Character art thread

2nd attempt
Requesting an 80's cyberpunk characters playing a keyboard guitar

Attached: 1518196121191.jpg (681x1172, 82K)

requesting moder/urban magi

or slightly behind the times

anything which isnt fantasy or futuristic

Attached: in_the_hand_of_frame___roy_mustang_fanart_by_kumsmkii-d8iajc7.jpg (752x1063, 150K)

Well lets try again, anyone got any more cyborg monk art? Or really any kind of martial artsy looking sorts with clear robot bits to them that aren't a Metal Gear Cyborg Ninja. Seems surprisingly hard to find.

Attached: agents of atlas temugin.jpg (775x1025, 278K)

Anyone have any hags or non-hot witches?

Attached: tw3wh-witch.jpg (1000x1170, 133K)

requesting dragonborn, and anything that looks dragon-descendant but not actually a true dragon. double points if it looks partly fiendish.

In return, I offer this guy.

Attached: CreepyDruid1.jpg (721x1108, 56K)

Have an argonian

Attached: 1485503662555.jpg (1080x398, 443K)

Bumping request from last thread:
I'm in need of art for an upcoming campaign, so: Requesting a male half-elf with an eyepatch. That's the important part, since I'm only using it for a portrait, but bonus details:

>Facial hair to make it obvious it's a half-elf
>city-dweller appearance, preferably of a lowborn/commoner sort of appearance
>passable as a bard, or at least not obviously some other class

Also another player of mine needs art for his Githzerai monk, so if you've got any gith that would be appreciated too.

Anybody got any good Neo-Deco/sci-fi Art Deco artwork like pic related? I really really loved the visuals in Prey and Transistor and I want some more art like in those games for inspo for my campaign

Attached: 9781506703992_IL__7.jpg (1296x864, 374K)

Attached: Screenshot-2016-03-07-12.48.28.png (1904x1051, 2.16M)

forgot to mention, Art Noveau is also welcome, if you have any you wanna share

Attached: Screenshot-2016-03-10-14.25.35.png (1904x1050, 1.53M)