Imagine if we had Veeky Forums related ads to ignore and not buy instead
>Blue Board
Do those even make any money or are they jus there to make things awkward when I'm at work?
you think that chinese conman gives a fuck? he's still trying to circumvent adblockers.
at least they don't have fucking sound.... yet
I'm surprised there's enough people with the minor internet savvy to get to Veeky Forums who aren't using some form of adblock.
>Do those even make any money or are they jus there to make things awkward when I'm at work?
lmao right
You can browse Veeky Forums at work? All of Veeky Forums is shut off for me for being "adult content," yes, even the blue boards.
Well, possibly money in the way of people paying for gold passes to avoid them.
I'm assuming gold passes don't get ads, because if they did, what'd be the fucking point?
>what's the point
To shitpost faster
He probably owns a smart phone/tablet and browses Veeky Forums openly like a nerd
And looking at it, it doesn't mention getting rid of ads. So, well... paying cash to shitpost faster seems to be the only point. Oh joy.
That's fucking exactly what I do
And to phone shit post
Imagine phone posting being disabled, and /v/ gets deleted
It's sad, I always used to have 4chins whitelisted in the past and would even click an ad occasionally just because but once hiroshimoot took over and started putting on these shit-tier clickbait ads that probably direct to malware anyways I turned adblock back on for the whole site.
Do you not?
Imagine them making the pink boards pass only "to protect underage kids."
My workplace for some reason has an Xfinity hotspot on it, somehow.
It's super sketchy, this is at defense lab
I miss the J-List ads. They were fun
Who's that jizz djinni at the top
The site would die
A perfect world doesnt exi-...
OP’s filename structyre would indicate that he’s phoneposting, so chances are there’s no good adblock available.
I do find it strange that these ads show up. But what I really can’t believe are the photos that this bride leaked from her wedding night
This. Same for me here. Adblocks on phone aren't exactly something everyone has.
I do and I’m a nerd. That’s why I made this thread because I can’t let people see my screen because of these ads
>Implying it's hard to find Veeky Forums
Bitch please
no company nerd company would advertise on Veeky Forums becuase it's fucking 4 chan. All someone has to do is screencap a /pol/bait thred with their logo by it and said company is fucked. Thanks for the catgirl though
>internet savy
>all you have to do is type in www.Veeky
>you dont need a proxy or tor anymore because there is no illegal content on Veeky Forums anymore
My grandma could get on Veeky Forums and she asks me to type her e-mails
Give me your credit card info and I'll tell you
Ok what's your email?
What is mobile Firefox?
Pretty poorly targeted adds desu.
You're not using an app for it? Don't just use a browser, you'll get malware.
Wait, really?
>he doesn't have a Veeky Forums Gold Account®
Yeah, really. The claim is the current batch of ads is better but I don't buy it. Unless you got some ad and script blocks, I wouldn't just visit on mobile. I block everything since I don't mobile post anyway and just read between meetings.
Now that I stopped getting banned all the time I really should just pay the troll toll. Nothing worse than solving a bunch of captcha shit just to type a one word reply
I swear it’s getting worse and worse. I just had to select 6 rounds of street signs. Gotta make money somehow
There's an adblocking phone browser I use on Android that's done well by me.
Anything that discourages me from posting on Veeky Forums is probably a positive force in my life