If you wanted to use a melee weapon in a "realistic" scenario with semi-heroic/cinematic action, what would be the best choice?
Like lets say looking at this from a practical standpoint, would you want something like a sabre or a machete or just a long knife?
If you wanted to use a melee weapon in a "realistic" scenario with semi-heroic/cinematic action...
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Knives are cool but I'd probably go with an ice axe.
Actually, I'd say katanas would work just fine despite the faggotry attached to them.
>pretty lightweight overall
>designed for use against unarmored opponents (best armor someone might have is kevlar which is ass against slashing)
>you can get katanas fucking anywhere nowadays
One of these? Why's that?
breaching hammer
I have a guy in one of my games who was using this. His character is out of commission at the moment, but it's a cool as hell and very effective concept.
Depends on the situation.
Bayonet, maybe a pistol and sword or axe.
>Mob/random street fucker
Switchblade, pocket knife, brass knuckles
>Soldier in trenches
Literally anything short
>Jason Borne/James Bond style shit
Knives and knuckle dusters
A shield of some sort probably.
Modern day setting? A weapon intentionally brought along, or just something improvised at the spot? Who's the character wielding it? To what extent must the weapon be kept hidden? What kind of situations will it be used in? Why not a gun? Etc.
In short, how the fuck are you expecting us to answer this without you giving us the fucking context?
Katanas are't any lighter than arming swords of a similar length iirc, but you still have a point. You don't need a particularly effective crossguard when nobody carries around a sword regularly, and being arse against armor even more so than western swords doesn't matter when armour is nearly nonexistent and you weren't getting through trauma plates with anything less than a hammer anyway. Honestly anything kind of concealable and out of punching/grappling/knife reach would be effective if you got the jump on someone.
It looks cool, punctures and rends. The downside is you have to have room to swing your arm, which isn't always the case.
Why not a sabre? Its lighter and you can thrust with it, also one handed so you could pair with a gun. Also sabres are an established fencing weapon so it could be easier to find someone skilled to train you and get practice with it.
>Modern day setting?
>A weapon intentionally brought along
>Who's the character wielding it?
Someone skilled enough to properly use it, obviously.
To what extent must the weapon be kept hidden?
Let's say about as much one can hide a shotgun or assault rifle, make this cinematic primary weapon shit.
>What kind of situations will it be used in?
Anything really, but close quarters would be the best of course.
>Why not a gun?
Because that's not what the question was about.
>how the fuck are you expecting us to answer this without you giving us the fucking context?
Common sense.
Someone posted some police instruction video or something that demonstrated that you need at least 6 meters of distance between you and your opponent (and good reflexes) to stop someone with a gun when you only have a holstered pistol. Any less than that and there's a solid chance he gets you, whether you manage to shoot him or not.
Bayonets, butterfly knives, tomahawks (can be melee or thrown). These are all things used by actual military/special forces around the world.
>Not going with a Rapier
Best at distance and best when mastered
Also get to be 10x as smug with it
>perfect club
Chainsaw. Or a chainsword.
All of your answers are good but if we're basing this off the modern era, aren't there better melee weapons out there like a tazer, a self heating knife/sword, a sharp shield, a high voltage electrical baton, etc?
>semi-heroic/cinematic action
If I understand correctly this means something like a modern day setting where players and named bad guys can do John Woo/Wick shit
If so I suggest something one would not necessarily find out of the ordinary like a machete or if you prefer baseball bat
surely you mean a stun gun, user
Collapsible baton.
>Cool deploy noise/action
>Smack a bitch
>Free hand for gun/mcguffin briefcase/parkour
>Bludgeon is more heroic than blade in film
>Won't get immediately disarmed to prolong fight with bad guy
either concealed shiv or pic related
Not really. People don't wear armor anymore, so old school melee weapons are pretty damn brutal.
Sabers don't usually have room for two hands on the hilt. I'd rather have the option than not.
Smallswords are better for self defense, lighter, and better in close quarters.