Who else is banning Elves as a player race now?
I feel for any decent campaign to happen now with the change, that Elves SHOULD be banned as a player race to prevent pointless drama
Who else is banning Elves as a player race now?
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Just ban the problem players. Issue solved.
What's wrong with elves now? What happened? What'd I miss?
They’re all “gender fluid.”
Some rare elves that are close to their originator god get an ability based on said god. In this case, limited minor shapeshifting.
Did you even read the article? It's some and they are very rare.
That's not what is in the book or what the article said.
There's an ability in an upcoming, unreleased D&D book that will allow some Drow to have a power that lets them shift from male to female.
There was an article subsequently written on a clickbait site that this is good because it allows for "genderfluid" characters.
I never allow people to play elves because I have never seen a player convincingly portray an elf.
Extremely long lives races, such as elves, are banned at my table for this reason. Dwarves are on the cusp of 'too long' seeing as they can live to be 300, but they just barely get a pass if you play a young one. When the youngest playable elves are older than the oldest humans I just sort of put a cork in it.
The new lore has made it so all Elves are fluid based and after a long rest they can stay humanoid or become a gelatinous cube.
So a level 1 player can become a CR 2 monster with 84 HP, all their abilities as a PC and an Elf and basically make the rest of the party useless
Fresh ground black pepper?
That would be the shit! I’d allow this.
Fuck, I've been away from D&D too long. Did dwarves get anything new?
>very rare
Bitch please. Every special snowflake out there is going to be playing one of these.
Are you fucking retarded you stupid piece of shit? No they're not. There are a few who are blessed by the prime elf diety Corellon Larethian, a half man half woman god of the flighty, whimsical pieces of shit known as elves, become sequential hermphrodites.
You motherfuckers want to try and be all high and mighty grognards can't even remember the shit Gygax himself wrote.
The dwarf is now actually the beard, a parasitic fibrous organism that infests a fleshy host.
Samefagging doesn’t help your argument you piece of SJW trash. Go get a latte, soymale
They've been given Rust Metal as a Bite Attack they can use every round. They regain 1d4 + their con modifier for every successful attack with it as well
>Every special snowflake out there is going to be playing one of these.
PCs are by their very fucking nature special, unique, and different from the common folk of their species and even world, no shit they want to play the more unique one to represent that.
How about you learn how to fucking Veeky Forums and follow IP count.
Jesus christ, calm down on those buzz words faggot.
>oh no!
>guild and firearm threads aren't cutting it anymore
>better get back at daily elf shitposting thread!
How many fucking elf threads a day do we need?
It's incredible you won't be banned for this post. The standard of moderation on Veeky Forums has fucking collapsed.
/b/ called. They want their trannies back.
Just kill yourself or finally start playing some tradional games instead of shitposting about them.
Tolkienesque Immortal elves don't make sense as a pc race.
Very long lived elves is pushing it, and even then, they don't have much drama to contribute in terms of role-playing.
Drow as pc's are absolute cancer.
Half-elves, like half-orcs are ok, and mostly non-mary suish.
t. Fenmarel
>Veeky Forumsmakes HFY, quality original content is made
>time passes, HFY content gets shittiest and shittiest and /th/ get fed up
>Fuck humans, Dwarf master race! Veeky Forums declares undying love for the dwarf race
>'undying' doesn't even last a decade before Veeky Forums is sick to death of Ford's
>Elf master race. Kill all humans! Elf fuck yeah threads
>The elves' 15 minutes of game are running out and Veeky Forums is showing signs of turning on the knife ears
Like clockwork with you people...what shall be the next Veeky Forums flavor of the year? Cat people? Rat people? Orcs? Hobbits?
no that's >fgbp
>Veeky Forums
I’m dyslexic too...
>Very long lived elves is pushing it
Just play a young elf. Warhammer fantasy roleplaying is doing this and I don't understand why this isn't a common rule for any long-lived race. It's that simple.
>Implying I haven't always hated elves
Back to whatever soy based website you crawled from scum
Bitch I haven't even started going all elf supremacy on this board. Anti-elf posters have always been rampant shitposters.
All of them
>>Implying I haven't always hated elves
Are you the personification of every fa/tg/it? No? Then I'm not talking about you.
Skellimen are forever good. I'm talking about races with a pulse.
>Bitch I haven't even started going all elf supremacy on this board.
Good we have enough of that already, we don't need more of you scum.
You forgot that this trait is localized to their genitals. I think a FATAL writer made their way to Wizards
Haha holy shit
Where in the catalog? Where in the archive? Show it to me and what a huge problem these guys are.
Monkey people are certainly underused
I am not going to waste my time searching for cancer.
This is the problem with many classes, etc. By its definition, you can’t have something be “more unique.”
Isn't this just an elf with a buttplug tail?
Monkey people are just humans
I just let my players play whatever they want
Thanks user, now I see the light.
No, this is the Great Sage, Equal of Heaven
HFY started on Reddit, newfriend
But does she have a buttplug tail?
That really depends on the player. If someone is being a drama queen, just talk to him and ask him to quit this shit. If he doesn't, kick him out of the group. There is no need to ban a potentially cool race because of a single faggot ass player.
No, but that hairband is her staff which can change its size and weight
>By its definition, you can’t have something be “more unique.”
Which I agree with, trying to push to be the specialist elf evar is a dumb process when you are already, by your very presence in game, unique as can be. But trying to stop something that is lore friendly with elves in every edition of D&D all the way back to when Gygax was writing the damnable things just to stop individual problem players is stupid. Elves are fey-lite, why the fuck shouldn't they be able to do something as simple as change gender on a whim. They're hedonistic, whimsical motherfuckers who exist on the borders to the plane of fey with, in some editions, cousins who are explicitly fey. Why can't they pull a few minor tricks that adds to personal flavor.
>This is what newfags actually believes
A sad day when user forgets his history.
Then as final repentance take your life and pray your next will not be tainted by such filth.
>caring where awful, fanfic trash originates from
First post, best post.
what the fuck, why. Why do they have to ruin the drow. Secondly why the fuck would Matron Mothers allow males to become females, idiotic. Nor why would Lolth allow it? For fuck sake who is running that shit over there.
Or alternatively you could stop being so eternally butthurt about the pointy ears. I already know that your assanger is mostly based on memes and headcanon, like most elf-haters.
It's really nothing canon so far, just some cheap virtue signaling that won't mean anything in the long run.
because drow are matriarchial, what would be the point of that and having problem with males at the same time if they can all become women. It's retarded.
>Just ban the problem,* players. Issue solved.
it's unnecessary, polymorph could do the same thing and all male drow have magical talent to some degree. Half stick that into rogue stuff and other half become wizards. Neither would need a natural ability to shift genders in a society that is strictly enforced. If it becomes a natural thing then it would emphasize the society to be all female like amazons.
Then everyone has the same chance at power. It is the dumbest idea i've ever heard of considering the existing lore.
How is it ruining the Drow? It's an old gift of Corellon, and the Drow who do have it are hunted down and persecuted.
Every nigga ITT who is like OH MY FUCKING GOD THOSE FUCKING SJWs has a broken goddamn brain. I cannot believe you faggots walk around like living human beings, that you can function with minds like this.
>it's unnecessary
This is why I think it won't matter in the long run.
So you can fuck all the bitches that you hate without it being gay.
>It's an old gift of Corellon, and the Drow who do have it are hunted down and persecuted.
Which is what every transsexual man-woman whines about to anyone willing to listen.
For those already on the defensive against sjw fuckery, this sends up red flags all over the place
It goes against existing lore and that is from very formation of the fluff itself. If someone had the ability to slip their burden and become one of the elite, they would all do it. It doesn't make any fucking sense.
Drow are pounded on until they make something of themselves, women included but it is far easier for them than men. You're telling me you wouldn't switch sides to avoid being beaten or controlled?
It takes a natural level of cognitive dissonance to not see how it jars with existing lore of the species and history, and the fucking god that controls them in such exacting ways that it keeps their chaos from causing their extinction. Just look at how it spilt out during WOTSQ. You're telling me a species that suicidally petty with power games would let something like that exist naturally?
You're so knee deep in your political tribalism that you cannot see how it doesn't work at a fundamental level and you're attacking other people's intelligence.
Then you create a new social position for these hermaphrodites. They are either cursed by their hated enemy, rival of Lolth, Corellon to neither truly male or female and become untouchables or they ascend just below pure females in the ranks.
>Nor why would Lolth allow it?
Lolth's champion is Drizzt. The leader and patron god of a CE society has chosen a CG person completely opposed in every way to the society she created as her champion. Lolth would allow it because she either fucking hates the drow or enjoys fucking with people that much she would throw away her own powerbase to do it.
No one who has worked on D&D has cared about the various settings' lore for decades now.
WotC just showed they care even less than TSR did with half the shit they did to Greyhawk and Faerun in 3e, then showed they wanted to particularly fuck Faerun with 4e, and now with 5e suddenly people are becoming piss babies about a trend that has been long coming.
I'll ban elves when I ban Wizards, Druids, and Clerics.
Love to hear how everyone takes that.
They started caring when 4e damaged their fluff enough that they pulled a massive retcon to get book sales back on track, that was it. You're right they don't give a shit about fluff and Merls is an incompetent fuckwit.
Drizzt is a murder machine and Lolth hates the weak, it is perverse because even in his rebellious ways, she found a way to use it against him and her own society to make it work FOR her.
Oddities already exist in drow society, like the albinos that they use as surface spies against other elves since they can blend better. I'd assume hermaphrodites would make the perfect spies and assassins, so only way I could see them not being exterminated to protect female power would be that. They'd be marked or branded magically in such a way that Matron Mother's could control them but they'd get a protected place in society because of their usefulness.
That is how it would most likely be done, since drow will allow anything if it gives them greater power.
that wouldn't take a new social position, it would just elevate them to a level similar to merchant class. Not quite female but above regular males.
>acting like this matters at
>pretending anyone wants to play with you in the first place
ok user
That doesn't work because OP is the problem player, making a big deal out of literally nothing.
Even worse, literally nothing that isn't even out yet.
Knew a DM who banned elves, as he considered them as a cheat mode. He also banned archery, mounted combat, use of terrain, stealth, magic, negotiation, intelligence gathering though, in fact anything that didnt involve the players standing to toe with an endless stream of pointless monsters in 'I hit you, you hit me' pokemon style combats. So what the fuck did he know.
So, what would happen if an elf gets pregnant and shapeshifts back to being male? Can an elf impregnate him/herself?
>If someone had the ability to slip their burden and become one of the elite, they would all do it.
But they can't all do it. You might as well say that everyone in drow society should have polymorph.
I argued that everyone already has the capacity to BE polymorphed, not that they can all do it as a natural ability and if you're only giving a small segment of the population the ability to be hermaphrodites as a natural ability, then not only is it unnecessary but redundant and goes against lore. I'll give you three reasons.
>Every special snowflake out there is going to be playing [an elf]
What a shocker.
>fuck Faerun
>if you're only giving a small segment of the population the ability to be hermaphrodites as a natural ability
That's literally what it is. Some elves and therefore some drow are more like Corellon than others, and can shift gender. Probably less drow.
>then not only is it unnecessary but redundant
Why? It's literally an option in a game. It's as redundant as having fantasy races - you don't need it, but if this is a trait you want elves to have, it's there.
>and goes against lore
D&D lore is for DMs to play around with as they wish. Nothing is 'against' the lore. My drow are shorter lived and more prone to blood/bone disease than normal elves, as they're corrupted and broken on a fundamental level. That doesn't mean drow have to be that way in your campaign.
And even for 'standard drow lore', this doesn't fly in the face of anything. Just have drow with this ability have to hide it, as the connection to Corellon is high heresy.
I don't ban them for pointless drama, there's no drama.
I ban them to make them mysterious and have their dying race shit feel like it matters.
I also make a point to show that there's player wizards and REAL wizards which they can't play to make magic seem more fantastic.
>rare ability possessed by a rare few
The only actual question I'm interested in
Baby gets shapechanged away.
The same way that all other female only feature gets changed the baby will simply disappear and be replaced with what would be there as a male or it becomes what was there as a male.
Yeah but what happens if a male elf jizzes in a turkey baster and then turns female and shoves it up her snozz?
He gets an inbred baby?
Two genders basically exist for us "higher" lifeforms with harder to build forms so that there wont be a fuckup along the way, you know, mutation.
You're an honest to god imbecile. All elves don't have this genderfluid ability. It's incredibly rare. The matriarchs hate it for this reason. Any Drow with such a ability is going to be persecuted. It's an affront to Lolth
Unless you're using snozz=nose
She gets a bunch of jizz up her nose, lot of coughing and sneezing follows.
It's almost unavoidable now. The favoritism for elves was one thing, but this socio-political pandering is too fucking much
Veeky Forums‘s favorite race is still Humans. Collect data like I did before you bitch
Honestly I don't have a problem with fantasy cultures having different ideas of gender, it's just when it's portrayed as "enlightened" and without any baggage is when I have an issue. It's just not interesting.
Look at the Hijira in India or the Kathoey in Thailand. Yeah, on a cursory look it seems like these cultures are more "accepting" than the West, but they really have a lot of baggage and social expectations and stereotypes that come with them.
For the example of gender-swapping elves, it could be the case that the existence of gender swapping has severely entrenched gender roles. Male elves are expected to be warriors and leaders and female elves are expected to be healers and mothers, or some shit. If you don't fit your gender role well enough, you're pressured to change even if you don't really want to. I'm just spitballing at this point but you get the idea.
Utopia, no matter who's utopia it is, is nearly always boring from a storytelling perspective.
I don't think I'd ever ban elves as a player race unless it specifically added something to my setting or campaign. though they're often misused, there's a lot of potential for elves as a race, and some good roleplaying opportunities that comes with their worldview. I cover this in some depth on my blog, which I'll link for relevance.
Why would I ban a classic race from my table unless the setting is for a single race only? Now dragonborn, on the other hand, can go right to hell.
>I am angry!
Because he is a shitposter that doesn't play traditional games.
My “race”, Orcs, don’t have a problem with this gay shit lmao
Elffags get out
First legit BTFO I’ve seen on Veeky Forums in a while