How would he fare in Warhammer fantasy?
How would he fare in Warhammer fantasy?
He would be destroyed with the rest of the world
He might make it for a while, but his death is 100% likely and 100% likely to be within the first year.
>How would a more skilled Khornate Warrior fare in Warhammer Fantasy?
Gee I wonder
hed fit right in with the norse, and his demon form may get him some wins
but in the grand scheme of thins he will be irrelevant
Probably joining to Wulfrik's warband
>chaos warriors arent skilled
they're super-humanly good at warfare/combat
Pretty well. I'd say he's almost bloodthirster tier levels of strong.
I can't remember if he has any special abilities besides possibly bargaining with the god hand.
>I'd say he's almost bloodthirster tier levels of strong.
unless im seveerly mistaken about his powers hes nowhere near that
hes somewhere with Scyla Anfingrimm or some of the other lower tier named WoC characters, or a regular DP
He would fare as well as any champion, maybe even better. Honestly he wouldn't be too out of place there and maybe he was there all along and we never noticed
zodd is actually a demon prince of khorne
He'd take a helblaster volley gun to the face and die
but consider this: he is immortal
Underrated post
He basically would be a daemon prince of Khorne.
He’d survive well in the Empire, even as a Dogs of War
Probably dead within a week in the New World though, unless dark elves hire him
Do we know anything about his skills or powers aside from him being really sturdy and being able to turn into a minotaur-lion-dragon thingy?
Yeah he's a lot better than that. He went 50 years without a single person even blocking one of his swings before Guts. And many years before that that anyone even scratched him. And that was before he used his apostle form that was magnitudes more powerful than his normal human form.
He's able to reattach severed limbs like it's no big deal.
he is immortal
>He went 50 years without a single person even blocking one of his swings before Guts
against regular people, generic medieval humans.
that feat is completely unimpressive in WFB
>apostle form
yes, the only reason I consider him as strong as I do
but you seem to be underestimating WoC, the basic WoC is superhuman- hell a MARAUDER is almost superhuman
a chaos lord is a monster in a tin can
unless his apostle form is some DBZ fusion level stuff its not nearly enough to make him top tier by WFB standards
So he's a Kurgan Demon Prince of Khorne.
...Are you saying anyone in WHFB is of "eyebeams that burn holes through mountains" level?
actually yes- namely demon princes and the like
also, does zodd have said eve beams? because I never knew that and the wiki has nothing on it
he seems like your average super strong monster, but with regeneration capabilities and skill in battle
which places him roughly on the level of a demon prince (which is also appropriate given him being an apostle)
He just means Zodd's feats put him around Daemon Prince tier, which is still pretty high in WHFB
I think the eyebeams thing was more comparing DBZ to WHFB
>pretty high
yes, but within the context of "characters" isnt anything crazy- especially in the chaos wastes
valkia killed a demon prince while a mere human
Nothing in WHFB even goes near "Fusion" level DBZ, hell most is barely even above Saga level.
dargio killed several in wh40k
WH40K isn't WHFB so hush.
Just like the apostles in Berserk. There are extraordinaries among daemon princes just like apostles
Fairly well I'd wager, would he accept gifts from the dark gods? That would catapult his power levels.
I mean in terms of the level of power up, the multiplier if you will
saying that his apostle form makes him several times stronger doesn't mean too much when people who can smash a fortress wall down with a casual swing exist- he is strong relative to regular humans in his base form, but that isnt a very impressive in warhammer
nothing in WFB outside of the strongest of warp entities are DBZ tier, thats a given
naturally, but demon princes seem to be grander that apostles in the agregate
while zodd is one of the strongest apostles, I doubt he would be above middling for a DP
Im going to assume his apostlehood messes with that or whatever
Considering how he came to serve Femto, I'd assume he'd get a vision of Khorne, and pledge allegiance in a heartbeat. He doesn't seem to have a problem respecting strength and the like.
>he is strong relative to regular humans in his base form
He is far stronger than Guts in his base form, who is well beyond ordinary limits.
Zodd would be equivalent to a pretty high tier daemon prince in WHFB.
high tier DP are reality warping abominations, BBEG tier shit
zodd is a brute, a strong brute but a brute nonetheless
chaos warriors are well beyond human, superhuman even- with chosen being the strongest of them and lords even stronger, demon princes are beyond that still
in his base form he would be a capable champion or maybe even a lord, in his apostle form a middling DP in terms of physical power but no real magical powers
Until he attracts the notice of Khorne, and starts getting some support atleast.
OK senpai
thats possible- but under those circumstances it seems fair to take away his apostlehood, since we changed cosmology
in either case hes a remarkably good fit for warhammer
>How would the equivalent of a fuckoff old demon prince fare in WHFB?
This is why nobody likes Chaostards.
He did lament that being apostle make him too strong for challenge even though immortality allow him to fight more, so he'd probably refuse more buffs
what? no-one said hes weak compared to the setting, just that he isnt on the kind of level where he does any kind of meaningful impact
chaos grants boons whether you want em or not
I think he'd refuse boons up until the point where he starts seeing the upper tiers he can go against. Zodd wants a challenge, but he also wants to be a contender.
>unwanted boons
this makes it tricky then.
Was this version of Zodd born in the WHFB universe or just randomly warpfuck'd in? Because in the first version he might grow into some beastly Khorne lord/DP, possibly under Archaon (we've seen his personality to be pretty subservient to anyone who can best him).
In the second scenario, who's to say he won't realize how many good challenges he can find and grow stronger and stronger out of experience and Khornate boons?
There's nobody in Warhammer who in a physical fight Zodd wouldn't be a contender for. Zodd isn't interested in nonphysical conflict, so all the "reality warpers" can jog on in the first place.
The user using literal DBZ references for his power scales should be a clue that he's a fucking retard.
The thing about reality warpers is they do what they want, not what anyone else does.
So how well would Gotrek do against this guy? Or in the Berserk universe in general, I suppose?
do we assume apostle powers are tied to the god hand or not? and do we introduce the god hand to WFB
because then we can have the true shitfest of chaos vs the god-hand
so my assumption is that he can only use one source of power, either he keeps his apostle-dom or he can become a chosen of chaos
>There's nobody in Warhammer who in a physical fight Zodd wouldn't be a contender for.
skarbrand, khabanda, archaon, tyrion, grimgor, maybe kholek, valten, orion, valkia...
Nobody, not even big fuckoff Orc warbosses (Thinking of Grimgor specifically) or Khornate princes?
I'm not an expert on the setting, I just have vague memories of what it was in the early 2000s.
>So how well would Gotrek do against this guy?
gets knocked around, felix does his insane plan, gortex wins
maybe by using axe of grimnir
>how would he fit
very well
berzerk and WFB are just generally compatible desu
>chaos and the god hand competing for dominion
>idea of evil basically being a chaos god of desire
this is the sort of crossover I could dig
>skarbrand, khabanda, archaon, tyrion, grimgor, maybe kholek, valten, orion, valkia...
Zodd could fight literally every single one of those and be in contention in the fight.
no he could not
archaon wrestles bloodthirsters naked - valten fought him on relatively equal grounds and grimgor can beat him, skarbrand hurt god and valkia ripped off a DP's face and stuck it on her shield when she was just a regular woman- and has since been injected with khornes hate spunk to an insane degree
in terms of physical power he is capable of harming them, in terms of speed he isnt going to be "2fast4u'd", but he stands no chance of winning in a fight against them, since in terms of factors like special abilities and skill hes blown away
zodd is a monster in every sense of the word, but these things are monsters to a world of monsters
ITT: WFB fanboys who never read berserk argue with people who actually read berserk (and still know about Warhammer)
Someone please post Be’lakor dying to falling rocks
real question
does it get better or worse for everyone?
>summoning carnac
>MANY more people in the know about the danger of Chaos
>elves are still isolationist fucks who try to make things better
>magic is more common, so Brand effects are dampened
>MANY more demons fucking shit up
>possibly Khorne taking a notice of Guts
>most likely Khorne taking a notice of Guts, especially when the Beast of Darkness starts manifesting
better or worse, shit gets entertaining. Mostly because Guts might become the WHFB version of a brutish radical inquisitor. Beherits become an interesting artifact for RPG. In any case, Casca is still potato until further notice just a few more days user. Just a few more days.
>elves are still isolationist fucks who try to make things better
well, half of them
the other half are fond of the ole raping and pillaging
all in all a pretty average demon prince
>why are people saying that zodd cant defeat the epitomes of power in WFB
for the same reason that he isnt beating skull-knight, ganishka or femto
zodd isnt even the pinnacle in his own setting, why would you expect him to fare better in WFB
Greater Daemon level easy.
Magic being much more common would make things interesting, since it sort of work the same in both
That's what they all say before they take a hellblaster volley to the face and die.
kinda sorta not really. Not many elemental bendings and spirit calling in WHFB. It could be worked in though, being all about warpfuckery
rate this setting /10, I'm tempted to actually do it (lowkey, hinted, maybe a beherit making an appearance) for a WHFRP campaign.
so are demon princes
zodd follows the "the key to immortality is not dying" part- which he does well since hes a regenerating supermonster
but he cant exactly get blown to chunks and walk it off, unlike more destructible but respawning demons