I'm 8 figures club and still depressed. I just want more. I don't even enjoy life anymore. Why the fuck do we always want more? I used to be so much happier when I didn't know about crypto. Fuck my life biz how do I find happiness?
I'm 8 figures club and still depressed. I just want more. I don't even enjoy life anymore...
why do you feel sad?
You already made it now stop trading and start LIVING.
Cash out, invest in real shit and live your life as you want to
Now is the time when you should start living.
Kys and send me your 8 figs senpai
I have an exciting opportunity to offer. All you have to do is give me 90% of your income every month and just like that you'll be able to double your money at least 12 times per year.
because your mind is hooked to the dopamine rush of getting a 5x,10x,20x,etc.
Find a nice girl and explore the world with her OP.
That will make you happy. Ignore all the cucks that act like women are horrible. Most of them are, but not all of them.
Or atleast do it on your own.
Start a business.
Do fucking something. You will die early if you spend all day looking at these numbers and dont interact or use what youve been given.
because you're a worthless piece of shit and you know it. You dont have any hobbies, you dont do any meaningful work or work at all.
No money in the world can fill the emptiness of disobeying God's will to do good and work hard. If you only realize this now, you're an idiot. I'm still poor(ish) and I already know that riches wont make me happy. I just need them to do even better work for the Lord.
I see all these moon missions happen like holy fucking shit Tron 18 sats to 1200. That's x100 in a fucking month.
I couldve put in 400,000 and had 40 million. Fuck sakes.
>I'm single 26 years old
>turned 45,000$ into a little close to 12,000,000 in 8 months
>don't know if I should get married or a girl friend. I've never kissed a woman
Literally justed beyond belief. Biz is the only fun I have in life.
Watch some anime.
Last time I watched anime was bleach and naruto not even joking. Has it gotten better since then?
Focus on family and friends. Invest your time in your favorite hobbies or play videogames or help others. Build a a library, a new park for children and help beautify neglected communites. You there is a lot of potential. There is a lot of happiness to be had. You have the capital to really make a difference and you will probably end up making the right decisions.
If what you say is really true and you are thinking about cashing out, I could use a little help or at least some good advice to try to get myself to your position. Not asking for much, but just whatever you think my advice has been worth to you.
Well, if you're feeling depressed, who the hell cares what you watch? Just go watch something, you faggot.
Biz is your love. Only sexual pleasure you'll ever have is telling people to shove sharpies up their ass for btc.
Or well I thought it was 9 figures. Still though there is a lot you could do and still make money while enjoying yourself and those around you.
how the fuck can you not enjoy life with 12 million?
Although heaps of lotto winners fuck up their lives so maybe its harder than it seems.
I reccomend Desert Punk. Really awesome 2 season anime.
It used to be on netflix. You could probably torrent I guess if unavaible anywhere
What the fuck are you doing here with 8 figures. Cash out and fucking live better than 99.99% of people in the world, you fucktard.
seek professional help, you are probably clinically depressed.
that is all
harden the fuck up you existential crisis having faggot
Thanks for the anime suggestions. I have nothing to do until my February of 20 more antminer s9s get here.
You could go to japan and fund your own anime. I heard the typical cost of a season is around 500k usd a while back
Maybe it will help if you share the love with strangers. You can try it out on me first to see how you feel.
eth: 0x424c5661e5890fda9812c14a3b2e56f98fdfaf71
btc: 1PfHzEALruGnB5DRYGfaqMwS1povi3RfJY
You can always help a fellow bro out trying to make it, being student debt free would be life changing.
Other than that, get a hobby. Join a BJJ academy, try to get better at something you're terrible at. Find a pursuit that brings you back to earth and helps you find perspective.
>watch anime all day with tons of money and no wagecuck job
user, go live on my dream. I don't think I'll make it.
First thing I am doing when I make it is taking all my friends I had before I was rich on an all expenses paid holiday.
You've made it anons, withdraw enough money to invest into yourself.
Buy a nice big house with a pool, indoor gym in a nice green area
Improve yourself, eat healthy, go to gym, run 20 minutes a day.
Go to church mass and get involved with the community
Always be honest with yourself most importantly.
Kill yourself already.
Or use you millions to get a world class psychologist.
LARPing faggot lets seem some proof
i just realized that this is how reddit operates when they say something nice, they always expect some kind of social return. now it just became money
come to my country bring ur crypto gainz i'll show u a good time drinking lots of beer and fucking great chicks.
Wealth and happiness are supposed to be byproducts of the real goal: doing something worthwhile. You probably are depressed because you feel like a fraud, the money doesn't feel deserved because you've not done anything meaningful to earn it. And everyone else seems like an idiot for not being "successful". So now you're a fraud in a world full of idiots, why wouldn't you be depressed?
Do something worthwhile, you can accomplish an absolute fuckload if you go that route. Happiness isn't the goal, it's the byproduct.
Ahem: 1JJYLMCRiRw4f7XRsrjixuubLphuSEWjyg
You can finally start living man, just like that Southpark WoW episode were they can finally play the game at the end, this is you now.
find happiness by donating a bitcoin to every poster itt so far but none below this line
>still on biz
Seriously dude you made it in life, now your 2 main priorities should be wealth conservation and planning out the rest out of your life.
Go out and find some irl friends bb. Come chill with me in mi
You are a fucking ungrateful spoiled kid. I am 6 figures and could not be more happy.
Go a hero, asshole.
if this isnt a larp, then go see a therapist. its not a meme
You must give to charity like that Dale CArnegie fuck said. Its will bring you peace.
That’s because normies are the most selfish people alive. They love to take pictures of themselves, talk about themselves. They say nice things about others as long as someone else is within earshot. They’re disgusting people. I try not to speak to them or reply to their posts.
Fucking dirty pajeets and scummers.
>Not asking for much, but just whatever you [can spare]
GTFO begger, you're breaking Veeky Forums rules
Maybe you can use some of your millions to help people who really need it. You have enough to set yourself up for life with maybe some real estate investments to generate passive income. Then you can spend your life travelling the world and meeting people, basically doing whatever the fuck you want. Money might not bring you happiness but helping other people might.
reported you filthy fucking beggar swine.
help me make a mil (not by giving it to me like the vultures) and I'll come have a beer with you.
Recommend a coin and I'll buy it in your honour.
before begging, it's important that you post a pic of your passport or id with a timestamp, to prove youre not a pajeet
>I just want more
>how do I find happiness?
More. Wisdom is knowing when to stop. You'll know when to stop.
Fuck off
you're hooked to dopamine rushes, user. You have to ween yourself off. That includes the beastiality porn or whatever the fuck you're into. interact with the real world. Don't be like every other person on here. We're all fucked. You have a chance to be more and have unlimited life chances. That's what everyone is chasing.
Work on rewiring your brain.
what did u invest in to get to 12m user? share your wisdom
learn to shit in a toilet, pajeet
I said I was open to advice as well. Advice from someone who made it would be just as good or more so than the crypto.
I left my address in case he did want to help out a little in that way.
I bought ethereum at 40$ sold after the bancor ico. Then I heard about Antshares being the new Chinese ethereum went 50% btc / 50% Antshares after... Rest is history.
'Not asking for much'
Fuck off Pajeet, genuine because you hope you get a miraculous donation. Take your own fucking advice and focus on your family, not larping Veeky Forums faggot donations
Literally go to the gym and lift weights. The boost in testosterone will make you feel good as fuck.
what a fucking failure. Kill yourself.
The proof that money makes you happy postcard.
Just remember where you started, and why you started.
You could have had absolutely nothing before, but look where you are now.
That dip is surely from when you came here, seriously fuck off with your shitty ripple memes.
Proof it you larping faggot,
these shekel peasants are getting ridiculous
Give 10% of your post-(tax, food, clothing, shelter, medical) earnings to a valid charitable cause in your city or state. Then proceed to earn as much as you want, knowing that you are making the world a better place by doing so.
You need something else in your life bro, that's why you're unhappy. Get a hobby. Fuck you could pay for golf lessons from PGA pros. Do whatever you want. I'd also recommend some therapy. shit works
Thank for noticing :)
>hey op
>sorry you are rich as fuck
>please donate some of that to my wage cuck wallet
>(OP will surely deliver)
fuck off beggars
don't you have a street shit to take, filthy pajeet?
Thanks op. I think I understand the mindset kinda. I'll have to look around for similar opportunities
Sorry about everyone shitting up your thread. They are just mad you did so well and they haven't. Please go enjoy yourself somewhere and forget about the retards.
Buy BitBean. Just think of all the sprouting that awaits you!
It's just a chemical imbalance OP and nothing to be ashamed of. Go to a highly rated psychiatrist, and get on meds if need be. I'm on disability due to arthritis and subsequent depression and I dream of being in your place. If you are feeling charitable BTC: 1GqSznHRbvfzUoLef2stGtVQA3m7Gi3n4B
your intentions are obvious
>sorry about everyone shitting up your thread
>rule breaking scumbag beggar
You're the one shitting up the thread, pajeet
What a fucking snake, humble beggar for the rich larping faggot........
OP, it's obvious that the money doesn't make you happy (although I'm sure it'll help once you get your head straight!).
You've got to get away from this shitty life of staring at charts. It fucking destroys your soul. Cash everything out via various means (avoiding all tax possible) and work on your day to day life, one step at a time. Do some retail therapy and then find some sort of exciting activity to get your adrenaline flowing again, eat good food, and stay away from a computer for a while.
The smaller things like your diet and being outside are the things that change your outlook the quickest.
Talk to a doctor as well if you think you're depressed, it will help.
t. 39 year old that has a fair bit of life experience
according to psychology you need 3 things to live properly:
1. autonomy (you think you checked that mark, but obviously you are addicted to the rush of trading)
2. purpose (you have to do things which are meaningful to you. i am not you, so i dont have a clue what is meaningful for you, but in general it is something which creates value for you and your environment)
3. mastery (this means you must expirience the feeling of getting better in something - with a skill, with knowledge, whatever)
additional: you have to find yourself. if you got no friends, no girlfriend, no purpose, how could you see meaning in your life? start small. try to improve. try to be your own friend. and you will make it. 26 is young. you dont know how young you are. things get better with experience. be truthful and kind to yourself, and you will make it. not tomorrow, but faster than you can imagine.
i am an ex-addict and saw more death than my grandpa in the war, thought i wouldnt make it. needed 2 years to turn my life around. didnt took heroin since 15 years, life isnt always good, but damn, i had more beautiful moments since getting clean than i could count. it's worth it. fag out.
>to rich to be a normie
>not rich enough to be illuminati
Make it stop
Dude go all or nothing
Go for 1 billion
Ignore all these slaves trying to drag you down, you know very well there is only one thing that makes you happy
Think outside the box, OP: I'm talking underage hookers, and crack cocaine here. You with me?
This is the only right answer, and when you have a billion, repeat
Best cure for being depressed is very simple - probably U, dear OP, are lack of Vitamin D3. Are you living in a cold, cloudy country? U should probably suplement with D3 - about 10-15k IU per day. U can get this suplement in any pharmacy or drug/fitness store. There is a lot of info abut this lack of D3 problem on net - check it. I got the same problem and started to suplement D3, helped me a lot. If u see this helpful pls support me (btc) 144sfJ25p3RGgFtfpw4RcwpygVZSkPdsav
Please, just go kys. Get closer to your god that way.
OP, you should try to focus your energies elsewhere. As men we need to struggle towards some future goal if we want to feel alive. You've reached the goal of getting rich. Getting more rich won't feel so good because there is no real struggle anymore.
I suggest finding a new goal to pursue. Could be lifting your way to a greek statue body. Could be learning to play the piano at expert level. Could be anything that interests you. The beginner stage will suck for a while, but once you get past that you will find the same excitement you had when trading crypto.
This though. You got all that god damn money; change the world or try some new drugs man. Kill Kim Jong Un. Shoot an automatic AR while skydiving towards a mountain with a snowboard strapped to your feet on LSD. Fuck it.
>>turned 45,000$ into a little close to 12,000,000 in 8 months
Fucking bullshit how?
he needs something like 25x to do that i think.
he cant possibly do that with big coins. probably risked hard on shitcoins and magically made it.
its a very rare occasion i think. i wouldnt take that risk.
Cocaine and Whores.
Inuyashiki is fucking amazing
Oh my god. Biz has actually gone full retard. I've seen enough in this thread to get out for good. Enjoy my bags when the bubbe bursts. Later.
definitely. anyone can hit a 3-5x once or even twice on a large amount. But to do it repeatedly...
exceedingly rare to do it with every increasing capital and risk.
Get a nice house in a big city, nice clothes, lift, and buy RSD bootcamp, now you are rich and know how to get laid daily
the only things that can stop your depression is antidepressants man
fuck off, you are a liar
>>turned 45,000$ into a little close to 12,000,000 in 8 months
What coins did you go in on?
What coins do you think are "eth/neo" of 2018?