Why aren't more industries policing disgusting neckbeards? Magic might have a chance to becoming good now.
Why aren't more industries policing disgusting neckbeards? Magic might have a chance to becoming good now
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That's nice, Jeremy.
Privately-owned cake-decorating businesses shouldn't be forced to decorate cakes for gay weddings they don't approve of, but privately-owned web video hosting sites should be forced to host videos they don't approve of.
Also hi Jeremy
I swear these fucks are battered housewives? If you don't agree with the company then quit buying their shit, and quit attending their events. If you still want to play the game you've got decades worth of cards floating around(do you really need the brand new set that you'll just bitch about), and then you could always just set up your own events.
I bet you're one of the judges that got busted
Afraid not, I don't get that much action.
they could at least admit that they want conservatives to fuck off and go die in a ditch, instead of pretending to be the good guys
The Alex Jones of MtG. Endless entertainment.
Alex Jones is right you know
Alex Jones is playing a character to capitalize and on a specific audience for fame and profit.
Nothing wrong with that, that kind of work and dedication is admirable, but the fact that people fully buy into it does make me uneasy sometimes.
Wait, my fellow cardboard warriors! Our new scapegoat target is supposed to be Rudy! Please don’t disappoint our Wizards overlords, or we won’t get that bonus!
>doesn't understand that it's a metaphor
fucking brainlet
Fuck off applesponge
>then quit buying their shit
As a form of protest? wouldn't work they are a vocal minority.
>a metaphor
I'm just observing here, you're saying Alex Jones' performance is metaphorical? Can you elaborate on that? Because it sounds like an interesting take.
As a raging "leftist", please stop trying to make "applesponge" happen. It's not going to happen.
Rolled 108 (1d500)
I actually just posted that because my junk folder has been filling up with angry op-ed pieces talking about how it's very unfair that youtube is censoring people they don't approve of written by the same columnists who were arguing last month that cake decorators shouldn't have to do business with people they don't approve of so it was on my mind.
Perhaps he meant that "right" was a metaphor, when he didn't realize it was at best a pun?
Rolling to see how many posts before thread deletion
Why are magic threads full of typical political shitposting and twitter screen caps again?
It's not supposed to be a left meme it's supposed to be a Veeky Forums meme and Veeky Forums seems to have embraced it.
>As a raging "leftist"
Nobody cares applesponge
I see it a lot on /toy/ too. I guess there's a lot of crossover between the tiny soldier boards.
no I meant what I said, you should think about it
I mean, isn't this just a sign of competitive magic becoming a bigger thing?
In any traditional sports league, the behaviour of both players and officials on and off the pitch is closely scrutinized, and players who do or say things that might reflect badly on their team, their league or the sport itself are sanctioned for it, and sometimes completely blacklisted.
This isn't some strange sign of a new 'SJW' conspiracy. It's just an inevitable result of competitive magic actually starting to make real money and be a major focus of the company behind it. Similar degrees of scrutiny are being placed on esports players, and some of them are suffering for it in just the same way.
Really? I honestly thought that it was only on Veeky Forums
Learn how to make better thumbnails fat ass
Because everyone agrees the game is shit now, so there's nothing directly about it to discuss. Politics and twitter are the only things left
so they are going to finally purge all the disgusting nerds? sounds good to me
What does that even mean? I see it posted by basically you and maybe one other user in these threads. Like it makes no sense and just makes you sound like a kid.
Some neckbeard broke the rules again after being warned multiple times about his shit and got banned just like he was told he would be, but then he said "thot" and "SJW censorship" and now /pol/ is rallying around the retard like he's men's rights Jesus, and he's turned his shitty pack-opening youtube channel into a conservative whining youtube channel so he can continue whoring for views.
If the image they portray would reflect badly on the company or the sponsors they hope to get for tournaments, or the advertisers on Twitch streams, then yes.
It's looking less mutually exclusive given the recent behaviors
so the leftie cucks at WotC are just butthurt as usual, nice
I find it amazing how many people who claim to be right wing are entirely ignorant of the basic realities of capitalism, and leap to blame a left wing conspiracy for things that are just perfectly rational business decisions made by a company for purely financial reasons.
>what is damage control
That's the point. It's parodying how stupid and nonsensical words like soyboy are
Look /pol/, if you want to stick around and actually incite us, you might try subtlety. Blatantly waggling your power level in our faces just gets your threads pruned. Lurk and post; don't start threads. You're bad at it.
i never thought you cucks got so triggered over that
soyboy makes perfect sense though
>What does that even mean?
This is a good explanation
How does one go about becoming a thought police officer? I would totally do this job. I'd even be down with scummy entrapment sting ops.
We're not triggered, we just think it's funny
It sounds retarded though
yep we're all one person with the exact same views
you're just angry
...I thought it was dumb, but that actually makes a lot of sense.
>people actually don't filter out soyboy and give anyone using the word any credit
I'm on the side of the spastics using it and still find it so utterly retarded that you actually acknowledging it at all is baffling to me.
that's only because you are a soyboy
Except for the whole soy estrogen thing being a hilarious misunderstanding of how biology works?
>muh /pol/ in this thread
lol welcome to the new state of Veeky Forums until magic fixes they're shit.
>using filters
Found the snowflake
t. applesponges
I swear I've seen a good third of threads devolve into arguing about the term 'soyboy' recently
this. filters are for fags
Isn't soy like the main constituent of most protein powders?
Therein lies the problem with basically all the "The SJW Menace is ruining our game!" people. They're a vocal minority being outcompeted by new players who are pleasant to be around, so no one plays with them, they think the game is dying (even though it's wallowing in new players and sales) and they come to Veeky Forums to bitch.
that's different
Yeah but don't tell /pol/ that
I haven't, unless your just samefagging in one.
but that doesn't matter because ~le dank bantz that soyboy libcucks can't step to~
Never mind that a conservative calling anyone a cuck is the very epitome of projection
>card quality is fine, card quality is fine, don't pay attention to the bad men
They also keep blaming conspiracies rather than acknowledging that companies make decisions based on profitability. And if WotC is doing this, it's not out of an agenda, it's because it's more profitable for them to do so.
>not filtering out tripfags and blatant shitposting and baiting
I do enjoy pretending that this site hasn't gone down the drain as much as it has.
>every post I don't like is Jeremy
What the fuck is this? Can I have a tl;dr for this please?
But the card quality thing was made up on /pol/. There's literally a thread you can find in the archive of them talking about starting up rumours about it to cause shit.
I hardly ever even post at all. Probably just have luck/terrible taste in which threads I click on nowadays.
>Lead with the SJWs, follow through with card quality
>and remember, if anyone gives you a hard time, you call them a soyboy, got it?
>now geddoudda here, I got tranny porn to look at
It's funny, they act like smelly dickwad players weren't always anathema in MtG or any other game. They get shoved into corners and forced to smell their own shit, and it's been that way since MtG, and really gaming in general, started. All they have is empty wailing about "muh normies" and "muh ESSJAYDUBYAS" to deflect from the real issue: nobody wants to game with That Guys. And that's who's doing all the complaining. They're an even smaller minority than that which they hate, and even less relevant.
Jeremy's tale in a nutshell:
>What the fuck is this? Can I have a tl;dr for this please?
A guy who was repeatedly warned by WotC for breaking their community rules eventually got banned and had his online Magic the Gathering account terminated. He's mad because they won't refund his money, even though the terms of use he agreed to says they don't have to refund it.
Ever since then he's been trying to recruit Veeky Forums for his personal army.
Found the link- archive.4plebs.org
I do find it hilariously dumb, discussing spreading false information in a public forum where it's all recorded.
Also true. Really just a continuation of my point. They're chasing an agreeable market that's much larger than the people who are complaining. And a market that encourages new players as opposed to the sort of neckbeard who REEEEs about normies joining their games, who actively depresses the addition of more potential customers.
I buy a shit product and you tell me there's nothing wrong with it? WotC can burn to the ground for all I care, not gonna buy any cards past 8th edition anymore
t. that one guy that screencapped himself coining it and someone finding it mildly amusing?
It's not even a good joke. With soyboy, there's a joke about soy reducing testosterone and making men effeminate. With this, there's nothing. It's just a dumb non-sequitur.
why are you obsessed with trannies?
Can it applesponge
Maybe Wizards of the coast should have never made it political to begin with. They are the ones marching in gay parades and bending backwards over that fat Indian blogger. It was simple make a quality game with a good lore. Now it’s diversity first to a point where quality of gameplay and cards are being affected. I am not saying you can’t have modest dressed women or PoC, that’s fine. What is irritating to even your average players is this:
>Mark the quality or the art, lore, card stock, and gameplay is decreasing
>Well Mark that’s great but what’s the plan for the other issues
>We are workin... Did you meet our Black Nerd Girl Consultant
>I don’t see why we need her, Teferi was a really well written character whose race didn’t matter to the quality of his character
There is nothing wrong with black characters and strong women, but WotC is using this as a smoke screen to appease the 30 trannies and 50 feminist that play the game out of the millions of players
>wotc is actually making a thread on Veeky Forums because things are this bad
holy shit
>With soyboy, there's a joke
There is?
But didn't you know? It's just as keikaku; they posted it in plain view so we'd see it and create the arguments they crave. They WANT us to contradict and flame them over it. It's the only way they can get an erection anymore. Ignoring them is the best medicine.
If the product was bad, why is there recorded evidence of people discussing spreading false rumours about it before the upsurge of such rumours? See If there actually is a quality problem, why is the discussion not more widespread? If there actually is a quality problem, why were plans needing to be made to spread rumours about it? Wouldn't bad quality cards actually being common cause mass uproar amongst everyone, not just whining /pol/tards?
That the complaints only seem to come from people with a clear chip on their shoulder makes me doubt their validity.
This. Never mix politics with things neckbeards like.
>I buy a shit product
Sounds like you're a retard. Not sure why you would tell anyone that you buy a shit product.
I don't fucking know, I've gotten a few shit packs, and I've stopped buying, your bullshit doesn't seem too convincing to me, what's your agenda?
But again, Companies do what makes them money. If they are doing this, and keep doing this, then they are profiting from it. If they weren't profiting from it, they wouldn't be doing it, because companies exist to make money.
All this shows is that the people getting pissed off are worth less to them than the people who are liking it and buying product because of it. The theory that they're rejecting the majority of their audience for a minority who doesn't care just doesn't hold water as the sort of thing a company could do, or keep doing.
>being this obsessed with one link
seriously wake up faggot
>I find it amazing how many people who claim to be right wing are entirely ignorant
I don't.
It was a sealed product, I expected quality from WotC, I didn't know that they sold trash.
So, a faggot was posting on a fucking MTG forum, said nigger too many times and got banned and there’s a thread for this fucking why? FUCK social media, FUCK niggers, FUCK politics, SUCK my fucking balls I just wanna play cards. Why wouldn’t that worthless faggot just make a new account? Why the fuck is he even “socializing” and bringing up meme politics like made up black people shit instead of discussing MTG? He has a YouTube channel? Anyone who has a YouTube channel or blogs or vlogs or gargles hogs is a fucking absolute faggot. I’m a Yu-Gi-Oh! man myself but I love me some EDH. Everyone stop bumping this thread.
Yeah. It's that you're a limp-wristed fag
>If there actually is a quality problem, why is the discussion not more widespread?
because mods on websites shut it down, this is known you twat.
>Maybe Wizards of the coast should have never made it political to begin with.
Inclusiveness is not "political."
Not that user, but it's true the flood of MtG threads started after that thread moved and I've seen no convincing refutation of why that was, other than it is /pol/ and/or Jeremy-associated shitposters trying to stir things up on Veeky Forums.
Like seriously the week before that thread? We didn't have these threads. Now we have them every day.
I have none. I'm a neutral outside party who has observed this shitstorm on Veeky Forums and noticed, for example, that the only people complaining about card quality only complain about it in the context of the alt-right pushback against MtG. This leads me to believe that the complaints are illegitimate. Widespread evidence and outcry against low card quality would change things, and if there was a card quality problem I'd expect to see this everywhere from all portions of the fanbase, not just from people who already have a chip on their shoulder and a reason to attempt to harm MtG by spreading false rumours.
Why does every one that blames /pol/ tries this us and we crap
There IS widespread conversation.
also your reddit is showing