Warhammer 40000 General - /40kg/

And They Shall Know No fear edition

>Forgebane Blackstone:

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>Previous Thread:

Attached: andtheyshallknownofear.jpg (1280x1024, 389K)

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Nurgle best god.

nth for armigers overcosted

Today I will remind them.

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who do I blow for Tau scans?

Seconding this! He'll work the shaft I'll suck the balls.

The state of blue Xenos.

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Hello new model, I’m the old model people will still prefer

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armigers overcosted?

Well anons?

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So Taudex user, was pic related past mentions touched in any way?

Attached: durrr.png (372x832, 499K)

this is the ideal male body, you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like

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Guys, I still can't decide on what color scheme to paint my new Tau army.

Option A would be a Cadian color scheme of olive green and khaki.

Option B would be a jungle theme, Dark Angels green armor (with camo, I'm thinking that old Kasrkin camo scheme), with either light green or dark brown fatigues.

Option C would be a Martian desert themed army, with red armor and khaki/bone colored fatigues (basically the AdMech color scheme, pic related). However with this I would also be adding lots of greenstuff headscarves and stuff, for fluff reasons to keep out the abrasive dust of the planet they're stationed on.

pic isn't my Tau

Attached: tau1.jpg (1600x956, 131K)

>Someone reposted my get screencap
Is this happiness?

nth for buff chainglaives



>Drowned in Fire

>An Insertion Contingent of T’au Pathfinders from Vior’la Sept lures a blood-mad warband of Khornate Heretic Astartes onto the volcanic moon of Dxul, before activating a macro-pulse bomb that ruptures Dxul’s tectonic plate and drowns the satellite in a tide of liquid magma. Many Pathfinder Teams willingly sacrifice their lives in order for the gambit to succeed, but the Skullsworn pack is almost entirely incinerated in the ensuing devastation.

I have a question about time limit games for people who play horde armies. Do you guys just skip some shooting and stuff like that? I play Guard and I have 6 Infantry squads, a bunch of characters with some tanks. I feel like my games take forever. I've been skipping shooting any Lasguns and it still takes a while.

>nth for armigers overcosted
Funny way to say "reeee knight armies should be cheap and OP just like Tau suits should be"

Not with that gun

Option D
>Ultramarine blue with pink trim

this mini makes me uncomfortable and not sure why


It's a pretty solid screencap user, and I'm not just saying that because I play Dark Eldar.

I may just be saying that because I play Dark Eldar.

Bow before your new idol.

Maybe those 10-base trays you can put your infantry in would help, move them en mass

So what are the chances of the Biovore getting a not failcast model in the next decade because I rather not pay twice the cost due to bad choices of others for a chunk of resin for not shit looking versions of it.

Maybe I should just buy spore mines and some recast pyrovores to go with my ancient metal biovore.

I wonder if Khorne liked that.

Attached: average admech player.png (2588x1110, 1.66M)

C or at least keep the scarves.

Attached: Tau Concept Art - 4.png (413x559, 319K)

I mean, if it's literally all we have, why not?

>basically the AdMech color scheme, pic related
Shit, ignore that. That was from the last thread when I posted a picture of a Dunecrawler with the post.

Well yeah, seems like a straightforward and cost effective way to build an Ad Mech force.

I like electro priests, infiltrators are good too

Stop forcing this, it's not even that good.

They are just the best m8

Attached: C3416AD3-DD9E-4761-BD2D-76061147152D.jpg (975x650, 844K)

227 points, they cost exactly the same as a relic contemptor with a twin lascannon and DCCW

But the contemptor is WS/BS 2+. better gun, exact same melee, chapter tactics.

The only thing the armiger has on it is movement speed.

They are both behind restictions Relic/LoW

Its just bad

i'm going to make this my army

You have other shit. Dragoons, the sandwalkers or whatever they're called, electro-priests. Not to mention I think you can take techmarines, can't you? And you're about to get mini-Knights.

and to think I was excited for it
why the fuck did they give a god damn lord of war such lackluster stats

Again, I'm not sure what this is, but I accept our new Idol Ovelord.

as silly and cool as those tacticool operator bolters look, 40k is silly and metal, and tacticool doesn't really fit with the silly 80s thrash metal aesthetic.

Attached: silly&metal.jpg (1000x1000, 1.44M)

The same reason flash gitz are 27 (or so) points per model, GW prices things assuming that you only ever roll 6's.

dragoons I use for horde-killin' lightning lance goodness, ruststalkers are solid ass though.

utter ass, high mobility heavy weapons platforms that cant hit anything due to moving
melee units in a shooting army that get shot off the board before they can get anywhere
>Not to mention I think you can take techmarines, can't you?
>And you're about to get mini-Knights.
overcosted mini knights that are worse in almost every way to other imperial walkers

227 for both

Confirmed: 40k Blood Bowl is on the way. My dad works at GW, and if you say I'm lying they'll take back your minis.

>tfw I like the twin phosphor

where did you get those stats anyway?


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then you're an idiot
there's literally no reason to not take kastelans over THPB crawlers

Just getting into the hobby with Dark Angels what's a good 1000pt list to start with?

You're confusing dragoons and ironstriders. Dragoons are amazing.

I wish

>being a WAACfag
If you aren't playing your army for the models and fluff, just play something else you utter cunt.

You're lying.

Signed, Everybody who plays T'''au

It fits into lists easier and can actually move and not hit at bs5. Are robots better? Yes. But I don't always need to take the best of the best if I feel like just running Skitarii.

>Bow before your new idol.
FINALLY someone posted it!

>Again, I'm not sure what this is, but I accept our new Idol Ovelord.



Attached: tech_priestess_cog_sign__by_lutherniel-dahpohi.jpg (818x951, 110K)

As that picture sits it's a nice 1k point list. Just have to spread the rangers out into three squads and drop the options on the alphas / arquebus' to get decent weapons on the Onagers

It's almost as if they're supposed to sit in a knight army and not be direct competition to marine dreads. Make them as points efficient as a contemptor and suddenly knights themselves aren't worth taking

Azrael and Hellblasters, some Ravenwing to taste

> being this waac while playing admech

>being this caac as admech

>Stop having fun wrong reeeeeee

He can't be that waac since he doesn't even know the difference between Dragoons and Ironstriders


Attached: 40k_visual_novel_02_by_lutherniel-dbhnnmt.jpg (620x2514, 235K)

> missing the joke

So morale checks in 8th are supposed to help kill off giant horde units of like 30 models quicker if they lose melee, however it feels like everything and their mom this edition has very high leadership or a special rule / relic / character that lets them boos their leadership in some way so it's largely irrelevant.

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This. The guy is a moron who needs to stick with babbys first marine army

Reposting in the new thread, if anyone has the Tau Codex epub on hand, I'm standing buy to be able to convert it to pdf.

>Wanting shitty PDF and not based epub

>not be direct competition to marine dreads
They could, hear me out, not be strictly worse than something else at least.

Pic Related.

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Drawings are cute, vocaloid thing is ehhhhhhh.

I just told my dad to cancel the tau codex. Good job, user.

So this is how 40k ends. With thunderous anime grills.

I don't understand why anyone would take the arquebus. It's overpriced garbage that never gets results.

I don't get how competitive 40k works. I see top ranked lists and I wonder, how the fuck did this rank so high? Like this list for instance, there's barely any range, no anti-tank, no psychic defense, yet they placed 2nd in the LVO.

Attached: blood angels and guard.jpg (2368x3000, 843K)

Martian red sounds dope

>having fun
Lol. You queers bitch and moan and throw an autistic tantrum if you don't win, and you act like playground bullies during friendly games if someone diverges even the slightest from a rule on accident. Again, if you only collect armies based on how well they perform, why the fuck are you playing AdMech in the first place?

They're better than tactical marines
>There, you happy now?

>Over priced garbage
I'll give you over priced, but S7 AP-2 D3 isn't exactly what I'd call garbage when it can freely hit characters and still throw mortals on them

That's what I'm thinking. I was really deadset on the jungle theme a few days ago, but I kept getting people to do the Martian red theme, so that's what I started planning. But now everyone is telling me to do jungle. I think I'm going to do the Martian red just so I can practice my greenstuff skills more before moving onto the really difficult shit. I need to figure out how to put headscarves and hoods over Tau helmets without making it look retarded though.

I also need to finalize "highlight" colors. Right now I'm thinking green lenses and a deep, rich yellow or orange for the officer markings.

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Azrael and as many Hellblasters as you can afford. Maybe a deathwing squad for a distraction.

>You queers
That's hate speech stop it

Yeah, Leadership needs to go back to the way it worked in 7th where everything was immune. Waiy, shit, I meant 6th. Wait everything was immune there too fuck. 5th? Shit no same thing DAMNIT.

Rip and tear you fucking pleb

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I mean, I never get results out of the icarus array but people still swear by it. Maybe you've just had bad luck with them. I find them worth it for the fear factor if nothing else, the big scary sniper weapon tends to draw a lot of heat that would be far better applied elsewhere.

by the emperor, luth's techpriestess is just so precious. so moe~

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I assume to hope with that list is to kill things with wright of fire from the lasguns/mortars and tie up vehicles with the sanguinary guard.

What I don't get is why the platoon commander is the warlord.

>should be cheap and OP
>shouldn't be worse contemptors

Attached: EtbaitBrute.webm (1912x792, 358K)

Guardsmen flood the board and hold objectives, and help clear enemy troops. Blood Angels drop down and use stratagems for crazy stronk charges that can deal with most stuff because +1 to wound is amazing.

The kind of tanks that you're worrying about get taken out by other lists on the way up anyway. This list is probably build to counter specific aspects of the metagame and could very well lose to a generic "strong" list out of your local store by one particular army or another.

Where do you think you are, nigger?

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Probably for either grand strategist or old grudges warlord traits.

>I know how these models will perform even though I've never touched one before and have only found out their points cost at most a few hours ago

New mini knight is a whopping 240 points people (with the meltagun on top)

will you be fielding it?

Attached: baby knight.png (1231x1019, 2.46M)

idea: kitbash/greenstuff and give the kastellan bobots a qt3.14 nekomimi hoodie like pic related.

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>tfw have the opportunity to preorder forgebane for 136 dollars
should I do it bros?
isn't it planned to be something like 160?

>240 points
wasn't it barely worth it at 200?

more pic related.

Attached: IMG_20171114_220211.jpg (2592x1944, 1.52M)

>that speckled white

How is it possible for people to have taste THIS shit.

Attached: 1512187010021.png (600x600, 45K)

That game is shit and you should feel shit

>240 points
It's priced well for it's role

Holy shit I triggered that DGfag hard. It doesn't change the fact your army is boring as shit.

Yeah. Post some to WIP when you get one or two done

Yeah, it'll be $160. I mean $136 is a good deal, I would do it. It's not like it'll get released and people will say "oh my god, it's dogshit." We already know what units we're getting. Even after it comes out you'll be able to find it for like $140 on third party sites.