How there aren't any female liches? I would have thought witches and other predominantly female types of magic users would have some forms of lichdom.
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Liliana is pretty lich like. Liliana, Last Hope of course. The rest are faggots.
Valindra Shadowmantle ya dingus
I'm sure this is some sort of weird bait but Osterneth, The Bronze Lich is a thing
Half the liches you fight could be female and you'd never know.
What kind of woman wants immortality without perpetual youth/beauty?
Got to love when people pass off their own ignorance as fact or the basis for discussion.
OP just wanted to talk about girls
Feel free to use the thread for whatever
>How there aren't any female liches
Maybe you just haven't taken the time to check if they have wide pelvic bones while they're trying to melt your soul into nourishing hellsoup, bigot.
do you have the medical backround to differentiate a female skeleton from a male skeleton? How about your character? For all you know, a bunch of them ARE female.
>Feel free to use the thread for whatever
A chigger bit my dickhead and the bump has been there for three weeks. It doesn't itch but I'm still worried.
Truesight isn't exactly common
There's the god/queen lady from Kill 6 Billion that Usagi I forget what her real name is meets. I'd say she was both pretty vain and lich like. There's also the lich shopkeeper lady from Konosuba.
>Why are no women in stem fields?
I think lichdom is a result of the pursuit of power. That's something men are far more susceptible to. If a female is to go overboard with something, it'd probably be vanity, lust or similar. That's why you have far more female succubi than you have male equivalents.
Unless they're actively putting effort into remaining human-like, no one's gonna notice unless they know bone structure enough to tell. And if she's a lich anyway, she probably stopped giving a shit about what she looked like a long time ago, like every other lich.
Exactly, by the time you become a Lich, you wouldn’t have many tells as to what gender you are.
D&D has Sharlee the Enchantress, a female demilich who is now just a jewel-encrusted right hand.
What? Succubi aren't women who succumbed to lust, they're monsters made to tempt men because men easily succumb to lust.
What is this boy's name?
Doesn't matter, same result. Succubi are far more common than satyrs or whatever.
Literally a main boss in DDO
>Succubi are far more common than Satyrs
In what fucking setting?
In D&D settings you read about far more satyrs and places where satyrs live than about incidents involving succubi.
And usually it's just a single succubus in situations involving them, as opposed to satyrs where it's usually a band of them.
And to the original point there, usually the vanity subject is why you see a lot of obscenely powerful female vampires, as opposed to obscenely powerful female liches. The female liches do exist, but they aren't nearly as common.
Oh for fuck's sake. In all settings. If you think of the personification of lust, it's going to be a woman. If you think of a personification of power, it's going to be a man.
more women get drawn to the lure of eternal lure of eternal life so they go for the vampire route instead
You're arguing with a succufag
He's going to pull every anime trope out of his butt to "prove" you wrong.
No. I'm just using common sense. Something which seems to be utterly non-existent in nitpickers and social justice warriors. If your create characters based on archetypes, you should be very careful on any changes you make. Otherwise people lose their interest and shit. You can have a female warrior, but do not make 50 % of your warriors female. You can have a male succubus, but don't make 50 % of your succubi males. You can have a female lich, but do not make 50 % of them female. If you do, you had better have a damn good reason, or your setting will be seen as shit.
I'm not making shit up. Most of these things are archetypes that everyone instantly recognizes. Whatever they're based on, mythology, religion or human experience itself, doesn't matter. What matters is that they exist.
The villain of my last campaign was a female Lich. Rather than going out into public looking all lichy she just kept possessing her granddaughters. By the time the players met her she was twelve generations deep.
Why? Because she was a greedy bitch.
>she probably stopped giving a shit about what she looked like a long time ago, like every other lich.
I hate this. Why can't a lich care about their appearance or even look good? Why must they all be desiccated things like Iron Maiden's Eddie? There's magic to preserve the body, or at least cloak it in many illusions.
Because they wouldn't be liches, if they did.
What looks better than a skeleton, you fool?
I'm so glad someone else thought this.
Agreed. Especially in D&D, you could just take a bath in Oil of Timelessness before you die and then Grim Repose every now and then. So easy a caster half the minimum of a lich could do it without a sweat!
I like women with some meat on their bones.
What's a chigger?
>How there aren't any female liches
How would you know?
A mixed Chinese/black person
I love it when some retard just walks in and dumps his retarded fucking opinion expecting anyone to take him seriously
Because achieving Lichdom require patience and intelligence.
A fairly uncommon mixture I'd imagine.
It's not hard at all to differentiate between a female and a man based on the skeleton. Anyone can do it. An easy way is to look at the shape of the forehead, the width of the chin, the shape of the eye sockets and, especially, the size and angle of pelvis.
Of course, the easiest way would be to throw an apple at the pelvis. If it goes through, it's a woman. If not, it's a man.
I love it when a faggot gets btfo'd, so he must pretend to be someone else to insult his opponent. Would work better, if the new persona had any arguments, though.
I imagine it's a bit harder to do so when they're wrapped in a dark cloak and chasing you around their dungeon, flinging spells and cackling madly.
If you can see the face, it's not hard.
Just go away, if you don't have anything to say.
I think animated skeleton girls are hot and if that's wrong then I don't know what's right.
Because, historically, fantasy settings have been targeted towards men. This has resulted in female characters more commonly being written as "sexy" characters, which liches are generally not, to most people. Additionally, liches are powerful characters, and male power-fantasies tend to make the powerful characters male.
See: and the comments it descends from.
This is not to say that there are never female liches, because there are, but note that they're more likely to use magic that makes them not look like a skelly, as the examples in this thread indicate, because fantasy authors often can't imagine having a serious female character not be sexy. Joke fat chick? Sure. Final boss is a skeleton girl? Nope, gotta gib her tiddies.
there are? even back in AD&D
like the nice granny lich taking care of her poor, undead, retarded, mutant son (?), Goya in 2e
I still shudder when I see "Goya" in the grocery store. Not sure what it means since I don't speak spanish but I assume "will give your children horrifying necromantic birth defects"
Agreed, and they're tragically rare, even though cartoon male skeletons have a lot of porn thanks to Undertale.
It's a brand. You wanbt the stuff labeled 'Sazon". Seasoning packets.
Throw some garlic, smashed, into a pan with chopped/diced onion. Fry it in oil until it's glassy. Salt, pepper to taste. Throw in a packet of the sazon, mix until you have a paste. Now you have the perfect 'mexican' seasoning. South american. Ambiguously southernly american ethnic seasoning. Really fucking ghetto, but nobody ever knows the difference.
There are tons of female liches. It's because you don't know about the 90%.
The 90% is the total of planetary Lich population you do not see. The ones on earth are the 10%. The mad ones fought are the 3% of that 10, with the other 7% a shifting pool of those who aspire to leave.
The 90% all left for space. They quickly discover it is vast, endless, and dark, and full of secrets, and goes across many planes, so swiftly forget Earth ever existed as they go out into the forever.
I hope both of you get aids
'goya' is like 'hagen daz', it doesn't mean anything. It's just a corporate marking.
obviously they have the means to make themselves pretty if they care. but why should they care?
aren't liches the epitome of "continuing my quest into the research of magic is more important than normie physical shit like eating and having babies and dying"?
i mean, they don't have to not care about their appearance, but it's not surprising that they're often portrayed that way.
Amy doesn't care that Sheldon looks like an insect larvae. Dr. Manhattan doesn't care about wearing pants. Einstein turned down Marilyn Monroe. people like that have other shit on their minds.
hmm, now that i think about it, Sauron almost seems like an example of a beauty-obsessed lich. kind of.
Lichdom isn't just the inevitable outcome of a thirst for power. Also, you don't just see fewer male succubi, but you don't see any. Because they're incubi.
Because the archetypal lich is someone who wanted to sit in a hole and write books so hard that they made a deal with (or personally decided to perform) the most evil thing in existence so they could do it for longer. Usually people who want to do that don't care how they appear in front of other people.
Better a chigger than a jigger.
Dios mio...
I mean a lot of stuff does have witches extending their age, usually with a side of hiding their true form.
Now I think about it if you take fantasy and mythology as a whole are liches even that common outside of DnD?
Witches and Necromancers are the go to evil magic users, and often have a side in prolonging their lives or searching for ways to cheat death.
I like spooky bitches
Liches tend to age not very well. And that upsets female necromancers, so most of them stay vampires to still look sexy.
Anyone got the vampire age charts handy? Don't the 10,000 year old ones end up with like +35 to every stat?
My nigga.
>skeleton porn
Seriously, what the fuck. Is anyone actually sexually attracted to a freaking -skeleton-.
What? Women like getting boned.
>no one's gonna notice unless they know bone structure enough to tell.
>"nice pelvis, babe"
That was a joke in Freak's Squeele, at some point they put the skeleton guy back together and discover that he's a girl. He's devastated, until his bros confirm that they'll still watch soccer together and make fart jokes.
They have the power to do it, but think about the kind of person who becomes a lich. They are the turbonerds of the turbonerds who don't care what anyone else thinks except about interesting magical theory.
Nice mustache
they rather become vampire queens because of their vanity.
>there aren't any female liches
Says who? That kind of obsession might not be as common in women(or maybe women just don't get the opportunity to become powerful enough as often), but they do exist. Off the top of my head, one of the dragonlance novels has a female lich, at least.
>Oh for fuck's sake. In all settings.
Women get bored a lot. Undeath would be boring if all your enemies died a thousand years ago.
>No. I'm just using common sense.
Then you shouldn't make completely retarded statements like "My claim is obviously true in ALL settings".
Because they are horrible, undead monsters who knowingly and willingly threw away their humanity in order to become horrible, undead monsters.
>implying you wouldn't if you could
Of course not, I fear Jesus.
True. Liches are people who care only about gaining more knowledge and magical power, and are willing to turn into spooky skeletons to attain that power. Even if they can preserve their bodies with magic, they either don't bother, or might do so initially but eventually grow so disconnected from humanity that they stop caring.
They might be plenty of female liches, but it's kind of hard to tell from a glance since they're all skeletons, and if they've "lived" long enough they probably don't even remember what gender they were in life.
Now, if you want eternal life and also remain pretty, you'll want to become a vampire.
>How there aren't any female liches?
There are.
>eternal life
In some settings, you would die if someone pissed on you (running water)
Recent contemporary, though not sure if using standard Lich template.
Griffin's concept of liches is way different but I'll count her because she's great
magic isnt a science. its practically an idiom
>In some settings, you would die if someone pissed on you (running water)
I'm fairly certain that's not how it works in ANY setting. Generally they just can't cross running water, or they have to be IMMERSED in it for it to do any damage. And that's because of the symbolic purity, so piss most certainly wouldn't count as water.
Yes, you can create a shitty setting, where disrespecting someone's pronouns instantly kills you through the wrath of god. Good for you. You're very clever.
Nitpickers gonna nitpick. You can create unbelievable settings, sure. Nobody will be interested in them, but at least you got to break archetypes, eh?
Not really, misindentifcation of skeletons like that happens.
People literally couldn't identify Amelia Earhart for decades even after they found her skeleton because they couldn't believe she was a muscle babe (anybody flying planes at the time needed to be jacked) and insisted that skeleton was male.
>Male Spellcaster
>Logic + Emotion
>Male Spellcaster - Lich = Logic
>Female Spellcasters
>Emotion + Nil
>Female Spellcaster - Lich = uh-oh
Valindra Shadowmantle = Crazy
Gnome Lich in Libris Mortis = Crazy
Vecna's side bitch with his heart in her chest = Crazy
I wonder why.
t. idiot with no common sense
What is this, a question for brianlets?
The kind obsessed with magic over life.
>Freak's Squeele
Friend where do you think you are?
Im looking on your picture and imagined a scene where female lich looks in the mirror and realise that all her beauty lost and quest for power were meaningless and futile. So she strips all her flesh and go into undead rampage on countryside to be killed by some heroes and end this suffering.
This is only one of the many reasons a woman will never touch you, let alone play a campaign if you're involved.
Fortunate Sons translations when
Thank you for knowing medieval lore.
Anyway, here's the thing. How would we tell if some random lich had been a chick? I'm not stopping to fucking check a lich's hip to waist ratio, it's a lich. I'm slaying it. Or making deals for power with it. Or finding dogs I don't like and training them to steal a crucial bone in their skeletal structure.
>not appreciating the subtle curve of a beautiful female skeleton
Go back to /d/.