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If (in a city with a relatively high population of Awakened) a Mage gets kidnapped or otherwise goes missing, is there anything stopping someone with Correspondence and maybe some Life from snapping their fingers to summon them back to safety? Other than someone else with a greater mastery of magick obviously.
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Wards, mostly.
Or like, lack of an appropriate sympathetic connection/yantra if we're talking Awakening.
What if the devs were forced to be professional and unbiased when making products, under penalty?
RichT would be hatefucked to death by trannies. McFarland would be saved by dint of being hatefucked to death by prison inmates.
Can't you, in 100% of situations, draw a stick figure or smiley face and that's enough?
What does that even mean?
Tremere. Also other mages.
>"Other than someone else with a greater mastery of magick obviously."
Also elders with Obfuscate, kolduns and spirits.
Not necessarily greater. Just prepared.
Tremere can't hope to match mage's raw power, anyway.
>It's going to be an autism infested thread
Where's polish witcher user? Where's that creepy transsexual mummy fag? tremerefag? That autist who has some sort of religious objection to werewolves?
By their powers combined, we can get this thread to 550 posts, under an hour.
It's like 2:58 AM. I don't know every individual user's home country or local timezone, but a lot of people are probably asleep right now.
Hmm... Fair enough I suppose. Thanks for the help so far guys. Out of curiosity, how many dots in what Spheres would you need to cast an "anti-teleportation" spell on yourself?
Sure you can have your precious friend back! HAHAHAHAHA! I just made some improvements There's some of me and all my special friends inside him as a parting gift! AHAHAHAHA! I hope you enjoy!
>That autist who has some sort of religious objection to werewolves
That's one I don't know. Source?
That's woof who does most of the shitting, you know. And buttblasted n\mages, such as you are.
I don't know, there's someone who turns up every time they're mentioned and has some sort of seizure all over the thread. He acts like you've strolled into a Sunni forum and started asking why they're not all shiites, the superior sect.
>Other than someone else with a greater mastery of magick obviously.
Take him to the Deep Umbra. Or Lower Umbra. Or worse yet, the Lowerdeep Umbra. A real shithole.
Doesn't even matter how they're mentioned, or if it's owod, or nwod, if they're in relation to something else or discussing among themselves. Motherfucker hates werewolves.
Corr 3, since you're going with it anyway. Although Corr 7 lets you ignore all wards.
Have you not been paying attention? Seriously, name me the last time we had a thread that wasn't autism infested
Last thread was pretty good.
Comparatively. Thread before that was nuclear.
I liked the one where the vampfags got BTFO'd.
But user, that's wrong. Last thread had just as much dick flinging as the ones that came before it
One before the last had buttblasted yiffs. Ergo, last one wasn't that bad.
And minimal mage posting!
What is that gif from?
That is from music video for "Interdimensional Summit," the new single by the Norwegian symphonic black metal band "Dimmu Borgir." Their new album comes out in May.
The guitarist in that gif is Galder.
Swede dracula is pretending to be norwegian now. Adorable. BAck to your hole, cuckboy.
Equating Norway and Sweden is as retarded as equating California and Arizona if not moreso.
>is pretending to be
California and Arizona
Geography and climate aside, what's the difference from storyteller's standpoint?
One is the greatest state in the union and the other one is California.
DaveB and Brucatto fight to the death. White room. Satyros has his wand. Dave's got a Mage 2e corebook wedged in his ass. Nothing gay, just recreational. Who wins?
es unmaking
Skid Row is perfect for wod (old or new) but I'd say new especially since I view owod as more cataclysmic faction warz and nwod more as schizophrenic hobos screaming at you and sifting through your garbage
Eh, oWoD by the end was
>schizophrenic hobos screaming at you and sifting through your garbage
Wouldn't that be blocked by Dave's arsebook?
Yes, very much. Please, continue.
Is it bad taste if a mage dresses in a bath robe and conical hat?
Only if that's not the dress code for your flavor of Verbena or your house from the Order of Hermes.
Nah, Traditions dress as they want to. Don't ever try it if you're a Technocrat or Seer.
Quick question: can a spirit in twilight use the Blast numina to hurt a physical being? Or would it only hurt other beings in twilight?
Only R keyword (reach) powers sadly.
They can of course use Rapture on material beings to inflict ghost rape.
Wait, isn´t Reach for when you are on the other side of the Gauntlet?
No its for when its in twilight.
Reaching is also what urethra refer to crossing the gauntlet as.
Holly shit, Familiars are nearly useless, then.
>an invisible, invincible scout, that usually resurrects if killed, with stat caps of 7 that can be boosted up to rank 3, which is a stat cap of 9, that lets you cast spells through without Space and without gay ass sympathetic yantras
Space gives you both the remote sensing abilities as well as casting spells at long range. It also grants you plenty more abilities than that. What good is this scout that can´t do anything, then? Most numina can´t Reach.
BTW, DaveB has said boosting your ephemera to rank 3 breaks the Familiar condition.
>What good is this scout that can´t do anything, then?
Are you seriously asking me what's so good about being:
cast spells on people all day
they can't do anything about it
having numina that instantly disables your victim
>BTW, DaveB has said boosting your ephemera to rank 3 breaks the Familiar condition.
Weird DaveB told me you're a faggot.
I know everyone's been asking for Enemy Action but I have a morbid curiosity about the Beast Player's Guide. Any chance someone's got that too?
both are present
enemy action is... okay, far below average for a Night Horrors book (crunchwise, of course... you know which is worse fluff wise)
BPG made me super stoked, two words, HORROR SPAWN
Why would it be bad for a technocrat or seer to dress like that?
That's how Seers are supposed to dress, if they wear anything at all.
Where are they present? I didn't see them in the trove...
Prior thread/s. I especially liked the revelation that HOLY SHIT CRYPTIDS CAN NOW HAVE EMBEDS AND EXPLOITS
Actually Correspondence 2 would negate all Correspondence-based Effects in a certain area, so you just need to stack a bunch of successes. Unweaving it will take much longer than you can refreshen the ward.
Taking the person to a different realm in the Umbra also would do it because you cannot use Correspondence across realms; in certain specific parts of the Umbra outright negate Correspondence fuckery (i.e Low Umbra, Ephipamies)
Reality Deviants (Traditions) really like to dress silly. Technocracy hates nonsense and Reality Deviants. Kill em all kind of hate. Besides, you get a smooth uniform, sci-fi combat armour and strongly suggested informal dress code.
Seers are Illuminati. All powerful, all decadent Illuminati on all the coke
Two new families and two new Hungers, new Atavisms (three each for the new Families, two each for the old ones), alternate Birthrights for everyone, new Nightmares, rules for rituals, cults that don't do all that much, ways to expand your Lair, the ability to create minor Horrors to help you feeding, some more rules on the Primordial Dream that Mage fans might like and three new Inheritances as well as actual rules for the Incarnate Inheritance. If you like Beast you will love the BPG, but if you don't like it the BPG won't make you like it.
>cults that don't do all that much
The main benefit, imo, is a way (Herald-Heroes) for heroes to gain things such as the ability to see ephemera, resist poisons, not instantly die of fire and lightning when entering a beast's lair (sometimes!), get lair trait immunities with REALLY interesting ramifications (darkness or illusions), and, perhaps most intriguingly:
A Herald cannot be Devoured unless the Beast undergoes
Inheritance, in which case the Devouring is automatic. She joins
his Family, but takes her own Legend and Hunger.
...Heroic Heralds cannot break this link.
A long chain of Heroic Heralds undergoing Inversion ASAP could be really dope, and potentially happen fairly quickly -- assuming they don't go bonkers and kill each other. I like Heroes being significantly more reasonable than usually taken (still egocentric, maybe confused or mistaken, but ultimately they almost always have good reasons if they fight beasts).
Heroic Herald-Beasts with Inversion are still way weaker than Beasts (with mostly human stats unlike the godly way they can take on a fusion form) but still a big fuckin upgrade over regular heroes. It'd be funny to put Family Ties on a non beast enemy... specifically so they could use Kinslayer and place anathema. Bad ass mega-hunters.
Nope, Reaching is for when in the Shadow.
You can use all non-attack abilities while in Twilight.
Yes, it is that vague.
Hahahaha oh shit didn't know that. So spirits in shadow could, if they wanted to, just fuck around with influence, plus inflicting Rapture. Also important for beasts since their horrors can gain powerful spirit type powers.
Is there a way for woofs to cast powers across the gauntlet and is there a way for woofs to enter spirit twilight? I knew bale hounds could in 1e briefly.
>Nope, Reaching is for when in the Shadow.
Yeah, thought the other guy was full of shit.
>You can use all non-attack abilities while in Twilight.
Thanks, that´s what I wanted to know.
Not sure about Woofs, but I don't see any reason they couldn't learn Reaching. It is a Numina, after all.
Only problem is it's difficult if you're trying to use a Reaching-accessible power across a thick Gauntlet.
How about a Lucifuge with a Twilight Familiar? Can those use their Dread Powers without the need to manifest? According to page 165 "A Twilight familiar must manifest or use Dread Powers to affect anything in the physical world", so how about things like that Dread Power that require the target to see the user? Do they still have to manifest or can they just fuck with people at will?
Assuming they're not an attack, and all other requirements are met, I don't see why not.
A Dread Power that only works if the other party can see you might only work if they can naturally see into Twilight, or if you're Manifested and thus visible, for example.
Whose dick do i have to suck to find a functional WoD game.
Your own, because you'll need to write it yourself.
I meant more as in a group that plays WoD.
Old nWoD as a system was functional enough.
Not a single group i ever played any WoD with ever was though.
>Can't you, in 100% of situations, draw a stick figure or smiley face and that's enough?
Somehow you managed to teleport bunch of papers with children pictures on them. Looks like ancestor of that tree you used for stick figure bacome a paper, get into kindergarden and used in art classes.
Other than dumb RAI, why are Wan Kuei superior to Kindred?
>Don't have to commit diablerie to become a Methuselah tier Vampire
>Easily acquire Chi from sources other than Humans
>Can freely interact with the Low and Middle Umbra
>Demon Shintai is superior to Protean/Vicissitude in every way mechanically
>Don't have a Masquerade
>Can actually interact pleasantly with Hsien and Hengeyokai
>Unique lore that still fits with the majority of the World of Darkness
>Even a Kuei-Jin at Dharma 3 is more enlightened than Zao-Lot ever was
Because for Kindred their condition is a curse, while for Kuei-jin it's a spiritual journey with the end goal of redemption.
I'm pretty sure there are various ways to get both Disciplines and Kuie-Jin powers.
Also, Vamps can turn people into kuei-jin (or wraith). in the sense of determining the persons next reincarnation (not instant polymorphing).
>various ways to get both Disciplines and Kuei-jin Disciplines
They can't, ever.
>Also, Vamps can turn people into kuei-jin (or wraith). in the sense of determining the persons next reincarnation (not instant polymorphing).
Master of samsara.
I thought becoming a greater akuma would allow you to learn kuei-jin stuff.
There is also becoming a Yama-king, but that's impractically harder.
Is that why a single just-woken frenzying vamp was able to bitchslap around three strongest KJ?
Yep. Saulot learned all Kuei-Jin powers. That's one of the reasons they hate him so much. Kuei-Jin have their ways too, but usually find their stuff better.
Is doctor evil a good example of an etherite?
Simplest way would be playing Wu Zao, Salubri bloodline imitating their founder by specializing in stealing Kuei-Jin powers. They're free from either of other Salubri weaknesses, even.
>comparing an antediluvian to the Methuslah equivalent of Kuei-Jin than an Arhat
>implying any Vampire is Zao-lot.
>Awakened mage in life
>become mortal self whenever you use this power
>Spheres and blood magic switch on a whim
BJD makes it pretty clear that Saulot is Zao-Lat, and that Saulot founded the Baali by sticking all his evil into another form.
I was saying that Zao-lot had very, very special circumstances.
>Was an Antediluvian anyway
>Was taught by the first Kuei-jin
>Is a special snowflake unto himself
>Still fucked up Golconda
Oh, okay. Totally misread. Continue!
If you want to compare transcendence vs transcedence then compare him to Tzimisce after reaching apotheosis, who only God could kill
>Implying that chingchong stooges would fare any better against a methuselah, who, unlike antediluvian in question, wouldn't be a mindless ragebeast.
Tremere proved that any vampire can become Saulot. And vegetable. Besides, anyone can learn.
>implying an Arhat would have any issues with a blob when they're on the same level as VtM God themselves.
Is there an Arhat that did anything of importance, teaching Saulot aside?
Oh really? Would you be so kind as to post a reference to this claim?
They become one with the universe, becoming a Celestine. They don't do anything in the Tellurian because they might accidentally destroy it.
Lul nice headcanon buddy, post a reference that says they become celestines
Sorry, cuz, but we tell you, you might also transform into a dark wizard. In the REAL WORLD. Nephandus rules are *powerful*.
DaveB told me he fucked your dad.
Problem with Kuei-Jin stuff is that it's really hit and miss, even more so than regular disciplines.
I wonder if there are any souls who ended up getting damned to being a kuei-jin after reaching the clouds. Imagine remembering it. Jesus.
Are there any other nonstandard power progression systems, like the KJJ and their Dharma? I mean, Mummies have the problem every time they die, sure, but I think everyone else just gets "Eat something older tahn you/spend xp".
Vampires eat someone or use a Thaumaturgical sacrifice ritual where every mortal that dies can give an XP point; mages can become Anakim and devour other Avatars of the same Essence
Tis' only righteous. Especially when Storyteller doesn't give any.
Can anyone post the original image without the WoD logo?
What for and how many XP do you give your players?
Alternatively, what for and how many XP do you receive?