>Daily sultan's harem threads
>Constant influx of shitty smut """art"""
>"Hur dur would you rape an elf lol"
Why's Veeky Forums so full of degenerates now
>Daily sultan's harem threads
>Constant influx of shitty smut """art"""
>"Hur dur would you rape an elf lol"
Why's Veeky Forums so full of degenerates now
Other urls found in this thread:
Nigga you should've been here before blue board rules were enforced.
The smut and elf rape wat do shit has been here forever, and will likely be here forever anyway. At least sometimes people derail the thread in an interesting way and we get something cool out of it. Hell, we used to have an ERP general.
I'll agree on the harem threads though, they stopped being funny or interesting about ten threads ago and weren't even that good when they were.
Trips of truth right there.
He complained about the shitty memes, using a shitty meme term from /pol/
Also Elf Slave what do is older than you are.
>we used to have an ERP general.
I still maintain ERPG was a useful containment thread for keeping the smut confined
Fuckin' newfag. This is lame, declawed and caged Veeky Forums compared to how it was in the early wild days.
We used to be selfmoderating out bad content with Veeky Forums related lewds and bitches for thulsa doom back in the day, not screaming about lewd-ish things like pansies.
Degenerate equals pol meme.. Daim..
tg is known as blue /d/ for a reason user
Degenerate has been a mainstream word used in literature, television and even video games for a while now. Not everything is your /pol/ boogeyman you dum-dum.
Yeah, the board was much more puritan when the loli rape quests were allowed.
Reminder that Veeky Forums is more perverse than /d/
So was cuckold.
Blue board rules should never have been enforced. Ideally we should be allowed to be self-moderating again but i don't think that will happen.
>Being this new
Bruh, there was a time on this board where "elf slave wut do" was such a common thread that there would be multiple on each PAGE. It turns out when you have a board dedicated to nerds, it gets degenerate.
Hell, as far as I've noticed, even nerds in steady, healthy relationships tend to be way more kinky as shit and sex-focused.
Good thing you proved yourself to be a completely retarded fucking imbecile from the get-go so I won't have to read the rest of your shitty post. Thanks.
Wewlad, the mad on this one. Don't worry, you won't be newfag forever.
It's still widely associated with them, mainly due to the actual Nazis using it all the time
>I still maintain ERPG was a useful containment thread for keeping the smut confined
Except it didn't keep it confined at all while it was here, and we're still suffering from those same idiots trying to shit up this board.
They weren't contained, in the sense that a tangent on some other thread could devolve into dragon dildos at any time, but that has always been true here. I think what he means is that we didn't have random-ass fetish threads when we had the ERP threads.
It's widely associated with conservative idiots because to the rest of the world it doens't really mean anything. It's one of those words you say when somebody else is obviously living their life wrong and that offends you but you can't specifically say why.
I remember there was a harem one a little while ago that was really good. It didn't go too far into magical realm stuff and the OP actually gave some pretty good rp tips. Plus, someone got converted to Exalted which is always good.
>Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums never self moderated, it rolled around the in the shit like a pig. Shit threads spun into gold happened very rarely and a constant stream of shitposts sped to the bump limit while threads about actual games died with a few posts. In shot old Veeky Forums was much like new Veeky Forums, it just had porn. Getting rid of the ERP general/Weekend Smut Threads was an improvement as they just made the smutfags think they were welcome and they'd shit other threads constantly. As an example, during the ERP General/WST era every L5R thread would have fucktards asking about homos in the setting. After both were banned that shit stopped and started getting actual stories, like the Ishigaki saga.
me again
I'm actually not talking about the user who used the word, we were already talking about sexuality so we knew what he meant and I think "it gets degenerate" was a good turn of phrase there.
In general, though, people would call that "perverted" or "oversexualized" or something. Or you can just say "degenerates", and then you're talking about drug addicts and poor people and the mentally ill and sexual deviance and a bunch of other things all lumped in together. So yes, there's a reason that this word is popular with a certain kind of person, but it's also just a word, it doesn't prove anything about the one using it.
>I think what he means is that we didn't have random-ass fetish threads when we had the ERP threads.
But we did. Plenty of them. And they would hijack threads a lot more often, to the point where enough people complained and had them forcibly removed.
Hence, why they've continued their fetishposting and chants of "Veeky Forums is just /d/-lite!" while creating their pseudo-generals in their various forms, because the janitors are always one step behind realizing there's a problem (when it's just the same problem we've had for years now, but in superficially different appearances).
> during the ERP General/WST era every L5R thread would have fucktards asking about homos in the setting
I remember that, but I also remember that those conversations were usually ended in a couple posts with the consistent answer that "Nobody cares as long as you keep it subtle and marry the person you are dutybound to marry. Straight people don't get to marry who they want either so this isn't even anti-gay, it's just a fact of the setting."
No one cares retard
If you say so. Maybe I just didn't notice them because I was always in the ERP threads.
Gee, it's like banning /wst/ and quests didn't actually fix the problems that they claimed would be fixed!
further reminder someone actually WROTE THIS.
It fixed exactly the problem that that it was claimed it would fix, it's just that it didn't fix all problems.