Anons, I'm building a world for my own gaming enjoyment. Can I get some feedback on the races present by continent?
I will explain what each races' deal is if need be, and yes, I know the continent names suck, I really need to come up with better names for them.
*Daggerland (Main Continent)
>Cogsoul (Competent Tinker) Gnomes
>Mountain Gnomes (Dwarves)
>Forest Gnomes
>Haffuns (Rabbitfolk)
*Isle of Catastrophe (Mournland Mad Max Australia)
>Junkers (warforged expies)
*Dark Continent (Pulp Africa)
>Hutaakans (Slaaneshi necromancer jackalfolk)
>Fennekin (fennec-folk)
>Sun Elves
>Tondi (orchid mantis thri-kreen)
*Gloomlund (Sylvania expy)
>Fetches (half-ghost)
>Ghuls (half-ghoul)
*Ryutochi (China/Japan mash-up)
>"Lungborn" (Dragonborn based on Lung Dragons)
>"Nekomusume" (tigerfolk)
>"Grassblades" (militant rabbitfolk)
>Wukong (monkeyfolk)
*The Unexplored North
>Gulons (wolverinefolk)
*The Moon
>Moon Elves
>Netherborn (warforged expies made from stillborn elves)
>Kangaroo Ratfolk