I don't have anyone I can play tabletop with IRL, and yet I continually abandon play-by-posts I've committed to contribute to their death through inactivity!
I will never paint or assemble all of my miniatures.
I enjoy GMing, but even after a great session I always feel super drained and fear I'm burning out.
I've given up on running games for other people, so now I'm just creating scenarios for my GMPCs.
I obsessively write character concepts that I will probably never use and I feel terrible each time I create one because of that.
I haven't played a traditional game in 2 years. I'm here for the world building threads and shitposting.
"world building" < being able to actually structure a coherent plot in a setting
I play Dragonborn, Tibaxis, and Kitsunes because of the ERP potential.
oh wait this is an unpopular opinion not a sin. fuck.
i spent an entire campaign bullying my party's paladin once because i disliked their character art.
Did you apologize?
>I haven't played a traditional game in 2 years. I'm here for the world building threads and shitposting.
Add in the CYOA and character art threads as well as the smutposting and joke threads, and that's me precisely.
>only have two friends even into Veeky Forums-type shit
>GM one homebrew campaign, and one Heroes Unlimited campaign; never finished either
>one friend is busy having an actual normal life and trying to balance his work, social life, and relationship
>the other is dealing with deep mental health issues and just recently got out of a caustic relationship
>I don't have a car and we all live halfway across town from each other, so hanging out means taking a break from our lives rather than crunching numbers just to use our imagination
I want to play a Shadowrun campaign. That's all I want.
I'm in the same boat as you my brother.
>Even in high fantasy settings my characters tend to be very "anime"
>I steal campaign ideas from sitcoms and internet drama
>I think PBTA is a borderline perfect system
I’m not even mad about the new D&D tranny elves. Self-righteous white saviors just get so worked up that I can’t help it. I’m sorry.
I once allowed a player to choke a dragon to death. I was first time gming, but damn i think that das retarded.
I once created whole game on online RP server as GM with number of fakes accounts to pose as players, just to get two real people to play in "party".
They later abandoned my game and I continued to play "game" hoping somebody will join, ending in year of fake game, because I felt too ashamed to stop.
>I made a Star wars EotE campaign where my player arrived on a planet recently colonized where people got attacked by unknown menace.
> The menace was robots hidden in subterranean vaults, they were armed with green energy weapons.
> They were named the Cro'Nhé
My players are not very familiar with 40k
Thats sad but kinda cute at the same time
I want desperately to put in magical realm shit in my campaign, but my party is full of fa/tg/uys, so they'd realize what was going on.
I've been playing ERP campaigns with a continuous group for a few years now and nothing else
A part of me is afraid I can never go back even if I wanted to
I'm a sore loser, an uncomfortable winner, and I constantly feel insecure about my boardgame abilities next to the others in my group.
I wish we could just play RPGs so I could relax, but they keep making me play boardgames.
I only run my quest and don't participate in anybody else's quests
I never really cared if quests were on Veeky Forums or not. I just liked trolling questfags as they are the thinnest skinned fuckers on the board.
I'm starting to consider regular game sessions as more of a chore than anything else.
It can be credited partially to game not being all that good in the first place, partially to my priorities shifting towards real life achievements. But even when I have hobby time, I would rather spend it painting stuff than sitting through other people indecisive moments.
My penance shall be not dropping out just yet but rather seeing this one through to the end, then not signing up for the next campaign.
It may mean that I'm not getting game in this town ever - GM is quite influential in the community, and doesn't take kindly on people bailing on him, but honestly I couldn't care less.
I still don't know what the fuck the "CYOA" shit is about and I'm too afraid to ask.
It's not a quest. The same way dolphin is not a fish.
... But a dolphin isn't a fish it's a mammal.
But then didn't some scientist conclude there's no such thing as a fish anyway, after years of studying fish?
>I enjoy GMing, but even after a great session I always feel super drained and fear I'm burning out.
you're probably an introvert. a lot of people assume introverts are shy/not outgoing but it really means that social action drains their energy (whereas extroverts are invigorated by it).
I'm an outgoing introvert and I love DMing but I always feel like I've been hit by a truck afterwards. I also have an anxiety disorder though, so I know that's probably a factor.
don't. learn to be rewarded by the creation, not the function.
a painter doesn't paint because he expects the result to serve a purpose. flex dem imaginations, pham!
I think he means, a dolphin isn't a fish but it's still pretty fish-like. a CYOA isn't necessarily a quest but it's pretty much the same to an outside observer.
I once asked for a deck of many things in a 5e Athas game. The campaign was ruined and I left after my character got voided because I didn't want to make another.
>D&D tranny elves
I keep playing with a shit group using a shit system (5E) and go home every night wishing I didn't go out. Is this what an abusive relationship is like?
I'm sorry Mr.DM, I never remember my abilities and the rules of the game.
I'm so ashamed.
I also give false hope to some potential players by telling them I'll run a game someday, yet I always get bored after reading less than 10 pages of a rulebook.
I'm terrible.