>>Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for. When making new requests, quote the OP post. When migrating requests quote the OP post and link to your post in the previous thread.
>>If you have a WIP or pending request quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
>>Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next.
>>Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.
>>Bump your request only after 24 hours has passed, you may bump once every 24 hours after the first.
>>If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait a 2-3 threads or so to re-request it.
>>Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.
>>Ignore the bait, you're better than this
>>Stay on topic
>Artists and Artists-to-Be:
>>Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but:
>>If you're dropping your commission info, consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising
>Books and Tutorials:
>Figure Drawing:
>Beginners Guide to Drawing:
>The w/ic/i art Guide:
Requesting a skeletal lich wearing cosmic robes similar to the ones in Mars Attacks!
Requesting my player character for a sci-fi game, a mercenary dropship pilot. Think the pilot from Alien, except with a rad mustache.
He should look like the man on the right with a pair of aviators, and a helmet similar to the examples shown. His uniform should look something like the examples below, with a large revolver in a chest holster. A pack of smokes and a patch with the name "Kelly" on it would also be nice.
Everything else is up to artist interpretation, and thanks in advance!
Requesting a female marksman in armor similar to this, with white hair in a messy ponytail or bun.
The only weapon she carries is her musket.
Please and thank you.
Requesting the son of a knight in Byzantium who's partially culturally assimilated while wearing a fusion of east and western armor.
First off he's got the usual western armor under all of this- akerton, hauberk, etc. And his helmet [1] is of western design, a primitive early faceplate proto-greathelm, worn over a very tight, high coverage coif that only leaves his nose and eyes exposed (which are in turn covered by the helm's faceplate).
The real eastern influence on the armor design is the [2] torso, which has a shirt of laminated scale armor with scale pauldrons and scale tassets. This is more free to the artist's design with a mixture of all the pictures, but ideally the entire torso is covered in scales, with leather flanges covering the groin and hips with extra armor. This BTW is over a hauberk and akerton, so it's a bit dense/thick and not slim.
As for the limbs, there's nothing remarkable on them beyond typical maille mittens and chausses [3]. Neither really is there in armament, as he just carries a falchion and kite shield [4].
If the drawfriend is so inclined to add color, ideally leather bits of the armor would be a vibrant red and the scales brought to an intense glittering polish.
Do some of you drawanons find some conventional drawing exercises creatively draining? Is the best way to alleviate this is to take a step back for like a day or two and draw something else?
Requesting a Ninja Witch. She wields a set of deer-horn knives linked by a bladed chain, which she uses like a rope-dart and kusarigama. Her witch's hat is a mix of Kawari Kabuto and Jingasa Helmet. She has Jessica Rabbit meets Jennifer Connelly (Rocketeer) level lush raven hair that cascades over half her face.
Movin' Yugi's Grandpa over to this thread
Requesting a pirate necromancer. She wears clothes similar to the picture.She has red hair and is a human young human woman. She's blind so she has milky colored eyes. She has her skull arcane focus attached to her belt and carries around her spellbook.
Incredibly. I don't think I drew anything outside of assignments when I took art classes in college. It killed any interest of mine in taking art as a minor (even though I improved a ton because of those classes).
Yes - it's normal to break up "study" time with "play" time.
You might also consider doing a "Draw it again" sequence based on your studies. Just set aside any piece you were particularly proud of from before you started your studies (particularly if you're studying something specific and that piece shows that specific thing. ex: You're studying male anatomy and the piece shows your skills from before you started studying it.) When you've reached a point where your course ends or you feel you've learned all you can from the studies, draw the piece again. (Then come back something like six months to a year later and do it again to see what you've learned since.)
hmm, i'm curios. can i see some of your work anywhere?
Sure. klawzie.tumblr.com - specifically, the draw-it-again meme I've been doing for years is this one: klawzie.deviantart.com
Migrating my request from here, this time with the references actually attached.
Anchor post
Requesting a monster.
Has a hulking bi-pedaled reptilian form with four arms, two bulky gorilla arms and two smaller arms like 1 & 2. It has a long tail at the end of which is a four clawed pincer like 3.
Now here is where things get weird on top of its body controlling everything is the upper body of a scrawny boy like 4, he is fused in place where a head should be like 5.
There is a giant mouth around the belly like 5, that has numerous tentacles/tongues coming out like 6.
The kid fused on top of it should look deranged or mad with power like 7.
Story Time read, if you want;
Basically this kid has been bullied all his life, by his abusive father, by other kids at school, by the gang banger in his neighborhood. He was already on his way to being a sociopath as he enjoyed taking out his anger and frustration on small animals he would catch/kill/mutilate. But when a demon offered him the "strength" to have his revenge on all those who wronged him in life he nearly jumped at the opportunity. And so this demonic form was fused to his own body that he now controls.
As it is so massive it needs to eat a larger amount of food than the boys own mouth would be able to consume, thus there is the second mouth on its stomach capable of eating a whole cow (which it has) or its favored treat... humans.
Anchoring that magic mantis man
Requesting my soldier for a SWEotE game.
Looks like this but with cleaned up armor.
I just grind through it and keep going because I can’t stop because I love it :)
Requesting my Blood Elf wearing the armor in the top right picture (minus the helmet and cape) while posing with her sword, possibly like the lower right picture, but anything suitably "knightly" is cool too.
Thanks for the attention, and keep up the good work, drawfriends.
not sure if the or is still around but here's a wip. will try to finish it tomorrow as a sketch.
Requesting my Monster of The Week Character, Steven "Truffle" Isaacs. They're a mundane, (later turned spell-slinger.)
They're intended to be androgynous. somewhat chubby, but not fat. and are Seventeen.
Most reference is included in the image. not much else to describe about their appearance.
I hope they're interesting enough to consider!
OR here, I was gonna post the request tomorrow but holy moly am I glad I checked thread. This looks great user, i'll be looking forward to the sketch :)
Requesting my shadowcaster in her full absurd "Battle" outfit. It's a huge, puffy, armored dress that's equal amount frills and plate.
Hello, requesting a very somber looking elf wizard that deals mostly with fire type spells.
I dont think body type matters with the clothing she has, but I guess to help the artist with what I was going for would be okay? Shes about 5'11, lanky arms and legs with a very soft face unlike the one in the ref. Her hands have burn marks all over from the effects of using her magic.
For clothing, she wears the exact robe as Robin from FE:Awakening. The only difference is that she doesn't have grima's eyes on the side and the colors are different. Under it is the clothing in the center picture. I'd like the idea of her not wearing proper shoes so the style the picture has is cool.
As for looks, she has very point ears that are easily the first thing people look at when they first meet her. Her face is very youthful...I don't really know how to describe it. Once glance and no matter how cheerful or excited she sounds, you can't help but feel sad knowing that she's going into battle each time. Skin is a peachy pale with golden brown eyes. Wears her hair in a side braid thats looks sloppily done. As for hair color, the artist can choose what fits best!
Thank you reading this, and thanks to anyone that picks this up ^-^
Ahoy maties! Hoist the sails, drop the anchor! Time to leave this Dragonborn pirate bard here.
Requesting a Kenku druid utilizing insects/Entomancer, preferably similar to pic related
This cake wants to be a holy paladin please grant this wish.
Requesting a tall, curly haired ginger girl.
anchoring alien
anchoring raider
Your request is vague as hell, here you go.
This but the gun has a chainsaw bayonet, and has missile launchers on the shoulders. No need for super detail, hell even a chibi version would be ok. I appreciate any art and I thank you in advance.
Anchoring my wild west fusion Arabian cleric.
Anybody know who this artist is?
With reference.
My dude, I'm still on this one but my social life has exploded. Expect something end of week. Feel free to anchor in new threads though.
>rules for a thread
What are you gonna do, politely ask me to leave?
OR for male half orc and holy shit nice work. do you have tumblr or something?
Reposting shield-maiden request.
The runes attached to the shield reference are to be ignored please. She likes to hit things with the shield if you'd like an idea to jump off from. Thank you.
that's bigmsaxon.tumblr.com
Requesting a Rak'gol dressed up like a pirate. Parrot, eyepatch and beard are optional.
Thank you for your attention
Requesting a spider merchant who may or not be the god of trade and merchants enjoying making business with humans
It's a giant spiders (roughly the size of an adult man) with an even bigger turban like in pic related. He is covered in gold and various jewelry on all of his legs and mandibulae
Requesting a 3 foot long "magical" ferret pet that coils up around necks to look as if it is a scarf
if its similar to pic related why not use pic related
Oh ok, thanks man!
Request for a monster called a Handtaur (as in centaur). A demon with a giant clawed hand from the waist down. From the waist up is a demon (with or without weapons). The concept is that players flee from a 60 ft tall demon into a small cave. The demon rips off his own hand and a miniature version of himself sprouts from the broken wrist and chases the players into the depth of the cave. Thank you!
Hi! Still keen on this one.
Back to viewer, looking over one shoulder (Kazama Kiryu image), blue oni tattoo on back visible (blue mask image), katana on waist (any katana is fine), arms crossed or kanabo held over shoulder like baseball bat (or whatever else works), with a slick ass pompadour ala the previous drawthread art (black and white greaser tiefling, this is key).
Wearing nothing on top to show off tattoo, black pants are fine, the wooden geta type sandal on his feet, and as many fucking chains and skulls as you want to slap on for over the top thug shit.
Green-gray skin, or just green, I'm easy. Black hair, sideburns if you wanna go in on it. Otherwise just have at it and see what inspires you. And can the shadow please look like an oni looking fucking terrifying ala 002's shadow on the wall thing.
howdy drawfriends
I'm looking for this reptilian alien boy in this ottoman styled mirror armour, but the armour should be more futuristic looking, like chainmail being replaced with a more modern material for example, as for weaponry you can give him a laser rifle or a energy blade, the choice isn't that big of a deal and mostly what's easier for you to make
big thanks guys
Requesting a goliath barbarian for a sea fairing campaign. Honestly, go wild with how you want to do it, have fun!
Requesting a grizzled but lean combat medic PMC in US Vietnam fatigues for a game set in late 1980s using Only War rules.
Pic related is his facial ref.
a little about the character: Thomas Lynch is a former Vietnam war veteran, a victim of the MKULTRA project that turned into a private military contractor after an incident involving civilians, cattle and ecstasy which resulted in him being discharged.
He's also a huge conspiracy theory loon and believes in the supernatural and psychic stuff.
Requesting Matsu Yuuta, my Matsu Berserker.
He's a young bushi with a boyish face (#2) and keeps his long hair in a messy bun (#1). He's tall at 6'3", though not too uncommon for the Matsu family, and wields either a nodachi (#3) or an ono (#4) and wears light armor (#5) emblazoned with the Matsu mon (#6) .
He's heterochromic, with his left eye being brown and his right eye being green though it is damaged and blind, the iris smeared out to the right.
Despite his lack of foresight and sight in general he's a happy fellow, always doing his best to abide by Honor and his ancestors.
No idea how the claws work
This dude, in that suit, in a tracksuit gangster environment, pretty please!
Like slav squatting in front of some trash, or sitting on a giant adidas logo, or being with some other gopniks, or just in front of some housing projects.
Requesting a Dark Angel-fied Aggresor. Instead of the normal Aggressor it has deathwing paintjob. And instead of the bolter power fists, it has dual chainfists, with automatic plasma pistols with bulky plasma cable feeds running from the power pack on the back to the gauntlets.
Re-requesting a monster hunting character with a dark brown hat and jacket and has blue eyes. He's armed with a greatsword carried on his right side and on his left side a magnum and has two kukri machetes on his back. He has similar facial hair as the werewolf pic and he has a hunting knife in a holster on his chest rather than on the holster containing his gun and sword, please.
Migrating my previous request
Requesting my female player character in a post apocalyptic campaign. I’ll try and sketch her up in the near future to give better reference. Main notes were: the helmet in 2 with goggles, as well as most of the kit (gas mask bag, load bearing equipment, and bandolier), backpack in 3, the uniform in 4 without the patches, the shemagh in 5, as well as the hat strapped to the backpack if possible, the shotgun in 6, sidearm and holster shown in 7 (don’t bother with the bandolier if it gets in the way of this), and similar features and hair to 8. Pose is up to the artist but the one shown in 1 fit well in my opinion. Thanks in advance to any drawfriend willing to draw her.
To the user who did the op-thank you so much! Your piece was really a dramatic last second save considering the timing. Glad to see you got op! Would it be possible to get the orc girl on her own (same picture, just incase you still got the layers file) for character sheet printing purposes? Thanks!
Requesting a guy like the one in "Main Base" without the cape, but with the same black and blue hood, perhaps covering his face like in the "Hood" picture, because I don't have a base for the face.
I'm going to be using this for an Elf Monk on D&D 5e, so change the boots to the ones in the "Boots" section and whatever you find necessary, keeping the black/blue palette. You can make the blue darker if you want too.
Migrating Request
Fell in love with this character art, was wondering if someone would be willing to modify it or recreate it in their own style for my necromancer bard who uses his music to animate the dead.
Since the fella isn't currently a spooky skeleton himself or yet a lich (quite frankly lichdom is something he isn't too concerned about if it damages his look, vanity is everything) I was looking for something like this image except with a gaunt human instead of the skeleton.
Requesting female elf spec-ops operator princess carrying a male VIP she rescued.
The female elf spec-ops will be carrying the male human VIP like in reference image related and she may look like pic at upper left and she'd wear the gear/armor-uniform as seen at bottom left side. And she'd be wearing a beret with an insignia, which is the three lightning bolts symbol at the most top.
The male human VIP is a young man who's a high-ranking officer/official that looks just like at the image at right side. And the way the fem elf spec-ops girl princess-carrying the VIP she rescued looks just like in the middle. With the male humie VIP clinging to his savior and blushing.
And the elf spec-ops girl is all smug and or smirking to the camera while also walking away from a battle/skirmish that occurred earlier as she's carrying away the VIP she's rescued
Also, based on a suggestion from last thread, I'll put this line art up if anybody feels inclined to colour it. The only change I requested from the drawfriend from pic related was to turn the boot into something more like a riding boot like img.4plebs.org
If you're interested the references can be found at: imgur.com
You’ve gotten a nice delivery and have been here begging for more?
Requesting my artificer half-drow noble. Pose negotiable. Face and build like in the pic.
And if it's possible at all, please include his Allosaurus Mechanical servant. Whether riding it, sitting next to it, or fixing it.
Anchoring bird suit.
I hope your feeling better drawfriend who has been working on this! I have trouble DMing when I'm sick, I can't imagine what it feels like to have to draw while being ill so I can wait as long as you need.
Requesting art of this overly dramatic knight commander (Commander Forberg) seeing this carving of an elven couple in one of the trees in an ancient elven forest for the first time. He believes them to look exactly like this (Stubbyness and no genitalia) and shouted "VANDALS!" when he first saw it.
He's on the hunt for them now...
Doesn't the Mechanical Servant ability specify the creature as a 'large beast?'
Allosaurus seems kind of yuge for that
Not requester but I’ve had a player bring it up apparently it’s Large in the Monster Manual
>playing artificer in 5e
I'm so sorry
Anchoring Griffon, with the request pasted below just in case the artist loses it or something!
Kindly requesting a Griffon, with the feather parts pure white, silver beak and claws, with a pale purple lion half and bird legs
Also, can't decide whether to have blank white eyes with black outlines or blank gold eyes with black outlines, whichever you feel suits it best!
Saddle and barding optional but appreciated!
sketch done, going to leave it there. no promises on colour, my apologies.
Requesting my squire polishing armor by a campfire! Thanks!
Something like this but unarmored. I like the eagle / hawk motif but maybe a palate swap to a more olive and bronze
Cute. I'm not an artist, but I hope your request gets delivered, user!
Thats really well done, but i think my mind is playing a trick on me
I am having a hard time solidifying which way she is facing, or rather whats her frontpart
Requesting an edit of this picture with blonde hair, red lips, white sclera, and no tattoos
her body is facing right, though her legs are turned to the front.
i think i need to fix the foot/leg if it's causing this much confusion.
Requesting a dragonborn baker.
She stands at 5'8" and has blue scales, the dragonborn tentacles(?) and a small white horn on the tip of her nose. She dresses in a typical baker's outfit. She's a timid person and usually does the Tina "Uh..." when she gets overwhelmed.
I'd knead her backside like dough
question: the emblem in the beret has the same black background?
second question: do you need the same tatoos from the face reference?
bonus question: I've seen your post many times, why no one has worked on this yet? It's actually cute
if you want I can give it a try, not digital but at least something with color
How dis
>why no one has worked on this yet?
he keeps requesting this shit with a few differences each time.
There's a size difference between Allosaurus and Tyranosaurus
Hey there man, OR of here.
And thanks for probably doing my request!
>the emblem in the beret has the same black background
Huh, havn't thought of that... But no, if you's gonna color it, make the elf spec-ops girl's beret red, while the emblem's colors is the same. Red beret and the emblem still same colors.
> do you need the same tatoos from the face reference
Not really, you don't need to add tattoos, simple face markings would do. Maybe the elf's blood type is marked on the side of her forehead? But no need to add tattoos or face markings unless you yourself are okay with simply copying the face markings on the reference image.
>bonus question: I've seen your post many times, why no one has worked on this yet? It's actually cute
if you want I can give it a try, not digital but at least something with color
Again, thanks for the compliment. And as far as I know, no one has yet to pick up this here request of mine.
Well i hope you see this reply user, and I'd look forward to your delivery.
I'm getting this too, I think the way her right arm is bent is adding to the illusion that we're looking at her back.
I need to immortalize a party near-wipe.
Requesting a stoat in plate mail. Preferably angry. That is all.
Not OR, but angry Stoat for reference
drawfag here, that didn't occur to me for some reason...
any suggestion on fixing it?
As far as I can tell from blocking off parts of the image, the problem seems to be with the perspective in her forearm. If I cover up her whole right arm with my hand it looks perfect. I'd say giving a little more depth to her hand positioning, so the lance is planted in front of her rather than right beside her would probably fix it.
Here's some work in progress, maybe I will finish it by the next couple of days during some free time
gonna sleep for now
i misquoted you..so i feel that i should do something about it.
it's a very quick sketch
i gave it a try
Gods bless you, lad(y).
Requesting a loli omni-elemental. I imagine she'd look something like this but feel free to change up details, like a watery head or earthen shoulders, or whatever else comes to mind. I know it's an Unraveler.