Is there any other family that fucked their respective setting so much up?
Is there any other family that fucked their respective setting so much up?
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But they also fixed it until Abrams and Johnson said "naaaah, fuck that"
Things would probably have been less fucked up if Anakin remained a slave or Leia and Luke had actually banged.
Big E and the Primarchs
House Atreides
The Metabarons.
>Things would have been fine under Palpatine
All of this shit would have still come to pass. The only difference is that there wouldn't be Vader, Leia wouldn't have passed on the plans of the Death Star indirectly to Luke and thus, it wouldn't have been destroyed. The Rebels would have been annihilated shortly after and the Empire would have ruled the galaxy in Tyranny with no opposition.
Came here to post this.
Sure. A man, his three sons, the two men who wanted to bang him and all the subsequent fallout really fucked the world up.
good post
Much more actually.
Oh clearly. Tête-d'Acier was the first to come to mind.
This self-incestuous asshole
Why is Smee not in this pic?
Good one.
>Implying they didn't save the setting
I mean sure, Alia did fuck up, but actions of Paul and Leto had to be taken
This raises the question- what is the Golden Path for you? I assume you're ignoring Brian's "continuation"
Golden path was realised between God-emperor and Heretics, after the death of Leto humanity as a whole was fucking sick of centralised authority and longed to travel and explore, so they expanded out infinitely into the rest of the universe, enabled by developments like artificial spice and navigation computers.
As long as humanity can keep expanding out into the universe, Leto has won, as no disaster, however destructive, could hope to destroy all of humanity. Even the von-neumann machines that were going to be the orignal death bell for humanity couldn't hope to keep up with settler waves with thousands of years of a head start.
Never bothered to read the last two books, the series might as well have ended with an epilogue at the end of god-emperor, heretics and chapterhouse were fun, but didn't really fit with the rest of the series.
Came here to post this
I can think of one.
Inb4 "Garrosh did nothing wrong"
Oh, Garrosh did a mountain of wrong. I do think its foolish to give him all the blame though. Thrall definitely didn't help by running off to be neutral instead of helping Garrosh understand the politics of the Horde. Then there's Vol'Jin, Baine, Sylvanas, and Gallywix, who either made their dislike of Garrosh obvious, or just plain ignored his orders. And speaking of Horde leaders, where the he'll was Lor'Themar? The Blood Elves' two greatest enemies, Kael'Thas and Arthas, were dead, so he should have been out helping the Horde instead of walling himself up in Silvermoon.
Garrosh literally did nothing wrong.
He let Thrall make Gallywix the leader of the goblins, something he didn't have the authority to do and which made no sense at all.
>holy trinity
Is it incest if there's no sexual contact?
Leto II saved his respective setting tho. Though I haven't read past God-Emperor because I lost my dad's 1st edition copy of Heretics and never had the heart to go back and finish it. So I'm just assuming that Frank or his son didn't go back and unsave humanity.
Only if you count nothing but family units and discarding everyone else. Because he's still the second fiddle to Susie.
It's not incestuous, he just built himself an entire race of sexbots
This, the skywalkers have caused but a drop in the oceans of violence the metabarons thrive on
>Is there any other family that fucked their respective setting so much up?
Bitch, please.
>Queen Victoria was sometimes called the Grandmamma of Europe, and there was hardly a Continental court that did not boast at least one of her relations. During World War One there were no less than seven of the old Queen's direct descendants, and two more of her Coburg relations, on European thrones.
>King George V of Great Britain, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, and the German Kaiser were not simply cousins, they were first cousins.
That's debatable. I would assume that without Vader, it would have been harder for Palpatine to crush the Jedi as absolutely as he did, and some of them might have survived and overthrown him earlier, or trained future Jedi to come back and overthrow him later.
Relius might just be the best character in Blazblue.
>Implying they didn't save the setting
You can make that same argument for the Skywalkers, that in some obtuse way they saved the galaxy, or brought "balance" to the force, whatever exactly that means. But regardless of whether it ultimately led to some sort of better scenario, the Atreides were directly responsible for murdered trillions of innocent people, destroying the entire political and economic system of human culture, and ruling over mankind with an iron fist for, what, a thousand years?
I mean, you could retroactively argue that the bubonic plague improved things in some roundabout way, but that doesn't change how destructive it was at the time.
I think it was like 2 or 3 thousand, I'm always tempted to say 10000 since 40k's Emperor was almost a 1:1 ripoff before BL added some distance by making him autistic.
Roughly 3,500 years
BUT the plan was explicitly all along to save humanity in the long run. This was the quickest, easiest, and least despicable manner Paul and Leto saw to guarantee humanity's future.
Sure, he did. But in term of ruining an entire setting, That title goes to the Von Carnstein. Especially this one.
>or if Leia and Luke had actually banged
>implying they didn't
House of Medici
The setting: real life Europe
>This raises the question- what is the Golden Path for you?
Best left unexplained, rather than being hit with the Midichlorians-Overexposition-Bat. We, as three dimensional beings, perceiving purely in three dimensions, should not be able to understand, much less provide written exxposition for, The Golden Path, any more than calling the Named Tao the True Tao.
As a result Dune through Children is my "canon."
All Vader did is mop up the children at the temple. Any of the sith under Palpatine could have done that.His order 66 wiped the jedi out.
I would say this guy and his family.
or has everyone else forgotten there was an officially licensed RPG of Dallas?
I unironically like Shmi as a character. She's a good mother.
One of the most important parts of Anakin's psyche.
>But they also fixed it until Abrams and Johnson said "naaaah, fuck that"
I mean, Luke fixed the *Force*, maybe, but Return of the Jedi ends with them destabilizing the galactic government and as far as the old EU they make things somewhat better for like a few decades before it falls back to shit (not to mention their own family starts another civil war).
>All Vader did is mop up the children at the temple.
I mean he also stopped Palpatine from getting axed. Getting lightsabered will put a kibosh on your plans for galactic domination real quick no matter how many Jedi you had killed.
>you could retroactively argue that the bubonic plague improved things in some roundabout way
It wasn't even that roundabout. It created an abundance of resources with a shortage of workforce, which directly resulted in industrialisation
Do you mean board game? I can’t see how that was conducted short of googling it myself. Either way sounds like a cheap cash in.
Same. She legit was possibly one of the best characters of the prequels next to Obi-wan
Was it, actually? Tought it was something the Kwisatz Haderach was born to feel necessary, but it's not the same thing that being objectively necessary.
Anyway I vote for Feanor and his sons.
Yeah they fucked up pretty royally.
It also evolutionarily selected for stronger immune systems, so that once the age of exploration came, Europeans had much stronger immune systems than anywhere they visited, often directly resulting in making conquest easier.... so as long as your "setting" is Europe, and not all of the places Europe conquered... then yup, The Plague made it better.
>Tought it was something the Kwisatz Haderach was born to feel necessary
I think it's less predestination within the KH, and more that when you look into the possible futures when your future sight becomes perfect, you see humanity going extinct over, and over, and over, and over, and there's one tiny little future in which they don't, and it's a rather traumatic/life-altering experience for anyone who has any empathy for members of their own species. If Feyd had been the KH (or hypothetical son of GirlPaul and Feyd,) perhaps he wouldn't have given a shit about the Golden Path, and simply followed the most personally gratifying path.
God works in mysterious ways
Only after he told mace windu that palpatine was a sith to begin with.
Assburgers weren't the worst. You've got Bourbons fucking up France, Rurikids who've made the kinslaying into the rite of succession and their favourite pastime; Qings, who turned the China from the best civilisation on the Earth into the worst, Romanovs, who were autists at best and utter retards at most, a line of Roman emperors trying to outsickfuck each other, and a long line of Egyptian monarchs marrying brother and sister, each named as their father and mother were.
>a long line of Egyptian monarchs marrying brother and sister, each named as their father and mother were.
The purest form of love
Yes, but terrible if your line bears any, any at all, genetic defects.
what a slut
Even if no defects are present you still eventually get hyper-expression. Hapsburg Jaw for example.
That happened because most of European dynasties had utter shit genes to begin with aggravated by exclusively marrying each other. Compare to Egyptians (both ancient and Ptolemaic), who after marrying brother and sister for centuries still remained pretty decent-looking and of more-or-less sound mind.
Genes degenerate really quickly due to incest. Doesn't matter what they were like at the beginning, shit falls apart after only a few generations.
I'm trying to think if there is literally any member of the EU skywalker family who did not fall to the darkside and be redeemed at some point.
And there's a lot of them, too. Enough that there's probably a height chart somewhere with extra markings like "Went evil" "redeemed".
>implying the Empire didn't need to be brought down and the New Republic wasn't a huge improvement
Fucking Empireboos I swear
Is it just me, or is his wardrobe basically a colour swapped version of general diversity hire?
Veeky Forums science.
That's why it's forbidden to commoners but allowed for the offspring of gods.
The New Republic manages to be even more impotent compared to the previous Republic by losing an entire system to the First Order then just rolling over after that and not resisting them after that. It's like any major government in Star Wars is just massively incompetent in some way.
>first order
>using nucanon's pathetic fanfic-tier writing for anything except toilet paper
Not arguing that incest is bad, but that really depends on the quality of your material, and since certain groups made sure that natural or planned human selection is a... crime against humanity, was it the term, and most humans enjoy the lifestyle that deals more than enough inheritable damage...
Some meticulously planned inbreeding is necessary when you want to create the best breed of an animal, make of that what you will.
The New Republic isn't a government though. It's just five planets, none of them being Coruscant, larping as if they were important. They didn't have a military for fuck sake. They had absolutely no power on a galactic scale, no ships, no military, no history, no political pull, nothing.
I don't really understand why the new trilogy is fixating on the ````New Republic''''. I mean, why aren't they talking about the successor of the empire? There are some good stories to write there. Instead they decide to concentrate on the government of five powerless planets in the outer rim.
>Some meticulously planned inbreeding is necessary when you want to create the best breed of an animal, make of that what you will.
You should still make the pool as big as you can and limit inbreeding whenever possible. What all those dog/cat breeders do now is straight Habsburg shit and a real crime against humanity.
My immortal incest empire in CK2 disagrees with you.
Everyone is perfect, despite those massive penalties. And everyone knows that games trump reality.
>when it's been about 20 years since you first read Dune but only now you realise the Golden Path is a Wizard of Oz reference
You know, most European dynasties were in every way but their upbringing worse than their lowliest subjects.
Just prune the tree of bad branches occasionally and you should do fine. Oh, and kill every chin that wants to marry in.
Oh, I've been waging a covert war of assassination through the magic of satanism for a while now.
I mean, almost every practitioner is a raving lunatic, but once everyone is an inbred immortal karling (seriously, making immortality an inheritable trait is hilarious, fucking do it), then I can get to the hard business of outlawing commoners.
Something, something nostalgia to capture the oldfans. Which of course pissed off the oldfans because it's word for word the exact same situation as in A New Hope.
Rat took a dump on the series and called it 'nostalgic scent, good old flavour'.
What are you implying? That inbred depression isn't a thing? Sure you can cultivate positive traits for a bit but inbreeding for extended periods of time is not a good fucking idea for humans.
From how quickly Palpatine stood up after Mace died I always assumed he had everything in control and just wanted to push Anakin into murder
Neither is allowing defective, infected and mentally infirm to procreate, yet still we do that. All STD in the world would be eliminated if only we'd take a single, simple step - yet, we refuse to do that.
On the other hand, they couldn't survive in most of Africa, the tropics, etc until they figured out quinine.
nope, full on RPG, published in 1980 by SPI, you play as the characters from the show and try to screw one another over, and unlike most RPGs there is a winner.
is it good?
probably not, but it IS a thing that exists, and I'd say the Ewings are at LEAST as dysfunctional (if not more so) than the Skywalkers
I'm currently going about it in that game in the exact opposite direction.
Marry all daughters off matrilineally and out of the family. Marry all the sons out of the family. For preference try to marry them to the noble families of foreign neighbours but failing that even commoners will do.
It's a pacifist run.
Irish succession laws are broken as fuck for this. In the fullness of time one of your spawn will end up as a foreign ruler. Name them as your heir and bribe everyone who can vote into voting for them. Die or abdicate and the realms merge.
As a side effect the dynasty is genetically ridiculously broad. Also there are legions of the fuckers now.
Soon all of Europe will be us.
Through Dick, Unity!
How about the royal family of Burgund in the Nibelungen saga?
>Having Siegfried help them out because Gunther can't handle his waifu
>Kill him afterwards
>leading to the annihilation of the house Burgund, their army, virtually the whole royal court of the huns and almost all of Dietrich von Bern's men, plus Rüdiger of Bechlarn and Brunhild.
Great job.
Norse mythology is one big fucked up family.
>I can get to the hard business of killing all the poor people
>mfw Odin was riding Sleipnir in the beginning of the first Thor movie
Thanks for the eugenics lesson. Any other fedora wisdom from you?
>dude allowing AIDS and other horrible diseases to spread is okay becasue people should be able to put their diseased-ridden cocks wherever they want
Why don't you go get fucked by an AIDS cock and tell us how you feel about it in the morning?
It's important to have a goal in CK2, and their goal is to be fodder for my demonic engine.
I ran an Irish game like that once. Before everyone knew it, potato-jews controlled the planet. Bizarre. That was also the game where Iceland declared war on me before they had ships and I ended up in control of it, so whatever.
Move to California, it'll be great.
At the moment Aztecs control everything from Portugal to Bohemia also Ethiopia, Morocco and Greece and a few other bits.
Except France. That's the Norse Empire among other areas including the English southern coast.
I expect to get removed from the map soon.