Can we have a thread sharing stories of That Girl? I've only played tabletop rpg with 2 girls, and they were both ok, nothing special about how they played. The only problem was me being frequently embarrassed by being caught looking at the one girl's tits. Which it has to be said were well, well provided for and she continually wore low cut tops.
But I have heard some horror stories, mostly on here to be honest.
That Girl thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not saying you should openly gaze at them, but when they catch your eye, appreciate the view and carry on with your business.
Don't apologize or be embarrassed for being a man.
I've never played in or GM'd a tabletop with a That Girl (only played with a girl twice or three times, and all these girls were decent players), but I have some stories to share from a forum RPG experience (if I remember any cringy ones, because that was almost 10 years ago)
One That Girl I can remember
> Plays a male character
> An effeminate gay male character.
> His appearance is the combination of all yaoi and shounen cliches intermingled with Mary-Sue classics like heterochrome eyes, white hair, etc, etc.
> He is a half-asura with godlike powers. Basically, he can create any kind of illusion at will that is material for everyone who believes in it, with no way to tell that it is not an illusion.
> Also, immune to all sorts of magic.
> He is insane, not the "I'm trying to roleplay schizophrenia" insane, but a 50/50 mix of "lolsorandum" and "4edgy8you" insane.
> The girl herself is a drama queen who constantly bitches about everything and has been temporarily banned twice
> Her spelling makes eyes hurt
>shows up to the session in a lolita outfit
>complains to the gmwhen the systems give female character a con malus but bonus on persuasion. (though I tend to agree that doing that in ttrpg is useless as its just a game and we weren't playing an ultra realistic game, she was just really annoying about it)
>beg the gm to reroll one of her stats because it was to low
>ran away from every combat
>screamed a lot
Fortunatly it was just a one shot and I'll never met that chick ever again
Another That Girl from an FRPG
> Is an admin with a boyfriend male co-admin
> Has a severe case of gatekeeper syndrome
> Has a DMPC half-goddess elven queen
> Enter me and my playmate. I make a ratfolk jester/ alchemist
> Playmate is a slightly That Guy, makes a dark elf noble, so my ratfolk is his court jester and court alcemist.
> He wants to do intrigue and clan feuds like a cool dark elf.
> I notice that the system of magic and alchemy the game uses is a complete mess. Suggst a set of improvements.
> That Girl admin thinks I want to make alchemy overpowered, starts bitching about it and throwing personal insults.
> Convinces her boyfriend that I want to make alchemy so easy I can gather daisies in the garden and make a nuke out of them, which is what I definitely don't want to do.
> She also quarrels with the dark elf That Guy over an in-game politics and some minor stuff he is planning to do.
> He insults her. She bans him permanently.
> She also bans me permanently because I am totally a troll and want to ruin the game, despite me posting several cool pieces of in-game lore to expand on the setting (that was awarded in-game) and the lyrics of the songs my jester would perform (nothing too fancy, just some translated folk songs and poems adapted to the in-game realia)
Another one from an FRPG
> Join a forum - it's a town in the middle of nowhere inhabited by all sorts of supernatural beings
> Enter as a shinigami, a female friend joins as a vampire.
> The admin girl has a demon DMPC - needless to say - an overpowered AF demoness.
> The admin girl has issues with my character being a shinigami despite this race being on the list of playable races
> Has a severe gatekeeper syndrome too.
> I want to customize some of the powers my shinigami has and have another one custom power. Nothing too overpowered in the custom power and only cosmetic changes in the changed one.
> Admin girl says I cannot have that.
> Okay. Roll with the default powers, do stuff, roleplay with a vampire girl.
> Do something significant to the plot, don't remember what it was.
> Admin girl gets offended. Bans me permanently.
"Gatekeeper syndrome"?
The idea that new people must be tested before to see if they will fit in. It usually leads to "one strike you're out" situations. In these cases that strike being the girl feeling threatened that these new people will take the focus off of her.
90% of Veeky Forums has it as well. It's a severe, autism-level mental disability that causes spergs to freak the fuck out when their hobby becomes open to more "normies" because for some reason more people playing a game in secluded groups that you don't actually have to interact with is a bad thing.
>She always plays tieflings
>She always has daddy issues for her characters
>She always plays Rogues or Warlocks
>She always forgets when it's her turn in combat
>She always forgets what she can do on her turn
>She's always on her phone
>She's 300+ lbs and always bums money off of others for food
>She shares reddit-tier dnd memes every session
>She's obsessed with snakes
>She's one of those people that calls animals ____-boys (Floofy boys, cutie boys, scalie boys, swimmy boys)
Fucking kill me.
Got one from a larp
>girl is creator's gf
>sucks at combat
>sucks even more at RP
>tries to direct RP in desired directions but won't act it out
>tried to make an admin roll a persuasion check out in the field to convince people to follow her
>rolls only happen behind the scenes to determine npc actions and never dictate player action
>admin calls her out
>she doesn't show up anymore but is put in charge of the shitty website for the larp
>the rules and character creation have been updated over 5 times now but the website is showing rules from two years ago
>all the admins except the creator have harped on her to update it
>doesn't do shit
If I wasn't a regular anymore due to work, I would offer to do it myself
Sounds like Empire
>more people playing a game in secluded groups that you don't actually have to interact with is a bad thing
It is when those kinds of people are the ones actively being marketed to, so the dynamic of the company producing the content dumbs down their product to appeal to their new masses. Doesn’t matter how much you seclude yourself from the trash, because the product you’re left with is going to affect you regardless.
Not really. Normies aren't interested in Veeky Forums. Hipster douches who play it to seem 'cool' are. and nobody likes them. having a bigger player base isn't the problem, its people who stereotype fa/tg/uys like you
Why do you specifically want a That Girl thread if you have no That Girl stories to share? Are you just interested in the concept of women being cunts?
About seven years ago...
>Tramp with a husband who "allows" her to sleep with other men when she wants to.
>She plays occasionally but has no interest at all in anything, including her own 5 children, but drinking and partying.
>smelled like cat piss.
>She was 40, and a massive hambeast, who immediately started crushing on me
>she also despises me and is being passive aggressive to me the whole fucking time
>keeps demanding to do everything she wants to do in game on risk of forcing my friend to sleep on the couch
>this is in front of all of his friends to so fuck this bitch
>The party consists of five people, including me, being unintentionally sweeped into the game
>everyone else has good characters so I really don't mind
>she has a standard terrible sephiroth gary stu character
>she starts shipping both our characters together
>writes erotic fan fiction about our characters
>writes erotic fan fiction about ME and her character
>blatant scat fetish
>encouraging poop crystals
>She's laughing her ass off
>I begin shitting my ass off
>Pele, god of the volcano, has claimed my rectum
>landwhale refuses to be in character the entire fucking session, plays on PSP and is a giant cunt
>literally berating her bf/my buddy infront of everyone when she has a bad roll or he says she can't do something absolutely retarded
>which is all the time of course
>can't argue with that, though her expression doesn't lighten
>was confused as FUCK
>which was true, bitch was being passed around like a bong by the more naive, younger members
So IRL, a few different campaigns. In 3.5 or Pathfinder, same chubbawub every time.
>Always has to play some ridiculous half dragon, half orc, vampire, lich convoluted bullshit every time.
>Every time we have a compelling, cool and original setting... She needs inject her vile, Mish mash freak characters in to the game. Regardless of the setting and whether her characters fit in.
> Constantly of ignores setting fluff, always inclines towards making her own story or plot within the group's agreed story/plot. Again, complete disregard for the setting, lore or story.
> GIGANTIC power gamer, hence throwing as many templates, races and classes onto a character. Min maxes the fuck out of them, so in reality it becomes apparent she doesn't even have a character in mind... Just a power gaming, number crunching, buzz kill.
> Sucks the absolute fucking fun out of games, to such a degree that no more original settings are played. Now we're playing SB campaigns, and every time this obese monster gets to GM. She demands that everyone else's PC mind maxes, power games and fulfills some function within the party to a coldly efficient level.
>Role playing, story telling, character development all goes out the window.
> It's become too competitive, too much about the party winning.
> Bitch should honestly just stick to wargaming, to her credit... She was very good at WHFB. Actually enjoyed playing against her when it came to GW games.
>But no, she has to take her inclination to RPGs and tries to dominate things at every turn.
> It eventually gets as bad as her team killing every second session, and she's a nightmare GM.
>Me and another decide to discreetly stop playing with her, another avoids games she's GMing.
>I know I'm probably being harsh... But she just needs to stick to wargaming.
Pretty much this. She advertising? Can’t be offended when someone gets caught in the marketing
Women can be difficult if you don't give them any leadership. Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.
I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit roleplayer. I wouldn't even mind shit roleplaying if she at least tried. But she rarely did.
We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.
But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided play a trans tiefling "necromancer". She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.
Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."
All her characters have a backstory, and she just recently tried to make a human paladin. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.
Do with this information what you will.
yeah okay buddy
You sure are alpha user.
What the fuck did I just read
stale pasta
I love this pasta already
Not a That Girl story but of all the people I've played with, girls are by far the most lewd, and are the fastest to openly want to fuck some of the characters. One in my group wants to bang 2 PCs, at least two NPCs AND she wants to murder fuck the BBEG. Closest anyone else got to lewd was the bard spaghetti-ing over this hot elf maid and running off before the deed could start
have you tried not playing d&d?
Nerd girls tend to be weirdly sexual
tits OP.... tell us more about them...
She likes to play characters with a CRAAAWLING IN MY SKIN type backstory and gets pissy when the task at hand doesn't involve her directly, other than that she's a great player, bakes us cookies sometimes
>openly refers to everything she doesn't like as "cancer" like she's straight out of Veeky Forums
>carries around ten broken phones in her purse to be lel so randumb XD
>still listens to scremo in the year 2018
while we wait for the description, maybe i share a story...
>play with a group for several months
>everything going well
>we weeded out that guys
>good roleplaying from everyone
>serious storyline
>cant wait for the next session kinda thing
>gm gets a gf
>introduces her to the concept of rp, she likes the idea
>brings her to the sessions to watch
>mfw she wants to make a character mid session
>gm allows it !?!?
>she chooses a proud dessert people background
>strictly patriarchal society, women never even leave their villages
>shes a female warrior
>mysterious, her face always covered
>really bad at rp
>messes up the group cohesion
>slows everything/everybody down
>asks for in game advice, ooc to her bf the gm
>uses out of game terms in game
>luckily no memes back then
long story short, two sessions after that our story turns into a dungeon crawl, we quit the campaign after that one.
two other girls in that group totally rocked.
This is some cacio & pepe my dude
>>still listens to scremo in the year 2018
This is how I know you're not old enough to be posting here. Back to 9fag, kiddles.
dessert people, yummy
I'm 26 fag
>proud dessert people
ignore him, he's a blind white knight
Honestly that just sounds like a new player, don't you think you were a bit too harsh?
>literally the most underage response on Veeky Forums
>samefagging this hard
She’s just trying to fit in user, be nice
Are you seriously this mad that someone else doesn't like a shit genre of music that's consumed primarily by teenagers and performed primarily by ephebophiles?
Mercer, please leave.
good eyes.... honestly i thought i typed it right
yea but she never even tried to get "better"... we had some new players and even i was somewhat new at the time.
maybe she was not really that girl, but definitely gm-s girlfriend.
spoiled the fun and killed the game in the end
Are you fuckin serious?
Is bullshit, you can turn that into a pasta if you want
My main problem is that they cancell in the last minute.
But then I can also say that of a couple of GM I play with so...
Because I want to hear some That Girl stories. Why would that be a problem?
>Are you just interested in the concept of women being cunts?
Nope, but I'm becoming open to the idea that you're a cunt.
Nice abs.
Don't neglect half the nerds!
An oldie but a goodie
I don't get it
I do the boy thing. I know the names of things I just call them big boys or rowdy boys. It's cute.
Is it though?
Oh yeah, I remember that thread.
Yes, actually
Owner of a freeform crossover roleplay didn't like it when I asked if a certain level of durability was OK for my character. Considered that an offence.
I pointed out to another roleplayer that her character not being super durable isn't a weakness, just a lack of a strength, and got banned.
Then she told people who didn't know of the incident that I was racist against her for being Japanese as I was Chinese. The only conversation about race we had was one where she admitted her family denied the wartime atrocities but she disagreed with them.
Total lying bitch.
You're both Asian though. Couldn't you explain you didn't mean to upset her in ching chong or something?
Really though?
No cause she just straight up banned me on all social media.
Also she was pretty much a bitch when it came to policing her roleplay.
We have a That Girl in our group, and I can't really do anything about her because she recently married one of our core players.
>middle-aged late 30's woman
>literally cannot speak with an inside voice - everything out of her mouth is a screech
>cannot into roleplay. every character is just her with a new skin
>insanely obnoxious both out of character and in-character. doesn't understand when people play their characters, gets mad at them for sticking to how their characters would act instead of metagaming and helping her out when she gets herself into some retarded situation
>forgets the rules often, argues about them despite not knowing the rules
>often just says things like '"I walk up to the enemy and kill them" instead of calling an attack action and rolling to see if they hit
>is one of those IMMA NEEERDD XD girls, despite the only things her being into are either super outdated 80's pop culture references or normiecore things like Game of Thrones
>refused to play in one of my games because she wouldn't fucking read the lore for the (established, not homebrew) setting and her lackluster character backstory made no sense for what she was playing. complained I was "trying to make her write up an entire family tree for her character or some shit"... no I want you to fucking give me more than two sentences of background for this high level character, you dumb bitch.
I hate her. I'm just glad she doesn't play in any of the games I DM, otherwise I would have 'rocks fall she dies'd her already.
I hadn't thought about it before but holy fuck is that true. Of the two girls I've had one became utterly obsessed with a certain male NPC, to the point of slashfic and fan art, and the other fucked around in game for as long as she was involved.
Sounds like it’s time to drop that cow and her husband and start a new group
Told this story before but
>changed a DM's entire setting in to one with gunpowder so she could be Gunslinger
>as Gunslinger took the front position always and said straight out "I'm the leader, can't trust ya morons"
>was vying for DM attention with That Guy (Hexblade) and 90% of the game was them talking and interrupting everyone else
>when our Rogue was running 1 hour late, used him as a trap meatshield in the ruins we were exploring
>took all the loot, even took one from our Ranger who found a magical sword
Quit the game after 2 sessions.
>I don't get it
Look up the thread. It only gets better from there.
>middle-aged late 30's
Tell us more about this dark-brown-haired brunette.
ha ha, domestic abuse is great! you're so edgy and cool, just like my favorite sociopath TV character!
fuck off with this.
>middle-aged late 30's
You wash your fucking mouth out with soap. Late 30s isn't middle aged. I'm in prime.
*tips fedora
No I won't get off your lawn, old man.
my sister plays a lot of ttrpgs and from what she showed me of her character sheets nearly all of her characters are male and have a "hunkish bear" body build. I know better than to ask about it.
tē necā
pics of your sister?
>It's cute.
I've never found anyone who self-describes something they do as cute to actually be cute.
Grats OP
You're not a fag
Pretty much this It's like being called an asshole or douche bag for being an asshole and or douche bag. It's not up to you.
If people say what you say or do is cute, than it's cute, but if it's just you saying that what yourself do is cute, odds are that it's definitely isn't cute
I played with both a That Guy and That Girl in high school
I just ran into them, ten years later, they're married and have a kid who somehow isn't That Kid
Yoy dunt be like that.
It's his property, he can does what he want wittit.
We have two girls in our group. One of them hosts (not GM) and generally tries to mediate any problems in and out of game. The other one frequently gets mixed up with their own no fun allowed character and takes things personally, dragging out sessions over stupid semi in character arguements because they don't like other party members doing things like exploring the world or enjoying the game. It gets in the way of their characters solo adventures.
Fortunately for the most part, said first girl is pretty much in the position of being the party's leader in character and is good at keeping things on track while letting the party enjoy the campaign.
I would complain to the GM too if they did that. It's retarded. If you're gonna make hyper real representation of stats between males and females in a ttrpg, I expect you to define individuals entirely on demographics. Women can't have more than slightly above or below average IQ, higher language skill bonus, practically no property or education allowed (depending of course what society the campaign is based off) etc.
Oh Jesus Chriiiiiiiist, AB GUY
I remember that second thread he made to try to get sympathy for his """plight""" and people caught on like thirty posts in and everyone started shitting all over him, linking to the old thread, cracking jokes. Grorious.
How would you call orks?
I'm not even halfway through this thread and this is the strongest WEW LAD I have ever experienced
My lad is wewed beyond belief
That other guy BTFO
>the plague isn't important until it hits my town
Dude, not him but aren't you just projecting? You seem to be mad that somebody listens to a certain music genre. I still listen to gothic rock in 2018. My wife is still a hippie in 2018. Who cares?!
I do -friend.
Dogfriend, catfriend, humanfriend.
>a true thot destroyer
I didn't even recognize the problem here beyond the autistic staring at first. I thought the "nice abs" was between characters or something, it just seems like such a bizarre compliment towards a woman unless she's fucking shredded or something.