Do elves farm? Are there elven farmer? What about other lower professions? Do elves have serfs and vassals?
Elven Social Classes
It depends on the setting.
> Yes, they do.
> No, they are hunters and gatherers.
> Yes, kinda. they grow fruit by magic.
> Your variant here
>Yes, no
>I don't know
>Depends on the setting
>You're not GM of me now, you're not GM of me now, you're not GM of me now
>and you're not so big
>life is unbalanced
>Reaping wheat with a scythe
>Open toe shoes
Fuckin elves man...
Many people went barefoot when Scything in the summer. If you Scythe correctly you won't hit your feet at all.
GM said Normal elves farm,
High elves have lobotomized slaves that farm for them
>slaves that farm for them
You mean dark elves.
>Do elves farm?
No, although nature tends to bend itself to their will, leaving plentiful food for their population.
>Do elves have serfs and vassals?
They have skilled freemen like blacksmiths, but for slaves they mostly take kidnapped humans and war prisoners
r u a nbleman? lmao
Dark elves have normal slaves
I'll be honest to you. Nothing nobody writes about races matters to me; I just use their stats and "general feeling" and throw them on my worlds. Elves are just another race on the planet, and since I use languages and culture based in region, they're just another people.
So you will find a 300 years old elf that is a tavernwench, working for an orc, the innkeeper of a tavern in a mostly dragonborn-halfling village, sitting on a hobgoblin-duergar-genasi keep, who is ruled by a minotaur. And none of them matter, because I don't give two shits about NPCs, they are literally an inifnite resource I can make out of nothing.
So yes. Elves are farmers.
that makes no sense
Better question? Are there dung farmers? Who's the poor elf who has to clean up everybody's else garbage?
It makes perfect sense.
You have rather poor imagination or just lazy.
Wood/Standard elves hunter gather mostly or use magic, but my high noble elves keep beast-folk slaves that do work for them or they just import goods
The eleven royalty also have a secret cannibal cult among them
>So you will find a 300 years old elf that is a tavernwench, working for an orc,
What a retarded setting
t.urbanite who has never been to nature in his life
It's not cannibalism if it's a beast-folk
Is is bestiality or necrophilia when they fuck the bodies?
You want to actually explain yourself or just keep making vague inane statements?
>Do elves farm? Are there elven farmer? What about other lower professions?
>Do elves have serfs
Probably not
They're obligate carnivores in the setting I usually run my games in, so no.
I imagine that in other settings they do, but it doesn't remotely resemble human farming.
I kinda thought the same, until I realized this is basically Shadowrun.
I think what he means is that even magically charmed hunting and gathering is not enough to support any large number of people. Maybe if it is assume elves are very low in population.
The whole blacksmithing thing is kind of contradictory to your first statement which kind of implies they are "at one" with nature and smithing requires quite a bit of infrastructure to pull off.
They also wear an oddly large amount of fur
I was more talking about berries and apple trees magically sprouting up all around where they make their homes, and deers and caribou just walking right up to them for the slaughter. That kind of deal.
It's pretty clear you're an urbanite who has never gone into nature. You're retarded.
Having fruit magically appear on trees just for elves goes against nature, as it disturbs the balance, and it's unnatural for prey animals to give their lives away.Unironically kys.
and hunter gatherer societies can't have cities and writing, which is what elves have.
blacksmithing doesn't require infrastructure, and plenty of "close to nature" societies have been metalworkers.
>Having fruit magically appear on trees just for elves goes against nature
Learn how to read.
He's right though. Learn not to say stupid shit and people won't call you stupid.
I never said they were one with nature, so his entire point is moot.
yeah nature bends itself to them even though the entire idea of nature giving food to a population is against nature
Fruits are deliberately meant to be eaten by animals so that their seeds are excreted, dropped or otherwise propagated.
>the entire idea of nature giving food to a population is against nature
Hence why it's called bending dumbass
Except what you're describing has NOTHING TO DO with nature. It's not "bending" or "warping" nature, it's outright replacing it with an artificial environment.
Artificial would imply that the deers and berries aren't from nature and were created by Elves or some other creature, when they are from nature, its just that magic or something else causes them to behave erratically in the presence of elves
This is the best way to do things because it actually mirrors our society.
I've seen plenty of bars with managers in their late twenties, waitresses over 50, living in a mostly white country, in a city that's half Asian, owned by an indo etc.
Maybe that's just canada tho lol
yes, the dark elves have farmers both professional and slave farmers- although there is overlap (usually slaves do the menial labor while the elf supervises and manages more complex matters)
the high elves have a dedicated farmer caste
>existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.
Okay, I guess you "win", because elves are elvenkind, not humankind. (Also because arguing with someone who can't speak the damn language in the first place is pointless.)
What point are you arguing, exactly? That elves, a race popularly known to be deeply tied to nature, having a prosperous effect on nature around them when they gather in large populations is somehow unrealistic and retarded?
>made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, typically as a copy of something natural.
It still doesn't make sense even if you replace humans with elves.
A god that has sway over parts of nature likes the elves or made them and now keeps them running with handouts
The definition given of how this works is that the direct cause of the convenient berry growing configurations and critters walking up to the slaughter is magic as used by elves.
Therefore, elves have changed their environment.
Therefore, it is not a natural environment.
Christ alive dude are you retarded?
He wasn't saying the elves use any magic is just happens where the elves live at the time
>Spiders are not natural because they change the environment to get food
>Neither is any competitive tree or a pitcher plant
>magic as used by elves
I never said the magic was being used by elves, just that it was magic. It's not like they're using spells, it's just part of their magical nature.
Yes, surprise, it turns out we're not the only ones who affect our environment wildly and deliberately.
Then it's their presence that causes the growth and behavioral pattern changes. This is still "being caused by elves." Not sure why you're harping on a distinction that does not matter a lick.
The Autumn Elf caste were the farmers during the Elven Empire, now communities gather food however they choose.
How elf threads a fucking day do we need?
>Then it's their presence that causes the growth and behavioral pattern changes
Which would mean that it's natural. If a new species of animal finds itself in a new habitat and the other animals and plants react to their presence accordingly, it is not unnatural. That is just nature at work.
>Do elves farm?
Read Witcher: Last Wish, the Valley of Flowers short story. Pretty much the best depiction of elves and their thoughts on farming I've read.
No, manual labor is beneath them. And if it wasn't farming is an innoble human practice, even the filthiest goblin serf would rather not farm if given the choice.
People went barefoot because they didn't have fucking shoes. It's not about hitting yourself with a scythe, it's more about stepping on stuff or getting bit by something.
The Witcher elves are fucking patrician, tbqhfam
Employing a sylvan to steal some potatoes and seeds and the magical secret of three field farming isn't something I'd call patrician.
As many as it takes to fill the hole that quests left behind. Now shut up and learn to like them.
except when you go barefoot your feet adapt to the ground. I have go barefoot and don't feel it when I walk on shards of glass anymore because my feet have callouses. idiot
It would actually be in keeping with nature. It goes no more against nature than a beaver making a dam or a bird making a nest.
Since the elves, we assume in this example, are part of nature what they do is part of nature.
Are you a hobo or a dirty hippie?
Wood Elves live a hunter/gather lifestyle of sorts. Using their magic to enhance the area around them. Fruit, root, berries, etc grow in abundance around their village yet appear to be natural to an outsider. By caring for, and using magic, they keep prey animals in great abundance around their (very small) population centers.
They do not use slaves, serfs, or any form of vassal.
'High' elves live in a few cities and are functionally city states. They have farms and grow crops in a more modern style. All aided and managed through magic where in the modern world we would use technology. As much of the work is done through magic the 'farmers' are treated more like artisans.
Drow use slave labor and farms along with looted or extorted goods.
no, going barefoot is better for you
Elves are CN cunts who despise hierarchy and social constructs and leisurely leech of of the hardworking LN human peasants.
So, dirty vegan hippie. Good to know.
Nope, I eat raw meat and have a natural diet (high dairy, high meat, low carbs and vegetables).
Gtfo you civilised cuck
Holy fuck, are you retarded or something?
Are you honestly trying to say that if you go out in the woods and pick up a fucking berry and eat it, you're going against nature because it's not in "nature" for people to eat things?
Elves live IN nature and around it. They can propagate it, help control it, and help against it. Even if minor industrialization of elves happen, it's in line with and guides nature instead of destroying or controlling it like humans do.
On a scale of domestication, and a human settlement is 100%. They clear cut the trees, raise farms, kill the predators and wolves. In contrast, an elf settlement is only 20%. They charm predator animals to stay away or befriend them, ensure successful seasons for groups of smaller animals, sing their songs into the trees to live among them, and don't really make roads. They get food from snatching away a few small prey animals or eating invaders like the Bosmer from TSE. They grind spent acorns into bread that never would have grown in the dark forest floor anyway, and they gather fruits from the various fruit-bearing trees all over the forest, or have their pets or magic assist them in gathering some of these fruits, leaving many to the animals and plants.
Even in this amount of industrialization, a bunch of elves protecting a forest from filthy human scum is STILL keeping the forest 80% MORE natural then it would be otherwise.
All elves are farmers because they're in harmony with nature.
Lower professeions don't exist because they are a perfect utopia.
Elves being uppity isolationist agrarians without any greater relevance in the world sounds pretty good.
>They can propagate it, help control it, and help against it.
So can humans.
>Even if minor industrialization of elves happen, it's in line with and guides nature instead of destroying or controlling it like humans do.
Not given what this thread has established.
>They charm predator animals to stay away or befriend them, ensure successful seasons for groups of smaller animals, sing their songs into the trees to live among them, and don't really make roads. They get food from snatching away a few small prey animals or eating invaders like the Bosmer from TSE.
Also not what this thread has established. Also I fail to see any functional difference in the amount of domestication and scale of artificial environment being created-- Feeding a population of any size on "squirrels and invaders" would wreck shit just as surely as clear-cutting the land would. Humans already ensure succesful seasons for associated critters-- We call that animal husbandry. And my ass elves don't build roads-- What are footpaths? What is the treepath type shit I constantly see in their artwork?
>They grind spent acorns into bread that never would have grown in the dark forest floor anyway, and they gather fruits from the various fruit-bearing trees all over the forest, or have their pets or magic assist them in gathering some of these fruits, leaving many to the animals and plants.
Can't support a population of any scale and you're wildly overestimating how hard it is for plant life to get kicking in many biomes. Moreover, clearing out the biomass from the forest floor leads to old-growth forests with huge fire hazards.
>Even in this amount of industrialization, a bunch of elves protecting a forest from filthy human scum is STILL keeping the forest 80% MORE natural then it would be otherwise.
Incorrect. It's making it 100% more domesticated by elvish methods. This is just a reflection of being 100% more domesticated by human methods.
As in "a good representation of a fantasy race"
They kind of suck in-universe.
You're generalising all human societies.It's clear you're speaking from a modern, cliche D&D players perspective. Protip: Barbarian human tribes (like the historical Tribes of Germania) didn't clearcut trees, build farms, etc. Also, there's nothing wrong with killing predators, as predators do that all the time in nature (as long as you don't overhunt them, which tribes in history didn't do). Humans in tribes live in nature, not all humans are feudal peasants who clearcut trees.
>They charm predator animals to stay away or befriend them
Except that's against nature, as predators killing predators is natural.
>ensure successful seasons for groups of smaller animals
That's what human tribes did.
>sing their songs into the trees to live among them
A sedentary society of more than a few hundred cannot live off just hunting and gathering. Guess what, a city built in the trees(which is entirely impracticle and unrealistic) would require clear cut farming.
>and don't really make roads
Neither did most human tribes.
>They get food from snatching away a few small prey animals or eating invaders like the Bosmer from TSE.
Clearly you've never been into nature. You can't live off "a few small prey animals". Tribes have always had their main source of food from deer, wild cattle, boars, etc, and supllemented those with small game from time to time.
>They grind spent acorns into bread that never would have grown in the dark forest floor anyway
Human tribes did that.
>gather fruits from the various fruit-bearing trees all over the forest
Human tribes did that.
>magic assist them in gathering some of these fruits, leaving many to the animals and plants
Animals don't care about saving fruit for other animals. Humans don't care. That's nature.
>Even in this amount of industrialization, a bunch of elves protecting a forest from filthy human scum is STILL keeping the forest 80% MORE natural then it would be otherwise.
You have never gone out into nature. GTFO urbanite faggot
>Do elves farm?
Yes but rarely.
>Are there elven farmer?
Yes but most of them are taught in the use of druidic magic by their shamans.
>What about other lower professions?
Elves love their artizanship. They probably do their trades to an autistic degree.
>Do elves have serfs and vassals?
Yes. Many live in a feudal society.
>it's unnatural for prey animals to give their lives away
you do understand what "prey" means
Yeah. Prey animals run away from predators. Idiot