Are there any interesting characters out there? Tona Criid is out there, she has an interesting backstory and all, but that's about it on what I was able to find. Are there any other good ones out there in the IG that aren't just rule34 material?
Female Imperial Guards-people?
Jessi Banda is another recurring female Gaunt's Ghost, both are probably by a wide range the most fleshed out Female Guard characters you'll find by virtue of the length of the series. There's Also Sanian who while not guard appears a couple of times and does eventually end up in combat and if I recall a female lord Commissar at a trial of Guant at some point though she's hardly fleshed out. There's also 2nd Lieutenant Mira from Relic's space marine game who is the most senior surviving officer in the story. She as well fleshed out as any character present which is to say...not much.
There are significantly more female characters on various parts of the soldier spectrum that turn up in Inquisition books/games because, if I may speculate, the role of frontline soldier remains overwhelmingly associated with men while the notion of female spys/assassins/exceptional individuals are much more widely culturally extant in the literature 40k tends to take inspiration from.
I'm sure there are a few out there. Lexicanum says 90% of IG are male, but that's gorillions of people, so there are most likely plenty to chose from. It seems that Regiments like 597th Valhallans and Calderon Rifles have notable female characters, like Regina Kasteen, and a couple other names off the Lexicanum wiki. I really can't recall any otherwise. Only War has sweet reg-creation and the option for female characters, if you can't find any, make some cool ones with some writefaggotry.
There is this female Catachan who is literally Ripley with muscles
Not Imperial Guard, but the captain of the Heresy Era World Eaters flagship was a woman.
Thanks for all the replies, will give them all a look
>Female Imperial Guards-people?
Guardsman. Someone who serves in the Imperial Guard is a Guardsman no matter what their sex.
And don't you fucking forget it, snowflake.
I never thought that this subtle ironic joke would actually trigger some fucking retard but it actually worked holy shit
Do you think SJW's actually post on Veeky Forums you fucking imbecile?
One of the sabat worlds short story collections has an interesting one from the pov of a blood pact tank crew, the commander of which is a woman.
it doesn't end well for anyone
>Ripley with muscles