Infinity General: Getting Even Smaller Edition

Infinity is a 28mm scale futuristic skirmish game by Corvus Belli where Yu Jing's twin planets will still never match PanO's huge tracts of land.

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff:

>Catalog of fluff, dossiers, and unit models

>Rules wiki:

>Rules Wiki Offline Backup:!Dxs3VbKQ!_tRgLeIszkdMBvnpCFE4xHELtngLRL26cexppwmAIws

>Official Army Builder:

>Token Generator:

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>Faction Rundown:

>All Consolidated Rules:

>Operation Icestorm Scan (beginner missions)!AkkG0ZZA!CE-YzCWIWVROcSnnlkZI8SMWxWoNb1LkFbWI-LamYR8

>The RPG Kickstarter

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>released RPG books (+ a couple scans)!8pRURayK!Kj16fd7nQhEcaId8hKD4oA

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Dammit, you beat me to the punch again.
Yellow Peril Edition never I guess.

Attached: He's evil because he's from Yu Jing you know.jpg (1285x720, 831K)

And it's extra ironic that you used something I have drawn as OP

Your drawing is actually more pertinent now than it was before, if that's Yuriko Oda.

Yellow Peril Edition thread after next. Just save them up.

Reposting for the thread

It was supposed be a generic Zhanshi.

So Yu Jing owns the factories that build the Shikami armor, and they have Ninjas working for them, so how come they can't put their Ninjas inside Shikami armor they can produce?

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Maybe Yu Jing is a bit too busy doing damage control over a relatively successful rebellion that just happened to be worrying about making a few salty vanilla players happy.

YJ Ninjas just aren't skilled enough to hold two swords at once.

>sets us up for Oniwaban and Shikami
>no just ava1 ninja

Fucking hell, Corvus Belli really are selling out Yu Jing players for the lucrative Weaboo market. Do they even realise how shitty this is for vanilla players? I'm contemplating buying more ISS units just to mix up my options, and I don't even like ISS. Maybe a Yu Jing boycott like the Spanish are doing is the best option for now.

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Warcor defense force is on full power in WGC as well as fanboi patrols.

Attached: Screenshot_20180316-101707.png (1080x1920, 238K)

That's breaking the 4th wall man.

Actually plausible.

>a faction can only support one playstyle!!!
What a fag.

Really makes you think

Get ready for a sad year. We'll get a Celestial Guard box though.

So, here's an idea: Don't play the Oniwaban in vanilla if you don't think it fits their playstyle, you psychopath! Jesus fucking christ.

Quick ! Post your army's theme !

It's time to ditch weeaboobait and introduce real asians.

Attached: roof.jpg (600x400, 38K)
Yu Jing

> Korean HI/MI
> Vietnamese camo and assassination units
> Mongolian bikers
> Tibetan 9 point LI
Fund this right now.

>tfw you can fit a 300point 10 order list and only two don't start in camo

new JSA

The only Roof Korean we have is an Enhanced Reaction Son-Bae.

We need more. Like 5000% more Roof Koreans.

I haven't heard any phrase sounding more cuckold since I heard "It's ok. I'm not jealous. I understand."

>the absolute state if YuJing fags
>muh units
>muh ur cucked if u disagree

Tasty tears

>I did not use unit X in vanilla at all
>therefore unit X shouldn't be available in vanilla

Also, who the fuck is Joel and is he on the official forums so I can troll him? I see that faggot for the nth time in the context of some retarded post.

Respond to him on facebook then you pussy, it's just on the main Infinity fan page.

Has anyone made a Chad Gao-Rael / virgin Muet meme yet?

Attached: E972A89A-4B30-4562-8698-B3DB00E40313.jpg (1039x879, 398K)

Why would anyone force a dead meme?

If Bostria wants more to drink from Yu Jing players I'd gladly piss in that mug.

Big California Warcor. So yeah he's on the forums somewhere doing it for free.

My personal opinion on all this.

JSA: Cool idea, I can dig and plan to purchase.
YuJing: Sucks for now, but has potential to make interesting new shit for us.
PR: Overemphasis on "YJ tears go fuck off" and "buy JSA" No sympathy for people who just purchased two YJ Shikamis and have been using Oniwabons, Motorcycles, ect for a long time.

How I would have fixed: Sorry YJ players, we know it sucks, but we feel this can result in a cool new direction for YJ future releases. We can't show you everything, but here's a dossier or two of stuff that JSA leaving made room for. Also we're adding some YJ profiles with adepticon.

Yeah people would still complain, but most complaints against a reasoned PR post like that would be shit anyway.

If I was going to do a chad edit with anything, it would probably be al-djabel. Because of his ridiculous viralCCW claw hand.

Can confirm as a salt mineral YJ player that I would be happy with that.

This face has ruined my day.

Oh right, I was supposed to draw that other meme.

Why do they do this when the rules question has not been answered?

Attached: IMG_1963.jpg (750x250, 31K)

You are supposed to make punnished Bostria from that.

Why indeed?

Attached: kjeuijq6a7zz[1].png (1350x793, 491K)

I'd consider that the meme was still in its death throes when that was made months ago. Ancient times.

> Nothing to talk about but Facebook and dead memes
We've fallen on hard times lads.

And it's going to be this way until JSA releases

Why would anyone name a unit after the Khawarij? They were fucking autist with an ideology that only a Sith lord could appreciate.

Spain is an odd place, where the Kempeitai used to be righteous heroes fighting for freedom and Poland loves the Teutonic knights.

Me too, and I was the one who made it.
Fine then, let's talk about the actual game. I haven't played in two and a half, almost three weeks and it's been really getting to me.

I have been hyped for the Ikari Company though as someone's who started with JSA, branched out to Vanilla Yu Jing and Haqqislam.

Getting a core link of Keisotsu in with Al Fasid and a Haris of Wu Ming and the Clipper for odd defense/offense with Yuan Yuan and Rui Shi will be a bit of a dream of mine. I think I'll run out of SWC really fast but it's definitely a set up I want to experiment with.

Otherwise just using Karakuri in an army that's not Yu Jing is also cool.

But of course, until that book is realeased and in army builder I can't really talk about it all that much.

I do plan on painting a Bashi Bazouk in the supposed Ikari Co color scheme.

IDK, Ask the Kempeitei, Bashi Bazouks, The Teutonic knights that have been in actual Nazi propaganda, and lots of "insensitive" names taken from history.

Or you could just contextualize and realize that the Galicians probably threw darts at a shelf full of Osprey Publishing books and took names from where they landed for their metal dollies game. And that the unit names within this Cyberpunk skirmish game has little to nothing to do with the originals they're named after.

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I believe Bostria said the new stuff will hit army before Adepticon. Assuming he was speaking in confidence and it won't be delayed by intensive napping sessions, that has to be next week.

We can talk about TeutonsNOT going to Varuna

Speaking of KNIGHTS, do you guys think the whole Templar stuff will ever crop back up into recent fluff? We've seen the JSA plot line explode into a real game shifting situation, and I guess dropping Tohaa and ALEPH in HS was payoff from fluff mentioned in N1. What do you guys suspect will be the next big fluff event that's been hinted at for a while? I think the Templars are the coolest dangling thread, but I suspect the next big shift will probably be the Combined Army actually getting something done instead of just ominously being present.

One of the books that's been mentioned for both the RPG and wargame is Acheron Falls/Cascade. The description for Acheron Cascade is "Mired in the jungles of Paradiso, the PCs must unravel triple conspiracies which will lead them across the Human Sphere and uncover treachery that lies at the very heart of the war." Those could be something to do with ALIVE/B4ckd00r or the Dark Mist thing from the Dire Foes plotline. The Acheron Blockade itself is the one around the Paradiso end of the wormhole leading to EI Space, so if that falls (note that the majority of its defenders ar PanO and YJ, so the Uprising may come into play here) then the CA has a path straight into the system.

The dark winter of Yu Jing

man when it came up that cb said they were releasing an article about the future of yu jing they must have had a very different idea of what that would contain to a lot of yj players.

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That's real metal.

The one thing that has always kept me away from Infinity is that I've just never liked enough miniatures from a single faction to make a force.

If they make a habit of splitting the factions up that just gets even worse.

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Was there much in there about the mechanical future at all? All I saw was fluff justifications for why things are happening.

Which other unit should represent Yu Jing now that the Oniwabans are bailing out?

No, but to be fair, it was written by the head writer rather than the gameplay people. It once again seems like a failure of communication.

Why not the Virgin Rasail and the Chad Kerail?

The Virgin Aelis and the Chad Sukeul would also work.

how can sukeul be chads, when they are female?

Becky and Stacey? Fucked if I know mate. I expected the ML to be male, but here we are. Maybe the HMG will be a dude.

hrmc yan huo or hsien

Am just as confused as you are, I thought both of them were skiny dudes, but my mom told me both of them are definitly female, and I trust my mom.

>tfw your mom knows more about Tohaa biology than you

>I thought both of them were skiny dudes
user, they have tits.

And they are pretty cute when you get up close.

Attached: 93-zsukeulcommandosdossier.jpg (3508x2480, 1.98M)

I'm mad about how many cute vegetables Tohaa has.

its funny cos I like the fluff of it all from the start of this shit, its the mechanics and gameplay impact and future of yu jing they needed to address in some fashion.

but nuk we get fluffposting because I assume the masterplan is to good to deviate from to do gay shit like reassure customers.

Well, if you're ready to swivel the moment some customers become grumpy, you end up with lowest common denominator drivel.

But I'm sure there is some middle ground in this.

im not talking not doing the split or keeping the profiles anyway or whatever, I just want info about WHEN theres going to be something fulling the hole. should I even bother painting my hac tao and yan huo for now or just paint my ISS shit. How fucked are we for the campaign? ITS?

I don't think they want flip-flopping, just some sort of "we have a number of units in the works to help fill some of the holes the Japanese units will be leaving, such as this one [statblock]", but CB may still be working on those.

IA isn't coming out this year. So I guess you could rage quit Yu Jing until then.

Hey, actually since YJ are giving out contracts to smaller clans now, it could be that there's potentially a new unit been produced.

Maybe somekind of power armored ninjas with a giant sword instead of two.

Well, maybe they just don't wan't to reveal the new stuff now, because they wan't to "blow it in everyone's faces"

That definitely could be it, Corvus is generally pretty tight lipped about things outside of Seminar talks. They never like saying "this faction is receiving resculpts this spring" or "we are focusing on this faction" until it's already happening. I think it's usually tolerated because nothing bad generally happens in Infinity. The worst things people have had to complain about recently is other factions getting their toys (What do you mean other factions get Haris teams!? What do you mean CSUs are usable out of NCA!?). This is the first time in a while anything really bad has happened to a faction in Infinity (the other was Exrah, really) besides losing a character here and there. So I guess the way they communicate is showing their limitations now.

>(the other was Exrah, really)
And they weren't much of a faction. How long was it between the Exrah getting binned and units appearing to fill the gaps?

>I'm contemplating buying more ISS units just to mix up my options, and I don't even like ISS.
Sounds like CB's plan is working.

>Get shit on
>"better give em more money, then"

Ye being all mysterious at a time like this isnt super great.

Hey, works for GW.

yu jing tears are delicious

Fiveheads are not cute

So who the heck is cobraprime? Dude comes to Rumble and takes the tournament with an almost perfect score, 15/15 TP and 49/50 OP. Anyone know more about him? What faction he plays?

Probably Spanish. Probably cheating.

Tournaments are shit for shit people who enjoy the taste of shit.

Same time. It happened between editions, and Maakrep/Rodok/Fraacta showed up just as Exrah left. Caskuda wasn't given an equivalent, but that's likely deliberate considering that its main gimmick alone caused balance problems (and even then Fraacta could be seen as a compromise between it and Iskallers).

The thing is, they don't have that big of a backlog of releases they can fall on to. If they make exact promises they can't fulfill (unit x before summer) due to some unforeseen circumistance, people get angry for that. Pick your poison.

No need to have exact promises, just say "we're working on x new units".

That not not having aggressive shilling from warcors

>They never like saying "this faction is receiving resculpts this spring" or "we are focusing on this faction" until it's already happening.
They did mention Celestial Guard SWC box after summer in the FAQ video, though

Plays tohaa, I don’t know when tourneys are that big there’s a lot of chaff. Top table was probably his only real game.

You don't even need a model. Most people who care have JSA they can proxy. Just dump out the stats of one of the less weird units over the next couple months, and update it when IA is released if you need to.

Or just say anything at all, really. Even if it's nothing concrete and there's no new units, address the concerns in some fashion. Just say "we're working on this cool IA thing".

That mystery user from last month was right though. We weren't prepared, and probably not in the way CB intended.

Rob is a cool dude, he plays Haqq and Yu Jing too and has done quite well in local tournaments with them. He started to become quite good playing against other good players in his local meta*, and this year has been his year: he also took the Maryland Dire State after beating the guy who won it last year in Round 5 and getting more OP than myomer.

*Just looking at top 50 US players, he often plays against BminusCPlus, SirNicholas, Masterofmelee, gamercurt (maybe?), dpa, Armand451.

People played without Shikami sculpts for years.

Give us some random stuff from White Banner and Invincible Army.

I could proxy my Shikami for shooting stars and my Oniwabons/Raidens for whatever the fuck else

How did CB manage to make announcing a new book so fucking boring? Who the fuck is going to spend money on Uprising when it sends to only contain new rules that will be free online, and doesn't look nearly as good as HSN3?

All the JSA weebs. According to Bostria, JSA is easily the single strongest selling Sectorial of Infinity history. So a book that's basically just JSA and a lot of fluff about JSA is going to sell to them.

People who want the fluff or the model, same as all the other books since they started putting the rules up for free. There's something about updating and linking the Dire Foes plotlines together which could be interesting and maybe foreshadow this thing with the Acheron Blockade.

It's a different beast to HSN3. It's more of a minor faction book that jams a bunch of fluff in with a USARF/OCF style release.

It is a four-sectorial army plus the dire foes gubbins. It's closer to Campaign Paradiso with the campaign rules replaced with fluff than it is to HSN3.

More like four sectorials for a non-army. Not sure how/if NA2 is going to continuously end up working together for the terrible campaigns and all that shit, since most of them are mercenaries. Having their own mercenary system of aiding other factions or something could be pretty cool, though BoW would not be able to pull it off.

Okay, I've been interested in Infinity for a bit now, and I'm looking at getting started. What books do I need? Also I like the look of Aleph, how do they handle in-game?
Thanks in advance, anons