Warhammer 40000 General - /40kg/

Necron Hugs Editon!

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>WHTV Tip of the Day



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First for kill me

Will new Kill Team allow heavy units? It would be cool to run lootas or a killa kan

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Just play 40k at low points?

That sounds like a sweet gue'conversion and those chicken-legged suits are cute

Post your proud armies. I'm just so proud of my golden boys, ready to lay down their lives for the Emperor.

Sure hope no one gets into a big argument over them being a competitive army or not for the 1000th time.

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Cheer up user. This too shall pass.

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Someone asked me the other day to post about the time Tau players whined about other armies having better BS and the WH page following up by telling them Tau aren't good at shooting.
I just remembered and dug it up. Here.


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Have your models ever been damaged at a store or tournament?

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Post /Dudes/ you're working on!
I'll start:
>4th Sphere Expansion goes super bad
>Surviving Cadres start *blamming* their auxiliaries regardless of whether or not the warp got to them
>those who aren't executed flee
>one Ethereal (based on a baby sept made from a former Imperial helium-mining colony in the clouds of a backwater bespin/venus like planet) conspires with his Cadre to Schindler's list the remaining Auxiliaries and give them safe haven
>End up skirmishing with the Tau trying to purge the auxiliaries
>shit gets really tense, Tau blood spilt on both sides
>Fifth Sphere arrives and forces peace/coverup because of the PR nightmare
>Much of the Fourth Sphere leadership is purged and auxiliaries removed as per canon
>/my dudes'/ Ethereal is praised in private but told not to start shit again
>remains in control of his little slice of the Northern Territory, surrounded by other Tau who still despise him and feel like he's harboring literal monsters
>4th Sphere Cadres continue to harass/raid non-Tau populations under the 5th Sphere's nose
>Cadres of course deny involvement - claim that the attacks are DEldar/Imperials/Eldar Corsairs
>5th Sphere disapproves but don't act since Aun'Va wants the new Sphere Expansion to go perfect for muh propaganda
>Ethereal is forbidden from reprising against his fellow Tau
>In response the Ethereal establishes a 'Planetary Defense Cadre' to protect his population from the 'Pirates'.
>Heavily involves Human/Kroot Volunteers, writes off criticism since they're just a defense force after all, right?
>Newly formed 'Retribution Cadre' begins turning more and more into the Ethereal's private army, specializes in wiping out 'pirates' quickly then disappearing back into the clouds before anyone can report in
>both sides remain cordial and cooperative even while waging a proxy-war behind the 5th Sphere's back

Basically it's Cold War/Brushfire Wars: Tau edition

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Looks more like Tau Player

>Will new Kill Team allow heavy units? It would be cool to run lootas or a killa kan
Why wouldn't it. Old Kill Team let you.

Real question is will it allow 2+ Save models


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Maybe, but it is what it is. Thanks senpai

I’ve tried playing 500pt games where each unit splits into individual models, try this but for 250-400 and it might be perfect for you. I agree though, bringing a unit of terminators to fight through 20 genestealers is fun as fuck for games

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Are you doing ok soldier? Need to talk to a chaplain? In all seriousness I hope you weather the storm user. Good times will come again .

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Kroot codex when?

What imperial army makes the best source for air support in an ad mech army?

Thanks! That pic is honestly a big part of why I thought of setting up my Cadre this way.
Imagine a bunch of those set up on platforms in the floating cities, missiles and railguns ready to delete anybody who comes to fuck with them.
Plus I think the Imperial/Tau fusion aesthetic is just so neat.

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Power/points cap likely.
2+ saves will probably be allowed since GW won't let any factions sit out. Well, aside from Knights I guess.

No need to become that agressive, dude. Her being high ranked in the Astartes , being as strong as a muhrine and having a power armor is what matters. Is having progenoid glands or not still an issue for chaos marines at this point? Those things must be rotted as hell, so to speak.

I asked this last thread but didn't really get an answer: is there a good reason to take a Screamer Killer Carnifex over a regular Carnifex with talons, tail, and tusks? Because the regular carnifex gets 2 extra attacks on a charge compared to a screamer killer.

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"found themselves with"

Wait wut? Since when did they no invent their shit?


New plot development. We finally know what Blackstone is. It's Warp magnets! Their influence on the Warp is dictated by their polarity.

The Necrons want to gather the Blackstone for some unknown purpose.

The Admech on the other hand want to create the Imperial pylons and place them all around the borders of the Great Rift and then activate them. Sorta like stitching close a wound. The thing is if they get their calculations wrong, then they threaten to obliterate the whole galaxy by causing the Great Rift to explosively expand.

What's your opinion on all of this? Is this another step to make thing noblebright or will it make things worse?

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I've only almost painted one model in this army. I keep changing ideas and running proof of concepts up.
>tfw I finally found out how to paint yellow
>tfw I'm still not a good painter pls no bully

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>gw's social media team actually making sense
What the fuck

They must've assimilated it from one of their allies?

Veeky Forums what's the best 40k kit and why is it the carnifex?

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Tau absolutely invented their shit. Unless GeeDubs wants to lose all subtlety and go with a full-on 'Chariots of the Gods' origin story where the Tau never got past black powder and were just handed the rest by some mysterious benefactors.

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Obviously Decepticon technology.

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WH Facebook page also supported the removal of conversions after white dwarf had articles on converting different IG regiments and making Dreadknight Grand Masters, taking the word of some PR stacy as fact is retarded

The tau I may or may not ever actually complete are pirates. Fucked off to make dolla dolla, fuck bitches, drink, and basically enjoy excessive/violent lifestyle similarly to human pirates because they thought it sounded alright after fighting alongside some human mercs for a while.

If you have access to Forgeworld (or Forgeworld East) then Space Marines with a chapter tactic that plays well off your army. Xiphons for anti air, I like Fire Raptors for pretty much everything else.

She's not as strong as a marine even with her mutations. Almost every time a marine with some spine comes in, she loses leadership. She holds command over drugged out marine with no sense of direction and having her companion-bitch marine following her around and protecting her also helped.

Sounds like their ethereal shat the bed and they've lost faith in the gooder great

Blood Angels, 500 points, will it work?

- slamguinius, gift of foresight
- jump company ancient holding standard of sacrifice
- 2x company veteran squads, plasma pistols and chainswords

>vets ride in rhino
>characters deep strike
>everyone overcharges plasma all the time
>captain smashes the shit out of everything
>captain doesnt die because invuln save, warlord fnp save, sos fnp save, veterans taking the wound, veterans taking sos fnp save
>everyone shoots overloaded plasma pistols again when they die

'Not understanding the tech they fucking invented' aside the point about the Tau lifespan is 100% reasonable.
Tau veterans basically have a built-in expiration date and most croak before they can come within spitting distance of the type of understanding an Astartes/Eldar/CSM has. Dying young is a bitch.
I say this all as a Taufag. Even the Commanders put on Ice can't know more than 30 years' worth tops. That's what makes Farsight so dangerous.

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Bolters should reroll wounds for their explosion after effect. Maybe reroll for ones so it's stronger on weaker opponents.

The guys who run the social media of GW are notoriously bad at the fluff.

>tau given their technology
What the fuck? Other than their engines their whole gimmick is developing advanced technology

Nah, he got shot pretty quick into the conflict, and since it was a pretty small scale thing (comparatively) the commander didn't call for a replacement right away since he figured he could do it himself. Then he got ideas.

I thought that was the story.

>When polarised one way, blackstone stabilises the warp. When polarised the other, it *amplifies* it.
Shouldn't be surprised about 40k pulling the whole 'oh the battery was the wrong way around!' thing but bloody hell

The scream ability I suppose

And their swords
And their plasma

T'au enter the service at what? Age 10+? They live to 40. That's like 30 years of combat. That's comparable to humans who enter the service in 18-20+ and then retire at 50-60.

Change to AP means 2+ saves are likely to be included. I'm just wondering how Leadership will be worked out. Changes to 8e means it's even messier in Kill Team off 40k proper. It'd be interesting to see what they come up with.

AdMech does, Icarus Onagers all day
>I never run neutron
>If there's nothing in the sky you own the sky

Very cool user. I'm obviously biased as hell but I love the idea of more and more splinter groups popping up/Tau going rogue.
Seems to me like this would start happening more and more after the time skip/5th Sphere. I think GW would be mad to not drive this point forward as the fluff continues. The rate of expansion the Tau have been on would naturally lead to spin-off factions. Especially since the Ethereals' solution to farsight has been to 'ignore it till it goes away'.

Dark Angels have some nice flyers including some flying HQs if you wanted a full air support detachment

>that's comparable to humans
Correct, that's why they're both bs4+

God, this is so fucking stupid. I don't even give a shit about the stats because I don't actually play the game, but the mental gymnastics these faggots will do to justify their hardons for the Imperium is laughable.

It is constantly brought up in the lore how gifted and intelligent the Tau are, and what amazing feats of technology they're capable of. And even a soldier with a few years of training will know how to shoot a fucking rifle, especially something as accurate and long-range as a pulse rifle. But these faggots are British so they've probably never been near a gun in their entire life, it makes sense that they have no idea what they're talking about.

Everything about the Tau is contradictory as fuck. I remember when they first came out they really emphasized the long-range, pinpoint accuracy of them. Then ever since they've been retconning them, going so far as to say they have shitty depth perception (what?).

The people that write these Codices are fucking stupid faggots. If they would just admit their bias towards the Imperium I would be happy, but they seem hellbent on pretending they're being fair and impartial.

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If I was Tau player, I would decorate bases of my fire warriors with cuckstodes head after reading this shit.

Thank you for the enlightenment and the name for my first squad name. "Bitchmarines" is precisely what I needed.

so the dark eldar can regenerate from a little piece of themselves after they die, right? what would happen if they did that regeneration while they're still alive? Would that clone have a piece of the oringinals soul or would it be an empty husk or... what?

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But man by 40 they've got to be old right? They're already relatively frail and we've seen wrinkled old Tau before. Outside of battlesuits I don't see the equivalent of Tau geriatrics still participating in combat.
Even so, all of it is peanuts compared to the centuries of experience a lot of the other races get. Only close comparison IMO would be non-aug humans like the Guard.

No, the story was that the Tau were divided up among various nations killing each other. Then the Ethereals arrived and made them all get along, so they channeled their energy into creating advanced technology.

They invented their shit. The guy running the GW page is just a fucking retard.

>the tau are just one of shockwaves many experiments
Fund it.

>4th company exorcists stuck fighting daemonic incursion on the wrong side of the great rift
>admech looking to secure toaster-based relics and make sure their NAP isn’t violated by any aliens or other faggots in the area, also settle the score with some dark mechanicum that betrayed them back in the day
>imperial knights that decided to bro out with the admech in exchange for repairs, but are mostly concerned with being honorable and “just”
>grey knights that pop in and out wherever they’re needed most, Superman style
>custodes looking to enrico dandolo the shit out of the many perverbial heretic Constantinoples, mostly just cranky that all the shit they spent years on back in the great crusade is ruined
>deathwatch monastery set up right on the maelstrom before the whole fall of Cadia thing, now bust with a million threats and constantly bouncing between defending their sector and going on anti-Xenos missions
>iron hands that sit on my shelf and wait for the sweet release of death because nobody plays 30k anymore

But T'au have better sight range than humans. The only suffer when fighting moving targets because of their slow focusing eye reflex.

As we know, most of the units in 40K's TT are stationary.

Hes messy but finally has a head. Im pleased at how hes turned out especially as ive been back into the hobby for less than a year and the greenstuffing was completely new to me.

Did you manage to get anything done today user?

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Dawnblade is a relic so its the exception
Plasma tech was harvested then adapted, tau plasma doesnt overheat and is much safer

I think the point was what about human IG Vets being BS3+

So here is a SM list built out of my 10 yr old marinelets (the veterans) and tonks plus some new stuff (primaris and LEVIATHAN )

Feels like it needs more specialized firepower. The abundance of S7 and S4 with AP seems capable of handling most threats. The LC as well as the Dreads fists and the HQs weapons should handle most things that need a bit more strength to punch through.



Aurora Chapter 2k (Ultramarine Succesors)

Battalion Detachment:

Captain w/ Jump Pack, MC boltgun, The Santic Halo, TH

Lieutenants w/ Jump Pack, MC boltgun, TH

3x Vanilla Intercessor Squad

Vanguard Detachment:

Techmarine on Bike w/ Combi-melta, Power maul

Sternguard Veteran Squad w/ 9 dudes ,Special issue boltgun, PF on sarge

Venerable Dreadnought w/ Twin LC, Stormbolter

Venerable Dreadnought w/ Ass cannon, HFlamer

Spearhead Detachment:

Sergeant Chronus inna Predator w/ Quad LC

Predator w/ Pred cannon, HBolters

Predator w/ Pred cannon, HBolters

Relic Leviathan Dreadnought w/ Claw, Stormcannon

Battalion Detachment:

Captain w/ Jump Pack, MC boltgun, The Santic Halo, TH

Lieutenants w/ Jump Pack, MC boltgun, TH

3x Vanilla Intercessor Squad

Vanguard Detachment:

Techmarine on Bike w/ Combi-melta, Power maul

Sternguard Veteran Squad w/ 9 dudes ,Special issue boltgun, PF on sarge

Venerable Dreadnought w/ Twin LC, Stormbolter

Venerable Dreadnought w/ Ass cannon, HFlamer

Spearhead Detachment:

Sergeant Chronus inna Predator w/ Quad LC

Predator w/ Pred cannon, HBolters

Predator w/ Pred cannon, HBolters

Relic Leviathan Dreadnought w/ Claw, Stormcannon

Dude, it's said that the T'au maintain their youth and vigour for all their lives except for the last years of their years where the effects of old age suddenly kick in.

So the T'au have more or less 30 years of explosive youth and health. Also the T'au are not frail. They have same strength and stamina levels of humans.

If you are a Taufag, you should KYS now.

You do know tau shoot the same as regular humans right? The only people who shoot better are the soldiers with hundreds of years of experience like custodes, eldar , necrons and marines.

Remember guys, Killteam isnt using the 8th edition rule set and will be incorporating a d10 system so theres a lot more flexibility when it comes to high defense characters

They invented their own plasma.

And T'au don't manufacture combat swords.

This user beat me to the punch but he's correct. The most spoopy thing in their lore is the warpstorm that kept them from being paved for an Imperial Parking Lot back when they were waving sticks around.
By the time of the Ethereals the Fire Warriors were comanche raiders running around with rifles and the future Earth Caste had fuckhuge fortresses lined with Cannon. Ethereals just got them to put their innovation towards something other than murdering each other/not getting murdered.
*inception noise*
I can't tell if I'm more happy about the Dandolo reference or that you run Exorcists. Such an underrated Chapter.

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Tau players are only happy if their units are flat out better than comparable factions.

>The people that write these Codices are fucking stupid faggots. If they would just admit their bias towards the Imperium I would be happy, but they seem hellbent on pretending they're being fair and impartial.
>a thousand year old perfectly crafted super soldier should shoot tge same as a 15 uear old fire warrior or else it is biased

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What is the difference of the Old Black Library Mega with the normal one?

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I knew it was a different rule set, but where did you hear/see the d10 bit?

>Then ever since they've been retconning them, going so far as to say they have shitty depth perception (what?).

That's a feature that came with the T'au since their intro into the setting in 3th ED. It was this fact that was suppose to make them shit at melee.

It'll be interesting to see that play out. I would like a system with a good deal more granularity at the individual infantry model level so you have a wider range of skill and toughness representation. Anything from a Scavvie to a Guardsman to a Terminator would be neat to play around with.

The new Van Zaar and Kill Team are what I find most inspiring lately. I might even finish up my Space Hulk 'stealers and Overkill hybrids by the time it arrives.

Yes but only if you use the classic model.

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>Firewarriors should be BS4+
Because they're standard troops
>Suits should be BS3+
Because superior technology
>Vehicles should be BS3+
Because vehicle targeting systems
>Commanders should not be restricted
Because they're not op
>Marker drones should be BS2+
Because they're better tech than the imperium has

>The Necrons want to gather the Blackstone for some unknown purpose.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume it's the same goal as the admech. As for the noblebright odds are neither goal will be complete considering them fighting over it.

I'd be quite happy if they made BS3 a pricey system suits and vehicles could take. Or a system that grants that with 2 or 3 markerlights instead of five.

In the video preview you can see a d10 on the table

But drones are suppose to have terrible shooting.

They're robots with the minds of birds.

hes baiting

I think they should re-roll 1s to wound on infantry.

>relatively frail
>relatively short-lived
I'm speaking in relation to the fucking cartoon character powerhouses they share the galaxy with man. A Tau can decently 1v1 a normal human. Most of the things crawling around the galaxy punch at a higher weight class than that.
I always interpreted Tau old age to mean like what? 35? Something thereabouts. That's what I meant by 'Tau geriatrics'.
More importantly if they go in around 8-10 and 'retire' by 35 or so (if they make it that long) that's a couple decades of combat service. Respectable to be sure, but nowhere near the centuries that some of the other races' troops have under their collective belts.
Is the average Tau probably more squared away than the average guardsman? Certainly. But are they particularly experienced compared to galactic space knights that live for millenia and the constantly-respawning S&M elves they fight? Not so much.

As for necking myself? I play Tau. I'm dead on the inside already.

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I wish regular 40k had a more in-depth system for showing the differences between units.

A slightly different toughness isn't a good indicator of the strength difference between a Termie and a Custodian, for example.

I just noticed that in the streamed game, GW's thought it was okay to have the Orks player bring a 1501pt list to a 1500pt game.

Attached: GW orks 1501pts.png (434x707, 23K)

now I feel geriatric..

Probably but the Crons would probably get it right. AdMech is a fucking coin toss whether they save the galaxy or plunge the whole fucking thing directly into the warp.

Ah, I see it. There’s also a D6, so we’ll see how they make use of it all

>Because they're better tech than the imperium has

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I can't stand fighting against Necrons.
I always refuse games with Cron player because reanimation is just so damn frustrating and unfair to play against.
>"Oh? you spent all of your turn reducing my lychguard to 1 model? Fuck you they're back. Your entire turn was pointless."
Anyone else feel this way?

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Do the admech treat servitors with as much reverence as they'd treat a super nintendo?

Then explain this.

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Well, the system is much more abstracted because it needs to accommodate anything from a baseline human to tanks to massive walking engines of war. A system where near every model is infantry of some sort can have that granularity expanded upon, the system itself no longer needing to accommodate anything beyond possibly light vehicles, and instead expanding on the greater variance between these various infantry types.

>People are offering to split the Forgebane box with me
>Only think I'll use the Cryptek and Wraiths since I don't think I need any more Immortals/LG right now
What should I do?

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Ding ding we have a winner
>Tau shitposting gets the most (you)s
You win some boltgun ammunition

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