2nd attempt
Requesting an 80's cyberpunk characters playing a keyboard guitar
Character art thread
requesting moder/urban magi
or slightly behind the times
anything which isnt fantasy or futuristic
Well lets try again, anyone got any more cyborg monk art? Or really any kind of martial artsy looking sorts with clear robot bits to them that aren't a Metal Gear Cyborg Ninja. Seems surprisingly hard to find.
Anyone have any hags or non-hot witches?
requesting dragonborn, and anything that looks dragon-descendant but not actually a true dragon. double points if it looks partly fiendish.
In return, I offer this guy.
Have an argonian
Bumping request from last thread:
I'm in need of art for an upcoming campaign, so: Requesting a male half-elf with an eyepatch. That's the important part, since I'm only using it for a portrait, but bonus details:
>Facial hair to make it obvious it's a half-elf
>city-dweller appearance, preferably of a lowborn/commoner sort of appearance
>passable as a bard, or at least not obviously some other class
Also another player of mine needs art for his Githzerai monk, so if you've got any gith that would be appreciated too.
Anybody got any good Neo-Deco/sci-fi Art Deco artwork like pic related? I really really loved the visuals in Prey and Transistor and I want some more art like in those games for inspo for my campaign
forgot to mention, Art Noveau is also welcome, if you have any you wanna share
I loked through my elf folder and found nothing. It's really specific, you are probably better off trying it in a drawthread.
I gotchu senpai
>80's cyberpunk characters playing a keyboard guitar
Pretty specific, good luck.
Nothing like that, sorry.
Got a bit.
sorry if this isn't what you're looking for, i kinda just pulled these out of my fave art folder
Proper haggy witches.
this maybe? just going off thumbnail because lazy.
What would a female Elf fighter look like?
Especially a (lvl 3) medium armor one. (Although anything else is good too.)
Are you playing a female elf warrior, user?
Yeah, I'm building a lvl 3 elf fighter for a friend's campaign that he already introduced her into. He did start off with 5e but then switched to Pathfinder.
Maybe too weeaboo.
Maybe this.
What hair color/eye color are you going for?
Most of my elf fighter pictures are male, not female. My female ones are pretty ranger-y, not fighter-y.
Or this.
This may be too heavy.
Also I'm creating a character design myself. I'm thinking maybe going for a redhead, possibly giving her some kind of visor/mask that she would wear either with her armor or as a general accessory. Probably ear armor too.
That is pretty cute. I don't mind going a bit weeb since my drawing style is pretty weeb itself.
Pic related, something that I started last year but didn't finish, kind of want to use some elements from it with this character.
Probably red/aqua, or something a little more fantastical while not being stereotypical (greens?)
Half elves are narrow enough let alone shit like eyepatches my dude.
Also I realize at the very least the neck is thick as hell. Goddamn.
They both are and aren't, I was hoping for more obviously human monk/martial artist/asian flavor with some artificial limbs but these are good to have as counterparts and the like so it's all good, appreciate the help mate.
Here's a greenhead, not sure if I have a female medium-armored redhead. have no armed females with headgear, I'm afraid.
And I need to go to sleep.
It's a pretty specific request. This dude's more human, but not especially monk like and not facing the camera. All I got.
>Probably red/aqua, or something a little more fantastical while not being stereotypical (greens?)
This do anything for you?
Thought I had a couple of keytar girls, turned out to be a guitar gun, and my other one was an old cyberpunk-type deck
ikr, I thought it'd be easier to find more karate/kung fu cyborgs that aren't a Metal Gear reject and I was wrong. Again thanks for the help though.
That's pretty good.
A bit better, I'd think the ears would be longer though.
I got u senpai
Unfortunately, the retarded way abilities work in D&D has meant that 99% of elf art is dual-wielding Drizz'tfaggotry. But I think I have at least a few images of elves that look like fighters.
There's boatloads of proper armored elf art, it's just most of it in my folders are male.
Anyone got that one knight with blood on his knuckles and wielding a spiked flail?
Oh yeah, and threadly reminder to check magiccards.info advanced search, then Google Image the fuller resolution if no one is filling your request.
This is pretty nice.
Only really good if your DM likes horny elves.
This is pretty nice, but I guess this is more paladin armor, unless I'm misinterpreting how the armor system works at least with Pathfinder? (general armor that isn't for any one class)
Nah, a fighter can just as easily wear chain/scale mail. Or go further up into plate.
Last one. Probably too small and niche for use, but for me the girl being knighted is the model elf fighter.
Good to know.
I guess also helmets/visors/other headgear can be pretty much designed whatever way I want then.
OP your request has been filled here.
I could use some art for my desert (wood) elves in my campaign Also Desert Dragonborn/Lizardfolk would be super helpful
Virt is that you
Nah. Virt liked Lorwyn elves?
Reposting from last thread, I'm after fantasy setting underworld characters. Crime bosses, standover men, hitmen, enforcers, cleaners, whatever race, class, gender, if they look shady I'm looking for them.
His elfposts were primarily about /b/-tier stuff, but there was a fifty-fifty chance that the image he would post would either be guro or tame
Masked elf girls > regular elf girls.
I could use some masked elves of either gender if anyone has some.
Requesting older guys that have a lot of character to them.
Cranky, charismatic, foxxy, smug, anything works.
Please post warriors with spears, halberds, polearms, bardiches and other such long range weaponry
More is required.
Sorry, what do you mean? More detail? Well, I'd prefer somewhat ominous forest elves-- this one right here is the pride of my very tiny collection right now.