Warhammer Fantasy General /wfg/

>Resources (Crunch, Lore and Warhammer Fantasy Role-play)
WFB: pastebin.com/2EJLZq7a
WFRP: pastebin.com/NX6t6eYa
Novels: pastebin.com/Uzp9RQ9i

>We're looking for these novels for the archive:

>Alternative Warhammer Miniatures and Manufacturers

>Warhammer Wikis

>Warhammer Video Games.

Previous thread:

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Do you ever expand on your own your vision of the warhammer world or do you stay exclusively on what has been written?

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Haven't really needed to but if I do need to fill in something like daily lives of townspeople in the Empire, I'll let my history studies guide me so that they're basically 16th-17th century plebs

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How are the Genevieve Dieudonné books? Any good?

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>*mild scratch*
>wow okay geez, I'll go somewhere else I guess, damn.

Taal faggotrons

posted this last thread and promptly sent the thread into the grave, this is the first of the glaive guys from my grade guard, got 6 more to go then I can do a varghulf

Attached: grove4.jpg (4170x2169, 1.32M)

Nigga, that blade is magic or something, or you just run outa metal paint?

its obviously meant to be magic/enchanted
I like it, planned to do a similar-ish effect with my elves' weapons

They're tolerable. Drachenfels is superior by a country mile, though.

My GM usually expands on different elements when we play. Our main campaign tends to run pretty close to standard, but our one-shots go buckwild with the setting. We've never conclusively proven if the one-shots do or do not exist in the same timeline as our main game though, so....maybe?

I ditched Warhammer world and created my own homebrew world out of same tropes to house my WHFB armies and my homebrews without the shortcomings of WHFB

Graveguard swords have killing blow so it's probably meant to appear magical.

Attached: powerful joe rogan.png (1024x994, 1005K)

>When you roll 6 to Wound on a bow

Attached: combined_gifs_02[1].gif (320x179, 2.89M)

>not glorious handgun
The dark ages are so last century.

Attached: Landsknechts2.jpg (980x1495, 547K)

>24" range
bitch please

So I've been using Gorebeast Chariots a lot recently and I really like them as they are nigh invulnerable with MoN and hit like a truck. However I would like to hear how you use them and what sort of tricks you have for them.
I myself field them in a pair and run them straight at my opponent as a substitute for an additional block of infantry. However they pretty much always end up separated from each other which drastically decrease their potential for a knock out punch-charge.

Attached: Gorebeast_Chariot.png (439x658, 604K)

t. Surtha Ek

magic my dude, since graveguard have killing blow I liked the idea of spooky blades
as user says.

thanks, what will be the test is the banner, I intend to make a screaming banner by making the cloth ethereal with a face of some sort on it.

Surtha Ek uses regular ol' chariots. Ain't nobody got room for that.

>They're tolerable. Drachenfels is superior by a country mile, though.
Do you think they could work for a woman who's into fantasy and young adult stuff, even twilight.

There's no weird slaneeshi cultist tentacle rape or anything right?

What would Joe be in warhammer fantasy?

The link to get the Warhammer RPG are not working.

They should, but I'd be inclined to recommend either the early Gotrek and Felix books, Florin & Lorenzo, Gileads Saga or even Brunner.

My dude this is absolutely radical.

Hey user that did that Peiper's Pipers fic; I really love it. I may just enjoy the whole two ways of thinking/fighting clashing and the whole mercenary regiment in a strange land idea a lot so I might be biased, but it's pretty fun to read.

I don't go on grand expansions of the cosmology or the lore; instead I like to just make little regions here and there that are in forgotten corners of the old world and populate them with my guys.

That's pretty close to what I did as well. It's still loosely WHFB but it's not explicitly so. Basically just a nice chunk of fantasyland I can set fights and adventures in with a good helping of Warhammer feeling.

I straight up ignore parts of the lore that don't mesh with what I want, if that counts.

Pretty good.

Protip: take a jeweller's file, one of the triangular flat-edged ones and run the sharp corner of it in between the fingers to remove the flash there.

Skirmishers always count as having zero ranks
Does this mean only the models in the front can shoot, since the unit doesn't count as having a second rank?

NVM, should have checked the FAQ first, corrected to 'zero ranks in combat'

ayy mods are awake
Post wizards

Attached: white wyzrd.png (670x668, 657K)


Attached: Bally G.gif (255x255, 490K)

cheers user
good idea user, to be honest I've been worried about mangling the hands

Honestly, it took me ages to figure it out; I used to use a hobby knife and end up with scratched up messes. It just clicked for me a month or so ago.

There's an old short story I've seen posted on Veeky Forums, and I'm pretty sure it was a warhammer fantasy thing.

"The Harvesting of the Boneflowers" or something. It was about a skeleton remembering what it was like to be human, or something. I haven't thought of it in years, but now I need it and I can't find it.

Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?

Which edition? All of the second edition links appear to work.

They used to have magical attacks too.

There's a mega in the WFB pastebin

I finished my chaos dudes

Attached: 29262036_10215381447667782_1802408795570176000_o.jpg (2048x1591, 183K)

10/10 would repel with my pikes.

Did you do the silver sigils with a pen or a brush?

Those are fantastic dude, I love the care and work you put into those sigils and the lava and heated axe, and that banner freehand. Makes me wish I had half your skill - hell, even a quarter would probably get me beyond basecoats and shades.

Attached: AnonsBretonnianHeraldry.jpg (144x131, 23K)

We should probably do a challenge or something; do something freehand, whether a shield, a banner or what not.

you are okay, don't go to Helmgart tomorrow

They look great user

a very small pen, a 3/0 Raphael from Kolinsky France

I just praised and followed the words of our mighty Duncan, my friend

amazing user,you could get away with running the unit champ as an aspiring champ/chaos lord quite easily, how much chaos do you have?

I have those 10 dudes, 10 with great weapons and mark of khorne (unpainted yet), 5 chaos knights (unpainted) a chaos sorcerer and I'm still asking myself if I should take a Slaughterbrute, a warshrine or 5 hellstriders

It's a 1000pts army to play with my friend with my other small armies


>Bretonnia only gets bowmen, they don't even have the better bowmen they had in 5th edition
>Dwarves are fairly unique in having quarrelers and thunderers
>meanwhile the Empire gets handgunners, crossbowmen, and bowmen
>and that's not even getting into pistoliers and outriders

Attached: Empire-Battalion-Contents.jpg (873x627, 291K)


Fair try user, but I think that heraldry was way too busy to try and make a good coat of arms out of. Bret heraldry seems to tend towards the simpler and more straightforward anyway - pic related is probably one of the busiest examples I've seen.

Attached: 1461942110275.png (2342x3010, 5.89M)

they can be pretty busy though

Attached: heraldry.png (1184x902, 1013K)

noice, a warshrine may be a bit overkill for such relatively small units would be my only advice

Yes but usually fairly structured.

3 small icons in the top half, quarters, halves. Busy but at the same time simple and ordered. Very clearly laid out.

To be fair, Grail Knights.

Attached: 360175chevalierspied.jpg (516x760, 126K)

>they don't even have the better bowmen they had in 5th edition
Longbows, braziers (to counter regen), and either skirmishing or with defensive stakes. It's no arrowhead formation, but they're definitely better than empire bowmen.

empire and bret ranged blocks are both shit next to thunderers, though

Thunderers with GW's fuck everything over.

Sadly 8th Ed really fucked over skirmishers and fast cav.

Say it with me, fuck eighth edition

pistoliers are pretty damn good still, among with a heap of other fast cav/skirmishers

Tomb King player.

Fuck what 8th did to fast cav.

Hell yes.

I didn't mind the random charge distances (it added uncertainty instead of standing exactly 8 inches outside of charge range and daring the enemy to charge) but the complete fucking over of any sort of movement tactics and unit baiting really got on my tits. Instant reforms when out of place, piss easy charge redirection, the list goes on.

Looks nice, I especially like the bases, the horbs and the banner. The runes on the champion's shield also look pretty dang cool.
Post more of your shit!

I'd take the Hellstriders for some high movement fast cav shenanigans.
The slaughterbrute is a huge waste of points and should never be taken imo.

I tried reading the writings on the shield aloud and accidentally summoned a blue horror

10/10, great paintjob, would exorcise with my huge hammer in Sigmar's name

>it added uncertainty instead of standing exactly 8 inches outside of charge range and daring the enemy to charge
I mean, having to guess if your opponent was in or out of charge range was the fun part.

but for some reason not being able to pre-measure went out of vogue in miniature wargames

are Thunderers that much better than Quarellers?
I'm starting Dorf army and I want to avoid black powder altogether

It was fun but at the same time a fight between 2 decent players quickly developed into a tactical standoff and relied on who took first turn.

The random distance just added a bit more chance of it going tits up when your opponent rolled a 6 that could unclog the hold up and add a bit of "oh no!" to your finely worked out domino plan.

>avoid black powder altogether

Attached: empire-dwarf treaty.jpg (404x297, 44K)

How exactly do they get that heraldry upgrade?

Brave deeds, more titles, the usual.

how accurate is this guide?

Attached: 1.png (800x400, 27K)

No, I meant how does the Grail knight gets the most fabulous shit on his horse and helm? Does elven magic make it grow?
Is there a designer who specializes in grail heraldry?

He goes to Hanks Grail Supplies and Grail Accessories.

>are Thunderers that much better than Quarellers?
In my opinion yes. Better shots, armour piercing.

But it's always been a debate. Quarrelers have the range and are less pricey.

No? They're all nobles with retainers to do that shit. In the case of the grail knights who give up their lands and seclude themselves, it's likely the grail damsels handle it for them.

They are slow as fuck, so you gotta have some infantry for them to support. My friend also uses them to tie some medium-sized grinding units, especially those "attacks but small str" blocks

would Suthra Ek work on tabletop, provided he could take chariots as core?

>2500 points of nothing but chariots

My dude loving the lava bases. Im almost done some chosen that I gave lava bases.

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What exactly do humans of the Empire find so compelling about Lahmians? That is, precluding mind control over said humans from the Lahmian vampires.

Why would anyone actually want to be ruled by someone who so openly preyed upon them?

Attached: Vampire_Lahmian.png (708x1165, 1.15M)

XVIth century version of Twilight novels

I mean I'd nut in her

Nice tits that never sag and vaginas that never get to big to take a cock, and no risk of STD's and pregnancy.

Of such things dreams are made

Big vampire tits?

the men of the empire are kind of dim

What edition are you guys on? To my knowledge thunderers never had themselves for great weapons which made quarrellers the better choice for ranged and melee support

>that face
Nope, nevermind, better take it from the back by my trusty inner circle knight preceptor

T9A here
in T9A Thunderers can take either GWs or improved guns with 1 extra ArP

but I still like Quarellers more

Oh that one. I stopped trying to follow it after so many years of chaos. Maybe someday in the future.

People seem to forget, it isn't the accuracy and faithlessness to the fluff that makes TWW Fantasy's true successor, it's the completely retarded balance.

Take the Empire, gunners can't shoot straight, Greatswords are utterly overpriced, and their Luminark is utterly worthless. Christ.

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>Luminark is utterly worthless
you mean the one that kills most things with a single shot?

and who cares for balance? I play only co-op on easy to kick ass and feel good

its seems to have found its footing
they released 2.0 beta lately, looks solid
but its not WHFB anymore, in armybook structure sense - statblock looks different, army structure is tad different

I fucked up
Anyone know how to unglue

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Can someone name me a good starting adventure for new players for WHFRP 2nd edition

Oldenhaller Contract
Rough Night at the Three Feathers

Simple green should weaken it, but this isn't the WIP thread.

Should I take Dwarven shooters in smaller units of 10 or big 20 blocks?

Do they need command?

Is it even possible to get into WHFB nowadays as a new player, with AOS seeming to replace the original game?

When vampires suck your blood you start becoming their slave. You want to say no, but you can't. Also they're hot.