/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General:

Elves in love edition

>Unearthed Arcana: Be Sure to Drink Your Ovaltine!

>5e Trove
rpg.rem.uz/Dungeons & Dragons/D&D 5th Edition/

Stable releases - get.5e.tools/


>Previously on /5eg/:
Whats the most viable build you can think of when you have to multiclass 3 times (4 classes total)?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Take that kawii desu shit to the pathfinder thread or 4eg

>tfw this is what the developers are pandering to.

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>OP about elves
>shit art
Thread already ruined

Trap elves have existed in previous editions user (even though OP's pic is female)

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So is there a point buy calculator out there that starts the stats off at 10 and allows the starting stats to range from 8 to 18 before racials?

>(even though OP's pic is female)

But that's the obviously female elf twin from FFXIV.
If she looks manly or her brother looks feminine, it's because they're twins. And elves.
girl on the left, guy on the right here

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Don't worry user her twin brother looks exactly the same. see:

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>that starts the stats at 10

Not that I know of.

>Allows the starting stats to range from 8 to 18

I use this; chicken-dinner.com/5e/5e-point-buy.html

There's an upper tab for "Custom Rules" that lets you determine what the score boundaries are, and even modify how much improving to a certain score will cost. So maybe change 9 and 10 to costing no points, and then go from there?

What character should I play in a party with a Ranger (likely a XGTE subclass), a Warlock (EB spam) and one unknown class?

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Cleric, Paladin or Barbarian

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I had no idea that Veeky Forums's trolls had gotten this bad.

Those shitty fetish spam threads were one thing, but hijacking generals? Are our mods idiots?

>So maybe change 9 and 10 to costing no points, and then go from there?
Well I want my players to have the option to dump stat (even if I think that's a dumb idea). What's a good number of points to give them to make up for starting at 8? I'd just give it the +12 but I think the 27 point thing was built with them factoring that in.

Ironic low-effort posting is still low-effort posting, baby.



Whats wrong with OP user? Were currently discussing the decision to bring back gender swapping elves.

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Which subclass is fun

Are you saying that he should multiclass all 3?

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Sneaky sword and board variant human fighter (or paladin) with medium armour mastery.

I'll be honest, Elezen would be an improvement over most D&D elves.

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Whats the thinking behind this? Whats sneakiness do for me

How do you want to play user?
Are you a complete law-fag? Then devotion.
If you want to be a tyrant then conquest.
If you are seeking revenge then vengeance.
If you like nature then ancients oath.

I personally prefer playing ancients. But conquest was fun just because I can be a smug dick to my enemies.

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Conquest or ancients seems fun. Devotion is too much goodboy and my friend played vengeance last campaign

That is true.

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It's contrast to the traditional take on party tank.

Conquest is really fun. Especially when your party is all neutral & law fags are non existant. Also play him like Vegetto and act as smug as humanly possible to break there spirit. Even if it means that you let them have a few free hits just to show them how much of a tank you are & how fucked they are.

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>DM says we're doing a 2.5 year timeskip
>We're allowed to take a tool, language, or skill proficiency for it

It just feels like a small proficiency in something likely useless doesn't do 2.5 years justice

Assuming you were maintaining your other skills, it works fine. Frankly he's giving you something free separate from your advancement, that's pretty good.

He's open to suggestions for other stuff as long as it's flavorful and doesn't necessarily increas combat power. Any ideas?

>Whats the most viable build you can think of when you have to multiclass 3 times (4 classes total)?


Gloom Stalker and Assassin subclasses go well together, and the Samuari or Arcane Archer pair really well with Ranger as well. Cleric for the fourth because if you have to have a fourth class you might as well.

Tell us about your character first?

What are your characters going to be doing during the timeskip?

Half orc barbarian who grew up in orc tribe and left because he feared dying. Still idolizes the stereotypical orc barbarian and tries to give off the impression of being one despite being a pussy. Has grown to appreciate the usefulness of carrying more versatile tools than just an axe like a blacksmith's hammer, and a utility plank. Good friends with the monk.
They formed an adventurer's guild and have been building their base and doing various quests in the area.

I'm planning to build a Fallen Aasimar Tempest Cleric - reading through Volo's, I haven't found anything regarding what happens to the "divine guide" when an Aasimar falls. As a cleric, it would be an important factor in my character's life. How would you handle that?

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Fighter 5
Warlock 3
Paladin 2
Rogue 4

2 Spell slots for level 2 divine smite each short rest, and 2 more slots for level one daily.

Mounted combatant for free advantage against most creatures.
Dual Wielder for lmao 2lances.
Variant human and give yourself savage attacker as well.

You should be able to deal 1d12 + 3d6 + 3d8 on your attacks most of the time, being able to re-roll that for an average of 35 damage. You will have advantage on this attack. If you take champion, you will have an almost 1/6 chance of getting a crit on each of these attacks.

You can also make two more attacks with advantage each turn, choosing to smite on any of them, and another two if you use action surge.

90% of your attacks should hit, because of advantage, so even with no slots you should be doing 3d12 + 3d6 damage each turn, along with your modifiers (should be +3 or +4, if you rolled well), so you should still average ~35 damage per turn

Kind of weird that you're only getting a proficiency when you've been doing quests and shit off-screen for two and a half years.

What abilities let you ad proficiency bonus to damage?
I remember there were some, maybe in subclasses abilities, but I can't remember.

Fallen aasimar have no guide. I assume it just fucks off.

...What kind of damage

I really can't remember. It may be a weapon attack damage as well as spell damage.

I mean that's what I was originally saying but the DM doesn't want anything major, only flavor. I asked if 2.5 years were really necessary and he thinks 2.5 years is necessary.

Why is this thread still up when we already have an active thread?

Because this is the to use after that faker.

If the other thread has over twice the amount of posters and over three times the amount of replies, wouldn't that make this thread the faker?

>thread goes nearly an hour without any posts
>draws attention to it with a bump
You pretty much answered your own question, dummy. You should have just let the thread die.

What races are available for players in your setting Veeky Forums?

>what is sage?

A retarded feature user.

This was made first, the other one is busier, so the mods let both be

Because they know this thread will be next.

Honest question, would any of you anons posting weebshit actually be interested in a weebshit 5e game?

I'm willing to run one if you are.

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How weeb? Can I for example play a loli?

I would be.

T.OP who keeps posting anime (and the other stuff)

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Depends on how loli.

Adult that's magically loli. Maybe something like
>fucked someone important
>someone important's partner paid for someone powerful to teach them a lesson
>cursed to look like a little girl and incapable to have sex or masturbate (so it's not going to be all magical realm)
>curse can only be removed with wish
>character is now looking to find someone that can cast wish or find a way to cast it herself

Probably a bard.

That actually sounds pretty amusing. I'd allow it.

Giving so many races darkvision made the dark boring

But isn't it telling that the community refused to post here, despite it being posted first? And considering the recent trend, won't this one go ignored, too? Why leave up a thread that will only take up space since the people who actually post in the general don't want it?

Am I allowed to be a catgirl user.

Also finally decided to get a trip.

Once the other thread dies, posters from there can start posting here.

Absolutely. I'd have to decide what stats catgirls would get. Tabaxi is the obvious option but it might be a bit on the nose.

Could use this.

Attached: catgirl.pdf (PDF, 1.45M)

Yeah that'd probably work.

Is it an ERP?


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But they won't, they'll just make a new thread again, because they've made it clear that they don't want this thread. So why leave it up?

Maybe the mods are expecting /5eg/ to one day grow up and not have a tantrum when someone posts an image they don't like.

So us anons who aren't elitists & just wants to discuss the game can unlike the shitposting in the other thread.

Nah, just regular D&D 5e but with an anime theme.

Thats pretty fine as well

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/pgg/ is that way

Fuck off user & leave my thread unless you want us to go to the other one & watch the rest of you bitch.

Is it so hard to just not try to troll with OP images? Why constantly try to force the community to bend to your whims, even when you fail every time? The outliers that are causing the problem are the ones trying to push their standards on a community that doesn't want them, what makes you call the people who are actually participating in the threads and community the childish ones?

Cool, have a Discord server: discord.gg/ktWMP

I'm not the OP and I'm in both threads. Also the thin-skinned faggots from lebbit are the ones trying to chance the community, as anime has been accepted here since the site'd inception.

That's where you're mistaken, I don't belong in /pgg/ because I'm actually trying to get a game going.

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>the ones trying to chance the community
Wouldn't that be the people in this thread, since it's much smaller and therefore a minority of the community at large?

So this is the FATAL edition of Dnd?

Maybe, but if there's such a monority, they would be better off having their threads somewhere else, like facebook.

A weebshit campaign would be fun, but I'd prefer it as more pic related than what other people have in mind.

Attached: RecordofLodossWar.jpg (1920x1080, 364K)

So the minority here should leave and go to Facebook?

Yes, the minority on Veeky Forums that can't deal with anime absolutely should.

Now who's acting childish? The majority of /5eg/ has no problem with things like anime reaction images or references to anime, just shitty anime OPs. Maybe you should think about how the community at large seems to be able to make this distinction but you can't.

Thanks user.

Damn it expired. Got another invite. Sorry about that.

No worries! Here's one set to not expire: discord.gg/XHgMe6J

Didn't notice the new thread before I finished writing so I'm reposting: I've got three questions if someone would enlighten me:
>which mundane martial class has most leadership/buff oriented abilities
>same as the above but from the martial classes with magical abilities
>did the Leadership feat (or an equivalent that gives you minions) make a return in one of the Unearthed Arcana or other books ?

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>Banneret or Purple Dragon Knight (it's trash)

As someone whos not dm'd for D&D before, how do i handle magical components? Books are a bit unhelpful.

Alright, I need to get into the religion stuff. What are the most iconic or archetypal DnD gods and where can I read about them?

The only real difference between this op and any other is the picture this thread's op chose.

Did you try reading page 203 of the PHB? What are you not understanding?

First talk to your DM. Most don't give a shit about the official D&D settings and will just use their deity names because they can't be asked to make up their own.

And it has been made clear time and time again that /5eg/ wants more on-topic images for the OPs. The majority here doesn't want to be /pfg/, so when you continue to try and force your views on the rest of the community you're only shitposting.

The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (it's in the trove) has blurbs on all the major gods in Forgotten Realms. If you're not playing FR then ask your DM or look for the campaign guide of whatever you're playing in.

This OP image is way better than generic knight #63

Repost from last thread

03/15/18(Thu)14:32:56 No.58521741
im building a dungeon and need a little assistance as its my first time. it takes place on a flying island

i plan on building it in 'layers' of a sort. the 'top layer' will be outside, where i intend to put a ghost town (literally filled with ghosts replaying the last day oftheir lives). the second level will be the inside of an abandoned temple, the third will be full of some sort of swarming creature that will roam the halls insearch of food (i intend to make them sometihng very hard for my party to kill in full numbers, but they will stop fighting to eat their own dead.). the third level will have some sort of giant beast that eats said swarmers if they come too low (i was thinking a Behir but purple worm is tempting as well), and the final level will be the final boss.

what i need is
1. a good giant monster (like an ogre or something) that can live outside that would be afraid of the swarmers in layer 2
2. a good rabid swarrming monster that can threaten a level 12 party in high numbers
3. a large creature that can scare said swarmers that can not only threaten a level 12 party, but is strong enough that they will WANT to not attract its attention (It can't be a dragon for story reasons)
4. interesting trap rooms.

any help would be appreciated.

This seemed the best place to ask... long story short, I have an Eldar-inspired race of moon elves (as in, elves that live on the moon) in my setting. Do the following make sense, as a dying race who literally have holes ripped in their souls and who have resigned themselves to dying in battle against alien invaders?

>Souls of dead elves are placed in construct bodies to continue fighting, ala Wraithguard.
>Similar constructs are used to house gems containing the souls of stillborn elven babies. When 108 stillborn souls are put in one construct, it becomes a new "living construct", ala Warforged.
>Elves who are the last survivors of their family line or otherwise overwhelmed by grief have been known to seek a glorious death in battle, almost exactly like Dwarf Slayers in Warhammer.
>One unique type of elven weapon is the Dirgeblade, a black sword soaked in litanies of grief and woe until its edge cuts the mind as well as flesh.