When is WotC going to be sued for pulling this shit?
When is WotC going to be sued for pulling this shit?
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Go ahead, try it . What will you accuse them of? How will you prove it?
I guess you're right, I guess I'll just have to arrange some "accident" for Mr. Rosewater then.
Don't. He's actually semi-competent at his job, meaning he's the most competent person working on magic
>What will you accuse them of?
Selling a defective product.
>How will you prove it?
By filming and recording yourself opening packs from through out the game's history, then storing them in a controlled environment and recording the results.
How anyone can deny the cardstock issue at this point is beyond me.
and you think it's okay to get scammed and not do anything about it?
I wonder how much it would cost to get a reputable source to squeal.
user you play a CCG. I hate to break it to you but your entire hobby is a scam selling cardstock at ludicrous prices.
are you really going to give me the
>haha, we don't even care about our product, thanks for the money you filthy loser
you really want to be that kind of asshole?
Wait, what issue is this?
I dont olay Magic and Im not sure what you are bitching about, I just wanted you to be realistic about the industry you're trying to cry foul on. They've literally turned cardstock into gold and sold it, I dont think they give a shit about you as a player
Hey man, I'm just saying no one is going to take you seriously.
Don't shoot the messenger.
why do I feel like nobody ITT actually spends time on Veeky Forums
>Spending time on Veeky Forums right now
user, you're a moron.
yes but, you can at least pretend to respect the customers that make sure that you have food to eat and a place to live and not shit all over the community, that goes for any product, we don't live in China where they don't care if they create a faulty product that can literally kill you
user, WotC employees spend lots of time defending their mistakes on Veeky Forums.
Wait, people are pissed because it turns out cardboard bends?
Why don't you just put a stack of heavy books on top of em for a day or two, you big baby?
>Create a faulty product in China they kill you
Found the american.
Oh boy, here be the damage control!
>Create a faulty product in China and they kill you
You mean the land of faulty products? user, you're a moron.
I'm Finnish you faggot
Two person team again.
how come one of you gaylords always get dubs?
Honestly though user, why not restraighten them with weight and then throw them in proper protectors? Remember that this is all cardboard and ink
Damage Control for what?
Magic's a shit game anyways. Anyone who places any sort of value in cards beyond playing with them in games is delusional.
>haha, fix our mess you loser
you really don't want my money do you?
You need a better understanding of othwr countries than stereotyoes you fucking idiot. How many mass executions of chinese workers happen regularly over there, user?
you're in Veeky Forums user...
>Cant answer the question
>Doesnt do any hobby where manual assembly and protection is requires
Like I said above you illiterate fuck, I dont play magic. Your whole hobby is overpriced cardstock. Im wondering why you dont just fix it yourself
your admiration for them is quite creepy, you aren't a marxist by any chance?
>assembly of product
wait what, are you telling me that this shit is Ikea furniture?
And I'm of the firm belief that card value should extend no farther than being worth it to play games.
CCGs, as a format, are terrible. It's artificial value, a way for the game companies to make something worth pennies sell for hundreds.
Fuck off, /pol/.
If you got a bag of dogshit in your sealed Settlers of Catan box, would you be fine with that?
Something that could be summarized in a short paragraph turned into a 12 minutes slog. Youtube in all its glory.
No, I just dont make wild assumptions like executing workers for creating shitty products in a country whose main exports are energy and knockoff brand merchandise. So let me ask you again, when was the last mass execution done for some shitty plastic toy in a dollar store?
>"muh /pol/"
I hope you idiots get fired
why are you so obsessed with mass executions then? I was talking about things like faulty brakes in cars for example
How is that a workable comparison?
Try it this way: What if I got a bunch of defective, but still usable, pieces in my Settlers of Catan?
Then I wouldn't give a shit, because I can still use the pieces.
No, but in any modelling hobby you do your own cleanup of mold lines and casting marks. Sometimes you break out putty and resculpt parts yourself. Then a card bends and some MtG player loses their shit and I'm not super impressed
well you could have just looked at the >pic related
it's your fault for wasting your time
You were talking out of your ass, son. I just called you on it.
>43 posts
>12 posters
>picks up king on chess board
>it splits in half
>"haha, don't worry this is totally normal, let me get a bottle of superglue"
I don't think the argument that "my cardboard is slightly bent so the product is defective" is going to hold up in any court anywhere
about what? I'm advocating for good consumer products, and you're fucking making excuses for toilet paper
So, let me ask:
Is whatever happening to these cards causing them to not be usable?
they cost fucking 5$ a pack, I expect something else than shit made from milk cartons, why is it so hard to understand?
So stop buying it
already done that and now I want to whine about it, you have a problem with that?
So they are usable.
So what's the problem here again?
that the quality is fucking trash, why are you this dense?
Because you're placing value in something that ultimately has no value.
It's a piece of cardboard with some ink. It's worth pennies, if that.
Neither are most diamonds, but wouldn't you be livid if you bought a rock that was of lesser quality than advertised?
WotC doesn't set the aftermarket prices of Magic cards. They sell you $5 of printed cardboard to play a game, nothing more.
Just tell me why you think it's okay for them to sell products that are this shit?
That kinda looks like it's been bent after the fact. Maybe your FLGS is shit and is bending the packs unintentionally?
why are you so insistent that none of the problems are WotCs fault? come on you can tell, I wont use any of the info in a court case.
Why do you think WotC has any responsibility to make sure you take care of your $5 of printed cardboard?
Why are you so insistent that they are?
Don't bother. These sort of people think that they're capable of gaming the system in a way that no one else can, while also believing that they're only ones who can bypass the system and call out bullshit as bullshit when they see it.
>shills have given up denying the problem exists and have moved to telling consumers they shouldn't care that a product they've been purchasing for years is in a state of decline
because I just need an excuse to sue them, like really really badly
>suing wotc
good luck with that
Under Wizards own rules bent cardboard is unplayable. That’s an admission that it’s defective, no?
Then you should try something that'll not just get you laughed at and told to get out and stop trying to waste the court system's time.
why do you hate consumers this much?
random booster packs? that basically gambling? sure, go on.
Come the fuck on. That card being held, there is no way that warped in the packet. Look at the mark on it, it's been folded.
if I can prove that they intentionally fucked up their printing practices to jew a few nickles I would have a case, I just need someone to leak some hush-hush documents, then I would have a case
I wonder how much I would need to pay to get a good leak :)
it might have been some clumsy oaf in the factory, you never know
It could also be because there's a group of people out there who have a lot to gain from the market instability which would come from lots of people abandoning MtG in droves. There's literally a market surrounding this game that people make their living off of, people stand to financially gain from convincing others to quit the game and sell their product for pennies. Then add on the fact that there's another group of people who are interested in seeing the game die solely because it doesn't agree with their personal politics and they want to kill off Wizards of the Coast in order to score a victory in their culture war.
While the game's in a rough place, I'm going to be wary about a lot of criticism directed at the game and I'm going to understand that a lot of it is extreme and hyperbolic, because there are individuals out there with specific agendas who stand to profit from MtG losing popularity, who have a lot of control over discourse at the moment. When I personally stop enjoying the game and I don't think I'm getting my money's worth, I'll drop the product. I'm not going to do it because slimy scumbags pretending to have my best interests in mind are calling it a dead game and suggest that I should sell all of my product, though. I'll make up my mind for myself
>Deliberately fold a card to make a point
>Think we wouldnt notice
user I've been playing this game for decades, I know shitty card storage when I see it. Nice attempt at warping, unfortunately I can see your crease
That's literally Innistrad. Is this supposed to be indicative of anything recent?
>ITT: WotC is furious because consumers don't want to eat literal shit
More than you have
you have to be a literal retard to get this defensive over a random pic
what's your price baby? ;)
>Dude, but you're lying.
>implying Veeky Forums matters to anyone
>implying you matter
10x annual salary to leak from my workplace
I never said that this picture in particular was proof of anything
Not that user but that does happen. Last year me and a coworker went out and bought a booster box together and out of it we got like 5 mythics and 3 of them were bent like that and had some other damage going on. Sent a message to customer support and they told me to send them in for replacements.
my dad pays me 5$ a week
Samefag. Notice how this guy fucks up the quote in the same way
Either a WotC employee or one of their bitch bois defending a corporation
It’s not that user’s fault you can’t read, dipshit
Card quality has always been shit, just look at what happened to my Black Lotus
Imagine being the guy who came in here and spent hours shitting up a thread about poor quality card stock for genuinely no reason at all.
Hours. Because he didn’t like cardstock being called low quality. Hours.
You need to learn to give better blowies then hey.
A curve isn't a bend.
so 2600$ a deal?
>everyone who disagrees is in on the conspiracy!
Unless you can evidence that matey imma put you down as just another /pol/ack
>curvy isn't fat
don't feel like playing MtG
Jesus not even close, in burger buck you'd need roughly $350,000 for me to break my nda (not that it would be of any value to you personally as I work in a completely different industry)
it's 10x annual salary as we agreed
>20 posters
I'm not alone