Is this retarded shit for real????, the article says that this "mechanic" will be introduced in Mordenkainen's tome of foes, what do you think about it?
Is this retarded shit for real????, the article says that this "mechanic" will be introduced in Mordenkainen's tome of foes, what do you think about it?
>Elves can change sex once per long rest
Seems like a stupid idea. What's next, ability scores that reflect vagina depth or penis length?
So feminine penises are canon now ?
Everyday we get closer to FATAL
Could be useful for disguises. I wonder how elf villains might take advantage of this power. It'd be neat if you had to roll stats for both(or all 3, from the article) and had to pick a gender based on what stats you needed that day, and if you chose wrong or wanted to be a different sex you'd be SoL.
>some elves
>SOME elves
It's probably a feat or something similar.
Either way, it's fine, elves that have this aspect of Corellon have been mentioned before.
What the fuck? They're making elves shapeshifters too?
That's sure going to be interesting for drow....
>Welcome to the club you long eared bitch.
It's stated right after in the video that the Drow absolutely hate it, because it demonstrates their connection with Corellon rather than Lolth.
I'm saying this now: They're gonna bring back the Kender. You just wait and see. You heard here first.
>Change sex
>kill every1, steal everything
>change sex
>go to next town, repeat
This sounds great for murderhobos campaigns
I can't wait for /v/'s servers to be back up
Your sex changes, not your appearance. And if you're as androgynous as most elves are you're going to look almost the same male as you did female.
>Lolth the Spider Queen rules with an iron fist
>Every Drow society is a matriarchy because of this
>Males are brutes, thugs, or sex dolls
>Everybody now can change sex once everyday
>"sjws totally arent trying to ruin the hobby i hate sjws myself but your just problematic nazi manchildren you bigoted sexists"
>>Everybody now can change sex once everyday
Read the article. It says SOME elves can change sex as a direct blessing from their god. It's a tiny percentage of the population with this ability.
I love how you're so autistic that you feel the need to signal sarcasm with greentext
Hasbro is a retarded company.
And Wizards of the Coast are just as bad.
God, this shit isn't nearly as bad in normie shit like sports. Why the fuck didn't I become a jock?
To be fair we have zero idea how rare this is.
Stop making these fucking threads already. This is like the fifth fucking one, and the other one already up is just blatant trolling all the way down.
You intentionally misinterpret shit from a book that isn't even out yet every fucking time and then whine for hours in the thread to keep it bumped. Fucking kill yourself.
Elves are fucking gay confirmed.
>Is this retarded shit for real?
No, it isn't. Quit spamming these threads.
This is just part of the anti-MtG wave of /pol/ spam isn't it?
yup. probably has something to do with /v/ being down
No, they just spam how trannies and libruls need to executed on sight. But they totally aren't /pol/, how could you assume such a thing?
I hate Elves so goddamn much.
We all do Pelinal, but not because some faggot OP keeps spamming threads about them. Just on principle.
>implying anyone on Veeky Forums plays anything but half-elves
Literally the best race for everything.
>Japs don't play much of D&D
Missed doujin opportunity tbqh
Debatable. Getting that early feat for a GWM Fighter is pretty nice.
If people are aware of this ability than they'll catch on
>be drow, matriarch whip you everyday
>one day you realize you can switch sexes at will
>forced to flee to the surface, because you break the natural laws of the world and everybody and their mothers wants you dead
Man, you must have busted a nut when Eberon made Changelings a playable race!
>munchkins' faces when half-elves don't exist in my usual setting
Priceless every time.
AMAZING, now in my party we will have real elven pussy instead of elven boy-pussy
I'm pretty sure you have to be powerful. I doubt a commoner can do it.
I was tempted to say humie but a lack of darkvision can be a real handicap.
You're a monster.
>Not Bugbear
>Not Sneak Attacking from behind cover with a dagger as a Wizard
Its a random divine blessing. So a random drow can gain it and be forced to flee or die.
You normally have someone in the party with it, or at least a light cantrip. If not, invest in a Driftglobe, they are one of my favorite items.
>41 replies
>19 posters
Really makes you think
I can already see the stream of Random DMs pulling the "so you wake up and the tavernwench now has a dick, and she hugs you".
Oh my god this gonna be so hilarious. The 800 times.
That's FATAL tierd. I'm glad I did leave DnD bandwagon
so many years ago.
It's not all elves, it's just those blessed by Corellon. Same as ever, proceed as usual.
Whizzards of the Coast
207 replies, 64 posters in /40kg/ that really makes you think
>go to official D&D facebook
>Claim this is weird and feels like some book of erotic fantasy and that transgender people can already roleplay as transgender people anyway, complete with sex changing items and spells
>"b-but they are curses!!!!"
Another highlight was a guy claimming he was "glad Wizards stopped being neutral in the subject of transgenders in D&D since anyone who doesn't come out to support this worldview is evil"
I just wanted to slay dragons in dungeons, not to be magical realm'd in the most canon way possible. Sex is not important in D&D, for the good and the bad that entails for FUCK'S SAKE.
You seem unhappy with this added rule. I dont get why. What about adding this racial option seems like a bad idea to you?
Can you half change sex then?
So it is only the elves who gonna get some exploitable gimmick because their god is a queer?
I'm a Human, sponsored by Zarus. Is there a human-only feat to turn me into the God Emperor of Mankind?
>Elves get more Mary Sue Bullshit.
How fucking typical. Why not just mention Coreillion let's his follows share in his "fluidity"
>Be a Human follower of Moradin
Do I get to turn into a Dwarf or do I just grow a rad beard?
Zarus isn't core or a FR deity, but I'm sure you can discuss with your DM what a blessing from Zarus would entail. Probably you'd look handsome and tall, and probably have better results at social interactions with humans and penalized results at social interactions with nonhumans.
Think about the most obvious way this rule can be used. Now think about the type of person who is going to want to play a character with this racial.
More importantly, what purpose does this serve? It doesn't affect traps(at least not the spiky death-dealing traps), since gender-specific roadblocks are either useless or needlessly-difficult roadblocks. It doesn't affect your stats, since gender does not provide bonuses for attributes (if it did, then this racial might actually be useful, albeit highly situational and clunky). So the only real purpose is for the roleplaying aspect. Now, how are people going to roleplay a character who can/does change gender on a whim?
Simply put, it's Magical Realm, only now it's canon.
You can chug a flagon of any size but only once per day
It's the path the West has set down on. It's only going to get worse from here on out. Fuck heroic adventures, now it's about pushing sexual and racial politics.
Why would an elf, blessed by THE elf god, be a tavern wench. They would be a priest, or a diplomat or some other important position due to the blessing they have been given.
Quaff. A lot of it has to get in your beard.
And what about a Dwarf follower of Moradin?
Do I get to go Super Dwarf 2?
So... where's the article stating that half-elves are now humans "infected" by elfishness as a result of being duped into having sex with elves, which turned them into elf-like androgyns?
>Think about the most obvious way this rule can be used.
As an inferior and more limited version of abilities like Alter Self and Polymorph which are already in the game?
>Now think about the type of person who is going to want to play a character with this racial.
You realise that like, you don't get assigned a D&D group by chit right? You play with people you are (presumably) friends with who you (presumably) enjoy playing with. If you have any friends or enjoy anything.
Probably skill at smithing and good stone-sense for mining. Moradin doesn't change himself much, but he has a strong attunement to the earth.
This is what you get for letting these fuckers take over d&d. They will rape this hobby into nothing. Yet you cunts still insist we should be encouraging more normos to join d&d when they are doing shit like making elves into canon trannies to try to pander to Tumblr fucks. And you encourage it because "without fresh players our hobby will die" kinda like that Anglea Merkel cunt going how "europe will die if we don't import ten million sandniggers a year to rape our women and make them pregnant on the public dole." And anyone who disagrees is intolerant. Fuck off. There is nothing wrong with wanting to protect a culture, which you shame and Steadman as smelly neckbeards when that's really 5% the population at best. Kill yourselves you fucking shills, you have no argument and you are destroying d&d. And you fucks still rationalize it as "d&d is a shit game anyway". Well guess what? Once they're bored of d&d they'll start coming for other RPGs as well. And you fucks will lay down and take it while our hobby is completely destroyed.
If you still give money to wizards of the coast, you are an actual fucking fuck and you deserve to die.
Does anyone else find it funny the "Gifts" of the Gods start to sound like the chaos gods from Warhammer?
>The Elf god is a shapeshifting heshe, so he "Blesses" others with this.
They did, you moron. It's explicitly a blessing of Corellon.
>Simply put, it's Magical Realm, only now it's canon.
This - This will be the vast majority practical use of this. Even if any of you insist that this is "positive" or even "representation" - People who wanted to play genderfluid elves did so before. This inviting players to focus, talk and play around sex and even the tranniest of SJW retards that play D&D won't use this in an abusive manner - It's That Guy who you should worry about. Now, sex is a thing, sex is so much a thing, there is a splatbook, first party nonetheless, all about changing your sex parts. Pure Magical Realm bait.
Give it around 5 years and welcome to the next generation of That Guy faggotry in Veeky Forums.
>implying that even one is okay
For Elves.
So any Human Followers don't get to play Ranma mode.
Well, Corellon is quite literally Chaotic. Chaotic Good, but still.
Nice essay, nerd
Your taking a minor, mostly fluff element too seriously and personally.
The weird, fae-like elves rarely have a weird fae like trait. Ooooh It's just the worst.
Wasn't there a whole thing where Trump threw a shit fit because some football players were kneeling or something?
Let's not talk politics please
>Corellon is Slaanesh worming his way into another Universe
It's even fucking Elves, JUST LIKE SLAANESH!
Whoa, stop there. Elves are not Fae like except for Ancient Elves and Eladrin, who CHOOSE to be more Fae-like.
If Elves are suddenly more "Fae" then naturally they'd be more inhuman as a result.
Shapeshifting and polymorph have been a part of dnd forever
Is it SJW-pandering? Yes.
Is it said to be a rare trait among elves? Yes.
Will it affect my game? Not one bit.
These fucks at WotC can try to insert their masturbatory devices in the game all they want. I'm not having your Mystra 2.0 in the Raven Queen, I'm not having your 395058302948 + transgender elf types, and there's nothing they can do.
Why are you all so upset?
All of America for weeks couldn’t stop talking about it. Public radio, TV news, Facebook/Twitter. There was serious talks between owners, people taking sides from fans to politicians, and players forced (or volunteering) to share public opinion on a political matter.
You would know this if you were American.
Since nobody happens when female elf gets pregnant and decides to transform into a man????
Okay, let's rephrase that then.
Wasn't there a whole thing where a bunch of normie sports jocks threw a shit fit because some football players were kneeling or something?
That's a good fucking question, what the hell would happen?
What, you haven't heard? That's the other half of the change they're making to all elves everywhere all of the time.
It's like a bag of holding deal. Anything in the elf's womb is put in a pocket dimension.
>Elves can change sex once per long rest in 5e
I guess that is why they are dying off
.... Because their petty politics were just ruining the sport.
Sounds familar.
Elves are pretty fae like.
They're inhumanly graceful and beutiful
They live in forests
They live for centuries
They have weird colours like green hair and silver eyes.
And they're by and large always dicks.
But you don't understand. (((They))) are FORCING it in MY GAME.
Antifa of the Coast actually put a gun to my head, I was so scared I soiled myself. It's so hard being me.
I think you make a good point. It does look like a rule that could be used for really gross sexual stuff. That being said, I think its interesting that the rule conflates gender and sex. That might be a way a DM can ward of That Guy behavior.
>Think about the most obvious way this rule can be used.
I'm pretty sure this isnt what you meant, but I instantly thought of hanging out with both the dudes and the ladies in the party in a social setting. I mean, I can think up some magical realm stuff but I can also think up some really great dramatic role-play hooks and elements.
I guess we'll just have to see how it all plays out. If more green text stories show up about this then we'll know its a bad idea?
I'd wager that Corellon would want nothing going wrong with his blessed elves procreating, so I'd imagine the transformation ability is canceled for the duration of the pregnancy.
Obviously. Who's going to choose to be a guy?
I'd imagine it's like Loki, you just stay that way until it's out.
Loki and Ranma can change their sex on a whim and it leads to a lot of interesting situations. I don't see what the problem is