How would an Imperial Guard regiment based on the Viet Cong work?
How would an Imperial Guard regiment based on the Viet Cong work?
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Catachan or genestealer rules.
They'd be Catachan with more of a stealth focus. Whatever vehicles they use would have to have a focus on anti-infantry, not anti-armour. They'd be far better in defensive campaigns than offensive, but still capable of sustaining an advancing frontline even with spotty supply lines.
Deja vu. Feel like I've seen this before.
The Banhmi Guerrillas
Hailing from the jungle agriworld of Banhmi, the Banhmi Guerrillas are well-versed in asymmetrical warfare. Since their home sector is on the border of Tau space, the Guerrillas are used to alien incursions to their home. Using ambush tactics, the Guerrillas take advantage of the aliens' reliance on long range engagements and heavy armor by hiding in jungles and areas with thick vegetation. The Guerrillas also hide among enslaved humans to strike when it is least expected.
Probably a cross between catachan and kriegers, lots of defensive areas but for jungles, more tunnels than trenches, but still krieger mindset
They wouldn't, the Viet Cong were only successful because the people they were killing were soft Westerners sipping the kool-aid of globalism.
I don't want to talk about real world politics in this thread, I want to talk about fictional space soldiers.
And I'm telling you the only reason the Viet Cong are even remembered is because they were the enemy in a viciously unpopular war.
I'm pretty sure it was because of support from China and Russia as well as the Vietnamese people not being huge fans of the West, but sure /pol/ it was globalists.
That doesn't stop me from wanting to make space charlies user.
From the thumbnail I thought she was sitting on a giant rhinoceros beetle.
>united earth and the disparate human nations into one body
>implying the imperium of man isn't peak globalist
Stop doing things I dont like
I heard that Soros was behind it.
they werent successful at all, they got btfo
>they werent successful at all
Every time I see this argument it goes virtually the same way
>someone implies in some way that the Americans lost the Vietnam war
>Americans shit themselves in fury and start talking about k/d ratios
>someone mentions that the Americans still pulled out and the communists assumed control of Vietnam
>Americans shift the goalpost to "yeah but we won the cold war mcdonalds in hanoi USA USA!"
Punji sticks except the spikes have a power field.
which is why they fly this flag of liberty to this day
Yeah, and this is why americucks ran away with their tails between their legs.
>Socialist Republic of Vietnam!
Boy howdy, what a liberated, democratic name that is!
Yeah and now our overweight businessmen go over there to fuck their underaged whores.
Y'all can do that in any country of the world, mate. It's called the oldest profession for a reason.
>Americans shift the goalpost to "yeah but we won the cold war mcdonalds in hanoi USA USA!"
Oh c'mon user, I don't think they are so dum...
Ay lmao.
I'm more reminded of all the young white girls selling themselves in the very USA by your comment than I am of any nonexistent victory in Vietnam.
For the last part, it was mostly the Vietnamese government that realize socialism don't work shit and reform the economy, after failing in industrialization and waste soldiers against Pol Pot
To keep the topic of space charlies, they would have probably use lasguns that have been cut down, just because it's a longer life weapon rather than autoguns. Definitely have entrenching shovels for digging tunnels and pits. Camo cloaks are a big deal too.
Likely light on vehicles, if any, but would have cheap anti tank. Most of their gear is probably cheap, likely little to no flak armor. I'd say great at working with locals.
>Banhmi Guerrillas
This is such a silly example of vague cereal-box cultural ignorance that it could 100% be old GW canon, good work.
Thanks, that was my goal.
Thanks for ruining a thread politic fags
The problem is that the Viet Cong were a defensive force sourced from a local population with an emphasis on attrition warfare. They make more sense as PDF than they do as a guard regiment.
Am retarded. What’s the significance here?
A couple years ago someone made a vietcong Tau hombrew.
The Viet Cong, assuming VC is used as a catchall for various guerilla factions opposing the United States, took nearly Imperial Guard level casualties during the later years of the war. 40k factions, outside of maybe the Tau and Eldar, would not be at all deterred by the relative losses suffered by the United States.
There are so many extreme options in 40k and every faction is a system spanning empire meaning local terrain is basically negligible.
Do you think they wouldn't just burn the entire jungle when there are a dozen more equally humid and shitty wild fauna planets? Or be deterred if they lost a comparatively tiny portion of their massive military while giving the enemy unsustainable losses?
A banh mi is a tasty Vietnamese sandwich. It's reminiscent of the on-the-nose "I think this culture is neat but don't feel like doing any research" style of early 40k. See the Death Korps of Krieg or the Attilan Rough Riders.
Basically this. The West should've gone all-out scorched earth. It's like the debacle in the Middle East wars, you can't fight with one hand tied behind your back.
>The West should've gone all-out scorched earth
And gained... a bunch of burnt jungle?
The Vietnam war was never about taking over Vietnam, not for the Americans anyway. It was about halting the spread of communism.
People who advocate scorched earth tactics in the Vietnam war fundamentally misunderstand America's purpose and mission statement.
Yes, by propping up the South Vietnamese government, not by blindly slaughtering the Vietnamese population.
It was the complete failure of America to manage the South Vietnamese government that ensured the victory of the NVA more than any battlefield. The failures of the USA were political, not military.
But that's harder to talk about than 'muh kdr', 'burn the jungle' bullshit.
well yeah the Viet cong as in the southern based insurgents crippled themselves with the tet offensive but the NVA in the north who in popular imagination are also VC still won the bloody war
>what is the difference between the VC and NVA
VC got BTFO, NVA did all the actual work.
NVA also prop up the VC by supplying them with everything, so everything was their work all along
America won the Vietnam war.
>mission: halt the advance of Chinese communism
>go fight a war in Vietnam
>fight it so retardedly that it is lasts almost 20 years
>have the media inform the world that Americans are getting tired of the war before the North Vietnamese give up over how much you're killing them
>eventually leave and let the stronger half take over the country
>the unified Vietnam is now war experienced enough that they're capable of stopping the Chinese invasion on their own
>as a bonus Vietnam also throws Khmer Rouge who were Chinese puppets out neighboring Cambodia
>mission complete
Kissinger was a genius and ahead of his time.
Well they sure wouldn't be fans of the Salamanders and Sororitas.
The joke is that the NV was the good guys the whole time
>>mission: halt the advance of Chinese communism
Nah that was to stop Soviet influence in Asia. Vietnam fucking hated China, goddamn even its period as a Chinese province is still taught as Africa-tier oppression today
This is some advanced goalpost shifting.
It was to stop Soviet communism, not China.
This was Kissinger's whole deal, that China wasn't the enemy, but an important part of the strategy of containing the Russians.
I mean why do you think the Chinese invaded them after the Americans left? As thanks for being their closest allies?
Maybe if you are leftbook or are a newfag that actually likes modern po-faced unwitting self-parody 40k
This is why you will keep losing.
Shitty b8 m8
I never said it was a bad thing. The fuck's a "leftbook"?
Some /pol/ meme
I think a part of my brain died reading that.
You tried, OP
>this should be interesting
>oh no
Sorry, had no idea "on the nose" meant unimaginative rather than just distasteful.
What army would be best to play the role of the invaders?
>Viet Cong
Viet Minh OP, Viet MINH
t. Vietnamese
>Imagine being this retarded
Vietnam hate China to the fucking bone mate. That was what led to the Chinks invading Vietnam in 1979.