Is it just me or is 'Eavy Metal getting really sloppy? I can't be the only one that thinks this looks like shit (for a professional paint job).
Is it just me or is 'Eavy Metal getting really sloppy...
its a bait anom, if the company paint their miniatures with an quality that everyone can match, you sell more paints minis and so. You of course can make make the infamous "green knight error" and make that all fucking bretonian players keep their green knights unpainted cuz mike macvey one.
>"green knight error"
Explain, I'm not familiar with the incident you're referencing.
The old artists have left, and it's possible GW isn't putting the time or the money necessary to get the best artpieces.
Also, in the beginning of 40k, there were no tutorials, no painting books, no youtube channels. 'Eavy Metal appeared as gods, since there was no way to learn their techniques quickly. Even Golden Daemon entries were all over the place in terms of quality.
Today everyone has access to good tutorials, and galleries with amazing models.
pic related, I suppose.
Where is the error in the paint job or whatever the other user was talking about? I didn't collect them back then, so I don't know if that is what the Green Knight is supposed to look like or what.
Not the OP, but I think tha fact that the model (mostly like the only a player would see) is so fucking hard to paint.
that would make inexperienced painter NOT paint theirs.
Not sure, but that might be what he's talking about
Oh okay, that makes sense. Yeah it definitely looks like a challenge even for an experienced painter, especially if you wanted to add all of those vines and shit
that finger print on the forehead makes the model
I assume GW's cheaping out and putting greater emphasis on speed/production over quality now that they're putting new stuff out every week instead of a month or longer.
can we ask duncan for a painting guide for this?
Honestly, I'm fine with simple paint jobs that get beginners and people without tons of time to paint more. Done well, basic schemes with good presentation are perfect for gaming figs. I'll happily play somebody if they've taken the time to just neatly block out panels. It's a start, and way better than bare plastic and metal mush which all blends together.
Just include a couple pages of glorious minis too.
Sloppy, and that matches the crap sculpts we got at the end of the Kirby era. Shit takes time to fix.
No, because the model's no longer in production.
Although Duncan was a hardcore Bretfag so he'd probably champ at the bit to do it.
Most of the Tau units in general need resculpts. The Fire Warriors are fucking garbage. So much flash, so many parts that don't fit together.
how do they normally take requests? Maybe we can force the meme
Facebook, I think.
But again. Bretonnia is a Dead Line.
>Although Duncan was a hardcore Bretfag
Really? I like him even more now.
I wish they'd do another quasi-Arthurian line for Age of Sigmar. Might actually get me to pick it back up. I miss the Brets.
I wish they would just retcon AoS and bring back WFB. I don't think they realized what a success Total Warhammer/Total Warhammer II and Vermintide/Vermintide 2 was going to be. Now you've got all these new players wanting to get into the actual game only to find out that it's been ruined.
Here’s an idea, when these people from TWWH and Verminetide ask you if AoS is any good, just tell them yeah, it’s good.
Honestly I think getting new people into the hobby is most important and these people probably don’t care which ruleset their using. They just want to see the characters in their games brought to life.
They will care when they realize half the models for the High Elves are gone, Karl Franz and the Empire got BTFO, and Brets are just plain gone.
>Really? I like him even more now.
I think he had like 10000 points worth of Brets or something ridiculous like that.
Nice try mr. Shill
Fire Warriors did get a resculpt with their 7th ed. codex.
We have known for years that GW tells their painting team to paont below their actual capacity in order not to discourage people. Look up Darren Latham, he's a miniature designer but was one of the most important Eavy Metals before, and his painting is still Golden Demon winning tier.
It's like I'm right there in the back room of a gamesworkshop store
If this is true, I haven't noticed. The detail on them is still shit.
eavy metal could make a lot of money by bringing in fan submissions from famous youtube channels. the cross promotion would help both sources.
HOW MANY pro painting youtube channels would kill to unveil a new faction/unit? They would happily sign an NDA and agree to GW's crazy little caveats.
He's a fan of anything involving knights, valour and charging. He plays Imperial Knights for 40k, homebrewed a knight house and takes conscripts and Guardsmen alongside them as retainers/men at arms.
>Here’s an idea, when these people from TWWH and Verminetide ask you if AoS is any good, just tell them yeah, it’s good.
I mean that helps you but how does that help him in any way, shape, or form? Christ's sake, you're a fucking cock.
It's because they dont want want the average tau player to feel discouraged by examples well beyond their capability.
>blatantly obvious fingerprint on the forehead
o im laffin. Was this one of those test minis they have at GW stores for little kids to practice on?
>> My ghostkeel is way beyond that. Such a great model.
White shaded with brown, with tonnes of brown weathering applied over that, is a horrific colour scheme. They could have gone with a nice clean white shaded with blue, but no, gotta make every model look like used bog roll.
I miss the creamy peanut butter T'au scheme.
>creamy peanut butter T'au scheme.
This, arguably one of the best sept color schemes they ever made. I'm also still very butthurt that they retconned the Vior'la sept color scheme from that cool khaki over beige/green uniform to this disgusting white over black with bright right highlights. I know that you can technically paint them whatever color you want as long as they have the same sept markings but I don't care, the new Tau "uniforms" are fucking ugly for almost all of the septs.
i fucking wish i could paint this well
user that white has giant lazy wash stains all over it, they didn't even clean the wash up. Painting worse than that would take effort.
Could shape AoS into something resembling the old Warhammer world, or at least start introducing new factors to it. Free People kingdoms cropping up, disasters befalling them to create new setting locations, or old powers returning in some form or another.
Or you could create something new entirely. How about a city built around a Realmgate, one half on one side and one half on the other in two different planes, but disaster befalls one half and the gate is now locked down, save for those adventurers who dare to charge forth through it for gold and glory. Mordheim II but playing with AoS setting. What two connected planes would be interesting to explore in this way? Could be the Life side is connected to the Metal side, so one half is a sprawling city of greenery and overgrown stone, while the other half is an apocalyptic hellscape of metal and lava.
You didn't notice they come with a turret and a 3rd gun option now?
Along with 12 more heads, 10 more shoulderpads, and 2 fewer fire warriors? AND they've done away with the old gun drone sprue?
user has clearly never bought the new fire warrior pack.
This. No point painting things people realistically couldn't paint for themselves to put on box covers.
> Highly advanced mech, presumably build out of Space-Age materials.
> Painted like it's going fucking rusty.
God-Damn-it TG this triggers me hard!
I've noticed the new shit, I'm saying that the fire warriors themselves are still shit when it comes to detail.
Would be cool, that idea seems stupid in a way, but not stupid enough to break something in the lore, after all, wouldn't having a sort of trade city near a cross road of 2 huge areas of interest be the best way to get filthy rich? It's also a good way to get your face kicked in so hard your ancestors can feel it.
They could constantly be taking the piss out of the mayor/founder of that thing too, would feel like warhammer again.
where the hell is the 40kg?
It's probably just battle weathered, I don't imagine paint surviving that long in a fuck-off high density war zone like the ones the imperium creates.
What's wrong with this? It looks like it's supposed to be a suit that's been through 20 miles of hell and came out the other side to me.
>1: Technical issues: Fingerprint on the head, marks left by the washes, overall sloppy, OSL on the fusion blaster makes no sense, tabletop standard at best
>2: Scheme: The 3rd sphere vior'la force is the ugliest tau scheme I've seen. White is usually shaded with blue and weathered with metallics/grey/dust for a reason, the model looks like bog roll, and an entire army of that looks horrific.
New kit is great.
>Here’s an idea, when these people from TWWH and Verminetide ask you if AoS is any good, just tell them yeah, it’s good.
Except for Witchhunters. They suck in AoS, both rule wish and in the fluff.
This here is his replacement.
>all of those details on the barding
Mother fucker does it at least come with an overlay stencil?
I've been wondering that too, I feel so lost without it
GW have a army painting scheme and a eavy metal team. The eavy metal team is full of award winners.
if you make it user, ill bump it.
in 5 years ive never made a thread on Veeky Forums, im scared to
>White is usually shaded with blue and weathered with metallics/grey/dust for a reason,
What are you talking about...
It is sloppy. The edge highlights are inconsistent both in the amount of pigment and their application. There's a fucking finger print on the top of the head. Judging by how thick the paint appears to be at the joint for the bottom of the door, I would say they weren't thinned enough. Not enough different shades, and before you try saying the edge highlights are shitty because it's supposed to be battle damage, that's not how you model battle damage. You model battle damage by applying a contrasting, neutral color (like brown, or silver, or whatever you want the "unpainted" armor to look like). Then you highlight underneath it with your edge highlight color. It gives an optical illusion of a three-dimensional armor chip.
Whoever painted these fucking monstrosities either didn't know, or more likely, didn't care. Also, the new Vior'la color scheme is dogshit and ugly as fuck, they need to bring back the old khaki/gray-green one.
>a city built around a Realmgate, one half on one side and one half on the other in two different planes
I know it doesn't have the "disaster befalls one half" part. That's because the players' job is preventing said disaster.
Needed a color grade and some jpeg noise to better batch the background
They're trying to sell to Tau players who never paint thier models properly anyway.
Why the fuck haven't they done a vermintide board game thing yet?
Nice models of the ubershreik 5, a few special skaven models and a rat ogre and then a bunch of little rat tokens.
Seems like an easy fit.
It takes 2 years to get from the drawing board to tabletop minimum, and besides that, I don't think GW wants to get into another IP dispute.
Examples of good Tau?
Go back and look at the stuff 'Eavy Metal was painting when they were first releasing Tau. The colors were nice, the highlights were crisp, the shades were applied surgically (not slobbering them all over the fucking model and calling it "grime").
Shit, you don't even have to go that far back to see examples of a good paintjob from GW for Tau units. Pic related. A very clean paintjob in classic 'Eavy Metal style. Could it be better? Yeah, everything can be, but you can tell they actually took their time to make it look nice before using it as the box art.
As a skaven player, I would buy that so fucking fast...
Whatever makes it feel like Warhammer again, playing with the setting as it is now. Considering how it's built, there might well be two founders, and each half of the city does their best to work in unison (but of course there's still rivalries and passive-aggression) to ensure that they have an ally at their back. A good deal of survivors of whatever disaster might still live on whichever side is still standing, anxious to get word back or recover their valuables (or someone else's valuables) left behind on the other side.
>More Stormcast Azyr stuff
I guess it works. I was thinking of something less huge and ornate and something more medieval in nature. I suppose you need all that magic and shielding when you're occupying a realm of constant fire, but some of the less hostile realms could conceivably be built by more mundane denizens.
It's been a problem for a while.
nope, which is the error user meant. The show model was so good nobody painted theirs because it wouldn't look as good.
Eavy metal didn't paint that, that's just GWs production painters. Also i don't really think there's a dedicated Eavy Metal anymore, unless you count the Forgeworld painters. I think there's just those that are good and paint something every now and then.
Seriously what was the last Masterclass published?
side note: wasnt Duncan on eavy metal, i thought i read his name somewhere in the old issues
forgot i could post pdf.
There definitely seems to be. They've had people on the Twitch shows that they've introduced as part of the 'eavy metal team, which they've said is specifically different from the army painting team. AFIK, the AP team paints for codex pics, the dioramas they have at Warhammer World etc and the eavy Metal team works on box art primarily. One of the hang out and paint shows goes into more detail about it. The painting styles seem to be different between the two.
When you think about it the only sensible place to build a city is by or on a Relmgate. Having power over how people move and operate is huge for trade and warfare.
There is an 'Eavy Metal team (Max Faleij, Martin Petersson, Aidan Daly and a few other), an army painter team (Paul Norton), and then there's a Specialist Games team that paints the Necromunda and FW stuff.
lol no. They're fine, if you think it's garbage it's because you are a fucking spastic retard with parkinsons. If any models need resculpts, its lost special characters, and metal and finecast models.
What to you hope to acheive arguing with a spastic?
Reminder that this model was sculpted by a right handed man who lost his right arm to a cannon firing while his arm was in the cannon, while he was learning to sculpt with his left hand and a stump.
holy shit really?
Interplanar port cities. You can have cities elsewhere, like the space between gates as a stopping point on a journey between them or a place where there's some kind of valuable resource. Otherwise ownership of a gate is very valuable.
Azyr seems to take control of near everything, but it's quite possible that the Free Peoples have quite a few cities maintained outside Azyr's direct influence.
As soon as his treatment was over he was teaching himself to sculpt and paint using his left hand, and built a prosthetic hand that he customized with a variety of sculpting tools so he could continue to use it.
The Green Knight was his first miniature sculpted after his recovery; at once a classic and memorable miniature, and a defiant proclamation in the face of adversity.
Pic related, sorry for tiny pic but it's the best I could find.
Yep. One of GW's best miniature sculptors lost his dominant arm, and THEN went on to produce his best works.
The perry brothers are gods and hand-sculpted miniatures (done well) will always look better than cad crap.
Made to Order Green Knight when?
I like the bird-dog, but that Space Marine Captain should not be performing a Witch Hunter's duties.
Why do people keep thinking that Video Gamers have the money to invest in tabletop?
It is outrageously expansive compared to buying a game and even more of an investment in time
I hope you faggots are talking about RPGs and not wargaming because otherwise you can easily still do that
Thats literally already a thing
One half is a city filled with works of natural art, plazas,gardens, and parks the other a more ornate, hard, and exotic city filled with numerous emblems, banners, and sculptures
The life side provides about 3/4th of the food to the other side and the fire side is where the huge kickass dorf fort lava moat comes from among other things.
Due to them fuckng trees the life city is constantly importing trees because without a lot of ceremony and ritual chopping down a tree is liable to get you eaten by one
Because most people have the money to invest in tabletop? It's not any more expensive than most other hobbies, and you can get a lot of time out of your investment?
Video gamers and wargamers aren't two completely unrelated demographics, there's huge crossover between the two.
Video games are cheap comparatively, so why wouldn't you assume video gamers would have enough to buy some space marines?
>muh potatos
Then they degraded in their own mini line
>Nearly £100 - £150 for army +model + books (varying heavily) for models you can irreparably fuck up
>Vs. £59.99 t plug and play
You also fail to realize how cheap the average gamer is and I'm not talking about /v/
>in 6 months that game will be worth a quarter of what you paid
>If youre good at painting you could sell your army 5 years down the line for MORE than you paid for it
Warhammer is the most fiscally efficient hobby imaginable
Yes, and?
If games are that cheap, then gamers are either buying dozens of games a month, or have loads of disposable income for a hobby.
Most people have a hobby that's much more expensive than gaming, everything gets expensive once you're into it.
You seem to be of the mindset that a "gamer" is somebody who spends literally all their time either playing vidya or browsing /v/, when three of my close friends got into warhammer through DoW, and are still big into it, and nearly everyone I knows plays game in addition to other hobbies. Sure, gamers who work in mac donalds in detroit aren't going to be able to afford to get into warhammer, but gaming is not a big drain on resources. One $400 console or PC update every 4-8 years, and then $60 every now and again for a game. If YOU can't afford that, that's your circumstance, or if you weigh up the values of literally every entertainment medium up against each other, that's just you being a boring person, but most people don't operate like how you're describing.
>these people probably don’t care which ruleset their using. They just want to see the characters in their games brought to life
What are you on about? The characters and setting literally don't appear in AoS.
>The perry brothers are gods and hand-sculpted miniatures (done well) will always look better than cad crap.
Done well they'll look the same. CAD is a meme picked up on by fans who never had the faintest idea about sculpting to begin with.
This'll forever be one of the best miniatures GW has ever produced.
I've heard about this, but I've never seen it. Every Bret I've ever seen that fielded him had him painted. Fielding something unpainted in a Bret army, let alone the Green Knight himself, is pretty much heresy. The sculpt is so great that even a simple paintjob looks good.
People that don't paint their stuff for fear of "ruining" it will always confound me.
Of course, back then a character model also didn't require a secong mortage on your fucking house to buy.
The biggest problem with AoS is they can't keep a consistent tone.
It's like they wanted to do everything at once so nothing stands out.
That and squatting about 25+ years of lore for a giggle.
[Laughs in TTRPG]
What did he meme by this
It's not even a "fiscally efficient" wargame when Historicals and 15/10/6/2mm/Hex and Chit wargames exist.
>This'll forever be one of the best miniatures GW has ever produced.
This, having 28/32mm for anything but skirmish games is retarded, even more so at GW prices
if you can't afford to do something you enjoy a few hours a week the only thing you've irreparably fucked up is your life
You're the one claiming that it's impossible for the average adult to afford to both play videogames and wargames.