How do you play a truly great female character and not just some boring mary sue?
How do you play a truly great female character and not just some boring mary sue?
Make her super catty.
I have experince in this
Make her be actively interested in men, hitting on the shop keeper, swooning over that handsome barbarian and maybe even sleep around a little. This not only gives her more personality but also disuades Bloodedge the brooding mary sue assassin from making moves on you by the end of the game because there's always that one guy in the group
Fuck that. my female half elf is taking levels in everything. shes a fey warlock, life cleric, beastmaster ranger, celestial sorceror not-zelda
wait, what? disney allowed one of their characters for a children's cartoon to die?
She does something instead of being something.
No waifu is safe when Filoni's at the wheel.
>disney allowed one of their characters for a children's cartoon to die
Yes, but not that one.
Make a character as usual, then make them female
It's that easy!
She came back to life.
>defeat That Guy by becoming That Guy
Make her a fucking character. This isn't hard, dude. Despite a significant chink of Veeky Forums seeming convinced that women are these alien harpies slash succubi that operate on an entirely different frame of thought and morality, they're just... people. Think of what makes a character you like. Their motivations, their strengths, their fears. Women can have any of those just like men. Women can want justice or vengeance or profit and entertainment or whatever. Women can be brave or stupid or canny or lazy or wise or antisocial or hyperactive or idealistic or greedy or just plain boring.
Women are just people.
>derides one for being a mary sue
>praises the other for fightig Darth Vader on equal terms
I'm getting mixed signals here.
You play a good character
Like this.
Darth Vader trained her....
Female protagonists are a retarded, unrealistic fucking concept. Females do not do parkour, fight enemies physically, use swords, wear armor, use guns to kill people, make high-risk-high-reward decisions, forgo socializing in favor of the pursuit of honorable strength in battle. Yet countless movies, TV shows, books, video games, and any other media depict them this way. Women are not knights, military generals, assassins, snipers, jousters, or athletes. They are weak, frail, caring, and social. Cat woman is not a realistic character. Lara Croft is not a realistic character. Samus Aran is not a realistic character. It's absolutely fucking retarded to write female characters that run around seeking danger and fighting strong foes in combat. Women do not fucking do that lmao
I mean, Asoka WAS his apprentice for a long time. If anybody could fight him on equal terms, at least for a while, it'd be her.
>I have mommy issues: the post
but given the choice you'd rather fug samus than some homely farmers daughter, wouldn't you?
>Cat woman is not a realistic character
but why? isn't she just a burglar in a catsuit?
It's like Stephen Hawking fighting with Neal Degrasse Tyson. Eventually, Hawking's going to facefuck him. But he can probably keep that bulldog looking motherfucker at bay.
she does acrobatics in high heels, that's about as unrealistic as it gets
wow that completely shatters my suspension of disbelief, I suddenly hate DC
The joke is that Ahsoka is more of a Sue than Rey but Rey caught the attention of MRAs.
>Not the Sueist of Sues
Pick one.
Ahsoka actually manages to be, god help me, a reasonable character. She displays character development (not just I HAVE POWERS), is imperfect, changes over the course of the series..
Rey's just shit. Even with the limited time a movie has available, they don't even make a stab at it.
Make her strive to grow, but fail along the way.
Same as any other character you dont want to be a mary sue.
I spy with my little eye a couple of soyboys who loved the new movies
It's the difference between the two Avatar series. Aang's a horrible little cunt who turns into a reasonable approximation of a decent person. Literally everyone in that changes over time.
Korra just stumbles through things, never admits fault, remains the same person she was at the start.
Look at how feminist writers create female characters, then do the complete opposite.
One grew into the role. The other one had no development to that point at all.
Basically, one had to work for it. The other had it handed to her.
Rey is a bland self insert for women just like that forgettable girl from Hunger Games or Bella from Twilight.
>White woman
>Brown hair
>No personality
>Magically very good at one or multiple things to an illogical level
>Multiple men are interested in her
They are the female movie equivalent to a mute FPS protagonist, a template for a random jackass to place themselves over an feel good.
Make her old.
>that character
Fuck yeah !
F-fuck you....
>Aang's a horrible little cunt
Them's fightin words
Too bad they ruined her.
He's a shit to begin with and you know it. Sokka's a better person than him. *Sokka*.
>character grows and obtains power
>that makes them a sue
This is the luke sue arguement all over again.
Disney animated start wars rebels show is hardcore as fuck and way better than the movie trash
Careful there, a woman growing and developing as a character could be implicitly stating that she wasn't perfectly 100% acceptable before her character growth.
It's sad that I actually miss the EU.
>helicopter lightsabers
That show is lame as fuck and a disgrace to the franchise just like the rest of Disney's canon.
Found the woman.
Make a character. Make her female.
Actually much much harder than it looks on paper. Most people can barely make characters in the first place, and then only some of the ones who can can make them female instead without either making them men with a vagina or going hard into a stereotype.
user, I... Have some terrible news
>nobody recognises pasta
its not even worth a fucking (You)
Were you not hugged as a child?
Women are all boring and void of personality in real life. If god can't create a good female character how do you expect to?
He was, presumably by a loving stay-at-home mom and not by a super spy with rocking tits
If women are just people why have women in your story?
Ahsoka's strength is justified every time, there's an arc for all her bullshit power leaps, and there's a reason for why she is who she is and what she does.
Whereas Rey just knows shit for no reason and can do shit because lol.
I swear her as an adult female pragmatist was a perfect antagonist/opposite for the passionate young male protagonist. You truly have patrician taste.
There's also suspension of belief crap as well. James Bond couldn't be a woman, so simply genderswapping him wouldn't work. It's what happened with Rey.
Because it would be kind of weird for them not to be there?
Rey just never really struggles or fails.
You never have a moment where you see her get her shit kicked in and go "o-oh oh frik Rey get up".
You honestly want to root for Kylo because Rey is such an unstoppable force in the plot. Guy fails and loses miserably all the time, he's got a backstory, a character, and a flawed personality. All this shit Rey lacks. It's amazing how easilly they can write this for a guy, but apparently women cant have these things. (Writer guilt?)
Hell I feel like kylo succeeds at stuff as much as luke does in anh
You forgot Moses now has a fat asian love interest, Poe is an incompetent homosexual and Admiral Tumblr saved the day.
t. has never talked to a woman besides his mom
They also fucked up that phasma scene in the sequel. Like, having her shoot her guards because they were loose ends is great.
>Proving his point
I spy with my little eye an applesponge who hates everything because he's a paranoid fuckwad
Aang's a cunt? You'll have to explain that one to me. Yeah, he ran away from his duties, but that'd make him a sissy, maybe a coward, but cunt implies Korra.
Why? If they're just generic nothing why include them?
I think it's funny how you think a good character is just a bland blank slate. That's the main reason most female characters suck nowadays.
Male flaws like pride, brutishness and cold reason are interesting. Just like women's vanity, scheming, and wickedness can be fun too. Don't suggest bull like "oh they're perfectly normal" that's retarded.
>make a villain female
>So uh, how do we write her without making it seem like we hate women?
>let's just remove her from most of the film and just have her lose I guess
>oh people didn't like that, let's bring her back in the next one
>okay how do we write her?
>let's just remove her from most of the film and just have her lose I guess
Honestly thought she was crushed to death offscreen in the first movie lol
Kylo Ren's character is a whiny bitch to attract whiny teenagers to the new movies. He isnt a real character he is xXSephirothXx420bloodedge, a shitty character in a garbage franchise.
You're missing that Aang is a fucking ten (eventually eleven)-year old boy; Korra is 17 at the start of her series. One is a literal child and the other should be old enough to know better.
>he's whiny so he's shit
>ignore how, even accidently, he's the best and most well tied to the story character
You're the reason we have characters like rey.
>tranny janny is a rey fan"girl"
Should have seen it coming
I'm not the janitor and I also don't watch star wars because star wars sucks balls
Make a good, interesting character the same way as usual and make the fact she's female inconsequential.
There's nothing truly complicated about making a female character, female characters are shit when their creators think her being female is a substitute for personality and when said creators are afraid of doing things with her they would do with male characters.
Why not add some of the feminity to the pot? Why just make them exactly the same as a dude?
Its very easy.
1. Make a good character
2. Make it female.
Seriously, thats it. Unless having a vagina is somehow fucking pivotal to her interactions with the world, her being a woman has literally no bearing on the character. Think about good female characters you've seen in various fiction. Imagine they were men now. What about their character is different? Outside of romantic interests, probably jack shit.
There's no reason you couldn't do that, as long as said femininity doesn't come at the expense of her actual traits as a character.
>hey guys
>zuko here
>I'm retarded and I don't know what's the differences between a character than has a growth art to adquire powers and a fucking mary sue.
A few reasons
1.Attempting to make a character "Feminine" usually just means throwing in a bunch of garbage stereotypes and making them an overblown farce. Rarely can people effectively role play or script the subtle differences that separate men from women in terms of their general personalities.
2. For the most part women act the same as men in the situations you'll be encountering. I mean maybe if they're completely untrained civs the men might be more likely to try and act tough while women might see fleeing as a more acceptable action (Because thats what their society believes). But when it comes to trained adventurers, the difference in actions are gonna be far more related to personality than to what their genital set up is.
The sequel movies' worst sin is what they did to Luke.
Are you actually retarded?
So why have females if they're exactly the same and come at the expense of looking sexist and (stereotyping) while making them?
Honestly don't know what you're getting at with stereotypes either. Yeah females can act feminine. This isn't toxic or whatever, your apprehension to this is again the reason we can't have good female characters. Because you just want boys with vaginas.
This is like writing a gay character but saying or alluding to nothing that they're gay and patting yourself on the back for it. You are actively hiding it. That's no good user.
You don't define a man by his genitals, why define a woman by her genitals?
>here's this unique character type that I added to my story
>what does that unique ness add to the story
>So why add it?
>what are you retarded?
Talk to real life women
>You don't define a man by his genitals, why define a woman by her genitals?
Take a moment and think about what you just said.
Those aren't specifically male or female flaws though. I completely agree with you though, that the fact that their gender, as well as their culture, etc. should all influence their actions - people aren't all the same.
I think the user you responded to was more saying that making a good female character is really the same as making a good male character, in terms of how you do it. You flesh out what made them who they are, how they think, what they want, etc.
Concepts like "he's masculine" are about as good for making good characters as "he's an elf". As soon as you make these things the focus of the character, it's going to be boring.
I don't think you understand what's being said, here.
Ahsoka doesn't actually die but somebody I liked more does unfortunately.
There wasn't much they could do with Leia as a character when the actress turned into a fat ugly old drug addict and then died half way through filming the new series.
I'm rewatching A:TLA right now.
Aang is hyper and way too enthusiastic, wasting time when a damn century long war is drawing to a close.
Sokka (right now) is played as nothing more than a whiny comedy relief.
Women aren't unique you mong, that's the point. They're half the population.
You got to the part when he gets between his friends and their father like a selfish dick?