Kamigakari Thread: Factions edition

Rolled 3, 2, 5, 1 = 11 (4d6)

Legendary Arms RPG Kamigakari Thread

Previous Thread: Last time:
>Much ado about nothing
>Formatting for expansion two

Baseline things! And stuff:

Expansions and errata + Mononoke homebrew guide, FAQ, and a quick rules cheatsheet!

Expansion Weapons Pastebin (Incomplete) And Item Pastebin

A character sheet hosted on Google Sheets on Google Sheets (for online play!):

Kamigakari is a JTTRPG focused on episodic storytelling, with simple but tight mechanics. Its design goal is to start players spread out, getting involved with the episode's peculiarities, and eventually coming together to fight a big bad, A la tokusatsu shows, magical girl shows, and/or other such shows in that vein. It can handle just about any kind of character, though, not just those types.

TL;DR, Its a Monster of the Week Format game with an emphasis in the fluff on high power shenanigans of just about every type.

Attached: 1492098860184.jpg (717x1009, 203K)

Other urls found in this thread:


/jttrpg/ Discord - Look for games in #on-topic, not #general.

Storytime Imgur

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Todays Question:
>If you had to make a character on the spot, Right this moment, what would they be? Include race, styles, what you'd focus on in terms of talents, and maybe even items.

>What are your thoughts on the Alternative spirit barrier rules that were put into the pastebin? Do you think they solve the problem in an organic fashion? Or do you think they could be improved? If so, how so?

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Also, sorry for the very late night thread.

That was my bad due to a shit work schedule.

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This art is awesome but what's this game about?

It can be used for pretty much anything, but its a contemporary fan game about the hunting of what are caled' Aramitama" which is the catch-all for "Everything evi"

Its very reminiscent of power rangers and such

>Contemporary fan game

I dunno why i said fan here, but its a full fledged system on its own.

Attached: 1495214357015.jpg (731x800, 217K)

If OCR user ever comes around, i need some help translating the faction stuff.

There's a few sentences that are just wonky

I wonder if Kansai user will be able to finish MiO. I know the last part is still missing part of it.

Yeah, i'd really like to hear about the grand finale. There was also that other game they were gonna tell us about too

Its a pretty good system. Easy to pick up and pretty fluid

Bumping for this.

Kansainon is currently suffering a critical life overload, but I have his blessing to continue storytime. Apologies in advance if I'm not quite the writer he is. Picking up from where he left off:

"H-how, this wasn't even.. my final form.." Sabbath falls from the sky and land on the ground with a loud thud.

"Weaklings shouldn't hold back." Jagasaki scoffs. "Lets see the new one then" Shizune taunts the demon a little. Sabbath just lies there not moving, and Jagasaki waves himself off and walks off to another part of the room where he can continue being Jagasaki in peace. Everyone else shakes off minor injuries from the fight, and Shizune starts looking Sabbath over for his control mark. the one she finds is noticeably larger and more ornate before, but its little work for her to dispel it like the others. Sabbath shrinks back to his first form, and tiredly whines about not being strong enough to dethrone Ciero. "I was his eyes, you know..."

Shizune says she wishes she knew that sooner, if only so she could flip him off, then tries to ask what his deal is this but gets interrupted by a certain orange idiot. "So where is this Ciero guy anyway? We still need to beat the tar outta him." Shizune cuts back across him "What Ito said. Simple-minded as always, but that's pretty much why we're here in the first place." Sabbath explains that he is also from the other world, although Incubi can naturally in our reality too. He also insists his name has no relation to our earth religions, but nobody cared. As for Ciero, he resides on the other side. "He had hoped to use this castle much in the same way as your earth radio towers.To broadcast waves that would seed the Яeverse into anyone and turning those with the 'potential' to his side."

Attached: devilman.png (1000x1228, 245K)

Akira asks if this means the ritual is complete, Sabbath tells him that this domain has collapsed and the ritual failed because of the party. But it was a close call, any longer and we would all be Ciero's puppets. Ciero himself can cross worlds, but only for a finite amount of time, so he leaves his [branded] such as Sabbath to take care of the ritual. Sabbath asks the party, "Tell me, what comes to mind when you hear the phrase 'The sun turns its back on humanity'?" Ito wastes no time answering "The sun doesn't have a back." "This one is a sharp cookie" Sabbath sighs. "I'm bleeding out here, indulge me a little. Any other takers for this mystery phrase?"

Akira mentions it sounds like an eclipse, and Sabbath says he's right on the money. Ciero will be able to bridge the two worlds together more cleanly during an eclipse, and he's hoping to channel mana from the worlds leylines to create a fake eclipse to speed up the ritual. At the current pace, it will be about a month until this happens. Shizune says they need time to make preparations anyways, as well as make sure they have a way back. Sabbath isn't sure why but most of those efforts are focused on Osaka. Shizune shrugs, "I can see why someone would want to destroy Osaka, at least..."

"But yeah, it's not happening. We'll deal with him."

Ito, now halfway across the room and nursing a headache, waves over Nanatsume. Ito tells her to go stop Sabbath bleeding to death, or at least carry him out of this place. Nanatsume is surprised, since Sabbath is something of a Sadist and seeing him get accepted so easily makes her shiver. She follows orders and starts carrying Sabbath. Ito offers to not leave Sabbath to die here so long as he helps track down Ciero. "As long as you don't subject me to a set of humiliating tasks, I'm all ears." The demon agrees. Ito marches off to the beat of his own drum as usual, and everyone else starts trailing behind. Shizune warns Sabbath, "Don't make us regret saving you".

Back down several flights of stairs, the group makes it to Dorothy's base camp. Dorothy walks out to greet the party, "Oh thank God you all m-" then spots the incoming troupe of aramitama
Dorothy raises her staff pointed at the aramitama, glowing with LOTS OF ENERGY. Ito grabs the end of it and forces it downward. "Nah. They're ours now."
"Apparently." Adds Jagasaki. He doesn't seem to care much for the new entourage. "I had no idea, this is what you're all into?" Dorothy seems genuinely curious about this turn of events. Shizune starts to answer, "They were forced to serve Ciero with magical hypnosis. They're going to help us now that we may have to go back to their-" "You're just jealous 'cause you don't got tits and they do. Even the guys." Interrupts guess who? Spoilers, it was Ito. "-WHERE DID THAT COME FROM" Shizune facepalms, "This is fine..." She mutters to herself.

/end session

Attached: dorothy_no_background.png (1200x1696, 2.54M)

>retweeted by the guy that fucked up Golden Sky Stories
What did they mean by this?

Gonna be honest, i didnt actually expect storytime. Fuckin hell. I'll screencap it when i get home after while.

You are doing gods work user. And im glad kansai user gave you the go ahead.

Im not sure what im looking at, user

So this seems like theres a bit more to go, judging from the cliffhanger. Or did the sessions die due to kansai anons life issues?

Ima see what more I can write up for you tonight. Working on it now

Oh, the campaign is finished, and there's quite a bit more to go. I think this is around the halfway point? More or less.

It looks like the cover of the book and the font for "soon" is similar, apparently this is a game company that just came into existence and this is what they're teasing. I don't know.

>only the halfway point

Ive been lied too. I was told storytime was nearly done.

This isnt a bad thing

So it has no relation to kamigakari then.

Still, a new system is always neat, assuming it doesnt flop

Oh. I took it to mean maybe they had licensed Kamigakari for amerifat release or something.

Does anyone even know about Kamigakari besides Veeky Forums?
Limiting your potential audience to Veeky Forums seems unwise.

New session:

After the idiot brigade arrives back at base camp with a trail of totally not monster girls in tow, Dorothy turned on her heel and left without a word. Except for four words, which were "society building, tomorrow afternoon". Somehow Ito avoided being ground into the dirt, maybe she was just too overloaded with disbelief. Everyone returns home in a non-interesting, time-skippable manner.

Now full disclosure here, we lost a player around this time, and as we'd recently gained a new one, this session was a short one and a quick tide-over while we dealt with that. The morning after the Osaka castle raid, Futaba meets with her mother, and the look on her face says this is about to be bad news. Several members of staff are moving about loading things into boxes and shifting furniture out of the hotel. Taro makes his way into the room, navigating his way around a potted plant in transit. "Futaba dear, this may seem a little sudden, as a matter of fact it is sudden. We are changing location" Onigata Seika announces.

Futaba blinks, but keeps composure and asks if their operations have been compromised. Seika doesn't seem happy to admit it, but the Church's presence in Osaka was putting too much strain on their resources and influence in the city. "This is not an admission of defeat but I thought it best to reconvene with the rest of the family at Yokohama." She insists. Yokohama is a long way away. It's not much of a decision for Futaba though, Onigata family obligations are both strong and demanding. She pets Taro, asking him to pass on the message to the demon hunters society. Taro seems sad to go, but orders are orders. He leaves to break the news immediately.

Attached: Taro.png (702x575, 649K)

At the society building, there's less people present for the meeting than expected. Dorothy and Goezome wait in the latters office - Akira, Futaba and Ren are not present, Shizune and Jagasaki arrived slightly early, and Ito a few minutes late. "So what's the deal?" He asks. "You should already know what the deal is. Our job is to route out and eliminate the Aramitama and I find more than three accompanying you out of Osaka castle." Dorothy says. "We did the routing out part." Ito answers. Jagasaki gives a half shrug and a I-don't-give-a-fuck smile, non-verbally communicating how much of his problem it wasn't. Ito continues "I already know what you're gonna complain about so lemme get to the point. Their boss man wasn't there like you said, so we took his underlings as hostage until we can find out from them how to get to him."

"Hostages you say?" Goezome asks.
"And these hostages are where?..."

Shizune facepalms while Goezome questions whether Ito even knows what a hostage is. She tries to smooth it over, explaining that they're allies now and if they step out of line we'll just beat them up again. "See? Hostages." Ito adds, unhelpfully. Dorothy shakes her head at this. "The Aramitama are monsters, nothing more. However.. I won't lie in saying they felt different somehow." She says, acquiescing a little. "You mentioned something about another world, I was under the impression that Aramitama are born of malice, hatred and negative emotions. These beings did not actually look like the traditional Aramitama our organization has fought."

"I don't get it either, but that's what they said too." Ito nods in apparent agreement. "They're more like... Monster girls. With big titties."
"Dorothy neglected to mention that part." Goezome chimes in, slightly amused. Shizune glares at Ito, silently asking why. "They're currently being hosted by Futaba-san on her, uh... Family Business building." She explains.

Attached: Goezome.png (592x600, 173K)

Ideal timing, Taro poofs into the room. Futaba is noticeably missing. He casually greets everyone "Oh great you guys are here, anyway me, Futaba are packing up shop to Yokohama." Shizune lets out an "...Eh?" Jagasaki gives a small bow, but nothing more. Ito just says "Bye then." "And you were saying these Aramitama were housed, where again?"

"What? WHAT?" Shizune is a bit shaken up. "Isn't this too sudden? What happened? What about the Aramitama, Taro?" Taro briefly lays out the new plan - the hotel will be under new management, but the new manager is someone the Onigatas can pull a few strings with, so they'll let the new guy know the score and make sure the Aramitama can stay for a short while. He also slides some cards onto the table, which read "lifetime membership valid at any Onigata Hotel location". Ito quickly pockets one. Jagasaki casually picks one up, flips it over and stows it in his robe. Dorothy looks at the cards, "Well, what am I gonna do. Say no?" and slides one under her hat. "Aren't some of you a little young for this?" Goezome asks. Shizune turns to her saying "Jagasaki is... uh... old enough to go if he really wants. As for Ito, what he does is not my concern... and besides, it's not like he's ever going to be a proper adult"
"I'm implying it's fine if you go, see?"

Shizune brushes off an angry Ito, which Taro takes as his cue to shunpo the fuck outta there. Goezome uses the distraction to slide herself a card, then quickly changes subject. Quick summary to save on loading up on too much dialogue, although it's only been a day or so since Sabbath's domain was shut down, Aramitama activity has spiked around various leylines in Osaka. Dorothy says that while there's a large number of leylines around the city, Osaka castle was one, there's a large one straight down the middle of Dotonbori and a third directly under the Osaka Gas Building. Furiten and Mei-Ling are working on cleaning those up.

At one point, Shizune asks if Dorothy knows a way to travel between worlds. Dorothy says she knows a "mage", with obvious sarcasm, who might be able to figure it out, but she and her are not on good terms, since it was her fault Dorothy got transported out of her own home world. Ito has a temporary spark of intellect - "Hey. I just thought of something. If Dorothy-san is from another world and not an Aramitama, then why do we think those guys are?" Dorothy doesn't comment, whle Goezome concedes there's some merit to that idea. Shizune decides she wants to meet with Oz.

On the way out the door, Ito takes a moment to ask Jagasaki a few questions - where is he even from, and why does he hang around a magnet of poverty like Shizune? Shizune does not appreciate the metaphor. Jags takes a minute to think about this, usually he's not very forthcoming but Ito's sheer bluntness about it is almost refreshing enough to warrant an answer. "I'm not 'from' anywhere. I may be a Daiyoukai, but I was still 'born' on Japanese soil. As for why I serve Shizune, it is a matter of personal pride. I owe her family a debt. It's as simple as that."
"What kind of debt?"
"It's a matter of obligation. Her family helped me in the past, so I help them now." Jagasaki gives Ito a dangerous glance, so Ito decides not to pry further.


Short session in real-time but it turned out more wordy than I expected to hit all the important and entertaining details.

Thats pretty neato. The idea of confusing a marebito for an aramitama is one i hadn't even considered

Grand Finale?

Seems like there was some idea that Osaka castle was the end of the MiO campaign? There's about 4-5 sessions of what I will tentatively call Slice of Life where we explore the party a bit, then they get isekai'd into monster girl world, then there's some more shenanigans in that world before the final boss

I also have the next part ready to go but don't want to feel like I'm spamming up the thread. Especially cause I think these are getting longer as I try to encapsulate the interactions better. Post it now or save for tomorrow?

Like what?

Kansai user made the castle out to be near the end. That seems to have been a misunderstanding though

I can barely keep this place alive on just Veeky Forums, and when i tried to make a discord a couple people flipped their shit.

I thought about going to reddit and making a subreddit for it, but i have no idea how to use reddit.

I fucking hope so, because that would take a lot of work off of me and i could sit back, but i hold no hopes for that whatsoever.

sorry, just got off work. I'll give you the examples of the one's i'm having trouble with. The issues i'm having are with whats in the weird [??] notation

These ones from the arkham university text.
>literature relating to the ancestor of misery [?Avatar of ruin?], and documents describing various legends. There are many collections of magical books as well. In the past, a person appeared trying to revive the by using one particular book collection.
>and there is also communication and exchange with the Federation [?Specprov?] as well.

I dunno what this federation is, and i think ancestor of mystery is the avatar of ruin. In the next post i'll lay out the issues i have with the apostles of wisdom, which are a bit tougher to discern on my own.

So here, my issue runs a bit deeper, in that there's two parts that seem wholly out of place, both of which mention dragon carriers. Both are from the section of Apostles of wisdom centering around beast soldier and monster man. It also mentions the federation, but i already mentioned that.

Here's the original two lines i'm having issues with
>Supernatural existence who is a name in one of the executives - a crazy genius scientist, Katsuyoshi Shindo. It is the mysterious monsters and that he created a powerful [Dragon Carrier] in a book

That one sorta makes sense, as it just implies the presence of a dragon carrier for some reason, but the next one completely changes tone
>Looking for a powerful [Dragon Carrier] that became its prime field, I am sentenced to keep wandering.

This one sounds like it was being said by a specific person, rather than as fluff for a collective group, and i'm having trouble with the two.

I've tried feeding this stuff into Translate again.
In the library attached to the University of the Arkham are documents such as the original scripture which the gods believed to have produced - the literature which documents the secret documents of mystery related to "God Sacred Sculpture [Kushimitama, probably]", a marvelous magic book to lose sanity of the understanding person There are many collections.
Fiddling with it a bit can get the latter part to say "there are many magical books which can drive the reader mad".

Okay, so in that first post, i gave you a partial of my translation, this time i'll give you the original OCR, because i'm still somewhat confused. That gives an entirely different interpretation to this

>At the University Library of Arkham there are documents such as ancient documents related to the original sacred treasure - which is said to have been created by the gods - literature relating to the ancestor of misery, documents describing the mystery secrets, magical magic books There are many collections. In the past, a person appeared trying to revive by using one book collection

The other bit of the first one is
In the past, a person appeared trying to revive by using one book collection. However, by the hands of Dr. Henry and his colleagues who were also at the time Bookkeeper and Mr. Kamigakari, the case was stopped beforehand.

The bit in angle brackets is which translates to or or something.

Yeah, that ones probably just talking about the avatar of ruin. Google translate doesn't really seem to like that name, and keeps giving different interpretations on it.

>Mr. Kamigakari

I'm using that as a character name sometime.

I think it might have had a character wrong. One of the 書 didn't get picked up right, I think.

The bit about the Federation is
which comes out as
In addition, Carole is acquainted with Charles Darres who is a leader of as a master of magic, and there is an exchange with the "Federation" in that relationship.
Federation here is renmei, and the two characters come out by themselves as "communicating alliance". Messing with the angle brackets gets Magic Association Communicating Reference. I think it might just be meaning the two have formed some sort of alliance and there is communication between them.

so would alliance be a better word for that then?

Actually, wait. Here's the original for that last senctence with charles darres Derleth, rather

In addition, Carol is acquainted with Charles Darres who is the leader of as a master of magic, and there is exchange with the Federation in that relationship.

This implies the federation as its own thing.

Translate seems convinced the correct translation of the word is Federation, but it might be better with alliance, yeah.

>>Looking for a powerful [Dragon Carrier] that became its prime field, I am sentenced to keep wandering.
Wrong character again, it's actually
It is rumored to keep wandering, looking for a powerful [Dragon Carrier] that became its prime body.
I think that's meant to mean "looking for a powerful Dragon Carrier to steal the body of" or something.

>Body snatching

Fucking neato. Makes me wonder why dragon carriers specifically though

>>Supernatural existence who is a name in one of the executives - a crazy genius scientist, Katsuyoshi Shindo. It is the mysterious monsters and that he created a powerful [Dragon Carrier] in a book
Looking again at this bit, it comes out as
Ultra-persistent crazy genius scientist named Katsutake (according to the furigana) Shindo who is one of the executives.
It is the mysterious monsters and that he created a powerful [Dragon Carrier] in a book.
should be either or , looking at the characters individually.

>why dragon carriers specifically
Because the Shindo guy invented them, I guess.

>It is the mysterious monsters and that he created a powerful [Dragon Carrier] in a book.
Should have said, this should say something like "he created [Dragon Carriers] and the mysterious monsters and .

I find it hard to believe this one crazy evil asshole made all dragon carriers.

maybe it means a specific subset of them?

>Im not sure what im looking at
>So it has no relation to kamigakari then.
Are you retarded?

Attached: 50 years in mspaint.png (996x697, 1.24M)

Fuck i really am stupid. I only looked at the font, i didn't notice the background.

Still, i wonder how wise a decision it was.

The community for kamigakari is like, nothing. Literally a group of probably less than 100 people all of which got it from this thread.

Still, i already bought the books once, i'm not doing it again.

>named after a place on the moon
>moon features in their dress
>translating a Japanese game
What did they mean by this?

Whatever it is, i hope they don't fuck it up for us over here.

Maybe he makes the monsters from Dragon Carriers.

I've done most of the nickname generator, apart from the "determine what good and bad things you're famous for", which is blurred out on the very left. The Electric element table's giving me a bit of trouble because a lot of them are very similar.

Oh, i found it, While i was reading the arkham university stuff.

It calls the federation "The Sanshin Federation" at some point, which leads me to believe its a specific organization.

>Monsters that hunt dragon carriers as materials to make more of themselves

Thats also pretty fucking neato of an idea. That also seems like a fairly legitimate interpretation, based on what i'm reading. I'll go with that.

Okay, i might actually just be retarded.

The previous sentence reads out
>There used to be several known as the best masterpieces, but they escaped the organization for unknown reasons.

So i think its these ones that are looking for a specific dragon carrier, mayhaps one that the beast soldiers and monster men were based on.

Putting the entirety of the section together, i think this makes the most sense.

I think that might be a mistranslation. Fiddling about with
Gets me anything from
Currently, these manuscripts are stored at the University Library of the University of Arkham, and if you can obtain permission from the Sangyo agent, the association of the Federation and the University of Arkham can confirm its contents.
Currently, at the Arkham University Library, these manuscripts are stored,
If you can obtain permission from Sanger,
Federations and affiliated organizations of Arkham University can confirm their contents.
Not sure about this Sanger/Sangyo thing, but the last bit is something more like "confederates and members of Arkham U can view their contents with the permission of Sangyo".

Okay, with that, Apostles of wisdom is done, and i'm adding it to the main pastebin.

Who the fuck is sangyo?

Either way, the overall gist is that its a collection of organizations related to Arkham U right?

>Who the fuck is sangyo?
A mistake, the character is supposed to be 管, which makes it "the permission of the Administrator".

Currently, these manuscripts are stored at the University Library of the University of Arkham, and if the permission of the administrator can be obtained, the members of the federation or the University of Arkham can confirm the contents.

Sweet. that makes a good deal more sense.

Here's the nickname generator, minus the feat/misdeed table and the blurb for the Correction Degree Table entries.

Here's also a link to the combined scan files, the Machine God one is the OCR'd, bookmarked file I've been using. Mega /#F!YtAEUSDS!w9D6hBCD1mfgz6Q1Hhsvog

Attached: Machine God Nickname Machine Translation.pdf (PDF, 86K)

Fucking choice. If you want me to, i'm installing the scanner stuff on my new computer, so if you give me a sec i can get you what you need to round it out

Yeah, there's a few pages that have significant blur on the left.

Any ones you need in particular?

Well, i dunno what else you might need, but heres 23 for the rest of that blurb

Attached: IMG_20180317_0001_NEW.pdf (PDF, 192K)

I can tell you what's on the various ones:
7: About half the Cyborg fluff
9: Alkeny Group
11: Saionji Temple Kinkansha (or whatever this is)
15: Elena Belefskaya and Copperia
23: Nickname Generator: Feats and misdeeds
25: Handout List (K, M, O, Q, S)
I think only those six are needed. Everything else should be readable.

page numbers man, page numbers.

I hate embarrassing myself when half asleep.

It'll be done in a minute. Forgive my stupidity.

Those are the page numbers: 7, 9, 11, 15, 23, and 25. 23 being already done.

Okay, now that i'm done being a raging retard for a hot second, here's those pages.

I included 23 for posterity's sake, but its also individually.

Attached: Those pages you needed.pdf (PDF, 1.12M)

oh yeah, one thing i see pop up is something called a "Mysterious secret" in the OCR translation.

you have any idea what thats referencing?


Correction degree table (2d)
2: +4; Secret secret
3: +2; Do not speak that name
4: -1; It is considered a secret
5: -2; A rumour on the wind
6: -3; People know of you
7-8: -4; State-of-the-art (newly produced? Up-and-comer?)
9: -6; Celebrity
10: -8; Super Celebrity
11: -10; Hero
12: -12; Living Legend

I think it's just "mystery of mysteries" sort of great secret. In Japanese it's "hi no hi", which is just "secret of secrets"

sounds better than mysterious secrets. That just sounds redundant.

at least "secret of secrets" implies its super well guarded.

Okay, with that, both the apostles of wisdom and the Arkham university are both completed to a satisfactory degree, and i will be putting them in the main pastebin.

>MFW No one reads the question of the day/week

Attached: ;__;.jpg (800x756, 340K)

Misdeed table entry 61-62: I have used Aramitama a number of times for my libido

Surely this must be a mistake.

Only if you don't browse /d/

2: Determination of the feat, misdeeds
It is a table that determines whether you are known for your feat such as your [alias] or a bad behavior. The player arbitrarily decides what kind of feat accomplished by the PC as the Kamigakari or a [feat table], and consults with each other to decide. GM decides what kind of accomplishments and wrongdoings the NPC did, either arbitrarily or by waging one of [feat table] [evil table].
If you do not have permission of GM, PC will not set [misdeeds]. When the player uses [the misdeeds table], treat it in the wind like "to protect someone's honor" or "made a misunderstanding due to misunderstanding", consult with each participant and do not prevent progress of [session] Let's try to produce directing. (I think this is something like “reputations for misdeeds should have a positive spin on them nonetheless”) Let's redeliver if "Take this table twice, apply both sides" or "arbitrary" overlap in contradictory form.

It is, it's actually "self-interest", but it's not like libido isn't self-interest.

Feat table
11-12: In the mysterious world also participate in the famous dark game, defeating the champion
13-14: I led a miracle to save many people
15-16: In many battlefields, it surely has survived
21-22: I fought against a bad guardian god and won the victory
23-24: We rescued the heads of organizations and companies from disaster
25-26: I destroyed the kushimitama which is regarded as impossible to destroy
31-32: He destroyed an elite unit of infamous organization alone
33-34: I beat Aramitama, which is regarded as impossible to kill
35-36: It punished the famous evil great monster
41-42: He released a famous national leader on its own
43-44: It defeated the presence of a legend which had been sealed
45-46: It is the successor to the legendary artificial sacred treasure
51-52: Once-in-a-hundred years genius in that [title]
53-54: Duel against the first-class banned curse and win
55-56: We have destroyed special forces boasted by companies and nations alone
61-62: I have acquired the legendary deathblow technique
63-64: Roll twice
65-66: Player’s Discretion

I mean... if we're talking misdeeds.... doing it with an aramitama is certainly a misdeed.

Misdeeds table
11-12: I touched the organization's largest taboo and was banished
13-14: It became the first over-class of prohibited curse Tsukai
15-16: Knowing the secrets of the organization and being chased
21-22: The legendary former assassin
23-24: Only oneself will surely survive on many battlefields
25-26: Destroyed the kushimitama to be used for precious ritual
31-32: I destroyed a branch of a gigantic organization by myself
33-34: Killing excellent Kamigakari in the shrine name
35-36: I killed the god with mighty power
41-42: We reduced a number of [demonic] which became the theatrical region (wiped out a demon sanctuary?
43-44: Infamous genius in the [title]
45-46: We have eradicated rare mysterious tribe
51-52: In order to save a lot of people, I killed a small number of people
53-54: It is the descendant of the tribe who crossed the evil spirit
55-56: I have mastered a taboo mystery
61-62: I used Aramitama a number of times for my self-interest
63-64: Roll twice
65-66: Player’s discretion

And with that, the chuuni title manufacturer is complete.

Fucking sweet. I'm gonna need to reword the text heavy portions a bit, but the gist gets through as is so that won't be terribly hard.

Thanks for all the help man, i certainly appreciate that.

I'll do the missing portion of the Cyborg lore soon.

Here's an example of this in action:
We roll 2 on the Nickname Determination Table, so we'll be rolling on both Table 1 and Table 2.
On Table 1 we roll 5, so go to the Attribute table. We roll 43, so go to the Light table, where we roll 32, giving us Sunshine. For table 2, as we aren't a real character, we'll roll for weapon form. 1 gives us Sword, and we roll 13, giving us Heir/Successor. So, our title is Sunlight's Heir (sounds like a Dark Souls boss or something).

There's no given way to determine whether or not you should roll on the feat or misdeed table, so we'll roll for it. 1 gets us the feat table, 52 gets us "one-in-a-hundred-years genius in that [title]". Not entirely sure what to do with that. For a correction degree, we roll 6, which gives us -3: People have heard of you.

So, we're a once-in-a-century genius nicknamed Sunlight's Heir, and people have heard of us, they guess. We've managed to deftly avoid all the really chuuni options.

>Sunlight's Heir (sounds like a Dark Souls boss or something).

Or a dark souls bro.

Missing section of Cyborg lore ahoy.

The nine cyborgs were introduced at the end of the war and made a leap in various places but never appear on the front stage of history and disappear at the same time as the end of the war. Since then, there is no one knowing what kind of endings they have ended, and since most of the materials at the time are not left, their names are still unknown. However, it is no doubt that their existence contributed to the development of later Cyborg technology.
Currently, cyborg surgery boasts a high success rate. However, since huge costs are required in terms of prosthetic production and maintenance, the number of cyborgs possessed by each country or organization is rare. Therefore, the cyborg will be launched as a trump card for special strategies with high importance.

Backup from organization
Organizations to which Cyborg belongs are often miscellaneous companies or government organizations. Especially, the organization to which the God Hunter PC for the purpose of solving a paranormal incident belongs is restricted to etc. (Other than that belongs to the nation, , and , and many appear as NPC).
Cyborgs belonging to these organizations are periodically undergoing maintenance and can be supplied or backed up. Also, although there are a few, there are cyborgs that are active in freelance. They manage maintenance and backup themselves by their supernatural existence, which they once belonged to the organization. At that time, we may call a technician of B.E. G which is reliable for payment and a technician belonging to the state, which is a connection, to maintain ourselves.

you're gonna need to tell me where this goes in relation to the rest of the stuff

Right after
The military's research subjects were all veterans, and those who lost physical strength by age. Those who suffered serious injuries such as battle. It is a person who could not find a place other than the battlefield. They wanted themselves to become subjects of cyborg formation. However, since the cyborg technology at that time was still immature and needed a huge cost for making the prosthetic body, we had undergone cyborg surgery and there were only nine people in the world who succeeded in further luck.

Armoured Arsenal
In order to further strengthen the cyborg in a supernormal battlefield, each company has a blood circulation for the development of exclusive armed weapons. Among them, the high achievement in super - existential war against victims is the use of armor itself, a special protective armor for a cyborg equipped with a portable firearm, special mechanism, power assist function, 'Armored Armory', Armored Arsenal (hereinafter referred to as AA )is. AA is a substitute that can be called "armed powered suit" with armored clothes equipped with several farm points and equipped with externally attached drive agencies, heavy weapons, automatic feed devices and so on. Although the shape of AA is varied, each has a figure like a body suit covered with a strong armor.

And then it continues with the already translated section
AA developed as a portable equipment is stored in a special steel case made of steel or a carry bag and the owner talks about a specific keyword or the like before the start of battle, Automatically cover the body and instantly complete the wearing. Those who are wearing AA can obtain the effect of power assist, doubling their muscular strength, and by relaxing the weight load by the internal function of sensing spiritual power. However, the load on the body and mind is terrible, at this time it is considered impossible for an ordinary person to appeal AA, and it can only deal with a cyborg with a strong prosthetic body. Currently, strong AA is developed one by one by each company, and corporate warfare introducing the cyborg is intensifying intensifying.

sweet. once you are done blowing your translating load i'll get that all copied down in the right place.

Gonna take me a while on that stuff though.

I'll do the missing factions (Alkeny Group and the Temple) then break.

Alkeny Group
Leader: Leonie Hohenheim
International financial company group - that is the . The general manager is Leonie Hohenheim, a bizarre of the European and American business world who takes the synonym of "modern alchemy king". The head office is located in New York. Ostensibly, the Alkeny Group is active as a financial company, but in fact it is a mysterious corporate organization that manages the supply balance of gold circulating in the world and . The Alkeny Group is an organization that is friendly to God Hunters and good mononokes.
They purchase from supernatural beings who need regular money and assets, and they are mainly engaged in cashing and capitalization of them. Cash generation of is also done in other organizations, but the Alkeny group is taking care of all the time-consuming procedures and camouflage, so it is being welcomed by magicians who want to devote themselves to research.
Also, friendly Mononoke who are hard to deal with the general public is a customer for the Alkeny Group. By buying that they possess, scarce spirit, rich valuable etc, we will act on behalf of the construction of a company that enshrines them and acquisitions around the land which is a spiritual vein. For these reasons, we own

Alkeny Material (AM)
Energy, aviation, marine, industrial machinery, infrastructure, logistics, transportation, military... Recent years, a new company active in every field, it is known as "Alkeny Material" (In related books, it is sometimes described as AM). It is a company based in the Arkenny Group, with headquarters in Detroit and development department in Stuttgart.
Ostensibly it is mainly heavy industry, but the real, leads to by studying the mystery and science, and an object thereof is to extinguish all of the Aramitama private paranormal existence organization. They use the mysterious scientific power as weapons, collect information related to and etc. by solving occurring in each country independently.
In addition, the main battle forces of Arkeny material are elite mercenaries and soldiers, and [Cyborgs]. Especially the body of the cyborgs - the prosthesis is developed by Alkeny Materials independently, its performance is not inferior to the made cyborg, which is renowned as the world's most prestigious country.

What's this character on the side of page 11? I can't quite make it out.

It's not the Saionji Temple thingy, it's the Saionji Detective Agency.

Attached: left side page 11.png (929x584, 316K)

Here you go

Attached: 1521365537944-2101302451.jpg (2560x1440, 993K)


Saionji Detective Agency
Leader: Saionji Kiriko
It is medium size detective agency with several branches in Japan. The base is Tokyo. Ostensibly it is a nondescript detective agency, the business is over the cheating investigation and range in search of a pet. However, it is a private affairs organization specializing in the investigation of the incident related to supernatural existence - . They stepped in the mysterious world - Mainly, unaware Kamigakari, protection of Marebito and Mononoke that wandered into contemporary society, escort of good supernatural existence, camouflage against the general society, substitution of memory operation etc. mainly I will. For this reason, Saionji Detective Agency is known as an organization that is friendly to good God Hunters and mononoke.
Representative Kiriko Saionji is not an God Hunter but it is well-known as an excellent personality in the world of supernatural existence at general society. She is looking after the common man who caught up in a supernormal case, a God Hunter who got a by chance, or a different person who wandered in this world – Marebito. She accepts such people, helps to return to everyday life by manipulating memories, teaches basic knowledge as a person related to mystery and modern common sense. Many of the shrines protected by Saionji Detective Agency are used as part-time employees and part-time employees, and they are helping with work while using the Detective Agency as a base.

Spirit Investigation Business
At Saionji Detective Agency, you will receive a special request that you will never accept in Detective Agency at the proper time. As a matter of fact, it seems that there is a main job there than activities as Detective Agency. And its special business, is frankly "Exorcism". Investigate and solve the cause of the property that the tenants get accident one after another. A request from a spirit that has become impossible to achieve Buddha because it left unfamiliar in this world.
In the end, searching for those who are caught up in strange events and meeting the spirit of mind, investigation of cause and treatment of those who have caused mental abnormality - its contents range in many ways. Every time I am asked for such a case, employees and part-time workers at Saionji Detective Agency will struggle to resolve the case by making full use of their own inspiration, spiritual power, mysterious techniques and artificial sacred treasures.
Of course, events and requests like those are almost certainly super paramount.
Saionji Detective Agency special handling such related investigation request as "spiritual investigation work" - commonly called "feeling" - is handled.