What game most predominantly features and encourages this aesthetic?
What game most predominantly features and encourages this aesthetic?
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Everquest followed by World of Warcraft was probably the one-two punch that propelled slutty bikini armor into the limelight, you could make a case for Red Sonja and Dejah from the John Carter series, but those were always pulp.
FATAL, now gtfo with this and post a real woman.
>Woman IRL dresses like a slut
>You're a sex-negative, conservative, far-right, Christian (yeah, that's an insult now), homophobic (???) biggot if you call her a slut
>Woman in vidya, TTRPG art or anime dresses like a slut
>You're a sex-addicted, conservative (¿¿¿), abusive, objectifying, misogynist shitlord if you think she's sexy
The fuck do women even want from us?
That's a trick question, women are never happy and don't even know what they want.
okay, i post real woman
how do you like these pious real women, eh?
here's the sort of schizo that you seem to idolize though
I got you senpai
glad this chick got burnt to a crisp, a shame the church thinks she's some sort of saint
>Pious women
They're the worst though. And I'm not tipping my fedora, just sayin' that these bitches usually use piety as a veil to hide something.
Except this one and I'll fite anyone who talks shit about her.
Oh yeah, that gets me so hot.
>He fell for the realistic armor meme
Look mate, unless I'm playing a low-fantasy game with serious themes, I want my ladies to be showing as much skin as they care to show. Fantasy should be about large-breasted knights with cleavage breastplates just as much as it is about stunningly muscled hunks wearing unreasonably stylized armor.
back to the obedient real women of the middle ages
I fucking lvoe the new wave of female heroes with actual badass armor. Fat-titted half-naked hookers are nice and all, but there were just way too many of them in fantasy art.
>ill fight anyone who talks shit about her
she was captured by Burgundian peasants due to her own incompetence, raped by them, sold to the English for chump change, raped by them as well, then embarrassed in front of the whole city of Rouen
she's not pure, she's psychologically insane, and she was only useful as a way to get the french troops's dicks hard so they could fighter harder and maybe prove themselves to be able to gape her backside
Not him but I personally don't like my fanservice to be retardedly blatant. The girl in OP's pic looks like a fucking prostitute and is walking like a fashion model. It's tasteless and, in my opinion, takes away a lot of the fun of fanservice
see, real women can look pretty cool
they don't have to be psychotic sword-wielding cumdumps for mercenaries and nobles
>female armor
>you can still see skin or hair anywhere
>real woman
The facial expressions are prime
>Not him but I personally don't like my fanservice to be retardedly blatant.
Did it ever occur to you that people just like beautiful things in and of themselves?
Is this Anne Frank?
>she was captured by Burgundian peasants
Burgundian soldiers under the command of duke Philip III. They were probably "peasants" in the sense that they were commoner gendarmes, but not peasants in the sense of impoverished farmers.
>due to her own incompetence
Due to repeated requests for more gunpowder being ignored.
>Raped by them
Except her virginity was a massive part of her trial and if there was any reasonable doubt for it, she would've been executed for that rather than the filmsy charge of crossdressing (despite a precedent declaring it alright in times of war)
>she's psychologically insane
I love how often the historically illiterate use this excuse, and not just in the case of Jeanne. Alright, propose a mental illness she might have had. What we know of her (and given that she got TWO high profile trials with a shitton of witnesses from both the top and the bottom of society, there are few medieval figures we know more about) she doesn't fit the profile of any of the mental illnesses that cause hallucination we know of. So either she wasn't mentally ill, or she suffered from some mysterious mental affliction that nobody in her time knew about and somehow never popped up again.
>she was only useful as a way to get the french troops's dicks hard
I know the British of Veeky Forums are for some reason disproportionally butthurt about anything even vaguely related to France. Why is that? Are you an /int/ or /pol/ crossboarder who has just gotten so used to asserting his flag identity because he's too insecure to assert himself as a person IRL? Because that appears to be a common theme on boards that feature flags.
The odds of that character being described as a "heavily-armored fighter" are pretty low, she's probably some sort of Sorceress which, if I'll be honest, would be acceptable for that sort of outfit and figure. More importantly, the vast majority of these arts never get posted in full for a campaign; the woman would be described - typically wearing more than is shown - and the slutty art is left for a profile pic to add further titillation.
im protestant, what do you expect me to say?
You may not like it, but that's what peak chad looks like.
I don't really expect you to say anything intelligent in that case, but I do know of protestants who believe Jeanne was indeed something special without being catholics per se. Even for a prod you're exceptionally stupid, if you think your conclusion is obvious. I bet you also disagree with St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas because they happened to be catholic.
And even if we go to the secular corner, the conclusion is generally "she wasn't divinely inspired, but she certainly was something". Your opinion, on the other hand, is not far from Shakespear's propaganda. Including the part where the virgin who would've been executed if there was any evidence that she wasn't a virgin suddenly manages to be a whore and get away with it.
Forgot to mention - all of this while she was still a fucking teenager. I barely ran WoW raids in my teenage years let alone military campaigns. She is best History waifu and people who badmouth her are like jealous soccer moms on facebook shittalking a model about not being -that- attractive.
> best history waifu
Look, I love Jeanne too, but she's still only second best to the pirate queen.
All of these unrealistic women trigger me. Post more realistic fantasy females.
>all of this while she was still a fucking teenager.
People were running successful military campaigns by 25, or ruling entire countries while they were still teenagers. Modern folk are exceptionally coddled by comparison.
>Anne Bonny
I don't like how the existence of one semi-successful pirate with tits means half of every pirate portrayed on TV must be a woman. Anne Bonny wasn't anybody special beyond her womanhood.
>Not the woman who got shot in the groin 11 times without anyone ever figuring out she was a woman
How shit was the British army at the time? Was it a place where you could just get shot in the dick without someone at least calling a medic?
True that. The Black Prince led military campaigns when he was 16, Napoleon was already Brigadier-General by age 24 and given full command over the Italian front. Alexander assisted his father by taking charge of his cavalry at age 18.
Yet another thread hijacked by Jeanfags.
Why is that specific image such an autism trigger? I have literally not once ever seen it not hijack a thread afterwards.
>half of every pirate portrayed on TV must be a woman.
Let's be honest, it's because women pirates are hot af.
>Modern folk are exceptionally coddled by comparison.
Quite surely we've been progressively dumbed down since the world wars.
> asks for realistic women
> pic of Valeera
Nice try
I'll let you connect the dots yourself.
> thinks Britbongs have dicks
I'm sick of this shit. Modern people are not dumber, there's just too much shit to know in general that no one can be expected to pull of a renaissance man like Davinci anymore.
i like my fantasy extremely low, to the point where it's just theoretical history of an alien planet
one where showing any inch of skin will deem you a whore
That's not realism, though. I prefer realistic settings.
>Modern people are not dumber
Despite the fact that more people are getting a useless university paper than ever before, we're actually getting dumber by the generation. Though admittedly this is following a sharp rise over the past few decades.
Here's one
I guess he's going for a middle eastern campaign. Otherwise, he's a retard. Maybe both.
Also you have to consider way, way more people can be dumb as bricks and survive to adulthood and then some, bringing the average down.
Good point. Hell, given the modern welfare state we could actually argue that the reproduction of the unintelligent is directly financed whereas the intelligent are financially punished. It's nothing less than dysgenics.
im actually going for a Year of Rice and Salt campaign, where Europe becomes Islamic after the Black Plague kills all Euros
Women dressed as whores are a staple of every fantasy classic. Even lotr
Where's her helmet?
>It's nothing less than dysgenics.
Very much so. No wonder the statistics look like they do.
I feel personally offended.
I just wanted a game where slutty armor was the thing. I never asked for...this.
Not the one with cthulhu
>I want to reply, but I have nothing to actually say
>Eh, why let that stop me?
>user didn't connect the dots
>spergs out like a woman with passive-aggression
Why am I not surprised?
Those thighs have saved a lot of lives
Step your bait game up.
Heroes don't wear helmets. Just look at any fantasy movie, and try to find a hero covering their face. They protect their skull with nerves of steel.
I guess there's Maid RPG, but most games leave the actual look of the armor up to your imagination.
Thinking men:
>Frilly dress
Plebeian clowns:
>muh realistic
>real woman
t. Land whale
>The fuck do women even want from us?
That's depends on the woman user. They're individuals, not a hive mind.
>They're individuals, not a hive mind.
Don't be ridiculous, user.
Shut up you pathetic drooling twat
>t. incel transplant
>I'm not like other girls, just like all the other girls who are not like other girls
Am I lying? You constantly see women in the mainstream complaining about both. Sometimes the same person. Not entirely the same thing, but one example is Jessica Valenti (who is paid to write for The Guardian, mind you) complaining about being catcalled and shortly after that complaining about NOT being catcalled.
>not a hive mind
Faster, Jannu!
Actually a slower version might be nicer
I don't remember what board it was on, but I pulled the one above from a recent filename thread that had a bunch of different speeds.
There's not ten women alive that could walk around in plate armor, much less fight in it.
Word. Fanservice might not be art, but it shouldn't be bad or lazy as fuck just because it's fanservice. At that point, don't do fanservice, simple as that.
I don't know about that. With the invention of the harness, the weight of the armor was distributed much more evenly, and it didn't feel as heavy as it was (which, at 25 or so kg, is heavy as all hell). If they're in top shape, they could walk and maybe fight, but they'd get winded real soon. Lug heavy shit around for too long and it's stress fracture time, which is known to be fun as all hell.
Plate armor isn't as heavy as you probably think.
And women aren't as strong as you probably think.
They are strong enough to wear plate
Neither are men. There is a tiny subset of the population that could reliably function in plate armor. It is a biological fact that that percentage is much bigger for men than it is for women.
>They think the armor they're wearing is practical and unsexualizing, BUT LITTLE DO THEY KNOW THAT'S NOT HOW I'M IMAGINING IT...
Say what you will, but I refuse to believe that women aren't part of some kind of intergalactic space bug colony.
>They protect their skull with nerves of steel.
And they can't do the same for the rest of their body?
women aren't as weak as people on Veeky Forums like to thing either.
most women are weak because they don't do sports or go to the gym. a woman that actually works out is stronger than the majority of men. Naturally men almost always have the advantage thanks to hormones, but women who actually work are far from weak.
My grandma who's 80 years old can still shoulder 2 100 pound bags and lug them around like its nothing.
Plate armour is not difficult to move in, stop talking out your ass.
>most women are weak because they don't do sports or go to the gym
Your average motherfucker has better grip strength than olympic level women.
Don't underestimate how incompetent women are, even at their maximum potential.
I know nigger, I'm just saying women are really THAT useless.
Yeah, and I'm saying that you're wrong. You got anything to back up your claims?
Shit like this really puts into perspective why "evil, patriarchal societies" like ancient Athens barely allowes women to leave the house. They're a fucking liability.
>M-Muh strong independent farmhands though
That's because those who feed everyone can't afford to cut corners and a pair of extra hands is better than no pair of extra hands. Which is why even CHILDREN helped out. Women are incompetent, but I expect them to be slightly more competent than children. That's not too much to ask of them, I hope?
Kingdom Death: Monster.
The creator got a couple of actual hentai artists to do pinups for his kickstarter.
Pretty much any based on 70's fantasy. Apparently, chain bikinis and fur loincloths were the thing back then.
Firstly, why does hand grip strength have anything to do with ability to move in armour? Secondly, why does having low hand grip strength make women a liability, and for what?
I think that D&D 5e has the man faced tranny market covered.
>Firstly, why does [...] strength have anything to do with ability to move in armour?
Should we compare deadlift ability? Muscle mass? Or any other kind of strength of your preference? Or do you think reality is some kind of video game where you can keep going forever as if you're naked as long as you don't cross a certain encumbrance limit?
The stronger you are, the lighter a heavy load feels and the longer you can keep going. It's just that handgrip is interesting because it compares untrained men and female athletes.
>Or any other kind of strength of your preference?
Yes, preferably a kind of strength that would actually have relevance to moving in armour, which is what we're arguing about.
>Or do you think reality is some kind of video game where you can keep going forever as if you're naked as long as you don't cross a certain encumbrance limit?
Both a strawman and a non sequitur - where did I mention or suggest anything about this?
>that spoiler
I remember somebody reading this old story for me about a prince and a princess and the prince has to go through a punch of trials to woo her, and in the end he falls on his knees and asks her what the fuck she wants and she's like I don't fucking know, and that was basically the moral of the story. Women don't know what the fuck they want.
As you wish
We're dealing with fucking FORT-TWO percent of the upper body strength of a man. Imagine half of what a man can comfortably carry. Then substract 20% from that and you're close to what a woman can comfortably carry. Do you honestly think 30 kg worth of plate armor is something a woman can run and fight in for an entire day? Or even an entire hour for that matter?
>Both a strawman
That's not a strawman, you fucking idiot. I never stated you held that opinion. It was a rhetoric question. And before you reddit your way through this, calling you an idiot isn't an ad hominem. It's an insult. They're different things. Idiot.
Homie, I've seen dainty chicks go 4 days on half a days ration and minimal sleep, while having to lug 25+ kg around and do fine. Medieval armour is less than that and more evenly distributed than having 15+ of those kilos strapped to their backs.
Nonsense! Fanservice is like bacon and cheese, it goes great with everything!
Fuckin' Red Queen my man.
It's about the same weight as what they carry today in modern militaries, except better distributed than a pack. And that's comparing a man's armor to a woman's pack.