If you were involved in a time travel sceanario and ended up in medieval times, could you convince people that you were some sort of foreign noble by wearing clothing that was dyed in noble colours? I've been reading about medieval history and reading some medieval time travel stories at the same time and I had an idea.
I figured that if you were wearing a lot of purple or bright red items of clothing (or any other colour that was expensive to get hold of back in medieval times), and you could find a member of the aristocracy or the gentry, or a high ranking church member and then you could use said colourful clothing to convince them that you are a foreign noble from a far away Christian land they've never heard of.
If you did that then I think you could probably convince them to at least provide you with room and board for awhile. It would at least give you some time in relative peace and safety to think about what to do next in order to survive in the past. Plus so long as you managed to be polite and keep your clothes clean, I think you could do the same thing over again if you moved on to another castle or monastary somewhere else. You could probably survive a year or two by hopping from castle to castle, which might give you enough time to at least learn some of the language and some skills or something?
It's more likely that after you fail to provide any explanation beyond vague generalities, your general lack of noble decorum and total ignorance of proper courtesy (which, if your land is REALLY Christian, should be exactly as they expect it to be.) will convince them that you're just a prole wearing stolen clothes, and they'll have you whipped.
Leo Walker
Just say you're from St. Martin's Land.
Joshua Rivera
What sort of noble decorum and courtesy would they have that I lack though?
Eli Parker
Dunno. You don't either so I guess that means you're getting caught.
Anthony Robinson
That'd depend on wherever you are. Even if you're from "somewhere else", you'd be expected to conduct yourself based on where you presently are.
William Rivera
Even assuming you spoke the same language your dialect would be a dead give away
Ryan Russell
lmao just bring a gun
Gavin Sullivan
>If you were involved in a time travel scenario and ended up in modern times, could you convince people that you weren't from the 13th century by wearing clothes from Wal Mart?
If you're wearing clothes that no one in the idea recognizes then they wouldn't think that you had stolen them from anyone in the area. And so long as you haven't stolen something from (or at least close to) the area in a medieval person lives then its unlikely that they will care. They're not going to care enough about you stealing something from someone somewhere else to arrest you much less confiscate your clothes.
Brandon Hernandez
Henry Myers
The fact that you are turbo clean and are wearing the finest garments they've ever seen with tons of tiny metal parts on them and grand giant shoes and that you're a foot taller than everyone else (and probably weigh 3 times more) would all probably help convince people you had some shit going on.
Benjamin Martin
Where about? I can follow middle english pretty comfortably but they would have a hard time following me, and trying to pass myself off as a noble that spoke english but not french in the medieval period would probably be difficult.
Landon Morales
Except its completely different from what I'm asking.
Did all European nobles speak French during the middle ages? I know that French was considered the international language of diplomacy during the early modern period but was that the case during medieval times?
Kevin Lewis
I think people would be more impressed that you came from 700 years in the future.
Owen Phillips
Considering your average shirt or clothes and shoes today is made more sophisticated than most clothes back then even if you wore brown, grey, white or any other not so expensive color you could probably easily convince people you were a rich foreigner. Especially since language has evolved so much from the middle ages it would be not quite but close to 2 different languages.
Camden Ortiz
Not all, but english was really uncommon outside of england, and in england french was the language of the court for a long ass time, so speaking english and not french would make you pretty clearly low class.
Lincoln Sanders
Medieval people weren't really small, that's industrial era.
Ayden Robinson
But humans today are the tallest they've ever been thanks to huge amounts of easily acquired calories as children.