We have enough positivity on this board. What major settings and Veeky Forums-related franchises do you HATE and why? Which fantasy and sci-fi realms really piss you off? Go on, get angry! Rant!
Picture not really related.
We have enough positivity on this board. What major settings and Veeky Forums-related franchises do you HATE and why? Which fantasy and sci-fi realms really piss you off? Go on, get angry! Rant!
Picture not really related.
i hate the Veeky Forums trope of players expecting the game to end with them killing a god or slaying a lich or something equally badass and obnoxious.
Why doesnt your old tired fighter just retire after he kills the dragon and marries the princess? Doesnt your wizard dream of holing up in his tower and studying for the next 50 years? Your rogue should be doing something with all that money, not just hoarding it and sleeping in inns and campsites.
ending a campaign at medium levels feels right. You have adventured, saved lives, earmed glory and gold, and now you can retire into a nobleman's life and raise children.
>i hate the Veeky Forums trope of players expecting the game to end with them killing a god or slaying a lich or something equally badass and obnoxious.
>Why doesnt your old tired fighter just retire after he kills the dragon and marries the princess?
>something equally badass
>kills the dragon and marries the princess
I am confused. Doesn't that count?
meant for
>killing a god
You just don't get it. It's a metaphor for the difficulty of creating a consistent playgroup for that long.
I don't really like how common orcs are in D&D. Bit overused as a baddy
I hate miniatures wargaming, and how it's stifled the rest of the wargaming hobby. I'm not really sure why in theory it has to be so, but every single mini-game I've looked at has been enormously more random, has rules that are considerably more open to confusion, and has less strategic depth than a cross section of hex and chit (real) wargames.
But if you go in to a game store and say that you like to play wargames, they'll immediatley show you to X-wing, 40k, or Warcmachine dolls. And it's so hard to get people to actually want to play something like Bar-Lev or Empires in Arms.
>we have enough positivity on this board
Well now I know the sort of mindset that is turning this place into what it is today.
no game itself, but people in Veeky Forums who get angry and annoyed that you enjoy something they don't. Fun isn't allowed unless it's theirs , the fact you aren't them makes you either a "faggot cuck" or a (insert /pol/ and alt-right names).
so I'd say whichever "fantasy realm" they live in. *badum tish*
sorry, i was unclear.
a lot of players i have had in the past only wanted the numbers to go up, as opposed to having an end goal in mind. This meant fighting anything that would justify being maxed out and overpowered.
not that i am opposed to playing campaigns at high level, but that every starry-eyed newcomer expects to be splitting spacetime and eating suns by the third session.
same with goblins, kobolds, mercenaries.
most of the iconic and interesting monsters are low level, so there arent many excuses to not fight them early on.
>Everything has to be EPIC and WHACKY or the millennial ADHD riddled nu male gets upset that he can't get upvotes on tumblr or reddit for sharing his forced story
>most of the iconic and interesting monsters are low level
Most of the iconic DnD enemies are like level 12+. Adult dragons, drow, aberrations, etc.
>We have enough positivity on this board.
Age of Shitmar. So much potential wasted on a blatant Warcraft ripoff.
idk why but stressed/ annoyed barry makes me tingle in the dingle
>Be namefag
>Get the entire topic of the thread wrong
As expected of such a colossal faggot. To get back on topic, Harry Potter's universe is the dumbest fucking thing and Rowling herself is a retarded commie shrew who would happily burn down her own country for the sake of virtue signalling.
How dare epic fantasy be epic!
When with this meme stop? People have been double spacing on Veeky Forums for forever, and it's not even how people on Reddit post.
You sound like you're projecting an awful lot with this "muh /pol/" posting. I suspect you and the namefag should just go back to your gay robot website.
Major settings I hate? Well... I don't like saying this, but: Planescape and Ravenloft, and both for the same reason.
I find them both incredibly, fun-suckingly, pretentious. Planescape's baked-in attitude about everything made it full of conceited snobs in-universe and out, and the Blood War & Factions focus completely destroys the "point" of cosmic adventuring for me.
Ravenloft, likewise, is hindered by its own pretentions. It tries so damn hard to be a Gothic Horror novel, complete with human-centric focus, that it kills off its own potential for fun as the Castlevania setting. The worst part is that it's not even very good at being a Gothic Horror setting! Whilst I'll admit there are gems like Strahd and Azalin, too many of the darklords are either flat-out rip-offs of GH novels, not actually "Gothic" in their fall, blatant overpowered dungeon boss fodder, or some combination of the aforementioned.
Try not being a shit DM and attention whore.
This. I tried that Critical Role thing and got a headache from how cringy it was Midway through the character descriptions.
Planescape is shit, mostly for the reasons mentioned.
The forced lingo that was incorporated into the rules sections of books pissed me off as well.
I still don't get why everyone is obsessed with Firefly and settings based off of it, it just came off as boring and poorly thought out to me.
I think both 40k and Warhammer Fantasy have neat ideas but poor execution.
I can never get over settings that have Resurrection in them that isn't like some painfully difficult ritual that could potentially go wrong and is a ton of effort to do kind of Resurrection because it just has me constantly wondering "Why don't they just ressurect this person from the dead?"
>Enough Positivity
What Veeky Forums are you posting on? Anons on this board are fucking bitter.
tfw tabletop is the next thing to get video game'd now the normies have got their hand on it.
40k(especially its fans)
I really hate white wolf games and especially Vampire the masquerade.
This is probably because of the players more than the game itself though, most of those I met were huge twats looking down on other games.
I feel like half the 40k/Warhammer posters on Veeky Forums just play the video games.read the wikis, and shitpost memes while never touching a miniature in their life.
>We have enough positivity on this board.
Seriously dude? Why shit on the thing people love Veeky Forums for?
Given that Veeky Forums is basically "40k containment board", it makes sense. Where else would those people post?
Warhammer, when it takes itself seriously even a bit.
Legend of the Five Rings. Unsalvageable. I honestly can't fathom why it's that kind of wreck, tough - it's not even just orientalism, it's something more bizzarre.
To be fair in general WW's problems are in the rules, waaaaay more than the settings. I mean, it's not like they're high art, all of them, but in general they're intriguing on paper pretty often.
This regarding RPGs, of course.
>We have enough positivity on this board.
I hate people who stick to one system or one company for wargaming, rpgs, etc and I LOATH people who refuse to even countenance straying away from what they see as the way to play the game, especially when it's the least fun, most autistic way that they've chosen to play.
It's the best way to enjoy 40K desu. 40K on its own is a shallow and poorly designed game, while the setting and some of the other content made for it is great. I am pretty much a pure modeller at this point as I can enjoy the miniatures without the munchkinnery that the game attracts.
>Legend of the Five Rings. Unsalvageable.
They basically picked dictionary words for the names because why not. I do still have a playset of Seppun Baka. Yeah, Baka.
I did play a long campaign because it was the only game in town at the moment. But holy shit, is this setting the definition of second hand embarrasment.
Wait until that Harmon Quest thing kicks off.
Because this board got modded to death.
Why not use another wargame?
>all of these newfags making soyboy faces at OP's post because to them this is a "very negative board"
Oh you poor, sweet newfags. I bet you've never even deliberately run a woman out of your game.
>Used to dislike Warhammer because of how stupid it is
>Play Vermintide
>Now starting to like Warhammer because of how stupid it is
I hate the warhammer franchise because of the grimdark aesthetic. Everything about it looks stupid and juvenile, I cannot understand how anyone likes playing it.
>I cannot understand how anyone likes playing it.
Speaking for the RPGs, being a fucking Space Marine who runs soley on anger and faith in the Big E is the ultimate fucking power fantasy.
Forgotten Realms is a fucking mess its just a mishmash of everything they need, varying at the time because fuck the lore.
I used to feel the same way but the over-the-top nature of the aesthetic grows on you.
>I bet you've never even deliberately run a woman out of your game.
Even hinting that you have a distaste for women in tabletop on Veeky Forums is enough for a small army of white knights to come crawling out of the woodworks wagging their fingers at you for such impure and anti-progressive thoughts.
You want negativity? How about this: Fuck the normalfags and their endless crusade of trying to make this hobby and this board some fucking cesspool of progressivist and politically correct opinions.
Eclipse Phase. It presents a bunch of unique and interesting factions, each with their own pros and cons and a justifiable reason for thinking how they do. Then it fucks it all up by just outright coming out and saying "lol the anarchists are right and everyone else is evil and stupid!"
I hate 'Veeky Forums makes a setting' threads and I'm glad they're being shunned and shat on
I hate crossover threads with a passion. I love 40k but the "HOW WOULD THEY FARE IN 40K GUIZ" annoys me to no end
Veeky Forums is still the best board on the site even if it has fallen in some regards stop being bitches
Shitpost AND an anime picture? Boy, you better be joking
I hate the 900 year old loli trope
its an excuse to fap to borderline pedo shit
It's less that mean old Veeky Forums hurts people's feelings and more the implication of "Hey, you know what we don't have enough of around here? Complaining."
I'm really not a fan of Warhammer 40k, its memes, or it's fans, like at all. It's annoying to see people preaching it like it's the most influential piece of fiction ever created, and even more so to just see the fans preach "PURGE THE HERESY!!!!!!" any time they see something they don't like or randomly bringing it up into threads and conversations where it's irrelevant.
I'll admit, the world building is interesting at least especially regarding stuff like the use of magic and the gods of the setting, but I dislike the emphasis on grimdark and how nothing is truly significant, and how a lot of the visual design choices are just over-the-top with absolutely no regard to practicality or making stuff within the setting believable even by sci-fi standards. I've heard over-the-topness is what 40k is all about, and that's fine, but it's really not for me I guess.
and then 40kids get mad when you criticise their setting. it's hilarious
I hate normalfags like this faggot and am glad we have lolicons as well as actual pedophiles on the board to drive these people away.
A proper “final boss” dragon should be godlike in its own right like the Dragon of Tyr.
Also killing a dark lord or evil god seems like an expectation that’s expected because it’s fairly normal for high fantasy just look at LoTR or any big WoW raid
Chris Hansen is waiting outside
I live in a free country where I'm not guilty of a crime unless I molest an actual child.
Now you’re getting it user. Warhammer is like a good Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, it’s good because it’s hammy and doesn’t take itself seriously
Pathfinder. I hate Pathfinder. At this point they are the grognards that only play league or overwatch because to them it has everything they possibly want. They refuse to try something new just becuase its not pathfinder. Hell they don't even want a new edition.
I hate pathfinder
False, owning CP is illegal dipshit
It's the whole "you stop caring about looking over-the-top and juvenile as you get older" thing.
I don't own any CP either.
Mystra worst goddess ever.
This. They're always the most obnoxiously obvious newfags too.
Hear hear
You and the progressive faggots who protect you can be gassed together.
>I'm an immoral, evil piece of shit and it makes feel good knowing that it disgusts good people
>I've heard over-the-topness is what 40k is all about, and that's fine, but it's really not for me I guess.
Thats pretty much the point, really. Its modus operandi is just "be as metal as fuck as possible"
Don't lump good people in with normies.
I'm no progressivist. Just warms my cockles seeing normalfaggot transplants get assmad when they find out the rest of the site isn't like their neo-/pol/ safespaces.
Kill yourself you pretentious sack of shit.
>oy vey be accepting of pedos normalfaggot
>y-you're a Jew!
Whiter than /pol/.
I did this with a group of mine.
We killed the evil wizard, stopped him from summoning a god and I said it was the end of the session. I then gave them half an hour to figure out what their characters would do. I was pleasantly surprised that they all decided to retire.
The knight found a women and married, the mage founded a school, the monk now meditates in the mountains and the druid opened a flower shop.
The whiteness of your skin doesn't compensate for the nogness of your heart.
Yep. They've infested this board in the last few months. It's not even summer.
Eclipse Phase: a shit game for shit people.
kill yourself pedshit rat
Welcome to Veeky Forums. This might as well be on the banner
Whiny reactionary niggas like these can fuck right off in my book.
This isn't /r9k/, user.
>t. newfag progressive
>literally defending pedos
>We have enough positivity on this board.
since fucking when?
I am ready for /pol/ to return to their containment board and stay there.
kill yourself r*ddit
I hate not being able to shoehorn my political opinion which is based on twitter screencaps and infographs into every imaginable topic. Fucking liberals
>projecting this hard
>triggered mole people detected.
h-hey guys, we're totally Veeky Forums natives!
Ah, and here we have standard response #1: The /pol/ fallacy, an ofshoot of the classic Ad Hominem. The belief that anyone and everyone who doesn't hold an opinion that isn't in line with enforced social norms is "/pol/", a label given to discredit someone's opinion by associating them with an unpopular board despite whether or not they actually use /pol/.
>Muh projecting
>there was literally a thread that got taken over by left/right /pol/ bullshit earlier today
You can keep denying it, but the cancer will continue to grow.
Well as long as you refuse to go back, I think you're right. So go back.
>people assume that posters with shitty political opinions come from the containment board for shitty political opinions
I just don't understand it.
that's pretty easy since /pol/ is mostly shitposting browns