Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Coolest Doods edtion

>Forgebane Blackstone:

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>Old Black Library Mega:


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first for me!

besides the obvious CP bonus, whats the benefit of that?

First for Where is the Tau Codex?

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You tell me, man, I only work here.

Its coming through the wormhole, give it a bit.

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this looks sick

I'm building a new Martian desert themed Tau army. Red armor, khaki/bone colored fatigues (like pic related). Trying to decide on the highlight colors for tiny details. Right now I'm thinking:

Copper for metallic bits (like those energy coils on the pulse rifles)

Yellow for officer markings (pauldrons/helmets for Shas'ui)

Green for lenses

For Ethereals, khaki armor and regal purple robes

Thinking of making the pulse rifles completely black. Also, I'll be doing a lot of greenstuff to add headscarves, hoods, robes and shit like that to the Fire Warriors (for fluff reasons to keep out the abrasive dust on the planet). Should I make the headscarves the same color as their fatigues (khaki), or a different color? Right now I'm thinking of making them white.

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Wishlist for the DE codex?

>Useful pain engines
>Slight points reduction on reavers
>Unique strategems
>Special Characters coming back

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Helps flesh out the inevitable Knight Codex I guess, but its mostly for the CP I think.

Whats 40kg opinion on new necron codex? They are fixed or ruined?

> mm food is one of 4 albums i have on my phone
I wish doom could move back to the states again


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Any good example of vortex detonation in lore?

>Pain Engine buffs
>Reduced Reaver costs
>The usual traits/tactics/relics and stuff (hopefully something to make a proper combat monster out of an Archon or Haemonculus)
>At least one more generic HQ but I'm not expecting much on that front
>I don't care about named characters

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They got some much needed fixes. Units are cheaper and weapons are better. Definitely an improvement.

I'm going to bust a nut if the Kroot codex is real, because that means they'll finally be releasing some fucking new units for them.

Is Forgebane and a start collecting box a good start for 1000pts necrons? Seems to be enough for a vanguard detachment (+1CP)

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Not fixed, but better. More feasible options and some fun fluffy wargear/strategems. Most of the dynasty traits are similar to the tau traits, which makes me think all xenos will be similar. Overall its an improvement just not everything we'd hoped for

OK, so I JUST put together my first models, 5 skittari rangers, and put down my Chaos Black primer

How the hell do you get moldlines REALLY gone? You can totally see where I scraped the excess glue/plastic off down the seam in order to try and meld it together

Do the base paint layers, in this example the red of their cloaks, usually take care of this at the end, or should I invest in some liquid green stuff for next batch?

Pics related

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Are Primaris Marines able to be put into normal dreadnoughts, or only Redemptors?

Hey, I'm in need of some tomb kings parts to convert some defilers for my TKsons army into somthing looking like a tomb scorpion, where can I find the bits at a reliable price, recasters and good proxies acceptable

>LGS is getting Forgebane in for 125€
Shit, I might actually pick it up for that price.

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>instead of cool black library stories like a group of DE prisoners (guardsman, tau, eldar, sm, kroot, ork) escaping from Commorragh we get generic Imperial (Primaris) Marine bolter porn issue #2499

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Skitarii robes are somewhat of a special case, if you want to clean it properly you need to either be really careful or use something like greenstuff to fill the gap

Knight codex wishlist, "do you think we'll get new named characters ?" edition.

>the classic Knight becomes one datasheet with all the options that you assemble, the combination denoting your pattern
>same with the new small Knights
>you can pick between the Imperial and Chaos keyword to denote your allegiance
>new weapon options for the arms, chest and carapace
>lascannon weapon option for the chest and twin linked lascannon for the carapace weapon
>shield arm that replaces one of the arms but provides improves the Knight's inv save by 1, lance melee option, claws for both hands
>grinding advance for knights, or at least change the rapid fire battle cannon from Heavy 2D6 to Rapid Fire 2D6
>new wargear piece called custom upgrades, some meant for Imperials and some for Chaos
>Knightly ranks that change your Knights' FoC slot and give them a special ability in exchange for a small additional point cost, for example Troops gain an ability to count as multiple models near objectives (5 for a small knight and 10 for a big knight), the HQ gives a 6" reroll aura, Elite can double attacks on charge, etc

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Yes, it is

Usually won't notice small dents like that later on, but you should just generally be more careful/reserved when scraping this off. Looks like you went a bit overboard with that.

Also, goos luck painting their legs and inside of the cloaks as well as their chests. Fully assembling Skitarii before painting is a pretty terrible idea.

Balls. Well at least they are so goddamn small no one will likely notice, especially when it has less black sheen to reflect my shitty work

Enjoy, my space communist comrades


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looks like epub here

I'll be seriously offended if Knights get more named character rules while AdMech still sits on Belarius Cawl and nothing else.

>orks ever being taken prisoner
wot are ya? a git?

So you want your entire codex to be Renegade Knight for loyalist and FW knights + some weapon options

Some more
>Buff blasters to d6 or flat 3 damage
>Buff hellions just cause I got some in GoC box
>make shredders something other than a weird spare bit I have loads of
>make splinter cannons ap-1 or wound on 3s or reduce cost
>a void mine twice stratagem or something for voidraven
>make dark lances S9/always wound on 3+ at worst
>auras from transports
>lots of missing wargear options returned

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Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful as fuck but every single android epub reader is fucking up the file. Why can't GW release a PDF version?

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>giving a shit about named characters
If you're using named characters in your army, they aren't really /yourdudes/

Point reduction on the Armigers.

Thank you Vladimir
Fuck tau and their players

Really? Pretty much every single painting tutorial I have found for skitarii rangers has had them fully assembled and based before painting

long live mother russia komrade.


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Imperial Armour: Fires of Cyraxus will be released in the future. Hopefully it doesn't take too much longer now.

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What program do I need to open this? I've never used an ePub before.

Because they still think iPads rule the market

Try Readium.

>not using named characters as rules proxies for your own dudes
Using Cawl's rules as a baseline for your own custom Magos model is patrician gaming.

where is this from? I haven't seen this piece of art before.

>Tantalus getting a points reduction after arbitrarily getting +5- added in CA
(Yes I kno wit wont be in the dex itself but still DE wishlisting)

Based Putin strikes again!
Thank you comrade.

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From Imperial Armour: Fires of Cyraxus, lol

Just wait for the PDF

yeah cause it's doable and looks fine

Didn't you watch the livestream? They canceled it in favor of a Primaris+Custodes vs Death Guard Imperial Armour.


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It's such a great album. Where's he living now? In London or something?

what is the benefits of playing a pure chaos daemon army?

You get it, named characters exist as stablocks for your dudes and adding more just gives the players more options

What the fuck is that

How long is it going to take for a PDF to come out?


Scarring from my lobotomy.

don't listen to this fucker i don't have stitches in my head and that makes me better

Don't think it worked, you're still an idiot

The rite of pure thought surgery worked out well I see.

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No point in releasing separate codexes for loyalist and renegade knights really, should just put them in one codex with the option to choose their allegiance. Add 2-3 stratagems or relics for Imperial Houses, AdMech Houses and traitor Houses each and you're done.

I never knew they put out an Easy-To-Build version of this. While I'm not interested in this particular unit, its half the price of the normal Redemptor kit which is a pretty great deal.

Are they doing any more kits like this?

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There really are none. You get all the stratagems, wargear, etc that you want by just having a pure detachment. So the only question for you is whether you can do what you want with one detachment and then do more with detachments from CSM/TS/Renegades/DG.

It can be done but easily leads to a sloppy job on the leg armor and potential copious amount of fixing due to small paint strokes in the wrong places.
Chest armor in particular is a birch due to the AdMech icon.

A few hours

I would like hellions to be good and have a role that isn't already fulfilled by reavers or wyches. It'd be nice to get options that aren't invalidated by one single weapon type (as much as I do love dark light weaponry, would be nice if others were viable)

I just want special characters that I headcanon as just some buffed up version of an archon/succubus etc.

>There really are none. You get all the stratagems, wargear, etc that you want by just having a pure detachment.

oh, so I guess a better question would be what are some cool things and tricks a daemon detachment can bring to a chaos army?

I have 3 Chimeras with 2 Heavy Flamers, but I don't really use them much. I want to try using them as Hellhounds. What a good way to convert them to look more like a Hellhound so people won't say "Aren't those Chimeras?"

I thought this was some kind of infected dick from the thumbnail.

Just want you to know us Bongs have no beef Vlad, we know it's all a psyop.

they did a few for the deathguard and some of the primaris.

hopefully they do more in the future but i dont think they have said anything

Just met someone and we are in the works of setting up a game. The other guys bought 2 talons of the emporer boxes and is running a mono custodes list. What am I in for?

Doomsday ark is so much better than hammerhead it feels like a bad joke

Just how busted would knights be if they had a way to permanently gain Canticles and the tag without using Stratagems?

God the more I look at it the more stupid I think it looks.

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According to the way every idiot here regards Cusstoads, an easy game, apparently

put a bunch of barrels in the back

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The last time retards like you tried impersonating me, the thread went up in flames.

Now, can someone give me ideas for a nice airbrush colour scheme for my Riptides?

give them a bit more survivability so games with DE aren't decided on turn 1
I know their whole thing is being glass cannons but in game terms alpha strikes are pretty damn lame

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>Huskblades cause mortal wounds
If we aren't getting psykers I want a reliable way to wound though things if I'm paying the same for a power fist
>Lelith was a Vect spy all along and returns to us
>Bikes caause damage when passing over enemy units instead of when assaulting

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It looks tense, needs to relax

Probably, with missing weapons as well more than likely.

Tau Commanders can be taken in the old Crisis Suits, which lose a wound to be cheaper, but have the option of Iridium? That's neat.

Fuck forbid an army can do some thing better than others

>bike flyby
Yeah make it do MWs too I like. Would probs be a strat tho

Blood and semen makes for a nice red with a cool forcefield effect glazed over. Would also be totally on theme for the inevitable Slaaneshi Riptides soon to exist.

Very resilient infantry(T5, 3W, 2+/4++ or 2+/3++), their spear guns will insta kill Terminators and Primaris because of 2 Damage, they are crazy good in melee and will butcher hordes and big things alike, Land Raiders that are BS2+ and Dreadnoughts that are BS2+ as well.

They aren't super hard to play against, but they are tough to kill and it's hard to tie them up because they will likely butcher things. You'll beat them easily with objectives.

Deep Striking a big unit of Bloodletters for melee or Horrors/Flamers for shooting is pretty good.

I prefer Flamers; you can deep strike them directly into firing range since the Codex buffed them, and if you send a Herald of Tzeentch along for the ride it can give them +1S which effects their shots as well cast Flickering Flames to give them +1 to wound. Thats a lot of autohitting shots that are probably hitting on +2 easily; if you really want to ramp it up, have a Warlord with the Daemonspark trait nearby to reroll 1s to wound.

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ALL CAPS when you spell the mans name... no trick spellin

deep striking some shit, that's about it. It's a fairly boring codex.

his son died a month ago or so, he's probably still in london

Meta so waac boys start having to carry around fragile deldar ships

>Knightly ranks that change your Knights' FoC slot
I wish but it's all but confirmed they are LoW based on the previewed tactics for Armigers. If only they just copied FWs knightly ranks that would have been such a great selling point.

I personally want baller knight house rules like
>reroll charges
>deepstrike (like how some jump out of their transport ships)
>reroll 1s to hit under certain conditions

And I want customizable Freeblade rules where you can take abilities/build-your-own-knight(points are just a rough guess)
>25 points for BS2+ and/or WS2+
>50 for +1 to Ion saves(no greater than 3+)
>25 for +2 movement
>other skills

This. Melta is so over-costed this edition. Around 200 would have made them great and not mediocre.

different. you want a contrast.