What's your favourite type of elf, Veeky Forums?

What's your favourite type of elf, Veeky Forums?

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Tolkien ones. If not the Morrowind ones where decent.

Wood elf

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Fertile ones, preferably dark skinned.

Medium rare one

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booty elf.

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Disgusting, don't think you ever liked elves in the first place.

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Freaky little keebler/santa elves.
Actually, I prefer when Elf is just a broad catagory of creatures, much like say Fae or Goblin, that can be ascribed to multiple kinds of creatures.

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How many elf threads a day do we need? Who tells me these aren't just another shitposting attempt?

So Gnomes?

One that's dead. I hate Elves

Naked female ones

Badass elves.

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This kind.
Green, tusked, muscular, and not elven at all. The dead elves are a red herring. Gotcha!

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As a phone poster I can admit it's almost always a lazy attempt at getting sfw lewds posted here so I can sagely browse at work without having to visit /aco/.

Highelves, specifically Eberron ones.

How about you do not shit up Veeky Forums instead?

What is a Gnome, but really another subcategory of elves in the broader mythological sense? Besides, Elves in mythology predate Gnomes, who only came around later during the Renaissance

World police.

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Orcs are just corrupted elves anyway

Nah, they're too low level to have ever been elves


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That's an opinion one can respect.

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The Backstabbing kind.


Dwarfish elves.

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My original character donut steele elf waifu.


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The kind that can change their sex.

A very small minority of drow that gets hunted down by followers of Lolth?

Getting raped by Melkor level drained them, that's why

You can safely assume any thread that opens with a single sentence question is shitposting. Doubly so if it's something lewd.

>TFW your race is badass enough to build mecha out of brass and steam that are able to take on entire civilizations on their own

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(actually sorry, I got a bit of that wrong. Numidium was powered by the heart of a dead god. Still, the regular steam-powered automatons are plenty enough deadly, some being the size of elephants or even bigger)

I blame /v/ this time.

Whichever ones have the most absurdly long ears. Like "Every time I turn in the street I decapitate at least three people".

So Orsimer?

That's some pansy pelt

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So Jak and Daxter elves?

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It's pretty much guaranteed to be /v/ runoff based on posting style. They're thirsty for (you)s but /v/ is too fast for them to savor them, and as of late at least /v/ seems to have mods/janitors cleaning the very obvious stuff that seems to left to fester here.

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Yeah, that's pretty good. Really making sure you can see from far away that they're elves.

>not on a badass chariot
Get on my level.

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Also /v/ is currently dead, /a/ and /b/ too

Best kind are Ice Elves

Worst kind are the ones that climb up your favorite tree and wont come back down. It'll just be all smug at you while you yell at it.

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Also Veeky Forums.

I thought it's all the fast and popular boards but on the other hand /pol/ and /int/ are unaffected.

Axe Elf

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Elder Scrolls solved the eternal elves vs dwarves debate by making dwarves into elves.

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chocolate cream filled

Nice pic. Elves should use axes more often, they are weapons associated with the wilds, but not too crude that they become un-elfy.

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Use Google

>kills your elf god
>low level

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Femdom elves

>Lives inna woods
>Fantastical structures of Brick and Glass
>Casually racist

This is a good type
Especially if they're tall

Japanese Ero-elves


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Good choice.

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Subservient slave elves working on a magical Southern Plantation picking cotton and working the magical cotton gin. Sometimes their fingers get caught in the gin and we have to use magic to give them their fingers back. Then we whip 'em for getting blood on the product.

Fuck, I want to live on a magical southern style plantation and sip mint juleps brought to me by elf slaves. I want that soooooo bad.

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Purple elves. I dunno, I just like the color purple, and glowing eyes seems to work best with them.

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boy A CUTE

Another slave. I have a whole folder of these, but a bunch are lewd so I won't post them all here on a blue board. I imagine every single one has a number and a different job to do on the plantation. Most of them just pick cotton but some of them do housework and other things. I thought about naming them but then I realized I'd just call them all "Boy" or Girl" or maybe "elf" so I gave them all numbers instead.

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This seemed the best place to ask... long story short, I have an Eldar-inspired race of moon elves (as in, elves that live on the moon) in my setting. Do the following make sense, as a dying race who literally have holes ripped in their souls and who have resigned themselves to dying in battle against alien invaders?

>Souls of dead elves are placed in construct bodies to continue fighting, ala Wraithguard.
>Similar constructs are used to house gems containing the souls of stillborn elven babies. When 108 stillborn souls are put in one construct, it becomes a new "living construct", ala Warforged.
>Elves who are the last survivors of their family line or otherwise overwhelmed by grief have been known to seek a glorious death in battle, almost exactly like Dwarf Slayers in Warhammer.
>One unique type of elven weapon is the Dirgeblade, a black sword soaked in litanies of grief and woe until its edge cuts the mind as well as flesh.

4e's Feywild Eladrin, especially the ice-bringing Winterkin Eladrin. I wish they'd given us more Ghaele/Bralani/Courre/etc Paragon Paths.

The ones with the feminine dick.
Nha, Moon elves from FR are my favourites

The very rarely seen Plains Elf.

my favorite are 3.5 high elves and faerunian moon elves

4e split elves into elves and eladrin, and I like both as they are represented, but my ideal elf is a mix of both

I actually don't care much for tolkien elves. I don't like warhammer elves at all. Elder scrolls elves are mostly bad, but I can make a bosmer that I can live with. Humans with pointy ears are bad. Anime elves are bad.

Pic related is what got me into liking elves in the first place

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in name only. Orcs in tes are the real dwarves, while somehow also being orcs.

Live in mountain fortresses in clans, gruff tough guys, good at heavy armor/axes and hammers/blocking/smithing.


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Good-aligned femdom elves.

Basically anything Japan makes.

>Good-aligned femdom elves.
Brilliant, what kind of femdom though?

There's a thought; the drow are already flavored as basically the Femdom Elves in canon - how do we spin them into being Good-aligned versions of that?

People like this are in every thread and I hope they get pogromed.

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Loving, affectionate, but slightly demeaning femdom?
Or maybe something a bit harder but still benevolent? A sorta strict, lawful, "Obey your mistress and she'll treat you well" style femdom?

Based weirdo poster

Continue though

How about a semi-matriarchial society, one that normally has females in leadership and dominant positions, but doesn't horrifically oppress the menfolk and believes that they actually have worthy roles in society?

Something like the Iroquois Confederacy?

A dead one

The better of the two best kinds of elves.
Sorry Potato elf.

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A bit lighter on the femdom than what I'd think of as a "good drow", but yeah that'd work

Brown thicc best thicc

a dead elf

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Cum soaked

Kinda cool. For the 3rd one maybe you could make them grim and silent like Phoenix Guard

Good choice!

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The one who did nothing wrong. RIP

I prefer my elves as just a subset of humans

Magical potential, maybe a tiny bit stronger and more agile, but not demigods

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Anime elves, idgaf

Honorable mention to the occasional manly elves like Warhammers Lion guys

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Anime elves are cancer and you should fuck off to whatever board you came from.

Elf-haters, please go back to .

Tall elves

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The only time since... 1990(?) I've played and elf was in 4e, because I really liked the Elf/Eladrin split. I always felt normal D&D elves were just too many things and "too good" (which makes sense in context of their Tolkien roots, but shit for gameplay), the divide between elf and eladrin fixed that for me, so I again felt they were a race I could enjoy.