PDF Share Thread #148

It's Da Curated Archive™!
It Will Be The Best 3d6 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!

Please exhibit good manners. This thread will be automatically archived after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. There is lots of stuff, including filled requests posted directly to the board.
Files posted directly to Veeky Forums are not added to Da Archive, so go grab them now.
More archived threads can be found here: archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/PDF share/

Grab your documents. Da Curated Archive, Da Archive, and Da Archive Annex comprise the collected efforts of countless contributing anons and are attatched to the first three posts.

Get comfortable and browse through the blasted things. Combined they are over 200 pages long! If you skim over the Personal Collections without looking you will miss 7,654 PDFs.

Remember, we are better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and good manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.

Extra Special Thanks to the user Brigade who do ALL of the digging, loading, and posting.

Attached: Da Curated Archive 03-15-18.pdf (PDF, 298K)

Other urls found in this thread:

rpg.rem.uz/Dungeons & Dragons/

Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere. Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all. Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.

Please be patient with the Irrepressible Urchins™ who request without looking first. They are always a regular feature here. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread. I understand your frustration (they used to drive me crazy), but you don't kick a puppy for not being housebroken. If they upset you, punch a teddy bear or something.

Please give as much information as you can when you make a request. The more information you give (cover, a link to product, name of designer/writer/publisher) the more chances someone might recognize it and upload it.

Please post dead links and I will remove them to keep the archive up to date. Be specific - include a page number. There are dozens of copies of some PDFs.

Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across; 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Cheeto Fingered Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind.

If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, you can leave it with one of our resident Transmutation Wizards for cleaning here:
$nipli /donate
$nipli /CleanedByOkultek
$nipli /nergal-cleaners
Please don't drop the same file in more than one location.

CityofCarse is responsible for many recent scans from private collections. If you have a rare or obscure book, he may be willing to convert your dead tree into digital bits.
[email protected]

Okultek resides in the UK and may also be available for scanning.
[email protected]

Attached: Da Archive 03-15-18.pdf (PDF, 2.09M)

Why 1337 5p34k?
A Paraphrased Message from TheWiz!:
To guard against rapid takedowns by bots, we suggest encoding links thusly:


The above link is easy to decode but does not show up as a working link to the lurking T-888's. Obfuscation becomes most important when filling requests. Posting a full link right out of a large Trove/Collection risks the whole thing. Just post a page reference for Da Archive or Da Annex, with a short instruction and let the document do the job of guarding the links.

|-|0\/\/ †0 1337 5|O34|

Attached: Da Annex 03-15-18.pdf (PDF, 598K)

Some games draw more attention than others and will not be added to Da Archive. Please seek the following elsewhere:

Fall of Magic
A Sundered World (including the Dungeons and Delvers primer)
Microscope and Explorer
Ten Candles

Anything by:
Lame Mage Productions
Precis Intermedia/P!G

Attached: Microscope.png (1288x1532, 1.22M)

Still can't find what you're looking for? Anything might be available on IRC. Try it out!

server: irc.dejatoons.net
channel: #rpg-books
"@find GameYou'reLookingForGoesHere" should net you plenty of DCC responses to sift through.

Just do the text. If you use mIRC, you're going to have to go into your options and turn off the option that denies a whole bunch of file formats, as well as the check box that turns them on again after a couple of minutes (genius design there). HexChat is sometimes recommended above mIRC for this reason, and IceChat 9 has been touted as another easy alternative.

Example of finding things on IRC:

Attached: Finding Things on IRC.png (1050x577, 138K)

Has anyone liberated the Fantasy AGE companion?

Attached: 236096-thumb140.jpg (139x181, 8K)

Requesting the Blackwood Errantry Codex for Savage Worlds.


Attached: Blackwood Errantry Codex.jpg (600x778, 77K)

I'll second that request.

Requesting the following for Starfinder

Flip-Mat: Basic Terrain, Basic Starfield, Cantina, Starship, Urban Sprawl - paizo.com/store/starfinder/maps
Starfinder GM Screen - paizo.com/products/btpy9tmn?Starfinder-GM-Screen
Core Rulebook Pawn Collection - paizo.com/products/btpy9tml?Starfinder-Core-Rulebook-Pawn-Collection
Alien Archive Pawn Box - paizo.com/products/btpy9uji?Starfinder-Alien-Archive-Pawn-Box

3rd Party Publishers - all are available on rpgnow
Angry Golem Games
Distress Call - rpgnow.com/product/234169/Distress-Call

Dire Corgi Games
The Starsea Chronicles - rpgnow.com/product/235762/The-Starsea-Chronicles

Gamer Printshop
Dead in Space - rpgnow.com/product/235385/Dead-in-Space

GM DemonMoose
Star RPG Alien Races Compilation [BUNDLE] - rpgnow.com/product/224180/Star-RPG-Alien-Races-Compilation-BUNDLE
Star RPG Bestiary Compilation 1 [BUNDLE] - rpgnow.com/product/222578/Star-RPG-Bestiary-Compilation-1-BUNDLE

Jazzy Bear Brown
Small Stations and Tiny Outposts - rpgnow.com/product/219222/Small-Stations-and-Tiny-Outposts

Thank you for any help in tracking these down!

Requesting Ars Magica 2nd edition


Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago - Lost Colossus

>Thank you for any help in tracking these down!

Have you tried rpgnow?

I made a new trove for PDQ at


It is missing a few things so if anyone can help out that would be fantastic.

Diamonds and Coal (for Dead Inside)
Imago Deck (for Dead Inside)
Honorable Employee Handbook (for Ninja Burger)
The Book of Bewildering Beasts (for Questers of the Middle Realms)
character assistant for Questers of the Middle Realms
Ten Magical Thingies, Vol. 1 (for Questers of the Middle Realms)
The Blizzard's Teeth (for Jaws of the Six Serpents)
Serpents' Teeth (for Jaws of the Six Serpents)

Also it appears that the Achtung Cthulhu module series Zero Point had a PDQ version. If anyone has those 3 modules for PDQ (not for Fate, not for Trail of Cthulhu, not for Call of Cthulhu...for PDQ!)

I found the first one but not the other 2 -- Heroes of the Sea and Code of Honour


Requesting 4th edition of BioTech for GURPS

in the GURPS Trove.
yes it has.

Thanks, found it.

Anyone have to share,

Heroic Fantasy Handbook for ACKS?

Yeah, i have a link
one sec


Requesting the D&D 5E - Vigilante Class by Mark Hulmes that is on DM's Guild.

It is new and a friend of mine is pestering me for it.

Which trove? All the ones in Da Archive have at best the Ars Magica core rulebook for 2e, everything else is 4th or newer

Save the Day, a Supers RPG. Super Squadron, also a supers RPG.

Attached: DCA6.6.pdf (PDF, 112K)

Requesting LMoP. I really thought we'd have it, but I couldn't find it anywhere.


Lost Mines of Phandelver, sorry.


It's part of the Starter Box set.

I've sent this to Oku. Please don't do stuff like that anymore, follow instructions in 2nd post.

I will third that!

Now I just want that book

Hey, Terra the Gunslinger guy, where are you at in the scan? I am in no way trying to rush you, just curious.

Does anyone have ANTIKA, the French game of Greek myths? There's no English translation.

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 7K)

Are there no local imageboards invented in France or what

Requesting Dungeons & Dragons 5E(Japanese)

Does anybody have the full "On the Non-Player Character" book? The thing on the OSR trove seems to be some sort of quick-reference sheet.

It's watermarked, be careful!

Nor people who can speak two languages?

I'm a linguist and I say with full authority that no serious specialist in the scientific community considers 'French' a proper language

Seconded, thanks.

Attached: Tra01.jpg (175x252, 72K)

WTF are you on about? French is definitely a language. Linguistics is largely about rejecting the stupid categories of "language correctness"
t. fellow linguist

Would someone mind re-uploading the fall of delta green? I know someone willing to share has it, it's just that it expired in the vola.

(I wasn't COMPLETELY serious)

I'm just cleaning it now. Sorry didn't get to it sooner. Work and such.

Will be in Nergal's vola shortly

Humbly requesting Torg Eternity.

Wow, no problem, that's actually faster than I expected. Thank you very much!

Seconding this

no worries

Fall of Delta Green is on /r/Vavatch_Orbital

Seconding and thirding reguest for Enemy Action for Demon The Descent.

Just been donated today. Will be in Nergal's soon

Humble request:
Midgard Worldbook by Kobold Press (5e)

I don't know if you guys know of this site, but here we go
rpg.rem.uz/Dungeons & Dragons/
I'm not sure how legal this is but remember that nobody gets banned if nobody reports

Attached: real shit.png (305x249, 102K)

Anyone willing to repost Mutant: Mechatron? It seems it was up on Nergal's a while back but I missed it. I can't seem to find it any troves.

soooo old

He gets his stuff from here lol

Whomever posted all that spelljammer stuff in the Graveyard, the item listed as Polyhedron 141 is actually from Polyhedron 151.

On /r/Vavatch_Orbital

requesting: companion system by Chris Ramsley

Attached: 192283.jpg (612x792, 113K)

No problem, people seemed like they wanted it so i got it myself. Hopefully this helps you.

Thank you Okultek and kind donor!

He hosts his stuff in a shithole called Uzbakistan or something. He's practically untouchable.

Looking for the Metropolis Sourcebook. I believe it was shared at some point.

Uzbekistan, probably
I don't care about that guy, but also I don't know if I will get shit on me for sharing it

Requesting AQUELARRE (English version) please

Also, is there a trove for japanese TRPGs?

Humbly requesting Sythicide and Wormskin

I understand man and thanks for your donation. It's just that when you get stuff from drivethru, you send it to the cleaners as mentioned in 2nd post, don't get it out in the open with the watermark on it.


Thank you in advance

Attached: 1521046237189.jpg (397x562, 35K)

You won't get shit but it's not a great discovery either, ages old and everyone knows about it.

It is made by Pelgrane. Have you looked in the Pelgrane trove?

I'll second this request. I'm also humbly requesting mines of chult.


Seconding this.

Yup. That site is tremendously useful sometimes, though - it's a lot easier to queue stuff up to download on my phone if I urgently need, like, a dozen very specific sourcebooks to reference something. Mega's awkward for my PDF reader, and the usual download sites may as well not exist for how inconvenient they can be.

So I'm glad it's there.

Requesting the recently released FRONTIER TOWNS: FORT GRIFFIN SAVAGED, for Savage Worlds. High quality wild west maps and resources are hard to come by, so I've been waiting for this one for quite a while. Anybody here got it and is willing to provide? Many thanks in advance!

Does anyone have these supplements for Hideouts & Hoodlums:
- Men & Supermen Vol.1
- Mobsters & Trophies Vol.2
- Underworld & Metropolis Adventures Vol.3
- Supplement 1: National
- Supplement 2: All-American
- Supplement 3: Better Quality
- Supplement 4: Captains, Magicians & Incredible Men Part 1 (Ace ~Fox)
- Supplement 4: Captains, Magicians & Incredible Men Part 2 (Harvey ~Timely)
- Hideout Module FS1: Sons of the Feathered Serpent
- Hideout Module RT1: Palace of the Vamp Queen
- Trophy Case Issues 8 thru11

Attached: Hideouts & Hoodlums Supplements.png (1936x1290, 3.11M)

Anyone have the wargame Rifles in the Ardennes, from Tiny Battle Publishing? There's a PNP on Wargame Vault, I know that, but don't think anyone's shared it.

Wormskin is in OSR Trove, not sure about Synthicide

I agree, French is not a serious language. By that I mean, I can't take anyone serious who speaks French.

Thirding this request, I'm not in the proper situation to spend any amount of money online, and I want some plane of ooze goodness

Is there a Veeky Forums on 2ch? Maybe try there, iunno

I'm pretty sure the server is hosted in some weird third world country on the other half of the globe with some odd copyright laws, so no one can really touch it. It's literally just a backup of the shit thrown up here and on the vola's, which isn't a bad thing

It's useful for downloading shit on your phone, since using the mega website is a pain in the ass and I don't want to get their app

I wonder what would happen if he uploaded microscope

Just mailed the DC Universe JSA Sourcebook to Carse for scanning. Also sent the Blood of Heroes Sidekick Sourcebook. I think most of that material got rolled into the Blood of Heroes Special Edition, but AFAIK it's never been scanned so there you go. Peace.

>I don't know if I will get shit on me for sharing it

Everyone knows about it, it's the first place most people start pirating since it's up clearly on google. One search of "D&D 5e PDF" and it's on the first page

Does anyone have the 2nd edition of Lords & Servants? The wargame trove only has the first edition

>that spoiler
Don't you dare. But yeah, even the Mega app is sucky.

Attached: PirateWench4.pdf (PDF, 206K)

Sweet! You rock!

The big problem I have with the mega app is how awkward it is to get files out of it and into goodreader, where all my other shit is. I have to do it one file at a time.

No, you rock user

Mail can't work fast enough...Carse is super fast...can't wait

Is there a hero trove up? The only link I can find is dead

Anybody have cold and dark better worlds supplements and could share? modiphius.net/collections/cold-dark/products/cold-and-dark-better-worlds-pdf

/HeroTrove @ SnipLi

Does anyone have Warbirds and its assorted expansions? rpgnow.com/product/115960/Warbirds-Role-Playing-Game

>posted the new Epyllion book and playbooks for the PbtA trove
>nobody uploaded it

I hate this place.

Thanks for Hell on Wheels and Heroic Fantasy Handbook.

Attached: 03_monster_demon_hand_writing_jpg.jpg (331x539, 42K)

humbly requesting the Guild Ball season 3 rulebook ( the one with character profiles/fluff)

thank you very much

>Download everything from the trove
>Add your stuff
>Make a new trove

Maybe the curator has a life. Maybe he's AWOL. What's the difference? Start your own "lesser" trove like the OSR guys did if you're really that passionate about it.

Or just GTFO. You're attitude won't missed.

You aren't entitled to anything. If stuff appears, it appears. That's it.

anyone has fantasy age bestiary?

Can someone re-up these:
Ashen Stars - Accretion Disk
Ashen Stars - The Justice Trade

The SS link is dead and they're not in the Gumshoe trove.