focusing tubes and/or the capacitors and wiring for the laser itself? If you coil it all up around the trigger it's going to overheat like a motherfucker.