Tfw your friends can't appreciate low scale fantasy and just want to be super heroes

>tfw your friends can't appreciate low scale fantasy and just want to be super heroes

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Kobolds

I just want to play ironclaw.

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poke occasional fun at their over-the-top fantasy. the trick is to not overdo it but to let their own stupidity chew on them.

>tfw your friends can't tolerate warm feelings and just want to be morally ambiguous mud farmers stabbing each other over apples
fuck off OP

>morally ambiguous mud farmers stabbing each other over apples
But why do they want the apples so badly?
Do they need them as a tribute to appease the gods for a bountiful harvest?
There must be a reason why these normally peaceful farmers of mud have turned on each other

>stabbing each other over apples
Broke me

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Unless they are autistic I'm sure they can humor you and play one campaign like that.
It would be a different issue if you are always trying to force such campaigns or if you are their DM.
Anyway, people have preferences and you can always try to find a different group for those kind of campaigns, maybe one with people who are actually interested in such a campaign.

Just give them what they want. Give them more than they can handle.
Give them Anima

>or if you are their DM.
Why do people hate the early D&D aesthetic and setting so much, I don't understand why my players think its so fun to basically be gods when that kind of invalidates any tension or drama in the game

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People enjoy different things, user, if you can't deal with that then find a new group or talk your players into trying the shit you like from time to time.

How old are they?

Without knowing what kind of games you run at what levels and what kind of people your players are it's hard to say. Likely it's that they were introduced to fantasy in a different way so what you consider godlike is probably not that wild in their eyes.

It's also possible you're just bad at pitching the idea to them.

>find a different group
Aside from roll20, or with IRL friends, how do you actually find groups?

You walk to some stranger on the street, start narrating and ask him to roll for initiative.

Fuckbuckets who need to boost their shit self-esteem by pretending to be massively better than literally anyone else on the planet. It's garbage-tier power fantasy.

>hurr but it just their fun xD
Shit fun.

Look for gaming clubs. People at gaming clubs tend to be a lot better than randoms at a FLGS cocks. People trying to get games at the FLGS are generally social retards who have no friends and can't even get their shit together enough to join a club (or tried, but were kicked out for social retardation).

>hurr durr my fun is better than your fun
People play this shit to have a good time, not to comply to your autistic standards.
For all you know the other players think that user is a fuckbucket who needs to boost his shit self-esteem by pretending to be a masterful "muh realism" faggot who needs to make boringass campaigns where the players are weak losers forever becuase he cares more about stroking his DM boner than making a fun campaign.
Again, people like different shit and if you can't find a compromise with your players so that everyone enjoys the campaign then there is no point on wasting time with them since your interests are clearly incompatible.

>to basically be gods when that kind of invalidates any tension or drama in the game

you're really, really, not looking hard enough

I guess if they really want I could make a giant space robot show up with a big blue laser pointed at the planet,

>literal badwrongfun posting
You're the only shit person here

>Low fantasy means grimdark and grey morality
Can this meme die already?


Or you could forget about the powerlevel shit and give them challenges than they can't solve by murdering something.

The feel that shall last a thousand lifetimes

>the players have reached the level of demi-god powerhouses
>no one else in all possible worlds has ever achieved this before or since them
You're just not thinking hard enough

You don't even have to go that far. A lot of it involves how the players are godlike, though, sometimes you need to be a bit circumspect. Massive power isn't massive wisdom or massive benevolence or massive knowledge, though.

>hurr durr fun xD
>hurr durr u autism xD
>hurr durr muh relativism
Shit arguments, dismissed out of hand because I can't be bothered going over that shit again with yet another retard.

BTW you can't turn around the self-esteem thing like that, it doesn't make any sense. The DM can always smash the players or make stronger stuff than that.

I know you think you're clever, but you're not. Your wildly flailing retorts don't make any sense. The quality of fun is not subjective.

>The quality of fun is not subjective
You are a literal autist.

The early D&D aesthetic? Like when Mordenkainen used Charm Person to enslave enemies with a wave of his finger?

>Like when Mordenkainen used Charm Person to enslave enemies with a wave of his finger?
Yeah, now thats a big bad, thats something to be scared of.
Thats one dude that is a crazy powerful magic user, when there are thousands of dudes like him it loses the impact

you could always have them be superheroes in a world where superheroes are peasant tier

relatively low powerlevels campaign in an extremely high powerlevel setting

Hey guys, I have a new fun boardgame here, you roll and whoever rolls under has to inject Vaseline into their penis

>normally peaceful
In the deep, low fantasy there is only moral ambiguity.

Mordenkainen was Gygax's PC.

Hot buzzwords son, but prepare to get schooled. To define fun objectively we need to look at its purpose and then extrapolate relative to that purpose.

For the individual, fun has the main purpose of pleasure. That's simple, though there are other things that come into it. If we also think about right living and self-improvement as objectively good overarching goals then those factor into fun as well. So while mindless edgy fun might not be objectively bad, fun that has intellectual, moral or character-building aspects is objectively better. Objectively bad fun would be kinds that encourage ignorance, falsehood and immorality, and that pander to negative personality traits.

Next we have to look at fun in a group context, and we start with the premise that group fun is a social activity, and social activities have the purpose of creating social bonds. People do this by bringing pleasure to others in the group, learning about their personalities, and fostering a sense of communality by jointly creating something, even if it's creating something abstract. To that end, malicious individuals within a group who find pleasure in indulging their selfish and antisocial whims to the detriment of others are having objectively bad fun. People who inadvertently thwart the group's goals though stupidity or laziness are also having objectively bad fun, though not as bad. In Veeky Forums-related situations, these are all objectively bad players, aka That Guy.

The same points about right living and self-improvement can also apply to group fun.

In conclusion, badwrongfun is that which causes the individual to stagnate or deteriorate as a person, and/or that works against communal group goals and priorities.

It's quite clear that the kind of ''''''''''''fun'''''''''''''' that comes from a cringelord's power fantasy is objectively shit-tier. Now begone, oaf! I tire of your prattling.

Sorry, not my kind of fun. That said, I have no issue if someone else is interested in it and enjoys playing that game because I'm not a manchild who thinks people should only enjoy things if I allow them to do it.

I have one where you scoop fresh dogshit off the road, and if you roll a 1 you have to eat it.

>b-b-b-b-b-b-but that doesn't sound fun!
People like different shit, user. Stop being autistic.

At least in D&D, when you continually play low levels you probably will get tired of it and face some serious shit.

When you spend a long time in high level play you'll want to go back to your roots.

Keep things moving in campaign cycles, don't try and stop at your sweet spot or rush the parts you dislike: someone else's is somewhere else.

Eh, what do you mean you don't want to play Dungeons and Krokodil? It's in the core rules, what are you some kind of grog?

>If we also think about right living and self-improvement as objectively good overarching goals then those factor into fun as well. So while mindless edgy fun might not be objectively bad, fun that has intellectual, moral or character-building aspects is objectively better. Objectively bad fun would be kinds that encourage ignorance, falsehood and immorality, and that pander to negative personality traits.
Self-improvement or right living have nothing to do with fun and don't factor into it at all, you are just relating fun with random crap to make it fit your autistic definition of what fun is.
>To that end, malicious individuals within a group who find pleasure in indulging their selfish and antisocial whims to the detriment of others are having objectively bad fun.
There is nothing selfish and antisocial about wanting to play a power fantasy campaign. And from OP's word literally his entire group likes that shit so if anything he is the one being selfish and detrimental to the group's interactions.
>The same points about right living and self-improvement can also apply to group fun.
No, they don't. Fun is only related to pleasure and enjoyment and is the most subjective thing there is, you are the only autist who believes people should nurture any kind of positive traits while doing something that brings them pleasure.
>In conclusion, badwrongfun is that which causes the individual to stagnate or deteriorate as a person, and/or that works against communal group goals and priorities
Badwrongfun doesn't exist, stop forcing this stupid elitist shit.
>Now begone, oaf! I tire of your prattling
Get off your high horse, cunt.

You're operating off the assumption someone who roleplays an edgy tiefling demigod is a selfish person or can't mesh with a group, which as far as I know is based on absolutely nothing but the shit you pull out of your ass. Trying to rigidly define something that everyone but the biggest doorknobs on the planet recognize as nebulous and abstract is a waste of energy, just do your own thing and let people be themselves and I guarantee you'll be happier.

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That's the same that happened here.
I think Fantasy was a better setting than AoS.

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No. Like I said, it's not my kind of fun but I understand that you enjoy different things and hope you find people who share your interests.

>strawmanning so hard you go full retard
Dude if you wanna do that shit go right ahead, I'm going to be an adult and say you have every right I do to whatever you see as fun, but it's not my cup of tea.

Just play off the setting as a joke and they'll probably be OK with it. Everything in my homebrew fantasy setting is comically terrible, for example, instead of seriously grimdark terrible, and everyone was OK with that, even though in the end the primary building materials in peasant villages were still mud and shit.
Mordenkainen was a PC. Basically every wizard who has a spell named after him was a PC, as a matter of fact. Here's a bit of trivia! Melf was short for male elf because his creator was really lazy.

>We all agree you're a faggot so you must be a faggot
user anon, when will you and your ilk learn that agreement has no bearing in reality

When will you realize that you are an idiot who tries to force people to meet your standards of fun just go feed your crappy ego?

You assume that some people wont think that the extra fun they would get from something wont (in their mind) make up from the stuff they will lose

>Could I be stuck up my own ass in thinking that I'm the only one who's smart enough to realize there's a right and wrong way to have fun?
>Nah, must be everyone else who's wrong!

*just to feed

I'm not the only one no, thank god there's still some sensible people besides me, in this thread even.
Who's forcing anyone? You wanna hammer nails into your penis, go ahead, but don't expect your retarded behaviour to be coddled

Muh chimp.

>tfw I constantly try running low scale games but always somehow end up going full epic
How the fuck do I write low level campaigns?

Just give them xp for advancing quest plots dummy. No combat required in some situations

>a stranger approaches you alone at night, he does not brandish any weapon at first glance but stares at you with conviction. "Roll for initiative!" He exclaims.
>how do you respond?

>low scale fantasy
Well no shit no one wants to play that. Most people want to play high fantasy because it is something they don't experience from day to day. Escape the mundane irl bullshit. Use your imaginations to go on adventures through fantastic worlds filled with magic. Being a low level being is just boring to most folks.

Switch games to something like post-apocalypso. Unless you mean they want to play super hero games and you want to play fantasy, in which case, WTFever

Where can I experience low fantasy IRL
I want it

Use the Pathfinder Mythic rules to let your players be mythic heroes in an otherwise low power game. Also Tucker's kobolds.'s_Kobolds
Epic levels between before every level? Or Epic 2 by 2: you have to gain an epic level to unlock 2 class levels. Like a PC completing a (epic version of a mythic advancement) quest to change their advancement rules from Epic6 to Epic8, but start at Epic2.
I think you should use all three: mini-mythic, Tucker enhanced monsters, and Epic2x2.
The Epic advancement could be go back to your teacher/school, spend some time there and have a training fight, victory not required.

Retail store work
being a cop in detroit
living in somalia
Being a chinese peasent

>"Tucker's kobolds"

lol, you mean that encounter that never happened outside the imagination of an angrily sobbing DM in his bedroom after the PCs magically shat all over his tactical "patrician" dungeon?

Monsters get to take-20 on developing military tactics.

The local noble would love to have your low level mythic-1 players take care of mythic rats. Mobilizing an army and burning down a village to kill 1 rat isn't cost effective.

Tucker's Kobolds sound about right: DM spent all his time on the kobolds and the rest of the dungeon was standard D&D.

That's not fantasy
That's cyberpunk
That's dieselpunk
That's not fantasy, again

Look in the REAL LIFE -- AUSTRALIA section. If that's to high level check in the REAL LIFE -- THE REST section.

>not fantasy

>tfw when we can no longer live in a world where one DM can run one kind of game with players who enjoy it and another DM can play a different kind with players who enjoy that instead

Oh wait we can, you're just being a dick about it.

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Tucker's kobolds are completely plausible on the edition the original story happened

This post reeks of neckbeard, Mountain Dew and fedora.

What if we... Made some sort of group... To.... Complain about not having people to play Ironclaw with!

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It's called happiness and we all want it.

While the Chinese do live a fantasy, it's not the kind of fantasy or lowniness I'm wishing for

>TFW your friends what to stab each other over apples when all you want is to fly through space in an apple

Sell them on the Witcher series and describe to them the game in Witcher terms. Say they'll be rummaging around the country-side hunting monsters for coin with a war to serve as the back-drop.

They'll eat that shit up. It's all in the presentation, dude.

>tfw you build an elaborate sandbox full of mysterious ruins and high adventure and your players decide to corner booze production in town and become small-time vicelords instead

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