Game takes place on a planet called "earth"

>game takes place on a planet called "earth"
>it's mostly covered in water

Attached: 1521128524512.jpg (344x209, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Are your planes in D&D flat or round Veeky Forums? Choose wisely.

>OP makes a thread on a website called Veeky Forums
>there is nothing to discuss in the thread

Well motherfucker, when all the interesting stuff happens in the sea, you can call the planet "Water".

negatively curved

Donut shaped

>its called 4 chan but there are dozens of boards, not 4.

Toroidal. Checkmate, vector calculus.

>it's the 4th channel
>the internet doesnt even have tv channels

>*changes the channel*



>game is named "dungeons and dragons"

>it's not inside a dragon inside a dungeon all the time

But the interior surface rather than the exterior one.

my Call of Cthulu takes place on a plane (Earth) that everyone thinks is round, but is flat.

My Dnd game takes place on a flat cube floating on water, which everyone thinks is flat, but ends up if you go far enough you come around to the other side

Attached: GLORANTHA-MAP-final-2-277x300.jpg (277x300, 24K)

>everyone thinks is round, but is flat.

It's round, but so large as to be functionally infinitely flat due to the slightness of the curvature

Flat, but it's one big plane basically. If you go far enough down on the material plane you'll end up in the Hells, farther down and you'll get the Elemental Plane of Fire, all the other stuff is just "Down or up and off to the right or left"

If you go past even the boundries of the normal planes is when you'll get into the Cthulhu lands. Shit just gets weirder the more you go from the center

>Not both being technically correct

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That's actually really fascinating: a massive world covered in planet sized sub-worls

Mobius strips

Flatfags are the worst.

Patrician taste

This is even worse than every sentient spacefaring species obviously building dyson spheres.

Wait, so there are multiple "suns" melting parts of the great ice ball? How do you explain the rising and setting of the sun then?

It's a really cool hypothetical model, but I want to know how it works. Might make for a neato setting.

>Negative curvature
Given how common "twisted/confusing space" in settings, I'm amazed at how rarely actual hyperbolic geometry is used. The only example I can think of anywhere is HyperRogue:

Attached: crossII.png (2000x2000, 436K)