Paizo Games General /pgg/

Paizo Games General /pgg/

It's time for Zo!

/pfg/ Link Repository (Pathfinder):
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Hey now, gotta be inclusive of all our viewers. Can't have a bloodsport if someone can't bleed!

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This is for Pact Worlds if anyone was wondering

Oh hey caught the thread early.
Starting a new pathfinder campaign, not very experienced, anyone know where I can find good options for a teleporting swordsman and elemental attacks?

who is zo, i'm confused

So I got an animal companion that has the Grab special feature

In grab, it describes that the monster simply has to maintain the grapple and it will automatically deal damage to the grappled creature. My question is, if I have my companion Pin the monster it's grabbing, will it still automatically do damage?

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You're fucking beautiful

Yes, pin just makes it harder to break out of the grapple and gives the pinner extra options.

paizo is selliong us out for the chads and stacy's

Yeah we'd rather be surrounded by the Travis and Laura's of the world over Marisha or Orion, that's for sure.

Good bye neckbeards. Get the fuck out of our basements. Your odor is DISGUSTING.


So guys, I'm playing a dragonrider in a campaign I just joined. How should I build him? I kiiiind of want to try a dual wield chakram build (my DM seems the sort to try to help make things like this work), but I'm kind of tempted to just fall back on the whole "ride the dragon and shoot everything with a bow" theme the class seems to be going for. Or maybe I'll use a reach weapon and go for a reach/AoO build.

Lizardfolk, copper dragon.

He's going to be a justice slinging, wannabe knight in shining armor who gives speeches about doing good and protecting the weak, but piss on the laws that enable a criminal to go free, he'll take justice into his own hands and set a shining example for those around him... if they can get past the fact that he's a lizard.

For reference:

Stop posting.

No one cares. That's why no one replied last time.

So take the hint. Kill yourself. No one's gonna miss you.

Are chakrams going to have enough range for you, or are you going with a blinkback belt to be able to retrieve them?

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I was hoping to use either a blinkback belt or returning enchanted chakrams, but neither would likely appear any time soon, so realistically that's probably out. I'm kinda liking the idea of a reach build though.

Chakrams are a gold each. You could just buy a whole bunch of them and chuck them throughout the combat until you get the enchated items you need

To get around having to buy sling bullets I said I kept them in a perfumed bag, and after combats my mount would sniff them out. You could do a similar thing if you go with my above method, so you don't lose any

>Half of players are AFK

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Oh that's a good idea, worth considering.

I thought he died of a fit of anger?

It honestly seems like D&D-esque games are going the way of the twinkie: the same as any other, cheaply packaged, and bland as fuck. I'd rather play a system that gives mentally challenging situations instead of pandering to the mentally challenged.
>inb4 "hurr durr right up ur alley then"

Yeah /pfg/ games are pretty rough

>post number

Glad to see Paizo's plan to turn Iomedae into the Emperor is continuing on schedule.

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On the one hand, it's nice that DnD 5e is trying to not make things a clusterfuck.

On the other hand, why is Arcane Archer not an option on Ranger, Wizard, Sorcerer, or literally any class that has any degree of magic outside of subclasses?

It wasn't like this for the past 3 sessions though

There's spells that simulate that kind of thing, but MILF's Acid Tri-Arrow and Conjure Volley spells aren't actually Fireballs that land where you shoot an arrow.

What's better a wizard or a fighter?

Honestly Starfinder's worldbuilding is pretty on-point, even if a bunch of it is just ripped from 40k.

Fighter will ultimately get the most shit done, since Pathfinder is mostly combat.

How the heck does lycanthropy work?
My character contracted it recently, and im still trying to figure out how i can use it/how it uses me.
There are like 3 different pages on the SRD that have rules for it.

Zo is the guy in the picture

But who is he

He's only the world's most popular gameshow host!

but what's the game

Wouldya get a load of this jabroni? He doesn't even know the game.

A wizard will do wild shit for ten minutes before it turns into a high HP commoner. A fighter can theoretically go all day

So wizard if you need one big thing really dead, fighter if you need a whole bunch of little things dead spread over a long period of time

>Wizard casts Simulacrum
>Gets the nastiest creature they can find
>Rinse and Repeat.
>Nasty creatures fight all day, while Wizard summons a couple dozen succubi to entertain himself.

Well I'm talking more average, in-universe stuff. Player-wise, a well done wizard will wreck everything, but an NPC usually won't powergame like that unless your DM hates you

Just finished a sheet of Kasatha pawns. Printed on 8.5 x 11 paper these Kasatha are scaled to 1" = 5'

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Important starfinder anatomy question.

Do kasatha females have four boobs?

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Depends on how many children they have on average

Text says no. Artist says yes.

Wait, if they just have normal humanoid jaws what's the big deal with always covering their mouths?

Where's you get this from?

I think there's some cultural/religious reason

I mean even humans were so autistic about showing some leg at one point, we covered up fucking couches so it wouldn't remind us of them.

>we covered up fucking couches so it wouldn't remind us of them


Humans have had that tradition too, it doesn't mean they have hideous physiology compared to humans. Hell, they may find everybody's mouths grotesque.

What's a good way to cripple a high level wizard?
Like a twist where the players have to escort a seemingly-harmless NPC who's actually a wizard that managed to lose his spellbook.

The wizard is going through withdrawal from a drug (Bloodbrush Extract?) he's been repeatedly taken. Maybe he's taken it to gain some new perspective on arcana. Maybe he's had to travel far to procure said drug. The wizard cannot study his spellbook while going through withdrawal. Maybe he also caused a disturbance while drug-addled that makes his remaining where he is impossible. Party is now Uber/Escort-Mission.

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Broken arms and he doesn't have stilled spells.

If it's a player wizard, not much. They'll have a billion constructs/skeletons/simalcrum/whatever to do the heavy lifting, a bunch of detection spells, and a bunch of shit I can't even think of.

High level NPC wizard? Buff the rogue's stealth as much as you can and have him swipe the wizards book/focus, then stab him in the ass

>Vigilante game
>GM decides to group the social identities together and tell everyone that they're the same as the Vigilante identities
Why the fuck are we playing a vigilante game then?

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*literal* combat lube

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The game is life, and he’s trying to end it!

I want to play a sharpshootin’ elf in space and get lubed up for somebody special

You put food in there, you degenerate. Who wants to watch your flapping lip hole slurping spit all over your quivering tongue when they just want to hear your words?

I wanna lube a pig up with this stuff and toss it as some goblins.

I will never not be salty that clerics get next to no spells that help them with quickly traveling places or getting either themselves or others flying (outside of Angelic Aspect which technically has alignment restrictions).

Just like religion, it’s about the journey, not the destination!

Isn't Travel Domain a thing

Tell that to the guy in armor who has no way of getting up anything taller than a 10 ft wall despite being a 9th level caster and walking around in heavy armor.

Technically true, but having to rely on a single domain for an entire mode of travel feels a bit cheap, don'tcha think?

Can't you use Planar Ally or something and beg someone to give you a piggy back ride?

Your job is to heal wounds and kill undead and demons. Let the wizard handle all the fiddly bullshit, bastards get to know as many spells as they can fit in their books. You have demons and undead to be bitchslapping, poor and sick and hungry to care for, and heretics to purge.

I mean technically yeah but that costs mooooney, and ain't no cleric able to make simulacrums to theoretically generate infinite wealth that I've ever heard tell of.

I'm fine with being the buffbot, but I want to be able to help buff my allies to go fight that dragon in its own turf by tapping them with a fly speed instead of having to BS with UMD or summoning creatures that'll die in a hit.

On that note, however, I'm curious if anyone knows if there's any Planar Allies out there that a Necromancer might want to have a chat with. I'm having trouble coming up with any examples myself, it seems like most instances of undeath are relegated to the Material Plane and any creatures you'd find that are undead or related to it on other planes are more likely than not unintelligent or hostile to anything and everything or both.

Are there any pfg memegames recruiting right now
The one I'm in makes me want to hang myself

redpill me on starfinder

Please, it can't be that bad.

Is there a workaround for the -1 penalty to attacks with a buckler attached to that hand?

What makes you think a new game would be any better, or that you'd get accepted?

I said it once and I'll say it again. No game is better than bad game, please leave SCoT and let them find someone who'd actually want to be there.

it's probably mede, he has a reputation for nitpicking his games

Just 'he lost his spellbook and has since used all his good prepped spells' does the job fine.

It'd be hard for him to get them all back at once for a reveal though.


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>tfw Celebrity built around vaguely homoerotic oil wrestling holo-vids is now possible

You could summon some Vermlek demons, they're not too tough but they also like corpses, you could probably have them hide in your undead and find some mutually-beneficial stuff to do.

where's the joke?

Sweden being hypocritical about the sexual nature of oil wrestling. He insists it's not sexual to America and then calls Denmark a whore because he wants to do it.

So I'm brainstorming. I'd like to make an elf character. What classes are suitable for elves? How do I make an elf character interesting?

basically just wizard

>How do I make an elf character interesting?
>Bloodthirsty Fighter Elf who hates being out in nature

>What classes are suitable for elves?
Anything that benefits from Dexterity and Intelligence, so most arcane casters, hybrid casters (Magus) and many types of martial, mainly dex-focused or ranged. Personally, I'm a fan of the Elven Curved Blade, which Elves get proficiency in, does a decent amount of damage, and is dex-based.

>How do I make an elf character interesting?
Elves come in one of three flavors; Forlorn, Expat or Kyonin. Forlorn are Elves who live among Humanity, and are typically a little off in the head due to all their friends dying before they're even level 1. Expats are stuff like tribals or Elves living in enclaves separate from Humans, they tend to be very conservative and kind of xenophobic... But not as xenophobic as Kyonin Elves, who are a dollar store Noldor sprinkled with Paizo Progresso Sauce. They love intrigue, being upper-crust, and sticking their nose in the air.

Pick an origin and build accordingly, but among all origins there is one throughline; the Brightness. Every Elf undergoes what is effectively Second Puberty as they get older, during which they get excitable, moody, and agitated (especially with sticking around one place.) The solution for this is to seek their Brightness, which is their "thing," their career, their passion. Some Elves find out they fucking love blacksmithing, and that is their Brightness. Others find out they feel very strongly about killing Orcs, so their Brightness is that. Maybe the character is seeking their Brightness, or has found it and it coincides with the plot.

What are some flaws of Starfinder that are different from Pathfinder? Played 3.PF for a long time but GMing Starfinder soon, is it most of the same shit or are there any systems I need to learn in particular?

I can't say much about roleplaying but elves are actually pretty decent at everything. CON penalty hurts anything you take but unless you're a Barbarian or a Kineticist, you can probably mitigate your issues somehow. Your other modifiers are fine and so as your racial options.

Is "Death-Touched" the most combat-powerful, mechanically-grounded, non-GM-interpretation-dependent theme in all of Starfinder? Let us review the benefits.

>Theme Knowledge (1st)
>Thanks to your experiences with the undead and the growing power of the grave within your form, you have an instinctive understanding and recognition of negative energy and undead. You can use Perception, rather than Mysticism, to recall knowledge about undead and negative energy effects when you first observe them. Perception is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Perception checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Constitution at character creation.
A Perception benefit and a new use for Perception.

>Dread Vitality (6th)
>You draw dark strength from the spark of negative energy within you, and you gain a fraction of the resistances that undead creatures have. You gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against disease, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.
A small bonus to many irritating effects.

>Inured to the Grave (12th)
>Your body, always somewhat cool to the touch despite how much warm clothing you wear, becomes resistant even to extreme cold. You gain cold resistance equal to your level. If you already have greater cold resistance from some other source, that cold resistance instead increases by an amount equal to half your level.
Cold resistance in a game with a much greater emphasis on energy damage weapons.

No need to bother with the 18th level feature; it is not as if most actual games will reach then, but it is decent enough by 18th level standards in a murderhobo game.

Will all Starfinder characters optimized for combat be pale-skinned, chuunibyou death-touched?

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The key point here is that the vast majority of themes confer mostly trivial ribbons, whereas this offers actual combat power.

As far as general utility features in the new themes are concerned, I like the Corporate Agent's 6th level feature, Networking.

I also think that the Dream Prophet's 12th level feature, Dreams of the Future, is a very versatile source of rerolls during important moments.

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>That OP pic
>That name
>That sassy TV host attitude

Stop selling me on Starfinder, you shit. It's working.

That's all it takes for you?

I've got a bridge I can sell you, user.

Too kind user, thanks

What would be the stats of a Zweihänder? Greatsword is probably the closets, but it is also larger, almost a polearm.

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You mean the Flambard? 1d10 with +4 bonus to sundering wooden items.

It's seriously just a greatsword man.


Yeah it'd just be a greatsword.

If the group is mainly made of shooters (3) + a wizard + barbarian, is it better to go with a bard or a skald? Also what kind of bard/skald is better for such group.

Bard would be the better option here. Higher total bonuses, and you can even give your bonuses to everyone without complaining.

Proficiency blog for Pathfinder 2e, what the fuck Paizo
>Lets copy the single most hated thing from 5e and 4e