>get into crypto
>suddenly love capitalism
anyone else?
>get into crypto
>suddenly love capitalism
anyone else?
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This is what capitalism is all about. If your smart enough to figure out how to get rich trading imaginary internet money then you deserve to prosper.
It's almost like you appreciate being rewarded for taking your destiny into your own hands.
No I wasn't a faggot before I bought my first buttcoin
checked and yes me too
i also have less sympathy for poor people
We need crypto to make peace ya dig
Just gotta sit back and be comfy. We're gonna make bros.
imagine if all the poor white people worked and earned some money, they wouldn't be so quick to want high taxes as a life support system for niggers.
Wow. Cartoon posters are the fucking worst
fug, thats a cute cup
Communism is for big babies.
it makes me realize that taxation truly is theft
>Fucking rich people thinking they're better than the rest of us and constantly trying to get tax cuts and evade taxes
>Hold up you telling me I have to pay 40% ON MY FUCKING CRYPTO GAINS?
Always thought it was the best system (duh) except for a bit in year 12, probably because I had no understanding of the world.
But crypto made me love captalisim more
I'm a communist but you have to play the game if you want to get anywhere in life.
Doesn't make me like capitalism more, in fact, it makes me despise how easy this shit is and how much no one here deserves their wealth.
only welfarecucks and sjw faggots shits on capitalism, even though its easy to prosper under it if you aren't a lazy piece of shit
also this
poor people disgusts me, its literally their own fault for being imcompetent
Nah, this kind of capitalism is great because there is no regulations, etc. However, it obviously has its flaws.
But yeah, compared to the kind of """capitalism"""" wall street offers with its regulations that blatantly benefit the banks/their employees, then yeah, its alright.
Capitalism is still to blame for most degeneracy you see in the world, and (((them))), of course. But without it, we'd be fucked.
So who knows. I think crypto offers you a real glimpse into a world without faggot kike bankers raping you with regulations and whatever other bullshit they decide to make up to net themselves more cash
Why dont you send your crypto gains to me then considering you dont deserve them
sounds like you haven't made enough yet, then.
Because we live in capitalism not communism.
>was a merchant in videogames
>Now merchants cryptocurrency
Seems like a logical progression, meaningless XP was all I cared about, now meaningless satoshi value is all I care about.
user, I see something in you. A longing for justice. Hope for a free world. Let me show you the way.
>no one here deserves their wealth.
Send me your BTC you just said no here deserves it meaning you too. I deserve my wealth I work 8 hour days I invested ME i DID.
its free market. not capitalism.
besides neets and outcasts can prosper unless socialism is in place.
Then you're a hypocrite.
are you 17 or stupid?
>Because we live in capitalism not communism.
You really don't believe in the system you preach then and it's funny because I take it your older than 18 so you still have yet to grow up. Hypocrisy at ts finest, preaching communism but unwilling to take the first step at redistribution of wealth.
>be successful in the market
>still hate capitalism
who /ascended/ here?
>says the communist
I did this to destroy the jews and fund make anime real
lol why would we redistribute wealth to people in the upper class? Why would I not try play your shitty investment game to try and keep myself out of poverty?
I'm sure you think I'm a hypocrite for having a job and a 401k and a home as well lol
I'd donate all my coins to a homeless person or my Industrial Worker's of the World chapter before I'd ever give a satoshi to any bourgeois fuck who posts here
I've never learned so much about investing and assets as when I started getting serious about crypto. Now I'm learning about creating LLC's to minimize tax damage after cashing out, it's amazing. It's criminal that financial literacy classes aren't mandatory across the nation.
This is becoming stronger in my mind but I feel that it'll never anything more than a neat thought experiment
also this
especially this
KEK, have you seen the wojaks retard
>tfw 6x crypto gains
I love capitalism!
>muh homeless person
Crypto is communist and anti capitalist. In capitalism rich gets richer and poor gets poorer. In true communism everyone gets richer
listen to this man
pic related
>implying this place isn't full of libertarian small business owners and their privileged children who got into crypto with daddy's small loan of $10k
this is what a communist looks like in 2018. Stalin would be spinning in his grave.
>Crypto is communist and anti capitalist. In capitalism rich gets richer and poor gets poorer. In true communism everyone gets richer
>everyone gets richer
Holy shit thanks for the laugh
this desu
Exactly. Not that I was all commie before. I was more agnostic on it but now I realize how great free markets are.
I am unironically Russian and am unironically commie and Marxist. And I love crypto exactly for commie things. While you capitalist guys are getting richer, I am increasing my power and going to give money to the poor
stalin loving tankies are all retards who are the lefts version of stupid libertarian teenagers
communism has no state
top fucking kek of the week
Bernie can still win in 2020
>hasn't realized opt-in(free market) smart contract based "ad hoc"-cracy is the future of well adjusted societies.
You're getting there. We're getting there.
100 percent with you.
Give it to me now
you would be the first person to get the wall my friend, there is always a one percent.
so you are why the IQ of this board has been deteriorating
are you aware of how much money capitalists give to the poor regularly?
easily 10 times the amount as communists. altruism is a HUMAN trait. we don't need fake forced altruism enforced by death squads. That's the only way communism can exist.
I'm with you in spirit, but pull your head out of your ass, man.
>love capitalism
>get into crypto
>suddenly love ancap
It's weird, I've noticed crypto seems to bring together capitalists and commies.
It made me realize how dumb people really are. It's hard not to be arrogant when you see how many people miss that easy chance to increase their net worth, and how stupid most of them act when actually investing money.
No, I am unironically gonna give parts of the good gains to people that work factories and earn 100 dollars a month. Tell me now why This is bad
>why do the super rich have huge amounts of money to throw around for whatever while poor and middle class people don't donate??? gotcha commies
>thinks there wasn't super rich people in every communist country ever.
Tell us oh wise-sempai-kun, how are you so much better than everyone else?
Or Little Crypto Trader thinking some Day i will rule this market.
tradesmen make more than most college grads. 50% of college grads can't get a job.
>communist country
how can there be a country in a stateless society?
this is a troll.
Unless you have a trillion dollars your plan will last for one day, you'll be poor the rest of your life, and you'll have bought some low iq alcoholic faggots a couple cheeseburgers. What a legacy you will leave. We're all proud of you bud
Bro, I agree with you somewhat, but you never lived in a communist state, and I did. My education was free, healthcare was free etc, I never wanted to care about money. I do think that we as a whole are better than money chasing fagets.
I've understood from the beginning that crypto has ancap fundamentals but I have a hard time seeing it being really adopted/implemented without heavily corrupting the principles within 20 years
I agree, that’s why crypto is a revolution
Somebody has to die. Do you think you're better than evolution?
Then fight for it, like you habe to fight for net neutrality
Why not pay for them to take financial literacy classes or something along those lines? Or even teach them about crypto period? Why can't everyone in your community make money off this market? By all means give them 100 dollars apiece but you can do so much more man
think bigger
I am not a troll
Is it not too late? I regret not calling my congressmen and being more active before the vote came out. I feel like the ISPs are just too powerful
That's fine. It'd be wise to do it anonymously though. Some of the people you end up giving money to will be entitled and/or greedy. Traits like that transcend all class. They will hound you to your last cent, and even then, they won't believe you if you say you have no more.
Many of them would not do the same for you if the roles were reversed. By all means, help them, but please take care of yourself too
Human nature wins every time. We need systems that acknowledge and work with/around human nature. Communism does not.
Don't try to redefine an existing word. If you want to do something that has never been done, I recommend referring to it uniquely.
Because financial literacy is useless capitalism? It doesn’t make you s as a whole better, it doesn’t contribute to the humanity in any positive way.
I had a commie family member. She didn't buy shit and unironically gave everything away that she didn't need to live. When she died she gave everything to the commie party. I'm a free market capitalist, but that is what it means to believe in a system you literal shitstain.
Unironically you are a good person, even though you’re a capitalist
How did you reach that conclusion?
that shit only works when your group is a minority. Once everybody tries to (or is forced to) do that . . . the results range from comical to horrific.
Decentralization using data, AI, and open source software, similar to crypto currencies.
>capitalists are innately evil
jesus, dude
I’m only gonna ask you one thing:do you really think that capitalism is the ultimate state of our society?
>implying these Africans didn't die back when Stalin, Mao, Tito, etc were around
how can there be something in nothing?
developed by jew, who has fundamentally deterministic thinking
Yeah desu they just die all the time because they're stupid
Are you not? What is your end game? What are you fighting for ?
No lol, why would I be happy fighting for these boomer Jew scraps? Anyone who seriously thinks that capitalism is the best way to utilize human labor is a seriously deluded bootlicker. Labor is distributed using the lowest common denominator, that alone should scare you off this scam.
They are still richer than starving niggers, you are basically the 1% giving money to the 20% and calling this charity.