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Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion
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Post blood elf feet
Was the Scarlet Crusade built from the ashes of Garithos' army or did it form up independently with or without the dreadlord?
I believe it formed around Alexandros Mograine and the Ashbringer and was corrupted later
With the dreadlord kinda.
The people of Lordaeron were always very religious
See most of their kind become undead probably drove a lot of them mad and pushed them toward zealotry
Trollets extinct.
Now, Orclets on the other hand...
What's this threads obsession with this character? I see her in almost every OP. I played WoW for a long time and I don't recall this ever being a thing.
Most of Paladins had to sit it out when Arthas disbanded them, also they likely went into mountains, probably to clear the way for those that Arthas, Sylvanas, and Kel'Thuzad have killed.
>sylvanis goes full plagueslag
>Scarlet Crusade reborn under the leadership of resurrected Othmar Garithos
>Burn the Dead
>Orc in Camps
>Elves As Fodder
>horde is now good guys
>but getting there asses kicked
>plucky resistance questlines
ideal future.
Waifufags will waifu anything, and as Warfront gives Stromgarde, Stromfags had to find a waifu of their own.
>We're probably gonna get vulpera before ogres
>/v/ still down
I mean I prefer you guys anyway but what happened? Did Hiromoot pull the plug?
I would just be ok with Sylvanas being a raid boss this expansion. My blade has wanted her blood for a long time.
What Alliance character could become a raid boss in the near future, to balance the constant horde raids? Alleria? Genn?
none both sides are gonna take care of the sylvanas problem
Watching MMO Champion Sylvanas fags meltdown over the Saurfang dialogue and defending genocide is delightful
leave... all of you need to leave
WoW is abomination
Genn, Tyrande, Alleria, Jaina, or either of the Wrynns
>Zandalari Paladins
Good, considering that they're likely to be the last Paladins the Horde ever gets. Mogu Paladins I could see, but that's a twinkle in Ion's eye at this point.
Have the Mogu any relation to the Light?
Although it's important to realize that with getting Paladins, Zandalari will likely not have one or more of the following classes: Warlock, Mage, Rogue, Monk. Paladins, despite being completely justified in lore, will come at a cost.
it will never cease to amuse me that blizzard had enough foresight to not give you any option to rep with scarlet crusade, because they knew no matter how shitty a process they made it and no matter what penalties doing so applied to a character would stop it from being the most popular faction and PR disaster.
Not any more than the Pandaren or Goblins do, but more importantly it's a class that fits the Mogu perspective- the righteousness, the duty to a greater power, smashing opponents with hammers and heavy armor, the lot.
And plus they're just reskinned Draenei and have allied with the Zandalari both in the past and more recently in MoP. And just imagine the interactions between the Mogu and 'mongrel servant races' like Pandaren, the tension of knowing their day in the sun is over but they can still achieve some glory by following the orders of these greenskins.
/v/ and Veeky Forums broke mah boi.
I got rep with the Syndicate for funsies. Mich to many a rogue's annoyance. I RPed as a Scarlet during vanilla, and I'd have been all over repping with them.
>I got rep with the Syndicate for funsies.
I vaguely recall it being possible for Rouges back in the day, as the opposite option to Ravenholdt, but I don't remember crap about how you actually got that rep. Any help with recalling?
I assume you check the box to attack Ravenholdt members and find some low-level ones to farm for ever. Sort of like the Bloodsail/Bilgewater reps.
Well, has it. It's basically murder the $@ out of all the Ravenholdt NPCs.
How the FUCK are we supposed to deal with THIS hordebros????
AAARRGHH, Light, plz save me
We use a mage to teleport our own WMD onto its bridge.
Wait, is it confirmed?
relocating to Quel'thalas and hide behind the magical shield of the Sunwell
>Vindicaar does a warp jump and appears over ogrimmar
>Defense forces mobilized
>Wyvern riders take to the skies and throw their spears and axes at it
>Goblins contraptions fling giant boulders at it
>Boulders fail to reach it and fall to the ground crushing homes and scores of civilians
>Vindicaar begins bombardment of orgrimmar and reduces the city to ash
basically. Ion in his Q&A gave som evasive answers that could be interpretated as a confirmation
i don't know but i suspect it involves about 40 random mercs
Saurfang will never abandon the Horde, only its Warchief. He'll be back, one way or another.
Sorry Bluecucks I know it pains your power fantasy to think someone can be a good guy without bending the knee to Blanduin.
He admitted that they had a Paladin order, and it was the very first question that he addressed. But basically, he said the Zandalari story isn't over and they could be restored. Or in other words, he's not going spoil how the story ends, and telling us if Zandalari Trolls will be Paladins again would be a spoiler.
One of the others was pointing out that they realized, because of feedback, that the Zandalari were too short. So now they're really fucking tall and literally make Orcs look like manlets.
Give me strength, Light!
You mad?
Are you?
is that motherfucking Lobo?
It's a big angry Panda Ghost.
>Goblin/Gnome space race
>the Gnomes get a surprising amount of support from the Night Elves, because they really don't want Goblins on the moon
Is Warcraft space opera now?
Did Syndicate even gave any neat rewards, like Bloodsail Admiral title and hat?
Long ago, Trolls reverse engineered the Titan tech of Uldir to create space ship. The Zandalari will call to their space brothers, as Kangz are won't to do, and we'll begin the final expansion.
Trolls in Space.
>Flying Zandalari temples
>Full of Trolls and laser dinosaurs
>Unlike Draenei, Zandalari has clean record of crashing dimensional ships
Trolls in Space is da best timeline, mon.
>Ogre can be a ninja AND a pirate at the same time
How can other races even compete?
Is there a reason this doesn't use the updated tabard chest model?
Have fun playing by yourself.
>final expansion involves a corrupted Azeroth hatching at last
>entire planet is utterly destroyed in the process
>all races forced to evacuate in a hurry in their respective spaceships
>they start colonizing different planets and building interstellar empires
>sequel to WoW takes place some years in the future in a more explicit science-fantasy setting, players explore the universe while fighting the influence of the Dark Titan
can see it happening to be honest. nowhere else for the setting to go except full 40k.
Same reason we had that scarlet faggot and the the niceguy paladins.
Sounds a lot like Age of Sigmar. Though to be fair, it might be easier to fit the tone of an extremely high fantasy setting to Warcraft than to Warhammer, so it could be good.
>either of the wrynns
Did Anduin finally have a kid?
As long as there is a troll raid the expansion will be good.
The army of light is already there for the Sigmarines role.
seriously trolls suck.....I can see why a horde fan boy would like sylvanas and the dark theme of the undead but trolls are a we wuz faction...come to think of it...In game I never see any horde talking about troll lore or even having any interest in trolls. Its mostly online horde fan boy communities.
Sounds like somebody needs a little bit of a taz'dingle
I don't think you've ever spent any time around Horde RPers if you actually think this. Go back to Goldshire, memelord.
I honestly can't wait for the future of Human paladin lore. We are in a great spot. Sylvanas will be punished for her cruelties to humanity and the forsaken will be crucified on the walls of Lordaeron.
Is there any component of this fanbase more boring, single-minded, and obnoxious than people who unironically think human paladins are the best part of the lore?
Traditionalists on the left, extremists on the right.
Dude you are fuckign delusional from Vanilla-Wrath Human Paladin lore was the most hyped with everyone theorizing about the light, ashbringer, paladin orders, uthers ghost and so on....They were the most popular class for a reason too. The lore behind them.
I miss the days of Warcraft 3 when the art style was just exaggerated, and not full-on shiny bullshit everywhere.
The Lightbringer would be rolling in his fucking grave at this. Crucifying? Whatever happened to "vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do?"
Go to bed, Arthas.
>They were the most popular class for a reason too. The lore behind them.
>The lore
No it were the most popular class because it was the only one you could play while masturbating.
t. Vanilla paladin main
its not vengeance its justice and justice demands retribution.
Hello, boys. Step aside so a real Paladin can get to work.
Yeah but it doesn't demand inhumane executions. Knock their heads off and get it over with.
So has Liadrin don anything significant since BC other than apparently finding the battered hilt after grinding Pit of Saron?
I havent played a paladin in Legion, I assume she has some kind of role in their order hall.
Of the various cancers afflicting these threads, paladinposters are the worst. Even worse than the Stromboli retard who keeps spamming his armor transmog and the Literally Who questgiver waifu
It'll probably crash into a mountain, if the last two ships made by Draenei are any indication.
Reminder she is a great singer youtube.com
>only one you could play while masturbating.
why would you lie on the internet?
They always conveniently forget the compassion etc. parts of the order and just pretend that they're fucking space marines. Which they kind of are now, some at least.
Yes, she's the de facto Lieutenant for the Highlord (Player) and the Class Representative. She also has some bants with the DKs during their campaign.
As it stands, she's the strongest Paladin Horde side and is only beaten out in general by Turalyon, and even then not by a wide margin. Player not included, of course.
bullshit Turalyon is on the same power level as Tirion. Liadrin is not even close.
> It was she who first spoke to other humans about visions of the Light. In her dreams, Mereldar saw five strange, inhuman forms thrumming with holy power that filled her mind with the wisdom of holiness, protection, justice, retribution, and compassion. When she put their wordless teachings into practice, power seemed to flow through her, miraculously curing wounds and illnesses. Mereldar met with others who had also reported seeing the visions, and together they codified and wrote down the wisdom of this higher power, based on the tenet of selflessness and a belief that the Light dwelled in all things. The movement sparked widespread faith in the Light and became the predominant human religion, and centuries later the different Light-based traditions and belief systems were codified by Lordaeron's leaders into the Church of the Holy Light.
Even if that's true, which is bizarre that it would be considering Legion suggests instead humanity got Light-worship from Tyr - a character that's been central to human lore such as the Silver Hand and Tirisfal Glades since forever - it wouldn't mean the humans worship the Naaru. They still worship the Light and its practices directly rather than the creatures that conveyed that information to Mereldar. So in a sense humans/elves/dwarves are still better at Light worship than the Draenei and put it to much better use than the Naaru.
There are many ways to interpret justice. What matters is that they're sincere and internally valid, because otherwise it's just hypocrisy and fundamentalism.
I wasn't even in this thread until now but you just had to summon me, and here I am.
They're both characters in the Stromgarde warfront who can face off against one another.
Is he? What all have we seen him do, come to think?
>Beat Doomhammer, who admittedly had just faced off against Lothar
>Led the Outland Expedition
>Had an extremely nebulous near 1000 year war leading the Lightforged, accompanied by at least one Naaru, and was apparently slowly losing
>Gets blocked one handed by Illidan, admittedly just after getting depowered by Xe'ra's death
I'd say Turalyon's the better leader and would win in a fight but it's not a stomp in his favor.
Turalyon somehow got weaker after fighting constantly for 1000 years and becoming lightforged
That or Illidan's plot armor is that strong, which is likely.
Holy shit, you dug up a pic from several months ago?
>They were the most popular class for a reason too.
The fuck they weren't, bubble-boy. Rogues were by far the most popular because they were OP as hell, followed by huntards.
Perhaps they were the most popular among 12-year olds, as was the most common age of paladin players.
He beat Gorefiend, the OG death knight
Priest, Warlock, Druid, or Mage?
Mage is the intelligent man's choice.
Warlock is the cool man's choice
Druid is the calm mans choice