Anybody got character art that differs from conventional racial/class combinations or clichés? Tiefling clerics, orc wizards, dwarven bards, that sort of thing.
Picture moderately related, it's from the video game LOTR War in the North, but if you so choose, you can turn the female Elf mage into a heavily armored berserker muscle wizard.
>you can turn the female Elf mage into a heavily armored berserker muscle wizard
Huh, I didn't know that, though I'm pretty sure I played the dwarf in that game.
Jaxson Lee
Undead Paladin
You could also specialize the Dwarf tank as a long range crossbowman instead, and turn the Human ranger into a sneaky stabby wraith that *teleports behind you*
I have played enormous amounts of that game and I had no idea you could do that explain build please one best game player to another.
Owen Ross
>Tiefling clerics I would almost argue that this combo has become a stereotype due to bring 'oh so subversive'
Adrian Powell
>best game ye no All I remember of that game is taking forever to steamroll it because my entire team was immortal since the elf could action surge to cast delayed resurrects that restored mana. I wonder if I spent at least an hour grinding down the last boss, and it ending with just reverting to the last save. I'm not even sure if there was any sort of cinematic.
Nathaniel Flores
The only time I've seen Tieflings at the table, they're either sorcerers or fighters.
Josiah Green
Not warlocks? All the 5e games I've run so far haven't had a single warlock, but all the ones I've played in had a tiefling warlock of some kind played by another player. Even my 4e players were more creative than that bullshit, with the only two tieflings to to pop-up in any of the games I ever ran being an avenger and bard, respectively.
I can't believe someone still plays War in the North.
John Lee
Gentle civilized orc wife.
I replay it every so often, it's a great game, probably among the best fantasy games ever. Still holds up despite the shitty engine.
What the fuck are you talking about there is no delayed resurrects
Builds in WITN are more about what you choose to wear and wield, though the stats and skills do contribute to it, mostly divided into buffs/debuffs, melee, and ranged. There's nothing stopping you from stuffing all your points into one type of stat or skill, so the human ranger Eradan, who starts out as a generalist paladin type character ("The Aragorn") can wind up as an untouchable invisible bowman with infinite arrows that behead orcs ("The Legolas"), but who'll die basically instantly the minute anything tougher than a single goblin touches him.
>What the fuck are you talking about there is no delayed resurrects Apparently my childhood memories was of another game that had a lot of visual similarities after looking into it.
Anthony Williams
There aren't exactly a lack of medieval fantasy games
Sorry, that's the end of my thread-relevant pics from 4e.
Jack Carter
>pointed ears That’s a gnome. Halflings are just 3ft, yet proportional, humans
Logan Price
Not a fantasy example, but scifi. Robotic alien diplomat at the United Nations instead of conquering Earth or otherwise accepting Earth into its own Space UN.
I like the Veeky Forums trope about orcs being intelligent, practical, quasi-civilized nomadic horsemen a la the Mongols instead of the stereotypical savage redskin Indian on the warpath or murderous Viking raping and pillaging.