What would the third Veeky Forums girl be?
What would the third Veeky Forums girl be?
Goblin, fits the size ratio
Honestly? Goblin.
I hope you die in a fire
No! We need Joblins, with careers and ambitions.
Veeky Forums girl (male).
I like your style.
An angry ass paladin chick with no visible secondary sexual characteristics who must visibly resist her urge to irrationally kill everything even remotely smiteworthy.
>implying any girl would love you more than the Emperor
Begone, heretics.
kill yourself
Look into your heart. You know it to be true.
Has interests that represent Veeky Forums's arms and armor threads, weapon discussion, GUNS?!, etc.
Unironically dragon
>implying the Emperor loves you while his lackeys force you to live off of corpse starch in a 6'x4' living cubicle
>implying he doesn't
Well. You can clearly see his love, - there.
Fuck you! I'm joining Chaos!
Are you guys off your meds or something? This thread is great.
This is actually a genuinely decent suggestion.
Even fits the whole "random things sticking out their head" theme.
about as likely as jiggers
Why not both? Why not a dragon that fits the size ratio?
Fuck you user.
Free pouring masterrace.
Goblin or orc
Why would you need a third?
But what if emperor is my waifu
My brother behind the bar!
>not "Begone, herethots."
one fucking job
Sister of battle
I think a this is a spoiler would be good.
>I hope you die in a fire
But then who would make two pointless threads each day on Veeky Forums just to have an excuse to post ribbonfag waifus
lol newfag
Robot girl
Are those goblinizations of Alfie?
That adult Ribbon is looking pretty sexy.
>gimpy trex arms
Everyone is a newfag at first. Eventually you'll understand why we always have two threads with ribbonfag's waifus on the board at any given time, and why the threads all sound like they were written by the same person.
I make threads with a Cestree image on occasion. Am I that same person?
Her tail is the grossest thing.
where's the dick
Half-fae catboy.
It's all about Kitsune now.
Quit being a newfag. I bet our banner upsets you tremendously.
A ca/tg/irl.
It's not an elf but rather an erun (beast girl) named Heles from Granblue.
Absolutely incredible body. For some reason artists love her armpits.
For a sec I was scared I'd get promoted but I should be safe.
>A ca/tg/irl.
But will she be smart?
Two is fine.
Damn Cestree is T H I C C.
>two close combat
>no support
two is most definitely not fine
What caliber?
>Hates everyone else.
>Thinks she's superior to everyone.
>Homebrews everything, sometimes it's good sometimes it's awful.
>Furbait for all the furries on this board.
That was fucking hilarious my poor sides I can't laugh like this with my friends in the next room.
What's a Veeky Forums girl.
Who's this.
Gotta go for full visual novel lineup
>Nameless rank-and-file-soldier
Dragon. Full-sized
Clearly best girl.
your mom