Does your character carry an exotic weapon?
If so, what is it and how did they get it?
Does your character carry an exotic weapon?
If so, what is it and how did they get it?
Well not my character, but a friend of mine was playing a bard and he had a sword that one side was a sword and the other half a bow(the stick part of the violin) and if i remember correctly he got it after he stole a carriage from a band of musical barbarians
It's a saber. You invented a saber.
Just a really big sword cause I'm a sucker for big swords.
>1200 BC sickle-sword = 1600 AD backsword
No, you invented an axe
Sabers are for slashing while mounted
Khopeshes are for hacking through shields
I had a Roman cavalry lance, I stole it from a museum because the GM's description sounded cool.
he didn't invent it
That's just an axe, dude.
Let's be real, long and solid metal axes are exotic.
post an exotic weapon
You want axe?
My current character, a rakshasa paladin, uses a lucerne. We treat it as an interchangeable pike and a two-handed warhammer with reach. He received it as a reward of his choice from a noble's coffers and armoury.
He uses a khopesh actually, since he's a king from a bronze-age Sumer inspired civilization.
In my other campaign my other PC uses a katana.
My young wizard carries a bronze dagger that he created and molded with his magic as a bit of a "thesis statement" of a few weeks of learning how to work metals alongside a proper weapon smith. Up until that point he had ever worked on dirt and stone.
I do have one character with a khopesh. She took it as a trophy after dueling and killing a Marilith swordmaster, with one hand tied behind her back. Not her main weapon though.
He's got a lightsaber. The group had a run in with a Sith some time ago and he took it instead of a share of the pay for that particular mission.
The "one hand behind the back" thing isn't exactly a feat in D&D, though that has more to do with the game's rules than a character's statement as a badass.
Its a blade that howls, it howls like hell
One of my favorite characters does
Gladiatorial combat
Sadly there's been no support for it past 3.5e
Anyone else use Spear + Shield combo?
Spear isn't anything big, only 6 foot tall.
It was actually a relevant penalty in the fight, that character is a TWF specialist.
Thats a throwing knife though
I do
Large shield or tower shield & short sword
Is a kazoo as my bardic inszrument an exotic weapon?
Does it count when I bring one to every sesssion and can actually play it?
One of my characters was from not-china and had a Rapier they got as a gift from their dad.
Which he took as a prize during war. It's foreign to them if you count that.
Throwing knife
Throwing Axe
It's a versatile piece of metal and the pinnacle of SS.African war blacksmithing
Spear and net