How are you possibly losing in this market?
Other urls found in this thread:
That's how you know it's a bubble. Normans are going to eat shit hard.
Panic selling, chasing the pumps. It gets the newbies every time.
Just wait for the bloodbath when the real correction hits. We had an incredibly soft landing falling from 19k to 13k. I want to see another month like October/November where everything bled 60%.
No no bubble, pinky swear!
Everyone gonna be rich!!!!!!1010101
You didn't buy BZC yet user? Kek
I sold at the high :(
This whole shit is getting stupid
Just had a bad dream where i think my dead grandmother was trying to warn me of something
Anyway im fucking cashing out lads no joke
>"I can't wake up tomorrow to another day of making free money, after my portfolio appreciates by 30% overnight yet again"
Time to get cautious goys. We've had out fun, now it's time to take some profits off the table, or atleast move up the stops
I ' M A F R A I D
all of my coins are on that list
What should I buy?
I have Ripple, ETH and Monacoin.
she was warning you not to miss out on all of these moons for the next 1.5 months.
I'm a total, absolute noob who just barely scraped some cash to get into this. The way I see it, if all goes to shit then so be it. I'm holding my stuff, no panic selling, no rushed decisions.
I'm still trying to decide what more should I buy that has a prospect of gains. I have some ADA, XRP, and a few TRX's. To put things into perspective my initial investment was 1 000 USD so I didn't have much at the start nor do I now.
t. Balkanfag
But seriously fuck poverty. I want every one of you slimy cocksuckers to earn so much cash your pants nigger-sag and you have to buy exotic reptile belts on a daily basis while getting blowjobs from expensive japanese prostitutes.
Thanks for giving me a nightmare with that pic user, maybe I can get some advice from my granny too.
love you too balkanfriend. you'll make it
also, i bought shit and did this
> if all goes to shit then so be it. I'm holding my stuff, no panic selling, no rushed decisions.
and tripled my portfolio in a few weeks
only times i've actually lost were chasing pumps and panic dumping
Bank transfer taking fucking forever
I'm missing out on so much
Went half in on walton :( oh well , guess it gets pumped in the next days.
I bet she makes some good fucking granny cookies.
Started with 80 two weeks ago, now I'm at 248. We're all gonna make it
ETH is a Chad coin
Im too much of a pussy to chase PnD's, I only invest in the real projects, the 100x in 1 year projects
May there be wealth and nubile women for us all.
From what I've gathered lurking here your case seems the typical way money is lost. (I've been on Veeky Forums since 2006 but never on Veeky Forums). Good luck and hold strong.
Well done! We truly will.
i did not listen to biz and bought 2 cryptos that aren't mooning like the rest 100 cryptos.
What are you looking into?
I'm holding BTC.
Sky, Salt
salt having a hard time now, wake hands selling and whales just wait for who knows how long.
I see a reversal, come back in 8 hours.
OK, I've been in crypto since 2013 and here is one pro-tip for you:
The market moves in cycles - if your TRX is now mooning, it might crash 50, 70 or 80% in a week. If you sell part of your position once you reach +100% or +200%, you have reduced your risk:
- Buy 1000 of $XYZ at $1 (cost = $1000)
- a week later, $XYZ is at $3
- Sell 250 tokens, you now have $750 and still 750 tokens.
- market panic, $XYZ crashes 80%, to 60ct. You still have your 750 Dollar and your coins are now 750 * $0.6 = $450, so $1200.
- ????
=> 20% profit
- Buy 1000 of $XYZ at $1 (cost = $1000)
- a week later, $XYZ is at $3
- Go playing with your dick the whole week because Lamboland is near
- market panic, $XYZ crashes 80%, to 60ct. Your coins are now 1000 * $0.6 = $600.
- $400 loss, you panic sell and see the coins go up 3 weeks later
=> You are rekt.
This helped me win tremendously over the last 6 months. I hardly ever fully sell a coin, but I try to reduce the capital at risk early if possible. A bull market like right now is _perfect_ for this, as you can reach +100% or more in a couple of days.
If a coin continues to moon, I try to get all my investment back (and maybe 20% more) so I can just leave the rest do its thing and don't have to worry.
You should follow old bores like
Good luck user.
Yeah, i might be dumb but im going to be following this project for years and years, if i ever leave briefly to chase moons i will be watching those whales like a fucking hawk.
Most people don't realise that it can allow exchanges to do fractional reserves on their cryptos, this is huge and while i disagree with it fundamentally I think it will be huge like ripple was.
I'm winning a bit atm.
Have 1650 SETH coin, waiting on my hundreds of thousands
Possibly just another little pump to give hope to bagholders. Might dump to crush dreams again.
Thank you.
It's possible but news could get out any moment about loans being confirmed (even though it's obvious the company is legit), I think it's in the whales best interest to get rid of the strong hands now and establish dominance in this company.
for sure it is gaining at the moment.
it could reach 27 dollars easily, even more with uninformed normies.
It depends on what timing the whales are going for.
I agree that right now seems to be a good time, when everyone is impatient and grasping at straws for news of loans actually happening. If they pump now, a lot of people might fomo in anticipation.
Wow. This seems like actual good advice on Veeky Forums. Can someone confirm or am I mistaken?
They need to get in before the somewhat smart actually realise what the platform can evolve into so they just dump it and move on, also it would be good for them to raise it while US people are sleeping so they can purchase the orders themselves on the way up.
>tfw balls deep in ENG, FUN, & PRL
> they’re all mooning
> believe in the projects
What is thiS FeEl?
I think we have another 9-12 months of full on bull market then it will settle down as a lot of the innovation starts to take shape
you must be new here
This is good advice. What separates long term winners and losers is risk management. Risk is everything in trading.
its not a bubble if you know its a bubble!!!
capping this because this may be the best actual advice i've found on biz
Agreed, Just past 5am in burgerland now, so we'll see where it goes in the next few hours.
A baseless theory: Once they get enough momentum, would the whales chance it and push it past 27.5 just to see whether the team would raise the retail price?
I haven't thought that deeply into it, it would certainly be interesting. I don't think they would need to, they could safely accumulate at $25, as normies didn't realise how much of a pain the loan structure would be. I mean look at how they could lower it to $11, absolutely retarded people in the market right now, I wouldn't be surprised to see it go down to $1 at this point.
If you need further reading material, look for "risk management for forex traders" or similar. I didn't cook this up, of course, I just adopted it.
Another benefit I forgot to mention is that if you sell part of your position early, you gain free money to throw into other coins. I got carried away by this and did scatter-shots which I later deeply regretted. Now I try to hold money i withdraw from successful trades in ETH/BTC instead of re-investing it right away.
Don't forget: it doesn't matter if coin X goes 10x or coin Y. All that matters is that you own it - meaning don't be sorry you sold at 200% and the rest of your position goes 1000%. That free money could go into the next 1000% moonshot.
Get into this PnD backed by whales. Guaranteed profits,
discord dot gg/hTTEEt2
by not beating average gain
Anyone who has lost money, or stayed stagnant in the last 2 weeks should seriously consider getting out of crypto. The market has NEVER been as bullish as it currently is.
So if you haven't been able to make money now, you'll get fucking slaughtered when the hard times come.
Not everyone is cut out for trading.
The problem is you never know when the bull cycle will end and bitcoin whales will btfo the trash, you are gambling and it paid off this time.
>sell during mooning
>it keeps mooning
>the price you sold is the new floor
Now what?
It definitely has been this bullish, look at the xrp graph in sats. Last year it did the exact same thing and then crashed back down to where it started.
Gonna show you an example (Yes, it worked exceptionally good)
No problem for me - first, I still own part of the original position, so I am still part of the moon patrol. Second, I have taken out money that I can split up - part into a rainy day fund, part into other coins. I don't care whether I make money off LINK or XRB or XRP.
If you never have to panic-sell, you are above and beyond most here on /biz, just look at all them pink wojaks.
Get iotchain it grew by some 80% since Tuesday and it's going to moon when it hits binance
So it sounds like instead of selling that HODLING long-term after throwing in a good amount of capitol is a far better way to go than selling/timing dumps and pumps, especially since going to btc is a taxable event, and even your increases stack will have to be sold to make up for said taxes...I mean, is that really worth the risk of not HODLING?
>I want every one of you slimy cocksuckers to earn so much cash your pants nigger-sag and you have to buy exotic reptile belts on a daily basis while getting blowjobs from expensive japanese prostitutes.
Agreed. I just want us all to make it. I like seeing threads about random coins mooning, even if I dont own them, because it means Veeky Forums is winning.
My brother you are not poor I barely scrapped together 100€ to buy some btc after the Christmas correction. May all your shitcoins moon
t. Croat
What if the coin you sold 25% in never comes back down and it's the next 100 time coin and outperforms all your trading
Im holding icx and that fucker can't even go up 10%. Fuck this coin.
YOu can only lose money if you are holding ARK
When you sell do you just sell for BTC?
It's been a bubble for the past year, and we've ballooned from 30B to 750B.
People called the absolute peak at 400B, and we doubled again in just a month.
If you participated at all and barely kept with the market, you've made 25x your investment. If crypto experienced a staggering -90% drop (bitcoin at $1500, ethereum at $90), you'd still be up by a factor of 2 on your principal. Index fund cucks have to invest for 10-15 years to get these returns. Stock market tards will maybe keep pace with you (again, in the hypothetical scenario we experience a NINETY PERCENT crash), while putting ten times the effort.
At some point, we've got to accept the biggest risk is sitting on the sidelines. The world is experiencing unprecented flow of informations coupled with high economic uncertainty. European governments loudly announce they're fighting tax evasion from the big guys, meanwhile they covertly vote laws allowing banks to bailout themselves on the deposits of their small fry clients. Literal illiterate and violent adults from foreign cultures are imported massively in order to boost GDP projections assuming one 60 IQ Somalian = one 100 IQ western European, as well as give new debt free cattleheads for the bankers to sell them debt. China builds empty cities that break down in 5 years in order to keep the pretense their own GDP grows 10% per year. More and more of the world's wealth is virtual, more and more upper classes push the idea authoritarian states are good on lower classes, fewer hands control more and economic concerns have all but disappeared from modern political debate in favor of identity politics. The stock market is at an all-time high, the money printing presses are working at full capacity, housing in big cities cost you more than lifetime earnings of a minimum wage person and every so-called TV expert is interviewed to tell you everything is alright.
The 21st century is a giant bubble. (1/2)
How are things over there? Grand parents came to burgerland, along with most people from my town. Long fishing history.
I hope to use my gains to visit someday, it looks beautiful.
Nvm read the rest of the thread
Pozdrav iz ZD.
It may sound impressive to you but trust me, it's not - that was absolutely everything I had.
Radim za manje od tri tisuće kuna, neprijavljen i rutinski gladujem po dva tjedna u mjesecu jer plaća ne pokriva ama baš ništa. Što se tiče tih tvojih sto eura, brate, nek ti je sa srećom. Sve mi je jasno.
In his example he would still have a half his coins, meaning he doesn't miss out
He misses out on riding the full games
you still have 75%. he specifically said he doesnt sell everything.
sure, you miss out on some gains, but thats what risk management does: reduces risk while reducing volatility.
you have a choice between going 20x at 80% chance or going 100x at 5% chance (quick tip: google mathematical expectation).
Vozim jebeni autobus za 4 tisuce, treba nahraniti sebe i curu, platiti auto i rezije.
Da nema btca nebi nista osim vode i kurha imao.
It's not so much cryptocurrency going up, but the real economy going down. Crypto market cap means little. The aggregate price of tokens being sold at a given moment on select exchanges is a small slice of the total supply, and the total money invested in crypto is a small slice of the global economy as well.
For sure, many shitcoins will crash and burn. As to when, good luck calling that. The market cap could balloon to 1T, 2T, 10T even. Government money is an increasingly less attractive proposition as adoption grows and so does your wealth. Why go through the complicated tax evasion schemes and jump through various regulatory hoops, when you can use your capital directly to fund worthy projects, without rent-seeking intermediairies in the middle?
The world is 99% parasites. Many of these leeches are in crypto as well, but the level of initiative required to be in crypto beats the default level of functioning in western society. There's no incentive for anyone wanting to better society as a whole to pull out their wealth from a libertarian's wet dream to an area where it can be taxed three times over by money grubby hands who will redistribute it in wasteful programs.
There's a possible future in which we get rich, not in USD but in freedom to build communities and improve life for everyone again. The social net was a nice idea, but its indiscriminate application resulted in defacto negative eugenics. Democracy is pleasant in theory but prone to manipulation from psychopaths in practice.
Crypto is the greatest opportunity we've ever had to reclaim a somewhat meritocratic and fair society, where the weak is cared for without being put on a pedestal, the strong has liberty to reach their potential, and the parasite is rooted out for good. I don't see people moving on from that. Also lambos and shit. (2/2)
Same here CroBros
Jel kako funkcionira porez kad na kraju svega odlucimo pokupit gainse i odjebat iz marketa?
I started with 50 just before Christmas, with the power of the moon rocket of XLM am at 220 now, tempted to sell.
Beautiful to visit, absolute shit hole to live in with 25% VAT on everything and mostly shit wages. It would probably be great with a good govt but all our politicians are just clones. So yeah, come to visit but don't stay too long
Barem imaš lijepe dvojke. Gle ak ništ drugo radiš... Nešto. Ja studiram jedva stignem otić kenjat, kamoli radit, živim na soma ipo kuna što mi stara pošalje od svoje bjedne plaće
Jesus. Best of luck to you two.
You minimize your risk even more by doing proper research and not risking losing your positions in the 1000x coins
Taxation is going to be the mother of all headaches for me, that's true.
But if you were hodling $QRK since Januar 2014, you'd still be unhappy today. I'd rather have as little capital in dead coins as possible. Don't let the current bull market fool yourself - from the current crop, only a minority will survive long-time. See
>What if the coin you sold 25% in never comes back down and it's the next 100 time coin and outperforms all your trading
If I sold 50% at 100% price increase, I still get 50% of possible profit and 0% of possible loss, how is that a bad deal? I am not really a trader, more like a trodler - after securing a position, I rarely sell out.
I'd rather have 50% of my original Amazon position than 100% of my original Enron shares, if that makes sense.
>When you sell do you just sell for BTC?
Used to. I am currently switching mostly to ETH. BTC had this incredible run in fall and is currently fubar on technical reasons (confirmation times, mempool, tx price).
But I do sell to fiat as well - did sell a bit of BTC when it approached $10K, lol.
exactly. free markets are great at evaluating the expected value. if a coin (or any other asset) has a huge risk, it will also have huge rewards. if it has low risk, youll get low rewards.
To i ja pokušavam otkriti da, s obzirom da naši nisu u toku s tehnologijom vjerojatno se može provuć i bez previše sranja
she was telling you not to suck benises
Koliko sam citao, ide 12%. Ali jebeš to, samo treba iskoristit market dok ova situacija još traje, a kasnije nam mogu obalit jaje za porez, jebeš državu kad je smeće.
All hail crypto gods
Jesus I really need to read up on these old dinosaurs on deadcoins. Only got into crytpo recently. Are these dressed up new technology coins with suited up established devs a recent concept? Did any of these old coins do what they were meant to do in the 3 years since?
I'm missing because fucking bittrex blocked all my money on ardor
Do u think this will lead to private cities/communities that opperates as countries?
To čak nije ni puno ako mi se ikad isplate ova sranja toliko
So should I sell my XLM and Ripple? When does the moon end?
I feel like youre right since this happened with XVG too (for various reasons) just have a hard time determining when to get back in.
Wow man this was amazing I am almost crying(lol not really but still)
Gledaj, gain je gain. Da sam sutra prisiljen iskeširat ovih 220,to je opet 300% više nego uloženo.
Dont get greedy, think of it as a long term investment, building your setup for a better life one brick at a time.
Jebiga, da okrenem i neki veći iznos, pola ulažem dalje, pola koristim za odjebat iz države, ili se postavit za lakše stat na noge.
>>- Buy 1000 of $XYZ at $1 (cost = $1000)
>- a week later, $XYZ is at $3
>- Sell 250 tokens, you now have $750 and still 750 tokens.
>- market panic, $XYZ crashes 80%, to 60ct.
Literally doesn't happen.
It's supposed to be an exaggerated example of how to handle shit
same. I panic dumped half my xrb stack in the hard dip yesterday and i lost my gains for the first time in my week of trading. never again.