>setting has full plate armor
>setting doesn’t have firearms but does have full plate armor
Setting has full plate armor
you couldn't even phrase your repetitive shitpost right
You americans are weird
It's to protect against monster attacks, many of which hit as hard as if not harder than a bullet.
Why bother with armor at all if they hit harder than a bullet?
Early bullets did not pierce armor any better than a bow
>*m-muh magic and uhhh fae armor handwavery in the distance*
most fantasy settings without guns are written by mongs who think guns = modern automatic weapons
>firearms haven't been developed in the setting
It's almost like it's a literal fantasy world and not real life
Here are a few possibilities:
-Innovators pursued different technological paths
-Firearms are not possible, or simply not as easy, given the world's chemistry and physics
-Firearms are possible, but have been out-competed by research into magic or other technologies
-Firearms have been disallowed by fire spirits who see it as unethical and refuse to lend their power to such weapons
-Very early explosives exist, but have not yet proliferated or become practical for personal weapons or use in warfare
-Powerful traditionalists in-setting successfully argued that such weapons are cowardly or heretical, and have suppressed their use for generations to come
>-Firearms are not possible, or simply not as easy, given the world's chemistry and physics
this is so stupid it hurts my brain
Does combustion simply not exist in your setting? How are fires started and furthermore how was any sort of technological progress made without discovering how to make fire?
Waiting on that “why does Veeky Forums hate firearms” thread. Somebody needs to make a compilation (with dates) of all these threads
You must be exceptionally unintelligent.
A long time ago a wizard dicoverded gunpowder, but since he feared common paesants would get a hold of such power one dayhe used his wish spell to make the elements that male gunpowder inert when mixed with eachother
Wizard really are the GM's dei ex machina
Feudal Japan was moving from scale armour to plate armour when the Europeans showed up and sold them guns. If the Portuguese and Dutch hadn't come along then Japan would probably have developed some kind of hardened steel full plate over the next couple of hundred years without having any firearms at all.
So he made combustion not work? How are fires set?
>I can't imagine a world other than my own
The elements are: fire, water, earth, air and possibly light, magic, and void; which alchemists haven't formalized yet
Reproduction and heredity work by mixing of vital essences rather than chromosomes or proteins (what's a protein?)
Diseases are the result of imbalances of elements and blood-humors. Leeches can be used to remove bad blood-humors
Faith healing literally works just fine, though people attribute it to divine miracle rather than faith itself
The world isn't a sphere, but a disc kept in a half-sphere. The gods are also inside, and spooky space tentacles are outside
All living things contain soul-energy (Ki, chakra, etc) which makes it possible for life to exist. This energy can be transferred or manipulated with breathing techniques
Some animals can inexplicably produce fire from their mouths and fly despite it being a seeming anatomical impossibility
When things die, their souls depart from the world into another dimension of existence where they're greeted by beautiful undying people with wings and magical powers
Biology and physics work differently to accommodate anatomical impossibilities like giants and dragons
Now that we have that settled.
Fire works via phlogiston. It is a sufficiently different process from IRL chemistry that gunpowder weaponry is impractical.
>picking and choosing what does and doesn’t work
Just admit that you don’t like guns because Tolkien didn’t have them
Can we actually run with this idea of combustion not working? I wanna figure out how mankind would develop without the ability to create fire, and what kind of factors they'd need to compensate.
I like how you've completely run out of steam so quickly. A point to me, I think. 2/10 for you, you got some replies but couldn't maintain your pace. Cocks.
You’re not denying what I said
I personally prefer the idea of combustion only working because animistic fire spirits like it, with certain kinds of explosions being considered painful or displeasing to fire spirits, so they selectively don't lend their power to them.
>inb4 hurr durr magic dunt got no place in muh super realism fantasty
And you're not denying what I said. In fact, you're reinforcing it.
I'm still winning. :) I know it makes you mad.
>no u
You made an attempt
Who said anything about combustion not working? *gunpowder* doesn't work. That means that if you mix saltpeter and sulfur and your own piss it doesn't create a mixture that burns quickly. That doesn't mean that nothing at all burns. Or maybe pressure and pressure resistance work differently and the stuff still
combusts quickly.
Except it would work and if it doesn’t than combustion must not work
Why don't you try an be a little bit original with your shit shitpost?
Why not change it up, ask:
>setting has firearms
>Setting doesn't have full plate
Then you'll get your 300 posts omited with 280 original IP's that lasted 4 days.
Why would it work? And why would it work at the same combustion rate that it does work in real life? The same force that makes elves work makes gunpowder not burn quickly. And if it doesn't burn quickly, it doesn't do anything when you burn it in a pressure vessel. And if it doesn't do anything when you burn it in a pressure vessel, it's not going to propel bullets.
Why bother with armour at all if it hits harder than an arrow?
people in real life made armour because they wanted to stab a motherfucker without getting shot or clubbed to death
people in fantasy land made armour because they want to stab a motherfucking monster without dying
>fantasy setting
>esp. medieval european fantasy setting
Except they did already have firearms before the Europeans. They got them from the Chinese in the 13th century, they just didn't really use them much or put any effort into developing them.
No it wouldn't. Saltpeter doesn't react the same way as it does irl and the powder you ultimately create is basically just a slow burning candle without wax.
>he changes the physics of his setting just so gunpowder won’t work
Why not do something much more simple like setting it in the High Middle Ages or the Dark Ages, well before the invention of gunpowder. Oh right, you saw a renaissance full plate and you thought it was medieval.
>he doesn't change how different materials work when you combine them
I bet you think there's actually a chemical combination that makes healing potions, don't you?
>high fantasy
In a low fantasy setting, you're obligated to give anyone using gunpowder some kind of flesh eating disease since it's literally made of guano and human effluence and we all know low fantasy people still have their own birthing fluids caked into their nooks and crannies due to never bathing.
You don't have to play the very last century of the Late Medieval, you know? Why do people always play something out of the War of the Roses, the 100 years war or even full renaissance?
And so your characters have to die for handling poop powder, and that's not better than just changing how some chemicals work.
Because Veeky Forums is incredibly ignorant of how actual history played out
Magic is a mature technology. The number of innovations required to make black powder anything more than a curiosity makes it untenable when the other side spends less money hiring a war mage who can toss fireballs.
Sure, firearms would eventually outpace magic in terms of scale of production but nobody has the money or power to throw down that hole trying to get there with Magic as the alternative that does the same thing.
Full plate was in existence before the renaissance.
>Implying it wasn't a mage the one who invented the gun to shoot spells better.
In the Late Medieval. There wasn't full plate before.
>there aren't firearms in my shitty D&D
>so I'm going to shitpost about it again and again and again
Explain the level of autism involved here.
Because full plate is cool. Guns are lame.
No. I'm the author of the game world. If I say X doesn't work, it doesn't work. Nothing else matters.
But there are no middle or dark ages in the setting, nor will there be (unless you consider the possibility of a dark lord holding dominion over the world and calling that the "dark age"). It's currently the age of elves. Some six thousand years ago, the gods sung the world into existence complete with most of the intelligent fantasy species which populate it during the events of the campaign.
The point is that physics, chemistry, history, technology, and culture in this fictional world did not proceed the same way as they did in the real world. Some periods may have surface-level similarities to real-life ones, but it is a mistake to assume they must necessarily proceed in a similar manner. This goes double when you consider all the things like magic and different geopolitics which simply do not support the way things happened in our world.
But that theory doesn't disprove gunpowder at all
It was created after gunpowder had already become widespread, it also works for gunpowder
Please report this thread for spam.
A very bad author. Pardon me, if I never buy one of your books.
Did he say it was exactly the irl version phlogiston?
>S-shut up! Tolkien didn’t do it so that means we can’t have gunpowder REEEEEE
Oxidation is necessary for all life to exist
Since combustion is oxidation, your world has neither fire nor life
But Orcs (and Gandalf) had Gunpowder in Tolkien...
The spirits that make everything happen don't like the way gunpowder turns a burn into a strong kinetic effect, and so it will only burn in situations where it will not explode. This makes it far safer than real gunpowder would be, and it still can have uses as a quick fire starter, but it can't be weaponized.
how the fuck is anyone still replying to this frankly bizarrely committed and autistic shitpost after it's been spammed for what must be weeks by now
>Oxidation is necessary for all life to exist
What's oxygen? That's elemental air you're breathing, son.
Oh look... it's the gunpowder troll again.
I would assume he did
Why would he call it that if it wasn't the case?
>Early bullets did not pierce armor any better than a bow
Direct fire longbows and crossbows pierced plate just fine.
Because I want to and fuck off.
A good quality plate was invulnerable to arrows and bolts.
unless you're playing a historical game actual history doesn't matter
How do my cells work?
How do I breath or eat?
My entire body is fueled by oxidation, if it isn't how does it work?
>direct fire
If you're doing that, your archers are already in trouble.
Without the blast furnace they were never going to make plate useful or economical.
If they had the blast furnace then they could make guns. They already knew about blackpowder and cannons via the Chinese.
He called it that because it's a convenient name. You, like so many people, saw that something had a real counterpart and assumed that a) it literally is its real counterpart and b) all the context around it is the same as its real counterpart.
There being chainmail and swords doesn't mean there are literal saxons and normans running around fighting over England. Historical context is irrelevant.
>real science in fantasy of any kind
The fact that "muh shallow Tolkien's rip-off" people gets triggered by him shows how dumb and sensitive they are.
If you're comparing to firearms of the period then that is the only meaningful comparison.
Plate armour makes you effectively invulnerable to arrows.
At Agincourt the French knights simply lowered their heads and walked through thousands of arrows. Its tiring as fuck being hit by metre long arrows constantly and pretty stressful but very few of them were actually injured.
But Tolkien as-written had the armored lads in mail.
I don't see how, say, a setting with legions of battlemages as opposed to bowmen or riflemen is a "shallow Tolkien rip-off"
Cells don't exist.
You breathe your soul needs elemental air and your lungs are just the physical part of the metaphysical soul-organ that transfers it in.
You eat because your body needs certain alchemical solutions that are processed by the physical and metaphysical actions of your digestive system and soul-stomach. If an alchemist or wizard could figure out how to directly create those solutions, they could make a working meal pill.
But that's how you use bows, crossbows, or most guns. Indirect volleys rarely cause the kind of casualties that you want for a decisive engagement.
Late renaissance plate, yes. And by that point it was not useful against firearms.
Suck my dick it's a fantasy game you primordial hyper autists.
Fuck guns they're boring.
>mfw PJ skullfucked pop culture's interpretation of Tolkien so hard people actually believe that everyone wore plate and elves had nip swords
bulletproof is actually a very literal term. Armor manufacturers would shoot at the completed armor from a close distance and if it left a little dent, that was proof that it resists bullets. If it left a hole, then the armor was crap.
Guns exist, you just cant have one.
If you disagree, you undermine the power of the dm/gm to establish the type of campaign he wants to run.
Go ahead and keep whining, I will use your aarguments as to why human only pcs campaigns are shit when other humanoids exist in them and see if they have any merit.
1415 is "the late renaissance" now?
So, guns don't work because JFM?
The more interesting question is why is maille still relevant in a world that can produce proper plate? (inb4 ridiculous handwavium nonsense)
I'm not sure what amazes me more, the fact you've been making this same thread LITERALLY EVERY DAY for the last month and a half, or the fact ALL FAGGOTS KEEP FUCKING FALLING FOR THE BAIT.
Why does this work every time?
>My entire body is fueled by oxidation, if it isn't how does it work?
It isn't. It's fueled by the constituent elements of food and air contributing to your life-energy (also called soul, ki, or hamon) and keeping it in balance.
Also you don't have cells. You are a singular life form, indivisible, imperfect, and complete. I mean, unless someone stuffs additional souls into your body, but that's.. unlikely to end well.
Yes, not sure what your point is.
When plate had developed the point that it was not defeated by longbows it was no longer effective against contemporary firearms.
Because fans of low-quality High Fantasy schlock, like D&D, are a bunch of over-sensitive manchildren.
>low-quality High Fantasy schlock
aren't you the faggot whose b8 thread was just 404'd
I think it's a relevant issue to the hobby and also kinda fun
Nah, I'm not OP. I'm just enjoying the ride right now.
>not sure what your point is.
>Armor manufacturers would shoot at the completed armor from a close distance and if it left a little dent, that was proof that it resists bullets.
Here, let me try to get it through your thick skull one more time.
A gun literally didn't penetrate the armor from less than 100 ft and just left a small dent that's so irrelevant that they didn't even try to repair it and people still bought the armor, often because it had proof that a gun literally did not penetrate it.
So I can something a sword and it's not really a sword?
It's actually a spoon, but the name sounds cool
That reasoning is stupid snd confusing, and just backpedaling
Mail was used in Europe until the 1700's at least.
Also without a Black Death style event killing half the population mail would not have become as expensive relative to plate as it did. Its quite labour intensive so the increased wages in the second half of the 14th century made it cost more.