MtG: Pauper General

Has anyone actually pulled an Ash Barrens Edition.

good card search engine
what's the meta look like?
what are the format staples?
deck primers:

post brews and decks for help

>Thread question:
>Wizards have come to you (You) for advice on what to reprint for Pauper in the next set. Which 3 pauper legal cards do you most want reprinted?

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Other urls found in this thread:

where can i draft a sealed deck for fun with having no prior magic experience and you guys can make fun of me after?


or cockatrice

i need something new to play.

Everytime I look at mtggoldfish the meta remains the same and it's boring.

Try MonoG Bears, it's the new meta.

(Zombies Burn, TortEx, Relentless Rats, Kiln Fiend are all fun options user)

Attached: Right to Arm Bears.png (445x215, 10K)

Obitulatte or however it's spelled
Battle Screech

Anybody here ever play or test pauper caw blade? I like my brew but interested to see how others did it. Not sure on mull drifter vs palace sentinels

link it pls

Attached: squadronhawk.jpg (800x640, 140K)

>tfw have been reading about magic and learning about it but too nervous to commit

Sums up my life

just play pauper.

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You can build a nice Magic Pauper deck for $14 dollars, user. It's less money than what you would pay for a board game. You also get to know new people, it's a nice hobby.

I bring land destruction wherever possible...

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>no orb of winter

>winter orb
>in pauper

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What's a good blue card to splash into a token deck besides distant melody?

Git probe.


I've played againts that deck a month ago.
He sideboarded pic related.
Newfag question: If he played pic related EoT, does he has to pay the echo coston his upkeep next turn?

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no matter when He plays it, on His next upkeep He has to pay it or sac

fuck, he said he didn't have to pay it till his next turn because of the rule saying "if this came under your control since the beginning of your lst upkeep")

he was tricking you, or retarded
if he plays it on his EOT, then on his next turn he has to pay it
if he plays it on your EOT, then he has to pay it pretty much as soon as hes done untapping

i really dont know how he could misconstrue something so simple, so he's probably trying to pull one over on you.

>mfw i want to build this deck
>$5 per acid moss
>$5 for a fucking common
fuck this shit

Get fukt, normie

mull it over, user
every deck drifts towards a standardised list eventually

Anyone wants to compete with me in a most generic pauper deck competition?

Mono red stax

not pauper

yours isnt generic enough, faggot

Think I got you beat

Attached: Zwischenablage01.jpg (1835x1077, 302K)

You went the easy route, but got worked. No deck is playing gorilla shamman and X-blasts in the main.

I would concede, if not for the logic knot

one of these things, is not like the other!

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Autists willing to shill out 160$ for 2 extra Gary drain

It's just 4 Oubliettes. And yes, we're all upset about Oubliette's availability.

>tfw tried to buy them from my LGS for a pauper league they're doing, but was turned away
>the store owner is playing 4x in his deck

I wonder, has this to do with a card that starts with O and ends with ubliette?

>no spire golems
What are you doing you madman!

Oubliette is so bloody good.

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>Phyrexian Rager
get with the times grandpa

I'm testing my man. It's either golems or augurs and I'm trying augurs now

Why is it called 5 color tron if none of the cards use W?

man i miss the old foil cards with the shooting star on the bottom.
The foil full arts from Amonkhet and Unstable are kind of weird.

diversity laws

>that one non old frame land
Into the trash

What replaced rager? I still run it in mine.

Is the only way to play Eldrazi in Pauper to play Elves?

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Dusk Legion Zealot?
That's my bet at least

And you'd be right. Rager is there to draw a card, the body isn't too relevant.

ash barrens should start replacing evolving wilds in standard sets, desu

Nah dude, dimir reanimator. Dump it in the yard, then exhume it back.

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>that euro forest got reprinted in a precon
Holy shit! Wotc needs to get their act together and reprint some guru and APAC lands.

should my next deck be inside out or ur delver?

or inside out combo with the faerie/ninja engine?

Whenever I see the frames mixed like this, it makes me wonder why they changed it. Was it really that hard to read the font on tan parchment? So much flavor was lost with the new format.


I'm a shitter is the ixalan deck builders toolkit a good deal for someone starting from scratch? Or any other prebuilt event decks worth checking out?

Only commander precons are worth anything

user, what are you looking to get into? Also, do you have friends to play at the kitchen table, or are you looking to play on Friday nights at the card shop?

friends or card shop

Any good mana fixes for token decks apart from springleaf drum and holdout settlement?

Is there any reason not to run Gitaxian Probe in Infect?


Nope. Free cantrip and tells you if it's safe to go for the kill.

Quirion Ranger seems at home

Aurochs seems very meh

>what is tron

Dump the ninjas instead, keep augurs and golems

That's a matter of taste, some prefer a visionary elf in black some prefer the bigger body to trade better

As someone who plays a different deck every week against mono U delver, Spire Golem is absolutely, 100% better.

Also mono U is objectively inferior to Skred Delver.

Everyone runs rager what are you on about

Ninja of the Deep Hours isn't so good in Delver anymore, right? I see 4 Spire Golems everywhere, but no Ninjas.

Izzet Delver is way better, anymore, and Ninja's still good there.

Izzet Delver isn't that much better, and has some real problems with the manabase.

Removing Gurmag Angler or Myr Enforcer for 1 mana is much better.

>real problems with the manabase
You should goldfish it more. 9 cantrips + 2 gush + 8 red sources in the deck, and you almost never would need to fetch more than one mountain at all, anyway.

Izzet is the #1 deck in the meta for a reason. It's 7% more of the meta and 5 places ahead of mono U. Skred is just much, much better than vapor snag or snap

Doesn't this still lose to everything and get completely exposed by an evoked mulldrifter though? I honestly haven't kept up with the card pool.

Yeah, it's a terribly unreliable deck.

What should I do to improve this that isn't throw in 4 of whatsherface spike lookin' elf.

land grant, wirewood pride, echoing courage

>tfw repeatedly bouncing and playing a skyline cascade with a sakura tribe scout out to tap out the opponent's dudes
>tfw using halimar depths, cloudskater, sporemound and explorer's scope to create ridiculous value
I feel like this brew has a ton of potential but playing it is melting my brain and I fell like it needs a lot of tightening up.

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last pauper league lists on wotc had a cool zubera deck, among other things.

wtf is this mess of a program?

top left


i faced someone in the practice room running this last week.
it really does draw a shitload of cards, and it was very disruptive, but i stuck an angler early, because he made me discard so much, and he couldnt deal with it both games.

Seems fun but needs a better wincon

Are Palace Sentinels and March of the Black Rose so expensive purely because of pauper?

Yes. It's pure speculation.

And edh. Turns out freely drawing extra cards is good

>printed at common in masters 25
I don't care if it is overcosted, I want to play it

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Underrated image.

I'm currently tweaking it. I dislike Palace Sentinels, feels much like a win more card when your board has already stabilized. It should be on the sideboard against decks with low creatures.
Mulldrifter is always a bro, you can always cast it as Divination when you need.
I'm currently running 4x Mulldrifters and 2x Seraph of Dawn. Seraph is amazing to help you stabilize against Burn and other aggro decks.

Have a list?

Aven.riftwatcher seems safer than seraph

They only saw printing in one gimmick side-set.

And they're not even that expensive, they're like a quarter each.

That's paper prices. Magic Online has Palace Sentinels at around $18 a piece.


I keep forgeting about MTGO and it's weird little independant economy.

That and I only ever see MTGO prices in Tix and I don't know what the fuck a tix is.

Could Simic madness be playable in pauper? It's obviously not going to end up on mtggoldfish or mtgtop8, but could it hold it's own? I figure it'd consist of a heavy control shell with the typical beatdown finisher of Arrogant Wurm and Wild Mongrel.

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about a US dollar

Is it autistic to only want printings of cards that were printed at common for pauper instead of any rare/uncommon printings that might exist?

what deckbox do you use for your pauper deck? i want a green chromiaskin one for my elves deck.

I just want printings that make MTGO legality match paper legality

I got a big 100 card one that I use for both modern Bogels and pauper Bogels

>want to play Orzhov Monarchs
>know the people at my store will accuse me of using illegal cards