Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

Walking into a FLGS edition

Previous Thread : New Books have been added

Please stop shitting up the thread with politics, memes, and race-baiting
Do not respond to bait, hide, report, and Party on dudes (And dudettes)

>A Traveller's Guide to the Mortal Realms

>Malign Portents: Behind the Scenes


> Core rules

>General's Handbook 2017!C5BSgTDK!Sx74f87D86frlU0NZ1XKyGP0WEgar52X1Hatj1OA5y0

>Legions of Nagash!L44kEbRJ!VooTlhCe_WTmf5SFEds_wni8Z0EQDfBBsB1KBY_8ZW4

>Malign Portents!7x5hgZZL!l3KcjIUfNjDbEhjFeH31M9mRFfPf03yUFuN-jMU1JBg

>Army and Skirmish Warband builder

>City Generator

>Malign Portents Stories

New books

>Callis and Toll The Old Ways!JNJiwSLZ!HM0fIa9VjF2hWWpJOS0fymB6kd944VYdHmrk7yKQ2N4

>The Tainted Axe!QRx1gIwS!X3bvo8LQgV6V1Q12C2Y5dnM3m4lF5IkvxTKMzdQuazs

>The Witch Takers!5URyAJTZ!edeqlJAaUNRXsDVBHyGuyL5g3JXlbLej0Ug_oY7qtao

>Thread Question
What would you like to see from an AoS 2nd Edition?

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shitposter fucked up his thread hahaha


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Is this the right thread?

4th for bark milkers

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>That crescent moon faced demon
If only that were an actual model, I'd buy the fuck out of it.

Only God knows.



Anyway, does anyone have examples of rocs/grots/snotling speaking in official AoS books/lore? I need to know how it's written out, and if there are any "rules" to it in writing.

I'm trying to build up a good collection of models for a khorne warband in Path to Glory.

So far I've got:
60 chaos warriors with full command
khorne lord on jugger
6 skullcrushers
3 soul grinders

What else should I look to getting?


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There was a grot-centric story on the MP site. The kingdom below or something like that.

Thanks, I completely forgot about that.

no ragrets

So I just got my first AoS models and was wondering what I should pick up next for my army? What are my options and junk. I haven't done much reading of the new book desu

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Posted this in the other thread by mistake but:

Has sigmar ever described what being a god is like, from a former Mortal perspective?

There was mention of Ulric being associated with an ancient Old One device. How possible is it that Ulric himself, or perhaps even the rest of the Empire's gods, were once mortal men (such as Ranald).

Did any of the other gods of the Empire besdies Ulric or Sigmar get any mention whatsoever in End Times?

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Depends on which Legion you want to play really.

Generally, more skeletons is always the answer. The box comes with 20, so get 2 more boxes and build them all as Spearmen, as a block of 40 skeletons is the norm in most lists.

After that I'd say a safe buy is a Necromancer.

After the Necromancer, its up to what Legion you'll want to play

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All I know is that they're based on getting Mortarchs? So like Arkhan is magic focused, Manfred is like fuckery focused, and Neferata is vampire focused. And then I guess Grand Host is skeleton focused? That's what people keep posting.

I have some old empire wizards I can convert into a Necromancer, and 20 more skeletons is easy enough.

What should I grab for each legion then? Guess that'll determine which one I like more

well for legion of sacrament, people like to run the lord of sacraments battalion.

For legion of night, a vampire lord on zombie dragon, some vargheists, direwolves and terrorgheists will do you well, and skeletons are extra tough in this legion

For legion of blood you'll want blood knights *converted dragon blades*, vampire lord on zombie dragons, and direwolves.

Grand Host is about Skeleton swarms or running Nagash himself and having your Morghasts be battleline.

In any case, skeletons, necromancers & direwolves will fit into most lists, with Grave Guard only being truly good in Grand Host. But in Grand Host you can at least run your Mortarch as anything you like so there's that, plus Morghasts get extra attacks

>bought the Battleforce
>hasn't done a single bit of research

I'm genuinely worried for your future user. Read Legions of Nagash for your own sake and figure out what the hell you want to do with Death.

Hmm. Neferata is easily the coolest mortarch. Is the only thing that Blood does well is vampires? Do they have any other cool things? Else that's kinda boring. Grand Host sounds cool because it looks like the most generic of the legions, and I really like the grave guard and morghast models.

Is there any reason to take any of the Nighthaunt units in any of the Legions? Do any of them have any bonuses for em?

Gonna pick up 2 Beastclaw start collecting boxes and 3 ironblasters, how does that sound for a starter army?

Sounds like failure

Nah, Legion of Blood is focused on Vampire Stuff. They're very very deadly on the charge and can rack up quite a few kills, but because Blood Knights lost their regen and you have a low model count army, holding objectives can be difficult if you don't kill a lot of stuff quickly. Its still great fun to play though.

For starting off with Death, I'd just stick with Grand Host until you feel like you want to branch out to a specific legion.

Nighthaunts are still pretty strong, just don't use them in a Nighthaunt Allegiance because you won't get the regen and grave-sites.

Both Spirit Hosts and Hexwraiths are strong, even more so since they have the ethereal keyword *can be a double-sided sword sometimes* but you also have your new shiny hero in the Knight of Shrouds. So, no reason to not include a little bit of ghosts in your lists, they're not bad.

>(And dudettes)
Just fuck off you juvenile fool

Whats a good build for beastclaw?

Hm. Thanks a lot man. I'm reading through the book now. Legion of Blood and Night both appeal to me the most, I think. It looks like you could kill off some scary bravery shenanigans with Legion of Blood, and pull some nonsense charges out of your butt with Legion of Night. Neferata is still bae though. Ambushing Nighthaunt dudes could be really nasty too. Especially if I take the Knight of Shrouds to buff them. That's a bit hmmmm.

But yeah I'll stick with Grand Host for now I guess, and get the 20 additional skeletons. Maybe I'll buy some blood knights (dragon princes) and wolves and play around with a Blood list at 1000pts and see if I like it or not.

What is thematically Legion of Night though?

What are the actual arguments for and against the Sylvaneth Noble Spirits being made from the souls of the old Wood Elves?
Just picked up the Battletome myself and it seems pretty clear so not sure why it’s so contentious on here

an extra unit of Archai because those freight trains are awesome

I thought Harbingers were the bee's knees?

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*cough* Nagash *cough*

Shitposting for (you)'s and idiocy feigned or otherwise

I doubt it.

Hexwraiths with their new special rule are bawler

Fair enough. Sorry, I'm in a bad mood and got triggered. Being called a 'dudette' is so patronising to me, but whatever. My issue.

blood knights, legion of blood, named vampire lord is a not as durable but is HAMMER the army

Is anyone else imagining a crossdresser?

harbingers are neat, especially with the spell that lets them do mortal wounds on the charge. LOVE THAT. honestly i'm using old shorthand, I meant Halberd morghasts

so it's a difference between extra reach (with the charge move) against save vs mortal wounds

How do you rate undead generally in AOS? I'm on the fence about picking some up

>picked up the Battletome
You’re not allowed to be informed on here. Please leave. Shitposting only

>Created from the seeds gathered from The World That Was
>They remember their old lives as The Protectors from The World That Was
>They look like elf spirits merged into a dryad
>Soul this, echo that

>The above statement in the Battletome regarding their old lives is in universe conjecture.
>At least one Black Library author has explicitly said they are not aelves

Lads is it worth creating a Shadespire general thread, or are those deader than the Blood Bowl generals? Should I just post Shadespire stuff here?

>knowing the lore

Shadespire generals are deader than the Sepulchral Guard.

I can only advise that I have previously seen Shadespire threads on the board. I cannot attest to their popularity. I would however suggest making one so as to distance yourself from this thread

Figured that might be the case. Sad, because it's such a good game and it's going the way of the dodo.

all versions of them are definitely playable and you won't get shitrolled once you understand what's up. just have to learn how to deal with Stormcast Deepstrike, Sylvaneth teleport lists, and the rubadubdub 20dwarves in a tub list.

pretty fun.

You have a hard time finding the hammer to your anvil without dropping a dick-load of points into one model, but that anvil is one hell of an anvil.

My one 40-skeleton block lasted the entire game against Tzeentch spell/ranged spam while also swapping blows with some Stormcast.

Put all your Gravesites in one spot, conga-line your Skeletons up the board and support with heroes and you'll have hopefully 6d3 skeletons regen every turn

Make it's own general and have a few friends be excited with it. This place is a dark whole you shouldn't be posting in if you love sanity

>4 gravesites in the same place
faggots like you are why we have hate crimes

you're right, I should purposely gimp my army so your fee-fee aren't hurt when your walnut of a brain can't figure out how to counter my army.

this is like bitching that Tzeentch is casting too many spells, or that Kharadron have too much shooting, or that Ironjawz can charge across the board. An endless Horde of Skeletons is what Death has always been about, don't cry when it does what its supposed to

Is putting all your gravesites in one spot even legal?

And I really mean this, because the sooner you start putting things together, the sooner you will realize the work you need to put in to this hobby to get a working force going.
To many (far to many) new players start out by buying shit-ton of stuff only to realize they don't have the stomach for it. When they realize the amount of time and effort needed to place down a fully painted force, they usually quit or start a new army, using this as a never ending excuse to not playing painted.. Ever!.

So yea, trust me on this, start by actually clean, build and prime your current force. Paint up a few regiments and monsters/characters. Play a few games, have a few laughs and then, only then, you start to think on what to get next. If there is something I have learned throughout the years, its that this hobby will turn any grown ass man in to a child in a candy store, loosing all sense of reason when getting new stuff.

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One of the ooold Chaos Familiars was like that, but I've never seen a full Daemon go that route.

This reminds me of being 13 playing WoW and getting really mad at those pussy frost mages who would keep running from me, rather than standing like MEN and letting me beat on them lol

How would I go about getting a blood effect like this?

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We still need to muster our forces to invade the pile of bones that is Nagash's main fort.

We currently have some angry trees, an orc waagh and some nurgle forces in our army, who else is with me?

(I got a lot of photoshop to do I feel)

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the blood droplet looks like painted glue, the color otherwise seems pretty simple

Not today, currently dealing with the algoraxi incident. But after, sure, grot waaaaagh reporting in.

Any advice for starting out?

Picking up the ogre start collecting box

Watch YT tutorials for everything.

Tzeentch daemons do what they want

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if playing BCR, your best bet is to just keep buying the Start Collecting box.

Run Mournfangs in 4s. Thundertusks are underrated. Always have a Frostlord on Stonehorn

The single good piece of AoS art. We need more like it.

This. I have a million unpainted models. But now I'm a poorfag and I force myself to paint what I have instead of buying mre.

>Look through older books
>Find a nice Warscroll Batallion
>No points
Every time.
How do I into Seraphon lads? I’ve tried out a few lists but haven’t really had much success.

Imagine all the squawking and feathers in Tzeentch's sanctum.

I bet when chaos choads go to have an audience with Tzeentch, they bring high energy suet cakes for him to peck.

These are wise words. I've had to forbid myself from any more spending because I've got two boxes of start collecting flesh eaters, and then the deathwatch battleforce box, plus a kill team box fuuuck

My dwarfs stand with you, for whatever it's worth. Maybe as a distraction.

Use that Battalion for Open/Narrative play and use something else for Matched play?

If I get a chance to get a game in before thursday, I got some more angry trees to make your forest bigger

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What are those fairy like things on the right?

This rumour popped up on normiebook.

21st Of April release for the bulk of stuff and preorders on the 14th, week after Drukhari
2 Named Characters

3 Generic Characters/ Unit Kits

2 Dual Kits

The Shipwreck model shown in the fish bowl promo video is called an Ethryic Vortex

via Cinderfall Gaming

Take with a handful of salt.

I'm sitting out this one, only got in to fuck up the blood moon really

posting some ded bone fort

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does this count? I don't know

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Rate my list, bois. 1960/2000

1 Amber Battlemage on Griffon

1 Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Mage

1 Luminark of Hysh with White Mage

1 Battlemage (Jade)

1 Battlemage (Grey)

1 Battlemage (Bright)

3 x 10 Free Peoples Handgunners

6 Gyrobombers

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Is this GW Mississauga?

>Did any of the other gods of the Empire besdies Ulric or Sigmar get any mention whatsoever in End Times?

Taal and Shallya were in Glottkin.

Spites I believe.

Just w8 a little. It's picking up more steam here and there. A lot of people needed more diversity in warbands and still have an aversion against GW boxed games and also the whole 'buy every box to get every card' thing. Also there isn't that much to talk about, if you don't like theorycrafting decks.

>2 Named Characters
Wish they were more consistent with this. Some get characterful sculpts for generic heroes, others get actual named characters

>6 Gyrobombers
Why ruin your cool fluffy wizard list with this shit

Perhaps they are modelled as clouds that rain down fire and brimstone

Yes, the Radiant Gallants stand with you.Time to carry the light into Nagashizzar.

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Risgat the Rotlord and his Maggotkin will aid in the attack on Nagasizzar. The cycle of life and death can not be broken without consequences

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Because I literalky have no idea of how to fill out the list to keep it fluffy.

Post your perfect faction theme and other anons will judge and rate you. I will start.

Updated Wanderers with a bunch of magical/mythical creatures like giant Deer forest god thing, giant eagles (like they had before), owls etc. All the magical forest fauna stuff.
Big centerpiece fantasy Deer kinda like pic related, just give him more magic runes and naturey-stuff like moss, bark etc.
Also battletome.


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poorfaggot reporting in with no models

Moonclan, building on what they established with the Cave Shaman. Regular Moonclan boyz, updated current resin squigs units, some kind of shroomed out "Elite" infantry unit, maybe an expanded fanatic unit with more weapons options (exploding fanatics, shroomhead fanatics that put pff spores that cause hallucinations in both the enemy and friendly nearby units, that sort of thing) Spore Squigs, plastic Collosal Squigs and Squig Gobbas.

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i rate your theme drugaddict/10

You know it'll be fun.

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You just posted it.

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does vermintide really bring more people to this hobby

I've loved Warhammer since I was 9, so not me. But yes, in general it has.

Somehow Khorne speaks through you

Not gonna happen. Death player reporting in shoring up those defenses