How well would Orks do if they were dropped into Starcraft?
How well would Orks do if they were dropped into Starcraft?
How many orks? Do they get any leaders? Where do they land? At what point in StarCraft's story is this?
There's many factors.
Lets say the Zel'naga made them by accident and never bothered to clean them up.
I'm guessing you haven't played SC2 to its conclusion.
Anyway, Protoss can clean them up from orbit and if they don't have Purity of Form, they can be infested. They might win a few engagements but they're probably going to be mopped up and then everyone has to deal with orky zerg.
The problem with that is how far they've spread. One Ork on a planet and it can become next to impossible to get them off. Then they start getting to other planets, eventually that shit's going to get expensive.
As for infested Orks, they can tell if something is Orky or not. If an Ork gets infested, the rest will go "dat git ain't right" and stomp him. They rarely fall to chaos and I don't think Tyranids have many Ork based genestealer cults because of this.
>As for infested Orks, they can tell if something is Orky or not. If an Ork gets infested, the rest will go "dat git ain't right" and stomp him
That doesn't really matter with the Zerg Swarm's structure. Once the essence of an ork is claimed and sequenced, they can mass produce orkalisks with all the traits and benefits of orks yet completely loyal to the Swarm.
And they would be produced faster than orks themselves.
With a commanding will (Cerebrate, Overmind, Broodmother, or a psionic Infested Terran), a single zerg larva turns into a hive in a matter of minutes. It turns into a planetary invasion in a matter of hours. Ork hordes take years to grow. It's incomparable.
>That doesn't really matter with the Zerg Swarm's structure. Once the essence of an ork is claimed and sequenced, they can mass produce orkalisks with all the traits and benefits of orks yet completely loyal to the Swarm.
Except for WAAAGH.
If Tyranids can't, why would Zerg?
The reason this can be a potential game changer is if enough Orks believe they can get enough boys to face a Zerg Swarm, then those Orks are going to start showing up. Either because they started painting themselves red or the WAAAGH made their spores better. If they can't get that WAAAGH going, yeah they're fucked. If they do, they're going to be strong as fuck.
The starcraft races can already clear away zerg creep on a regular basis and anyone who has taken a delve into starcraft lore knows that creep is easily one of the most busted things in the setting, like make the tyranids go *what the fuck, that shit is busted*. Because creep is all kinds of bullshit.
>Except for WAAAGH.
>If Tyranids can't, why would Zerg?
Tyranids don't have Purity of Essence. It's a metaphysically absolute concept. Once infected by Zerg, you are Zerg and cannot be not Zerg. The only way to resist is to be uninfectable, which requires Purity of Form, another metaphysically absolute concept.
Why doesn't StarCraft have Orks, anyway? Too obvious?
Useless for the setting. Hell, the only reason it has humans is to move the plot and make it flavorful. Humans in the metanarrative are irrelevant, they lack any sort of purity and will be doomed to elimination by one of the greater powers eventually.
Or at least they would have, until they got a Xel'naga on their side.
Again, it depends on how far said WAAAGH goes. An Ork can make colors do specific things, red goes faster, blue makes things lucky, ect. If it gets going then they'll either get Purity of Essence or not need it because WAAAGH is a reality warping ability.
If they don't get the WAAAGH going, then they're going to get shat all over. If they do, then they'll do fine.
>you are Zerg and cannot be not Zerg.
Unless your Kerrigan, then you get to flip flop all day.
>If Tyranids can't, why would Zerg?
Tyranids don’t infest
I mean in terms of getting WAAAGH from eating Orks.
Also isn't that what Genestealer cults are?
WAAAGH only works on orkish expectations. There is no equivalence to give them Purity of Form. (They couldn't possibly possess Purity of Essence, as that would mean they would be able to change from orky shape yet remain orks.) I would give it very low odds that the WAAAGH would prevent infestation at any level.
Essence can be collected from corpses, anyway. They don't need to directly infest an ork.
Kerrigan got purified by a Xel'naga artifact. Xel'naga magic can pretty much do anything. Also, she was still kinda zergy judging by her chitinous dreadlocks.
SCfags are really intense it seems.
It's just how it goes. Purities are absolute yes/no effects. Orks don't have it, orks can't get it.
>WAAAGH only works on orkish expectations. There is no equivalence to give them Purity of Form.
True, but to be fair they might not need it because WAAAGH warps reality. If enough Orks believe that painting themselves black or green will keep them from getting infested then they won't get infested.
As far essence collection, Nids eat Orks all the time and they never got WAAAGH so it's not genetic.
>Orks don't have it, orks can't get it.
But nothing in Starcraft can warp reality with their believes.
Kinda like the 40k Boys.
But I'm in favor of the Ork magic being able to give them a solid foothold.
>Purity of form is a concept first pioneered by the xel'naga, and is defined as the ability for a race to have a great psionic potential
Which is literally what the Orks got. The potential for great psychic power.
Orks got purity of form.
Tyranids work on a purely biological level. They have to assimilate the genetic code to acquire effects, and psionics aren't contained genetically.
Zerg loot some wispy spiritual thing called "essence" and it runs through them like magic. They really aren't comparable ideas.
Purity of Form represents physical excellence and an immunity to all forms of biological assault. Terrans have potential for great psionic power and they are utterly impure.
WAAAGH is not infallible, people. Orks don't win every fight even though Orks never expect to lose.
>Purity of Form represents physical excellence and an immunity to all forms of biological assault.
Nice goal moving.
But still it's got that too.
Physical perfection is everything for them, as is being immune to biological attacks.
They are made by a species surpassing the protos in every aspect to fight spooky metal skeletons in space that can craft their own gods.
>Tyranids work on a purely biological level. They have to assimilate the genetic code to acquire effects, and psionics aren't contained genetically.
Tyranids literally make psionic units though and yet they can't get WAAAGH. It's because Orks believe they ain't Orky, since they ain't Orky they can't use WAAAGH because only Orks can use it. They're blocking out other races ability to use WAAAGH without even realizing they have WAAAGH at all.
Never said it is, but it's a power inherent to Orks and only usable by beings whom the Orks respect for their orkyness.
It even stand to question of zergs would get anything new from Orks that they don't already have since they have an enormous DNA pool
>archaic Wikia article
My dude, that hasn't even been updated to note that pretty much all of the history is artificial, and Amon injected Protoss with purity of form and deliberately caused the Aeon of Strife so he'd have an emergency escape vector through their psychic network a few thousand years down the line. Shit's outta date. Play SC2.
Orks never actually lose though. Even if you beat the shit out of them they still win because they had a good fight.
Orks don't warp enough and protoss has necron tier space time warp fuckery
>protoss has necron tier space time warp fuckery
no they don't dumbass.
>Bug alien lover being salty that there could be something beside his Smurfs being able to stomp zergs a little.
Zerg claim essence, and essence is what makes an organism embody all its traits.
When the zerg claim a creature that lives in incredibly sub-arctic conditions, they don't gain the thick fur coat that allows them to accomplish that, they gain the essence of "resisting incredibly subarctic cold".
Y'all are missing just how incredibly stupid the zerg are in execution.
>Orks don't warp enough
>Causing fucking paint alone to make things go faster isn't hard core warping.
>Literally everything they use, even choppas only working because of WAAAGH isn't warping enough.
The problem is that they might get blocked off from it anyway because the Orks don't see them as Orky.
Upon each other's discovery, the Zerg and the Orks would fight forever, leaving the entire problem contained to one planet while the Terrans and Protoss have drinks and good times.
I get that zergs are fucks but they don't hold a patent on fuckyness you but.
We are talking about zen stealing space bugs versus huge talking mushrooms whose technology, by all means, should not work.
Painting something purple, on a white I've planet, has the same effect as high quality camouflage for them.
The Voice In The Darkness eats them all, and goes off to devour the universe. End.
Not sure, if one is dropped on a backwater world it will most likely grow it's own gang and go interstellar.
At which point they will be the green immune system of the milky way.
Ork techs function in human hands. It is just extremely poor quality. Saying a giant axe doesn't work because you don't believe is fucking stupid. And yes making a vehicle go slightly faster is indeed fucking small time to teleports, personal shields, and transforming their matter into energy
Now you are confusing lore with actual mechanics.
>Saying a giant axe doesn't work because you don't believe is fucking stupid.
I'm fairly certain power armor wouldn't give two shits about a heavy slab of metal user.
>Ork techs function in human hands.
But it shouldn't function AT ALL is what I'm saying.
Shut the fuck up.
I'm not the retarded fucker who thinks axes don't work unless you believe in it like some kind of axe missionary
>More Primitives, oh joy. At least these may make good slaves. Rally the Death Fleets, assemble the Supplicants, and inform the Ascendants that we are on the move.
>Don't bother to notify the Terrans, we'll need secondary targets if these "Orks" prove less than they seem.
Power armor can shrug off hits from a lasgun, a weapon when at full power is capable of easily cutting a human in half. Yet a slab of metal on a stick can cut through it because WAAAGH.
It doesn't give a fuck about lasguns either. That's why you drown power armor.
But it does. Do you got an actual point?
>An entire race of violent retarded mushrooms make good slaves.
Ork tech is not a gun-shaped wreck of scrap metal. It functions in non-orky hands, it's just extremely haphazard. A human trying to use an ork's gun risks the gun exploding, the gun being preposterously inaccurate, and actually running out of ammo. It's still a gun. It will still shoot.
*drown power armor in it*
The anger is affecting me
>But it does.
It only works because of WAAAGH. If WAAAGH wasn't there, it would be fucking useless even as a paperweight. A choppa should NEVER get through a power armor yet some can get through terminator armor if the Ork is big enough because they believe it will.
Jesus Christ on a flamming stick it's literally they're entire gimmick for fucks sake.
And in a Ork's hands it's a perfectly functioning assault rifle with no problems.
Tal'darim slaves are nothing more than batteries for the Ascendants to power up off of. A rapidly reproducing pseudo-psychic race with little as far as intelligence goes is actually almost perfect, considering the Protoss have the proper weapons to 'contain' Ork infections.
Let me try to help you understand.
Those people here, they aren't like you and me.
They take retarded mushrooms with wile cojote physics and space faring cockroaches that will eat your zen-stuff as SERIOUS BUSINESS
Lol what?
Don't Orks have that Warp connection that's not really a Warp connection? Something about Gellar fields?
>slab of metal big as a man
>useless at killing a man when it is swung at high speed.
Shut the fuck up
WAAAGH is implied to not be warp based because it's implied to be stronger than the warp at times.
It should be useless when swung at what is basically a super soldier in armor that can shrug off a flurry of hits from lasers that can cut a man clean in half.
I'm pretty sure that Orks are fully "real" psionics
Spacemarines have died to lasguns and stubbers. Ork swinging anything should punch hard enough. What you are gonna tell me bugs clawing through terminators is fine but a race of bioengineered muscle gorillas can't punch a guy?
Don't be ridiculous
>Spacemarines have died to lasguns and stubbers.
When there's enough of them.
It's a good thing orks attack in numbers. What, you think they waved their arms once and wait 10 second like a turn based RPG?
If we are talking about movie Marines.
Who can outrun Usain bolt in full gear
Throw a rock so hard it pierces walls
Absorb memories by eating brains
Survive a fall at terminal velocity in full gear while being injured from punching another dude to death, mid fall.
Depends on the amount of orks dropped and how much time they have to infest planets.
Any ork waagh dropped straight away into THE CURRENT YEAR setting will be eventually killed off, since the waagh cant reinforce itself through constantly attracting more and more orks to it, so the natural infighting and battle losses will wear down the horde. For orks to start popping up once again will take generations before the ork biofauna manages to take over and convert a few planets to their use.
Also the lack of space-hulks in Starcraft setting means orks will be very hindered in spreading around.
If orks however had infested a few systems already, and had only now come into contact with Starcraft setting it will be an equal fight.
You are both pretty girls, now kiss and make up.
My point is if a Ork is using purely muscle then it would be extremely difficult to punch through power armor of any sort without reality warping, because it's fucking power armor. They can also do the same to Eldar constructs, Necrons, Tau mechs, ect. All of which should be hard enough to survive having an axe swung at it by a big green giga nigga.
Don't forget the spitting acid
3 lungs
2 hearts
Innate Poison immunity
and what basically amounts to body armor for a skeleton
I hope you lose a toe
Again. Shit dies to lasguns. You are arguing for waaagh as if it turned a waffle iron in Ork's hand into a lightsaber
Orks would do just as well in Starcraft as they do in 40k. They'd love fighting Terrans, call Protoss panties, and hate the Gribblies that want to eat them. All in all not much difference.
I think based on what we see and how she returns back to the hive, I'd argue even the artefact wasn't powerful enough to completely purify her.
It might push it back to core of her being, but it's always there, waiting to come back out. I mean shit, she's going off to fight the space god now. Zerg went from bad guys to intergalactic mutie fighting force.
You have no idea how many lasguns would be fired at a space marine if they got into a war with a Imperial Guard regiment do you? The answer is a fuck-ton.
Even then, Orks believe they can smash through shit thus they can smash through shit. So it could be pure muscle, just WAAAGH, or a combination of both.
What an classy and well measured curse
It takes about 10ish dudes to ambush a CSM. It's a lot but not that ridiculous
Gentlemen, there's a solution here you're all not seeing.
The Zerg steal the Orks zen, that orky quality, and try to create new forms that exploit the Orks power. But rather than the orks getting assimilated into the zerg, the zerg get assimilated into the orks.
The first ork like creature the swarm produces is going to start talking like a hooligan and go off to join the boyz. Why? Because he's orky.
>Fo da SwaaaAAAAAGH
>But rather than the orks getting assimilated into the zerg, the zerg get assimilated into the orks.
Purity of Essence is the very definition of that being impossible.
No matter what the zerg take in, they remain zerg. They never become "a mix of zerg and X".
Also a problem with swarm assimilating orks is that smaller, runtier orks are pretty much worthless. Orks become more and more beefed up the more they live and fight, and the swarm that ends up devouring every creature after the fighting is done gets out of it nothing but some less cute zerglings.
Tho it would be interesting to see if the Zerg could reverse-engineer the ork weirdboy strains and the coded knowledge within.
I don't think you understand how infestation works. Zerg represent rampant, highly evolved evolution through gene stealing/essence stealing. Their entire world was built on it and once they were taken off that world and given substance, they became a galactic plague. The only reason they're not blanketing every world is human intelligence and ingenuity was added to the soup and they realized being used. So even the zerg queen's that followed took on kerrigan's qualities, to the point of them not usurping eachother anymore and bowing to her will even after she was 'purified' and they took her back.
The zerg aren't even zerg. They're space god tampered with mutation machines that copy anything they touch.
it doesn't matter how powerful or creative or special. They're not defeating you through overpowering, they're taking what makes you, you and use it against you. Then they grow to point of absurdity.
The idea of someone or something being orky is a metaphysical concept reinforced by the Orks collective power. It is a concept with clear qualities (loik alwayz lookin fer a foight) that can't really be diluted or changed.
Either the Zerg can't steal the concept of being orky, or any orky Zerg they make will effectively be Orks.
wouldn't Orks be immune to Zerg infestations anyways since they are mushrooms?
Zerg can take essence from anything that lives, plants and fungi are acceptable.
Okay, who the fuck died and gave you the privilege to decide the zergs get Al their techno-zen babble bullshit but to ignore the fact from the other setting where Orks create gods, plural, as in two and have the power to will stuff into working and even existence?
Also that Orks are LITERALLY build to deal with a threat like the one you mentioned?
if an Ork became infested all it has to do is believe its an Ork to stop being infested..
So you claim Orks should be invincible, because when you shoot them they just don't believe you shot them. This is stupid and not how it works at all.
Advantage goes to the zerg simply because they're being dumped into the zerg's universe, based on the rules of that universe and not the other way around.
Preface the question with the zerg being dumped into the 40k universe and my answer would be different.
Well to be exact, enough Orks have to belive to not be infested.
Which keeps the breaking point of OP at "how many Orks?'.
I would actually argue that Orks have purity of form.
They're not 'pretty', but Orks do have a strong metaphysical presence and mirror the Protoss in many ways beyond just being an originally artificial being. I don't think the Orks would be capable of being assimilated or having their essence otherwise taken by the Zerg.
"Purity of essence" might also mean the Zerg can only infest naturally occurring species, so there's that- a specifically made design flaw to prevent the Zerg and Protoss from prematurely fusing or whatever. I dunno.
The other thing you should remember is that the Zerg Biosphere/Creep thingy isn't as nessicarily aggressive or virilent as it's advertised. If it's under the direct supervision of an overmind/queen/sapient psychic individual, then yeah, for sure, you can have some world assimilating moments, but by itself Zerg aren't really that unmanagable for a space-faring civilization... or even just normal wildlife.
We've seen feral zerg and they.. They just sort of mind their own business? They ambient about like animals and only spread creep so far as survival is concerned.
People fucking hunt Zerg for FOOD.
he is a blizzdrone thinking his capeshit universe has better powerlevels than 40k
So you pulled it out of you ass.
Also to that purity of form faggot.
I combed forums and wikis and everything points only to "having great psionic potential"
Which the Orks got.
Bring your own sources with a link you Savage or suck Beetle dick.
Mate, dudes in power armor die to 'normal' weapons in 40k all the time. Combat knives, bayonets, just being clubbed to fucking death, are things that can kill an SM in power armor.
Ork choppas can damage power armor because the ork swinging it is THAT FUCKING STRONG. They're an alien race manufactured for war, of course they're going to be obscenely muscular and powerful.
The idea that ork technology is powered by their 'belief', while somewhat true, is also an extremely vague and ill defined concept. You're taking the meme to its absolute extreme end, and saying that without this power orks would not be able to do any of the shit they do. And that's pretty much completely incorrect. A 7 foot tall angry green lunatic, with musculature beyond what a human being could ever achieve, is definitely going to be able to take a big slab of sharpened space metal and use it to kill another guy wearing a suit space metal.
You're essentially claiming that if, say, a Khorne berserker picked up an ork choppa and tried to use it to kill an Ultramarine, he wouldn't be able to manage it. The choppa would never get through the Ultramarine's armor, no matter what.
Well that's a fucking ridiculous claim, my friend, and I'm not buying it.
Not at all, i'm basing my words on what happened in the game, which is their 'canon' from rules to how they operate as a species. I can verify everything I've said.
This isn't a fight you can win simply because the powercreep, weird fights 40k fags are used to can only go as far as what you bump up against to in the Op's question, in a different thread outcome might be different but you'll only look childish trying to get around it.
Starcraft universe isn't same as universe you're arguing about, they don't have gods. They have certain levels of power but they're based on science and tech.
Without magic, you're just humanoids, overly large ones, but still, mortal.
Are they leaking from the warcraft general??
>Starcraft doesn't have gods
>Kerrigan becomes a space angel that fires lazer beams.
>psykers exist in the setting
Well I could point out that the sources are highly inconsistent, that there are gaping differences depending on authors, media and edition AND that it is a universe made to sell plastic toys which profits from people being able to interpret their own views into it.
But that would be the high road.
I'm not going to take the high road.
Xel'naga are just an advanced species that dwells in the void and possesses both purity of form and purity of essence. They are immortal, can interact with realspace with their advanced powers, and are capable of immense destruction, but they're only gods in the sense that they are creators. They are killable and they are not all knowing.
no. The warcraft general is comfy and laughs at blizzard's shitty storytelling while finding the occasional cool nuggets.
Are you actually aware that 40k of gods are basically the Ork gestalt hivemind or are you just defending the thing you like and sir it things with half knowledge about the other side and don't even bother with research on an age where most of humanities knowledge is a few kicks away?
Because that would make you look like the lazy sperg you are
Except the same thing is true for nearly all of 40k's gods
SC2 runs on as much magic bullshit as 40k, especially with all the bullshit introduced with Hearts of the Swarm.
For fuck's sake the zerg do not need to claim the WAAAGH or any stupid shit like that. They'd take all the ork's strength and endurance and kill the rest. The orks are not even a threat.