Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes will introduce "Genderfluid Elves," make Drow Transphobic

> However, according to Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, some elves retain a blessing of Corellon. As part of this blessing, these elves can actually choose their gender whenever they finish a long rest. These elves can choose to be male, female, or "neither" based on their moods or feelings.


> So what does the concept of genderfluidity have to do with the drow, which have long been depicted as the "evil" subrace of elves? The drow come from an extremely matriarchal gendered society and have widely rejected Corellon as their god. A drow that can change their gender is seen as an affront to drow culture, not only because it's a direct blessing from Corellon, but also because they can choose whether to be part of the ruling female class.

> Drow with the ability to change gender usually have to take sanctuary in temples of Corellon because they're considered dangerous to other drow and are considered outcasts, or even killed.

I have to wonder if these fools even have read the damn rules of D&D. Unless someone can point out to me where Gary explicitly stated "No Gays" in the rules of D&D.

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>but this time I'll false flag :^)

Sex and gender in D&D is about as important as descriptions of food.
It's fine to have it.
It adds local colour.
But if you make the entire game about it, you've missed the point, and you should probably try watching a cooking show or something.


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Drow TERFs could be an interesting idea though. Since those are a fraction of what brought feminism the fuck down in the mid 80s

>Radical elves insist on growing mustaches and wearing banana hammocks, flaunting their masculinity.
>Allied with a radical group of elves who insist on wearing skirts, getting breast implants, and flaunting their femininity.
They form really aggressive parades which, to outsiders, look completely bizarre.
Ok, I can get behind this.

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Stop making these threads fagotron

And Blizzard is in the corner going "Fuck, why didn't we think of that with our own elves!!!"

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You REALLY need to stop posting this thread.

If you don't know about futa draenei then you are a blessed man.

But is it official canon?

why on earth would anyone want to be a woman. their lives suck.

The whole elves being able to change gender is easily house ruled out. If a player bitches work with them or grow a spine and tell them you are DM and your word is law.

That being said I'm more concerned with what the change indicates with the folks over at Wizards. We saw it with comics and video games. A few SJW types get jobs at Marvel, Bioware, Wizards ect. And while they may make or suggest small changes that wing the product a little more to the left it is at the end of the day harmless. Now 2 things tend to happen here. A
very vocal minority starts to praise the change thus sending the wrong signal to the creators and they start making more lefty changes. Or the few hired people start influencing the company from within and their hiring people not based on their love and ability to make a good product but on their ideology, thus negatively impacting the product.

I pray Wizards sees the backlash that is happening with Magic and D&D and that they start course correcting, else they are going to be in shitter financially.

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>I pray Wizards sees the backlash that is happening with Magic and D&D and that they start course correcting, else they are going to be in shitter financially.

Considering Wizards is now policing Magic pro-players over out-of-tourney online conduct (like how Blizzard is with their OWL players), I doubt it.

>Drow are transphobic.
I don't think that's the issue. They're a matriarchy. DIE MALE SCUM.

Sage desu.
This same thread keeps getting posted.

Clitoris > Penis

>These elves can choose to be male, female, or "neither" based on their moods or feelings.

but not both?

but yeah I've thought futa elves (which'd be way cooler) would be a threat to Lolth priestesses

I want to know which sick fuck(s) sullied the aesthetically pleasing space babes with his(their) godawful fetish commissions so persistently that this futa draenei shit became “a thing” so I can go shit in their fridge

>society organized along strong gender roles isn't accepting of special snowflakes
Color me shocked.

D&D? More like D&Dead.

desu this actually makes Drow interesting beyond murder matriarchy. Shit, it makes Elves interesting. They're not just long-lived pointy-eared Humans. They're now truly something alien. They can change their physiology after each morning. The culture of a species with that level of fluidity would be extraordinary. I'm sad they don't exist because studying them would be incredible.

People always give elves changes that are super cool to think about. Pathfinder had a whole thing where it talks about how elves slowly change to adapt to their environment as a means of dealing with the fact that they can't adapt as a species via reproduction anywhere near fast enough. The idea of an elf from the desert going up to the mountains and after a hundred years looking kind of like a mountain elf is super interesting to me, and I love the idea of trying to figure out different adaptations for different environments. What does an elf that lives in the Abyss look like? What about one in Mechanicus? How about the underdark?

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that's cool as shit, is it described in greater detail in one of the books?

Found it originally in the core rules, but I don't actually know if they go into it in more detal. I'd love to find out.

Not all lf them though, it harkens back to their fey ancestry when they were still correlon’s children and of mutable form.

This blessing is non monetary treasure, as per blessings in the DMG, meant that Correlon has given the few rlves who possess this ability the thumbs up and a little bit of the power of their ancient ancestors.

And swapping junk is probably a flavor benefit. “As part of” and etc. a blessing should be a power comparable to a wondrous item so there may yet be more to the ability in question for a broader range of such shifting.

>not running an Adamantite Chef game featuring adventurers gathering and preparing all kinds of mythical ingredients to make the ultimate meal for the incredibly discriminating tastes of judges who destroy the losers' planes of existence

They aren't called "Space Goats" for nothing.

>/threads himself
Please go.

wtf i love drow now?

>They're now truly something alien
They've been alien for a while. They don't even sleep ffs

>As part of this blessing, these elves can actually choose their biological sex whenever they finish a long rest. These elves can choose to be male, female, or "neither" based on their moods or feelings.
W-w-what does neither imply? Androgynous boy with a pussy? ...futa girls? Is elf futa (and m-preg) now canon?

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It's only some elves.

Ones who've got enough power to reshape their fleshy prison at will.

Neither. No balls, no pussy, no breasts, no dick.

Now, it wouldn't surprise me if they could go both as well, given their god can as well.

I dunno, off the top of my head:
>more variety of fashion
>more freedom with hairstyling
>less social stigma about appearing vulnerable
>less social stigma about emotional intimacy
>on average, closer friendships than men
>more trusted around children
Plus all the sex things as well, which are considerable.
I might be biased though, since I have some gender issues going on.

They don't sleep, they just require to stand motionless and unable to think in a conscious manner for 8 hours every day. Soooo exotic !

>WTF I love Drow now.

Hey! Reason number 169 to hate the elves on Veeky Forums

>elven creator deity simultaneously claims domains of war (masculine) and magic (feminine)
>looks like one OR the other
>favored elves can look like one OR the other
It could have been clever worldbuilding, but instead it's just some modern Greenwood selling his wanking material as fluff.

Or both, or neither.

It's old fluff.

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I know it's old fluf, and it was retarded back then as well, because it always smacked of 'lol elfs r girly because their god is girly' rather than 'I did some research on symbols in alchemy and old religions'. Corellon can be male, female, both and neither because his gender doesn't matter, it's not actually a symbol and carries no meaning. And consequently, elves with his favor can be male, female, both and neither because their gender is equally meaningless. It's nothing more than fetishy cosmetics.

If there aren't advantages, then it seems like that gives extra credence for people who elect to identify as women, right?

That they aren't doing it for a benefit, but because they just need to?

> This is an agenda by SJW types and progressives to try to cater to a very tiny minority


> This is trying to sell a product to young people who the grognards on Veeky Forums don't understand have very different ideas about gender than they did as teens

Is there some nefarious but self sabotaging scheme, or is it that you're just really out of touch with what the average 14 year old thinks?


>the average 14 year old now wants to fuck around with gender
Is this how my parents felt?

do you honestly think it's a coincidence that PF 2nd edition gets announced, and WotC pulls the most controversial gender issues shit possible not even a week later?

The neither alternative is that FR Drow have always been pervy shit.

That said, this is more Tiresias than gender fluidity. It's just some people projecting that because they want it (both OP and the article he keeps linking).

Yes. This was a tiny note in a weekly video that has immeasurably triggered OP. That is literally all we are looking at here.

WotC staff probably have piles of Paizo stock.

Nah, if they had that they would have stopped them from making PF.

wtf i love the drow now

pretty self explanatory.

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>This is trying to sell a product to young people who the grognards
"Everyone I don't like is a grognard/fascist/nazi/racist/bigot"
>on Veeky Forums don't understand have very different ideas about gender than they did as teens
How could they have different ideas when they don't even understand what genderfluid or transexuality really is? No one does. Not even the self proclaimed "genderfluid" freaks. It's a fashion that exists to be stated and admired as a unique trait and have culture wars over against the "bad people", not be understood.

It's like a tulpa or someone believing they're part were-creature. It's not something that can actually be experienced truly or defined coherently. Because it doesn't really exist as stated. It's something people pretend to experience out of a need to be a special snowflake.

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>part were-creature.
What is a half-werewolf, anyway?

Presumably a were or a wolf.

A hairy asshole who wears pants and insists on cooking his kill.

>the black people are anti lgbt
Surprising redpilled

I'm a grognard. Grognard is a term of endearment. But I think people around their thirties might not really understand young people and what they are interested in, or dare I say it, their power fantasies.

> How could they have different ideas when they don't even understand what genderfluid or transexuality really is? No one does.

Saying, "no-one understands it, it's not even real", just shows how little you know about it.

> It's something people pretend to experience out of a need to be a special snowflake

Or something anthropologists have been talking about in communities for like, half a century. Or that.

But nah, I guess the guy posting memes from like 6 years ago is totally the guy in the fucking know about this topic. You're informed as fuck, aren't you buddy?

>Anti lesbian

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I think it's a mistake to see this as some kind of grand condescension to the youth of today, regardless of whether or not you think that's a good thing.

It's hard to overstate how incredibly minor this little bit of fluff is, and how overblown it's been made from some fucking know-nothing clickbait site. I mean:
>it was covered briefly in one of several weekly preview vids
>it's in an upcoming unreleased book
>it is a character option affecting a minority of elves
>it's digging up a piece of old Corellon Larethian fluff

Both your reaction and OPs are IMO really exaggerated relative to what and how much content there actually is here.

those aren't drow, those are humans in drow blackface.

> don't even understand .. No one does... Not even the self proclaimed "genderfluid" freaks.

> have culture wars over against the "bad people", not be understood.

Projecting much ?

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And all are obnoxious.

> grand condescension to the youth of today

That's not what I'm saying it is. I'm saying it's the same business as always; selling wish fulfillment fantasy roleplaying games to ostracised teenagers and young people.

> Both your reaction and OPs are IMO really exaggerated relative to what and how much content there actually is here.

I described it as selling a product to young people, that older fans might not "get". I hardly exaggerated.

But call them traps or cds or tgirls and you can fucking fap to them right?

I mean, so long as they are somewhat bangable to straight bros, then it's kosher.

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Whatever parts you're born with is what you are. Chemicals changing in your brain making you feel different doesn't change facts on ground. Science can't fix you at the moment but it doesn't make you a unicorn, they just figure since it doesn't harm anyone that they won't label you as mentally ill.

Ken/Barbie doll

So i have a quastion. This rule is not in the player handbook, the GM guide or Xantharas guide to everything, so it's not even in the extended rulebook or the "your players might want to pull this shit" part of the GM book. Why is this such a problem? Most players allredy ignore a lot of the DnD rules, and brake the canon every other game, so why is this one bad?

Because this one detail from an upcoming book offends them because they think that a being being able to change its sex due to its magical nature is the same thing as SRS.

I can't wait to hear what your ilk will be screaming when a strong AI demands human rights.

People are afraid it will be a precedent for a SJW takeover of their hobby just like it was with video games. Essentially WOTC would become the new BioWare.

It's not a completely unfounded fear IMO

>Part of the GM book
>Preview has shown Gith being a new race in it
>Along with tables for helping to build PCs
It isn't an issue because anyone who disagrees with this fluff can simply say "no that's not part of my setting" and just pirate the book or not buy it all to show dissatisfaction. However it is not strictly a GM book, it is a supplement to the game over all.

> Whatever parts you're born with is what you are.

Oh well that's sorted then. Job done. No need to actually think about it further than that.

I'm assuming you mean that man = penis part, women = vagina part. Ignoring intersex individuals and all that, let's go into that further.

You want gender to always be linked to sex, so that there are only two genders. So what happens when people just decide to CALL EACH OTHER something else? Like how people will refer to young, effeminate, androgynous crossdressers as "traps"? You might say, "well they are still male and therefore men". Well... so fucking what? Isn't that just pedantic wiffle?

People get together, start identifying themselves in different ways. If you don't want that to be recognised as "gender", then why not "subgender", or "gooklebooks", or whatever made up word you like to describe something THAT EXIST IN REALITY.

Ultimately, what you ACTUALLY want is for those particular people to not get the sort of recognition or protection that they are afforded currently. And to achieve that, it requires attacking the concept of gender being bigger than a binary. If the tact was changed, it would be something else attacked in response.

Your logic is about as sound as arguing homosexuality isn't a sexuality, it's just a paraphilia. Which again, wouldn't be about the "truth", or "science", or "words matter!" or whatever other nonsense being spewed, but about being able to systematically discriminate against gay people.

However you personally would prefer it to be defined, what these people experience definitely operates under the scientific understanding of gender, has been studied by anthropologists across many disparate human societies, and is a description of a real phenomena and not simply "snowflakes" manipulating public opinion.

Or, if this is too difficult for you to get; Even if all transwomen are "men" - they are still transwomen, and still real things that exist, NOT mythological.

but wouldent it make more senans to complaing about caster supremacy which is still a thing even in 5e, or the fact that archtypes need to be fleshed out?

What i ment is that it's niether in the
1. player handbook
2. Gm handbook
3. Xantharas guide to everything

Most players will use the first one, some players will you the first and third one, few players will use all three (and this not mentioning other supplements), you probobly cant hide a rule more deeply and make it more insignificant than droping it in a small suplement to the game

>People are afraid it will be a precedent for a SJW takeover of their hobby just like it was with video games.
But video games have not been taken over by sjws, in fact most of the games that were pushed by sjws were a flop and overall are agreed to be bad.

>Ignoring intersex individuals
Those are mistakes.

>Or something anthropologists have been talking about in communities for like, half a century. Or that.
If you're trying to backdate Hijra or American Indian third genders to modern social justice tumblrcore identity politics you're full of it. There's nothing resembling those cultural norms and social mechanics happening today. Dipshits that think calling themselves cisgendered heterosexual is too boring are not spiritual eunuchs or whatever. They're just snowflakes reaching out for fake names to put to their identity issues.

No, genderfluid and transexual are not thought out ideas. Go ahead and talk to one of these SJW posers with a logical and critical mind. They will not be able to keep a coherent line of thought for long because they've never thought it through too heavily. It's fake.

>>on average, closer friendships than men
ahhahaa no.

Understandable however this book also contains options that players might be interested in. Also you could easily have done so, by putting it in the book somewhere in the GM section and never mentioning it. My guess this will be under the section meant for players who want to explore different options.

so when I wear hoodies and sweats I am being gender fluid? good to know.

People who actually do this are so fucking boring that they have to make nonsense up and appear like mental patients to any sane human being because they are so fucking boring they can't formulate anything that defines them, because the culture that creates them has more groupthink than the fucking Communist Party of China circa 1953.

Aren't the Indian third gender people widely hated in India? like Indians don't want anything to do with them from what I've watched in documentaries. This doesn't seem like something Western transgender people should aspire towards.

That sentence is formatted like shit because I've been up for a long time reading a bunch of old ass books, sue me.

So much this. Stop wasting you time getting mad about unimportant shit.

Elves have been faggots forever, so who gives a shit?

Allright, but i still dont see why this is such a big controversy, especially seeing that gender bending magic is a popular trope in DnD and you could literally allredy do that buy puting on and taking on the belt of sex change

its one of those things where its a big deal because it being made a big deal of. Sign of the times and all that. Give it 5 years for the culture wars to move away from idpol and into something else. My money is on Nationalism vs. Globalism

Not even the guy you're responding to, but yes.

It is defined. It is verifiable. A cock means male. A vagina means female. People can pretend to be whatever the fuck they wish to be, that's their prerogative and freedom as human beings. But saying what they are pretending to be actually exists is impossibly stupid.

The fact that we have people like you defending this shit right now is just sad, my dude.

I'm pretty sure most of people who are worried about this are former Pathfinder players who have already experienced this slippery road.

cear to elaborate

You gay son?

>Nationalism Vs. Globalism
Oh fucking boy, that one is going to be fun.
As in, it's going to never fucking stop being everywhere I don't want political discussion.

> I might be biased though, since I have some gender issues going on.

Precisely. Only people wish issues, or trying to appear cool and hip by supporting these things, actually support it.

I wish you the best regardless, user, just don't go screaming to everyone that a third and fourth gender exists, and you're part-dragon.

It's arguably one of the biggest issues of our time.

Because some people are upset that a company is putting things they are uncomfortable with into official lore at the finger tips of players. Honestly I could care less, don't like it then just don't buy the book and tell your players no. Also those are no longer items available in 5e.

At least this makes a good litmus test to avoid shit DMs.
>Do you use Mord's tome of Foes?
>Thanks I won't be joining your gaming group.


I'm sure somebody will post the images, but basically the developers kept introducing more and more "progressive" elements into the fluff despite it breaking canon and when people on their forums started pointing this out they went ban crazy.

Oh I'm aware, I'm a Diehard (REDACTED TO STOP DERAIL), but If I wanna shitpost on that, I go to /pol/, like everyone should. The only way to really do ANYTHING productive with that is to actually go into politics somehow, and I'm working on that one. But I don't come to Veeky Forums to contemplate my upcoming assassination in the capitol building,